
Archive for October, 2019

Your strategy for combatting this impeachment effort may be the difference between achieving a landslide victory in 2020 or being a one-term President. Here is what you should do and what you shouldn’t do.
First, your messaging must coordinate with what is being said by Republicans in both the House and the Senate. Every voice must be in sync. It is the best way to combat the Democrats and the media, as well as influence the American people.
Second, you must stop the message that says, “This is not fair.” It doesn’t resonate with the American people. Life isn’t fair and nobody is motivated by whining.
Third, focus all of your messaging around the fact that the “Ukrainian Impeachment” is just another con-job by the Democrats, the Deep State and the media. It’s intended to manipulate the law to deprive America of the man they elected. This effort is nothing more than Russian Collusion 2.0. If you can focus your rebuttals on this and hammer it home for the next three months, you will crush this impeachment effort, ensure your reelection, and also ensure that the Republicans will have a majority in both Houses of Congress.
Fourth, when you are tempted to go off script and abandon this message, don’t. It will work. Trust me about this.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I don’t expect Pelosi or Schiff to be honest, fair or ethical. Frankly, I would be more surprised if either of them were. Both, along with the entire House leadership team of Democrats, is devious, deceitful and dishonorable. That’s a given.
Because it is, we must deal with who they really are rather than who we would like them to be. This means we have to expose their darkness instead of whining that they don’t walk in the light. None of them are capable of being honorable.
Now that we know who the whistleblower is, Eric Ciaramella, we can begin to understand exactly what is happening. Because Ciarmella’s name has been concealed so well, we have not been able to piece things together accurately, but now we can.
Eric Ciaramella is a holdover from the Obama administration. He worked in the Trump White House but was released because he was caught leaking information to the press. Since he has had a long history of advising Susan Rice and former Vice President Joe Biden, as well as helping to set up the Russian Collusion hoax, he was the perfect candidate to be the whistleblower.
More about who this dishonorable man is will soon flood the Internet, but the important thing to know is this. The entire Whistleblower-Impeachment effort is a con, just like the Russian Collusion hoax was. It’s another attempt by the disgruntled intelligence community to take down Trump.
Nothing that Schiff, Pelosi or Ciaramella are doing is on the up-and-up. It’s another fraud, but this time we can see through it from the beginning—not two years later like we did with the Mueller investigation.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE—THROWBACK THURSDAY: The American people are fundamentally fair. You can see it in our sporting events. When a bad call or cheating in any way determines the outcome of a contest, the fans rise up and boo the results.
In politics, it’s the same way. Americans want and expect fundamental fairness, that is except for the Radical Left who has captured the Democratic Party. They don’t care how they win, just that they do. Fairness means nothing to them. All that interests them is the raw exercise of power and getting their way, regardless of what it costs to do so.
Bitter, vicious, devious and deeply deceitful by nature, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been tasked with either running President Trump out of office or, more likely, damaging his character so badly that he cannot possibly win a second term. So far, bolstered by Speaker Pelosi’s supportive authority, this strategy has worked quite well, at least in their eyes.
Being championed by the media, newscasters and pundits have made a simple phone call into something worse than a capital crime, but is this how the American people view what is happening? According to the polling, it is, but is it really?
I don’t think so. Because the underlying motivation of Schiff, Pelosi and the bitter Democrats is malicious, it’s obvious to anybody who pays attention that the President has been denied due process. Plus, the vote in the House to continue with impeachment doesn’t do much to rectify this.
What this means is it will be up to the American people to let their collective voice be heard next fall. That’s when the issue of fundamental fairness will be resolved, and these unscrupulous Democrats can be voted out of power, which they richly deserve. They are unfit to lead.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: President Trump is being criticized by Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff for not briefing them. along with other members of Congress, before launching the assault that killed the leader of ISIS, al Baghdadi. When asked why he didn’t inform them, Trump said that he didn’t want to jeopardize the operation with potential leaks.
Essentially, Trump said that neither Pelosi nor Schiff could be trusted with information that was this sensitive, but was Trump justified in doing so? In my opinion, he definitely was.
Where Pelosi and Schiff are concerned, I believe their deep-seated hatred for Trump is greater than their patriotism or their desire to see al Baghdadi brought to justice. If Trump had briefed them, I have no doubt these two nefarious scoundrels would have leaked the information to the press and the entire operation might have been compromised, but I think they are even more devious than this.
I think they would have tried to undermine the assault in the hopes that it would have been a complete failure rather than what it was, a complete success. If our assault team had sustained numerous casualties and Baghdadi had escaped, Trump would have looked like an incompetent fool. This would have aided Pelosi’s and Schiff’s impeachment effort significantly. In other words, I believe Pelosi and Schiff would rather that the mission would have failed than succeeded.
You might ask, do I actually believe Pelosi and Schiff are capable of such cynical treachery? My answer would be, “Yes, absolutely I do.” They hate Trump more than they love America, and I believe they are capable of incredible villainy to accomplish their goal of removing him from office, regardless of what it takes to do so. Thus, keeping them out of the loop was wise.
Jack Watts

