
Posts Tagged ‘Entitlement Society’

thCOMMON SENSE: Barack Obama began his Presidency by receiving the Nobel Peace Prize—not for what he had done but for what he was going to do. Teaming with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, this dynamic duo hit the “Reset Button,” not only with Russia but also in the Middle East. Bolstered by their erudite Progressive worldview, the United States finally had the leadership we needed to right what was wrong and usher in a more equatable system—the New World Order.
Now, as Obama’s second term is about to expire, instead of marveling at his accomplishments, we have to shake our collective heads at what a monumental failure he has been. The Middle East has destabilized dramatically, except for Iran, where they are busy producing nuclear weapons to destroy Israel and us—thanks to Barack Obama. Russian imperialism has ramped up considerably, and the European democracies are being destabilized by Radical Islam, which neither Obama or Hillary have the ability or moral courage to oppose adequately. All they can do is bluster, which they do routinely.
With Obama dancing the tango and Hillary selling favors to the highest bidder, our republic is being threatened by an Evil Wing of Islam that our leaders refuse to acknowledge even exists. Despite this, in his mind, Obama believes he has earned his Nobel Peace Prize, and Hillary is making plans to extort one for herself.
We can stop this nonsense dead in its tracks, of course, but will we? Or, will we continue on the path of certain destruction by arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
—Jack Watts

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c2b9c0e6-e8c4-4c62-a0bd-8777944d29e4COMMON SENSE: The reemerging obsession with the O.J. Simpson case is very interesting. Like so many others, I can remember where I was, when the slow-speed chase happened and when the verdict was announced.
In many ways, that case reminds me of what is happening in our country today. When O.J. was acquitted, I was at the Varsity in Atlanta. All of the white people were stunned—shocked by such a miscarriage of justice, while the African-Americans cheered that he got off. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they just wanted him to get off.
It’s the same thing in 2016. Our societal morality has declined so far that multiplied millions willingly support Hillary Clinton—the most corrupt politician in American history. Like O.J., they just don’t care what she has done or how badly she has violated her oath of office. They just want to see a woman win.
It’s the same with Obama. Fools by the millions excuse his deceit, his incompetence, and his loathing for the people he has sworn an oath to protect and defend. Progressives, blacks, gays, spineless Republicans, and those on the dole simply do not care that he has done everything in his considerable power to take the United States “down a notch or two.” Calling right wrong, while they champion the wisdom of foolishness, with smug, self-righteous grins on their faces, like lemming racing to their inevitable demise, they are systematically destroying the foundations of our nation that required centuries to build.
Equally at fault are many deluded Christians and Jews—those who should be able to discern this evil, but are too compromised to do so. It’s just like the Simpson trial. Just as I could not believe the verdict reached by O.J.’s jury, I cannot believe what I am seeing in America today. It’s heartbreaking. I grieve for the future of our beloved nation.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: With only the FBI Primary to go, Hillary Clinton has won enough delegates to become the Democratic nominee for President. Because 75 percent of Democrats do not care if she is indicted or not, her email server issue—like so many other criminal activities—will be swept under the rug.
Now that she has the nomination, President Obama will endorse her. Breaking from tradition, his specialty, he intends to campaign for her vigorously—not because he likes her, but because he champions the darkness. With her husband also campaigning, the three will become “The Unholy Trinity of Depravity,” as they try gang up on Trump, trying to convince Americans that wrong is right.
If you are a political junkie, this is going to be fun. It’s the fight of the millennium—The Corrupt Establishment vs. The Gunslinger. Despite it being three against one, if Trump can stay on message, he will be like “Blondie,” taking out the villains in the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

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COMMON SENSE: In American history, nearly every generation has faced a significant challenge—a moment in time, when good men and women have been asked to make a stand. This is our moment. For such a time as this, God has prepared many of us. It’s now up to us to answer the call.
The future of our great nation is at stake and, depending on what we do or do not do, our destiny will depend. I know what I am going to do.
I am fully aware that my choice for President is deeply flawed, but his goals are righteous; and he is willing to accept godly counsel. That’s enough for me. Rather than curse the darkness like others, I intend to shine a light, knowing that the alternative is a devious woman who has a reprobate mind. Corrupt to the bone, under her leadership, the America we know and love will cease to exist.
The forces of darkness threaten to extinguish our light, but we do not need to allow this to happen. I know the Source of my strength, and I firmly believe that He is greater than anything that opposes us.
Now, the question is this: who will be strong and stand with me? Who will refuse to bow his or her knee to the god of this world? Who is willing to pay the price to retake this great nation from the barbarians, the Progressives, and everyone else who is accursed?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee, but not because of opposition from Conservatives like me. It’s because of the Left. Championing her, they took her at her word about the email server. Now, based in the Inspector General’s report, which came from Obama’s State Department, she has been lying to her base all along. Obviously, I am not surprised by this, knowing Hillary lies, when the truth would serve her better.
Hillary’s core supporters are just learning this though. Now that a hole has been punched into the dike, more—much more—will inevitably follow. She will lose California. Soon afterward—if not before—some of the Super Delegates will abandon ship. When this happens, like lemming, the rest will follow.
The beneficiary of this should be Bernie, but I doubt this will happen. Instead, the Democrats will want Biden/Warren to step in and save the day. If that happens, and I believe it will, the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will resemble the one held in Chicago in 1968—where all hell broke loose. Watching the circular firing squad should be more entertaining than the Olympics.
If Trump is wise, he will let the Democrats implode unimpeded, but I doubt he will be able to contain himself. I probably wouldn’t e able to either.

