
Posts Tagged ‘IRS Scandal’

14502950_10207228057080323_2461444677858539009_nCOMMON SENSE: I’ve read and watched the posts about how the Clinton Campaign rigged the Presidential Debate, and how Hillary and Lester Holt were complicit in a massive fraud. Considering all of the other scandals involving Hillary, I shouldn’t be surprised by this, but I am—not for the reason you might expect.
Hillary Clinton must have a terrible self-image and an extraordinarily low view of her competency. That she didn’t believe she could beat Donald Trump is an honest, ethical debate—playing by the rules—speaks volumes. If she had any self-esteem, personal pride or dignity, she wouldn’t have allowed such a thing to happen. If she was self-assured, she would have said, “I don’t need any help. Bring Trump on, I can take him,” but that’s not what she did, is it?
She schemed to rig the system in her favor—just like she did to Bernie—revealing just how serious her dishonesty is. Because of this character flaw, the woman cannot play it straight no matter what.
Years ago, there was a great western, “Maverick.” The star, Bret, played byJames garner, made his living by gambling. The people he always liked to play poker with the most were cheaters. Once he knew their game, it was easy for him to beat them. It’s the same with Hillary. Other nations can’t wait to get her elected, knowing just how easy it will be to manipulate such a weak person. Soulless and characterless, with her at our nation’s helm, we will be in for some very serious troubles throughout the world. If you have kids or grandkids in high school, be nice to them because many will end up in body bags.
Jack Watts

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hillary-collapses-videoCOMMON SENSE: The way things are unfolding with Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is exactly the way things unfolded with the Watergate scandal from 1972-74. At first, there was a story or two about the break in, but there was no momentum. This happened for quite some time, just like it is happening now.
Then, the momentum shifted, and an avalanche of stories became all-consuming, eventually forcing President Nixon to resign. The same scenario is unfolding—right before our eyes. I believe the video chip of Hillary collapsing is a perfect metaphor for what is about to happen.
Aided by the FBI and the DOJ, a shroud of secrecy has been established, in an attempt to cover-up Hillary’s crimes, but their efforts will no longer be able to protect her. The pressure to reveal the truth has become too great.
When it becomes evident to Democrats running for office, that’s Hillary’s criminality has become their problem, and may cost them their seats, they will abandon her.
Her destiny is set. She will never become President of the United States.
How appropriate that her undoing came on 9/11, four years to the day after she abandoned our brave men to die in Benghazi. Finally, justice for these men is about to happen.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Concerning Hillary’s email scandal, although having her own personal server and destroying evidence from it was criminal, this certainly isn’t the most important issue. The greatest problem is why Hillary set it up in the first place.
It was the communications vehicle between her office as Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation. She used the server to funnel large amounts of money to her Foundation.
Since its inception, there has never been an external audit of the Clinton Foundation, so nobody knows exactly how much money has been amassed or how deep her corruption goes. Suffice it to say, when the details of this pay-to-play scheme come out, which they will, Hillary will be featured in the “Guinness Book of World Records” for having accomplished the most massive fraud in world history.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Ya gotta love Hillary! Just when you think there isn’t any other low-down, devious, or sneaky thing she can do, she comes up with something new to surprises us.

In last night’s semi-debate, she had a listening devise in her ear. This means that the “Most Qualified Person to Run for President” and “The Smartest Woman in the World” needed information to be fed to her to answer Matt Lauer’s questions. Unbelievable!

There is nothing about Hillary that is straightforward and honest—not one thing. According to actor, James Wood, “She can’t even lie without help.” How can anyone take this woman seriously?

—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton is the reason why the Presidential Campaign is so negative—not Donald J. Trump. Because she cannot taut her record of accomplishment, failing miserably at everything she has ever done, especially at being our Secretary of State, all she can do is say, “Trump is more unsuitable than I am.”
This is exactly what she is doing by calling Trump a racist, which he is not. If anything, the charge of racism could be levied at her, but I don’t it would be true, accurate or fair to do so. Her avowed mentor was Sen. Harry Byrd, who was a member of the Ku Klux Clan at one time. Bill Clinton’s mentor was Sen. J. William Fulbright, also a member of the Clan. So, both Clintons do have a connection, although a thin one.
There is no historical record to indicate that Trump has ever had anything to do with the Ku Klux Clan, but Hillary is accusing him of being one of their supporters. A non-politician, Trump didn’t even know who David Dukes was. Being a minor player, not many people know who he is.
Because Hillary is deceitful and corrupt, she has to do everything she can to put the spotlight on Trump, rather than answer uncomfortable questions about her pay-to-play scheme, where she used her position of authority to amass a fortune for her foundation. She should be in the jailhouse—not the White House.
Jack Watts  

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12647126_929269360475183_8664983865575063534_nCOMMON SENSE: FBI Director Comey testified that there was “no intention” to deceive coming from Hillary Clinton, concerning her private email server. We now know that isn’t true. Hillary did intend to deceive everybody about her activities from day one. By using the BleachBit program to hide her deleted emails, shredding them electronically, making them impossible to recover, Hillary’s intentionality has been established.
We, the American people, cannot let this stand. Hillary Clinton needs to be prosecuted. President Obama needs to do his job, starting with the removal of Loretta Lynch and James Comey—both of whom have been compromised. If Obama refuses, Congress needs to step in. The level of corruption here is greater than Watergate. It needs to be ferreted out—period!
—Jack Watts