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HI, MY NAME IS JACK: When my photos were used by a criminal to scam women on the site, Plenty of Fish, it was annoying, but it has happened to me several times. I pursued it with Plenty of Fish, but they were unhelpful. They couldn’t have cared less, but I am involved in something that is far more serious and potentially dangerous.
When I wrote “Betrayal in Charleston,” since it involved kidnapping, torture and an FBI sting, there was an element of risk in taking on the project. Having just completed “Targeted,” which will release some time in 2020, where extortion and bearing false witness in court were involved, there has been an element of risk in that project as well. There was even some risk for a lawsuit in writing “Hi, My Name Is Jack” and “Feet of Clay,” but none of this approximates my newest project, “The Three Commas Club.”
Because it’s involves sex trafficking, pedophilia and murder—real murder—I am definitely putting my life on the line, but I have no choice other than to do so. The story must be told. Because it’s ongoing and has involved me being in contact with a U.S. Attorney, I can say no more, but I do need for y’all to keep me in your prayers—not just once but regularly. Will you do that, please?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This is the break we have needed to uncover the full scope of the Deep State’s attempt to remove President Trump from office. The former counsel for Comey’s FBI, James Baker, has flipped. He is now providing information about the soft coup, and he knows everything. Lawyers always do.
Baker, who is cooperating with U.S. Attorney John Durham, is spilling the beans about everything. For the criminal conspirators, this is their worst nightmare.
For those of us who have been offended by the corruption, this is exciting news. Finally, after having been patient for years, while being mocked and ridiculed by Progressive fools and misguided Never Trumpers, what actually happened is being learned by those who have the power to arrest, indict and put on trial. Hopefully, long prison terms will result.
At the Walmart in Alexandria, VA, there has been a run on Depends, as Deep Staters have become increasing incontinent.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: U.S. Attorney John Durham, who has been tasked with discovering the “real investigative predicate” of the Mueller probe, is now eager to interview John Brennan and James Clapper. These two men, along with James Comey, have been responsible for most of the criminal wrongdoing to drive President Trump from office.
The likelihood of either Brennan or Clapper will be willing to talk is close to zero but, since the inquiry has turned into a criminal investigation, their willingness to cooperate is no longer an issue. They can be compelled to answer questions or to exercise their 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination, which is exactly what I anticipate they will do.
For nearly three years, those of us who have recognized what the Deep State has done to undermine the Trump Presidency have been mocked and maligned, but we have been right all along. What Brennan and Clapper have done is criminal, Comey too, and I dearly hope that they spend the final years of their depraved existence in a federal prison. It’s a fate they richly deserve.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If you have ever had a bad relationship, you know what projection is. That’s when your spouse or significant other accuses you of behavior that they are actually doing. Usually it’s to assuage their own guilty consciences. They want you to be guilty of what they have actually been doing, so they accuse you of it.
This is what the Democrats are doing now. They are projecting on what Barr and Durham have been attempting to do, equating it with their made-up impeachment inquiry. To deflect from the serious criminality that goes straight into the Obama White House, they are now calling Durham’s criminal investigation “political revenge,” which it most definitely is not.
What they are doing is projection. The fake impeachment inquiry, just like the Mueller investigation, is revenge against Trump for having the audacity to win the 2016 Presidential election.
So, my advise is to pay no attention to the vitriol coming from the Democrats and stay focused on the task at hand . . . bringing justice to criminals like McCabe, Comey, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan and many others.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In “The Prince,” Machiavelli said that a man will forgive the murder of his father more easily than the loss of his patrimony. Machiavelli was right and this can be seen by the inordinate hatred of President Trump. The Left hates Trump because he has successfully thwarted their globalist agenda. Millions dislike Trump’s style, but none of this rivals the animosity of the Deep State to the President.
But why are they so bitter toward him, you might ask? It’s because he is a threat to their most cherished asset—the actual running of the United States of America. The permanent bureaucracy, what we have come to call the Deep State, does not actually believe in representative government. Instead, they believe it is their sole responsibility to govern.
Elections are meaningless to the Deep State. The permanent bureaucrats remain in charge regardless of who is President, whether Democrat or Republican. The differences between the two are just nuances, but that was then and this is now.
Along came Donald Trump. He said he would return the power to the American people and, unlike other Presidential candidates, he actually meant it. So, when he was elected, he became the mortal enemy of the Deep State, and they have been trying to dislodge him from power ever since. So far, they have not been successful but that is not from lack of trying.
This, more than any personality or policy issue, is why there is so much hatred for Donald Trump. It’s is also why he is beloved by millions. They recognize who he is and what he is doing for America, and I am one of these people.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: As I have repeatedly explained, our foreign policy is based on our national interests and nothing else. This is the way it should be.
In Syria for example, our national interests would be to protect the oil fields, which are needed, maintain peace between our Turkish ally and Syria, and help the stateless Kurds survive.
For the past month, I have been consistently criticized for not calling for military intervention, or at least the threat of intervention, against our NATO ally Turkey. If we had done this, which nearly all of my friends thought was a good idea, we would have chosen a stateless people over our NATO ally. This would have undermined our primary alliance in the world, and it would have pleased Russia—no doubt about it.
So, by brokering a peace deal, while removing our troops from harm’s way, we have been able to restore peace, put a hedge of protection around the oil fields and secure a place for the Kurds. All of this is good, but we did one more thing as well. We kept American soldiers from dying.
President Trump will not need to go to Dover Air Force Base to receive the coffins of soldiers returning from the Middle East. If we had engaged militarily, we certainly would have sustained casualties, perhaps many. Our foreign policy succeeded without bloodshed. Thank you, Mr. President.
Jack Watts

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