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COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In the Presidential Election, many news items are unimportant, but not all of them. Some things are very important—a few are critical. Take what Secretary of State John Kerry said to the graduating students at Northeastern University, for example. He told them that one day they would be living in a “world without borders,” implying that this would be a good thing.
This is what the Progressives want—a world without borders. Having no borders means the United States would have to embrace whoever comes, regardless of who they are. In their desire to create a Utopian dream world, Progressives like Kerry, Obama, and Hillary Clinton abhor American nationalism, mocking those who desire strong borders.
To them, their worldview is sophisticated. Our belief system, by way of contrast, is outdated and doomed to fail. In the Progressive mindset, our military might be necessary, but honoring American soldiers or taking care of them is unimportant. Without borders, you would still need some policemen but not the Army or the Navy.
Because Donald Trump wants to “Make America Great Again,” which is the exact opposite of what Obama, Kerry, and Hillary want, they loathe him. He espouses the exact opposite of what they desire for the future to be.
When you think of it like this, it’s easy to see why they hate Trump him so much, and will do anything to discredit him. As you can see, this is a critical issue—not a trivial one. If you believe in borders and want America to come first, choose Trump. If you want a world without borders, Hillary is your candidate. It’s as simple as that.

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Like fools, we have forgotten the lesson we were taught less than a generation ago. The attack of the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon shook us, filling us with resolve for a short time. Now, we are about to fund our own demise—Israel’s too—proving how self-destructive we have become.
We have abdicated global leadership, believing climate change is a greater threat than Radical Islam. Congratulating ourselves for being so wise, we have become fools. Our enemies mock us for being so stupid, as they lay awake at night plotting our demise.
Our Forefathers, who didn’t understand the perils of nuclear weapons, were keenly aware of the nature of tyranny. They provided us with everything we have needed to weather the storm, but in our great wisdom, we have abandoned their wisdom, our Constitution, and the Rule of Law to follow an incompetent Imperial President, ascribing leadership qualities to him he has never possessed.
As we think about what happened fourteen years ago, we should do so on our knees, because this is our only hope for survival—Jack Watts

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There is a Scripture that says, “Without a vision, the people perish.” This can also mean, “The people are unrestrained.” In America, I believe the second interpretation is the most accurate. We have become unrestrained. We champion wrong, calling it right, while legitimizing Evil and calling it Good. Everyone does what is right in his or her own eyes—all at the expense of our nation’s corporate soul.

Those who speak out against the New Morality, which is nothing more than the old immorality, are vilified, shouted down, and called “haters.” Because of this, few are willing to speak out in opposition to the politically correct beliefs of Progressivism. To maintain the traditional values of earlier generations is no longer viewed as archaic. Instead, it has become vilified and even criminalized, marginalizing those who adhere to its tenets, affording them the status of second-class citizens.

Corporately, we have done this to ourselves, foolishly believing there would be no negative outcome to our behavior, but this is not the case. There are numerous consequences. Over time, none of them are positive. While squandering the accumulated wealth of generations, enslaving millennials with an unbearable burden of debt, we have also deprived them of what has held us together and made us strong for so long—the conviction that we are a noble people with a divine destiny.

As our generation, which is being led by fools who assure themselves they are wise, heads relentlessly toward destruction, there may not be enough men and women of wisdom remaining to prevent calamity. The jury is still out about this. Nevertheless, our mandate remains the same. We must stand for our beliefs—for what we know to be true and right. We have no alternative.

Although we are few—just as our noble forefathers were—we have right on our side. We also have Almighty God, who is able to do what we cannot. So, gird yourself for what lies ahead, knowing that, whether we are successful or not, we have done our duty and been faithful to the God we serve.

Jack Watts

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In America, this is a time when corruption rules the day. People, whose consciences are seared, lead us, telling us one thing, while doing another. They are aided by the sycophantic media. Our laws, which were once based upon our Constitution, have come to reflect a distorted worldview our forefathers fought valiantly to oppose.

At the same time, as people of faith, who willingly bow our knees to Almighty God, our purpose and responsibility never change. We are called to remain strong and faithful, consistently opposing the godlessness of our leaders. This is exactly what we must continue to do.

So, stop whining and gird yourself for the battle that lies ahead. You’ve been saved for a purpose. It is for such a time as this that we have been chosen by Him to remain strong. Earlier generations remained faithful; so can we.

Jack Watts

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