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Julian_Assange_August_2014.jpgCOMMON SENSE: I disagree with most Conservatives about Julian Assange. I support his efforts to expose Hillary’s emails. Here’s why:
1. By not using a government server, as she promised she would, Hillary has brought all of this on herself with her own illegal, reckless behavior.
2. Since Bill Clinton cut a deal with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, which only a fool would deny, to keep the American people in the dark, Assange is our only hope of getting to the truth of Hillary’s corruption before the election.
3. The FBI, which I used to believe was incorruptible, has proven to be no better than the DOJ. Both agencies have made her above the law.
4. If Assange doesn’t post Hillary’s emails and she wins in November, the Russians and Chinese, who have most certainly hacked Hillary’s server, can use what they have on her to blackmail her into being as weak-willed as Obama. That we definitely cannot afford.
5. Since Hillary considered the emails about the Clinton Foundation to be private, rather than having anything to do with State Department business, she did not include any of them in what she turned over. Thus, the evidence of her pay-to-play corruption is in those 14,900 that should have been made available to Congress and the FBI.
6. Since we can no longer trust our government to tell the truth, we must rely on others to do it. We have no other choice. Daniel Ellsberg was considered a hero for publishing “The Pentagon Papers.” He blew the whistle on President Nixon, and it was needed. I believe that what Assange has is necessary for the American people to know, and I believe he is just as heroic as Ellsberg.
—Jack Watts

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hillary trump_4.jpgCOMMON SENSE: It is immoral to support Donald J. Trump, according to the mainstream media. Only an ignorant bigot, someone devoid of compassion and basic human dignity, would even consider doing so. He is the champion of the ignorant, the vile, the uneducated, the obtuse, and nobody else. Worse, he definitely does not represent American values.
Relentlessly hammering this message home, reporters and anchors from the Left have been successful in their attempts to marginalize Donald Trump, painting the picture that he would be a destructive force for America. Unfortunately, some of Trump’s missteps have helped make this picture more plausible. This message, brilliantly elucidated, has had one purpose—to ensure that Trump will never be President. To these Leftists, objectivity in reporting is not nearly as important as destroying Trump in the eyes of the American people.
At the same time, our “objective media” has not said that a vote for Hillary Clinton would be the moral alternative. If any of them said this openly, because Hillary is deceitful and corrupt, which everybody knows, the media would lose their audience. Since she’s the only alternative, however, it’s obviously implied. It’s never stated though, which is strategically brilliant. All they have needed to do is discredit Trump. Having done so, support for Hillary, although reluctant, would be the inevitable alternative.
The only thing standing in the way of the media’s success is you. Are you smart enough to see through what they are doing? Are you wise enough to realize that their disapprobation of Trump has nothing to do with his policies? Are you plugged in enough to see that the media’s criticisms of Trump are actually true of Hillary? If so, then we may still save our great nation from the manipulations of these amoral, reprehensible Sophists.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner questioned your fidelity, even though their misgivings were groundless? They were suspicious of everything you did, even the way you smiled at a complete stranger at the mall or at church. You found yourself having to explain and justify everything you did and thought. Have you ever been in a situation like this?
If you have, you may not have thought it through, but your partner was probably projecting onto you what he or she was actually doing. It was their way of justifying their duplicitous infidelity. Projection like this happens a lot.
It also occurs in politics. Take Hillary Clinton for example. Her charge that Donald Trump is “too reckless” to be trusted with the nuclear codes is groundless, and it’s a projection about her own behavior. She repeats this charge wherever she goes, despite the fact that she is the one who the FBI has labelled “careless” about the way she handled classified material. Her negligence should have disqualified her, but it hasn’t—thanks to the DOJ’s fix. Instead of being sorry, Hillary, aided by the media, has chosen to project her own egregious behavior onto Trump. She accuses him of the very thing about which she is guilty.
Hillary is the one who cannot be trusted—not with anything. I base this conclusion solely on her past performance, which is the best predictor of future behavior.
—Jack Watts

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MAR-A-LOGO MONOLOG: Mr. Trump, your economic speech was excellent.Unfortunately, few paid any attention to it. Your entire agenda—all of which is essential to return America to greatness—was marginalized because of that one silly statement that was construed as being threatening to Hillary Clinton.
Sir, it’s time to take the gloves off and get tough—not with Hillary but with yourself. You simply must stop allowing the news cycles to be about unimportant, off-the-cuff, ad hominem attacks that go over the top and alienate voters. You promised us that you would not “blow it” like Mitt Romney did four years ago, but that’s exactly what you are doing.
There is so much coming out about Hillary’s poor judgment and corruption that her supporters should be abandoning her candidacy in droves, but this isn’t happening because of you. Each day, you are allowing the opposition—Hillary, her campaign, and the media—to paint you as an unsuitable alternative to her.
You simply must stop giving them ammunition to do this. If you can discipline yourself for three months, we might be able to save this great nation. If not, we will elect an unrepentant criminal to be our next President. The choice is yours, Mr. Trump, and so are the consequences.
—Jack Watts

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