
Archive for January, 2016

COMMON SENSE: Before Obama became President, I began writing about his narcissism, posting a dozen blogs about it. It was obvious to me that Progressives didn’t care about this limitation, which was distressing. Now, eight years later, the conservatives are doing the same thing with Donald Trump. His narcissism is equal to Obama’s, perhaps even worse. That being said, I will vote for Trump over Hillary, whose corruption and incompetence are greater than Obama’s, but there are still other options, thankfully.

There are several candidates who would make a much better President than Trump, but Ted Cruz seems to me to be the best candidate the Republicans have. He’s qualified for the job and is by far the smartest person running. Best of all, we can count on him doing what he says he will do. He is much more than a Campaign Conservative.

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We come before You, with our knees bent.

In humility, we beseech You to intervene on our behalf.

We ask that You heal our land, and protect Your people

From our accursed leaders—from those who plot our destruction.

Like fools, we have entrusted our great nation

To a man without character—a man who is incapable

Of feeling remorse or compassion—a man devoid of conscience.


Through stealth and deception he has deceived the people,

Including many who have given their hearts to You.

Promising to be one thing, while scheming to be another,

This deceiver has ripped apart the foundation of America.

While feigning to have an abiding relationship with You,

He bows his knee to a strange god—one our Forefathers never knew.

This Man of Deception has enlisted avaricious jackals to do his bidding.

Greedily, they have squandered the wealth of generations past.

In their hearts, they believe it is their right to abuse the public trust.

Mocking the Rule of Law, they have given hearty approval to corruption.

Their insatiable thirst for wealth and power has produced

A burden of debt the American people can barely sustain.

Our leader hates Your Name. With contempt and disdain, he mocks You.

With a cunning mouth, he says he loves Your Chosen People,

While secretly arming Israel’s enemies with powerful weapons.

He champions those who plan a second Holocaust.


Lord, we know the man who leads us is Your enemy, so we will not be quiet.

We will not stand idly by and allow his malevolence to prevail,

But on our own, we are not strong enough to withstand his malice.

But with Your support, we will prevail and take our nation back.

As America enters its most perilous time since World War II,

We come before You, asking You to hear our plea for justice.

We acknowledge our faithlessness—our willful abandonment of Your will

But we have no choice other than to beseech You for help.

Nothing is too difficult for You. Rise up, Lord, and move in a mighty way.

Spare Your children from the wrath of those who curse Your name.

We ask this, in Your Precious Name, for ourselves and for future generations,


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