
Archive for February, 2018

SALT & LIGHT: In a dusty field on a dairy farm outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1934, a group of men met for a day of prayer. Their corporate plea to Almighty God was that He would raise up someone from Charlotte to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. The dairy farm belonged to the Graham family and, at that time, Billy Graham was an unsaved lad of fifteen.

Two years later, Billy invited Christ into his heart and the rest is history. Now, as Billy Graham is being laid to rest, his time on earth has passed but his influence for Christ has not.
Eighty-four years later, nobody remembers who those nameless, faceless men were who assaulted the Throne of God on behalf of North Carolina and the entire world. What they did has long been forgotten by nearly everybody, but the power of their prayer changed the course of history. Millions have been introduced to Christ because of the seed planted by these godly men.
Despite experiencing want and poverty during the Great Depression, they did not simply think of themselves or of how bleak the future looked for them. They also thought of the millions who were enduring depravation without the comfort that comes from knowing the love of their Eternal Father in Heaven.
Today, our post-modern world is much different than the agrarian lifestyle of those farmers in 1934, but our mandate remains the same—exactly the same. As Christians, we have the same power and authority these men possessed, and when we are unified, the power of our corporate prayer has the capacity to rock Heaven and earth—just like theirs prayers did.
This is why I write what I write and post so often about taking back our nation from the godless Progressives. When we are united—in one mind and spirit—as we bow our knees together on behalf of the nation we love so dearly, we can move mountains and return America to the beliefs that once made us so strong. Just know that we are on the move and that nothing in Heaven or on earth can stop us, when we are pursuing the will of Almighty God, and that is exactly what we are doing.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: President Obama is making the rounds, boasting to anybody that will listen that his administration was “free of scandal.” In a certain sense, he is right. Because there was no scrutiny of his actions by the fawning media, it appears that there were very few bumps in the road for Obama, but that’s all it is—the appearance of being scandal free.
Once the thin veneer of propriety is removed, it becomes crystal clear to those who are willing to pay attention, which aren’t many, that his administration was filled with scandals. Before all is said and done, I believe the Obama administration will go down in history as the most corrupt by far. Here are just a few of his scandals:
—Fast & Furious
—IRS targeting of Tea Party
—VA mistreatment of veterans
—Targeting by EPA
—Clinton Email Scandal
—Clinton Foundation pay-to-play
—Nuke deal with Iran
—NSA illegal surveillance of Americans
—Targeting of DOJ and FBI of Trump campaign
There are others, but you get my point. Because the media underreported these scandals, to the uninformed, it may seem like Obama was squeaky clean, when in fact his corruption runs deeper than any of us ever imagined.
If what I am saying is true, then why is Obama making such an effort to frame such a false narrative? I believe it is because the Inspector General’s Report is about to be released, and the depravity of Team Obama is about to become common knowledge. Obama is simply trying to minimize the damage, and it might work. After all, He-who-must-not-be-blamed is like Teflon. Nothing sticks to him.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In my wildest thoughts, it never occurred to me that Barack Obama could possibly have had anything to do with the deaths of those seventeen students and teachers in Broward County, but he did. Obama had a lot to do with it.

Along with Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, they worked out a scheme to lower the arrest and conviction rate of minorities in South Florida, without altering criminal behavior one iota. It’s called “Project Promise.” Here’s how it worked.
Certain crimes committed by students, primarily minorities, went unreported. Normally arrested for such behavior, the kids weren’t arrested under this program. For going along with this—lowering the crime rate—the school system and Broward County Sheriff’s Department received additional federal funds. In other words, they were bribed to look the other way, but it was a “legalized” bribe.
By buying into this system, whose purpose was aimed at socially engineering the prison population, everybody won. The kids didn’t get arrested for criminal behavior; the Broward County School System and Sheriff’s Department received increased federal funding, and Obama was able to say he effectively cut the crime rate and leveled the playing field for minority teenage delinquency.
Here’s the problem. Criminal behavior didn’t decrease—just the consequences for it. So, when Nicolas Cruz went to buy an assault rifle, his unreported criminal behavior didn’t raise a red flag, which it should have. Without the Obama-Holder scheme, Cruz would never have been able to buy the assault weapon in the first place. So, in a bizarre twist of fate, President Obama’s hands are just as dirty as Sheriff Israel’s. In this corrupt environment, the four deputies let people die, rather than protect the people in their charge, and all of it was avoidable.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This isn’t a far right, conspiracy blog. It’s “Good Morning America,” and one of the teachers, Stacy Lippel, who was grazed with a bullet, says that it was a police officer who was doing the shooting of the students? How can that be? And why didn’t the ABC reporter drill down on that aspect of what happened? What we have here is a credible eye-witness to the event, and her rendition of what happened is diametrically opposite to what we have been told.
What is going on here? Like the Las Vegas shooting, the more that is revealed, the less we actually know about what really happened. We have to get to the bottom of this. I want to know if Nicolas Cruz was tested for gunpowder residue? I also want each of the other survivors to be asked about the presence of a policeman wearing assault clothing. Finally, I want to make sure that Stacy Lippel is protected at all costs.
Jack Watts

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19656919_10209252003848792_5678743632913853850_nSALT & LIGHT: Our nation is in crisis. Without the intervening hand of Almighty God, there is no hope for us. Since God works through people like you and me, we need to address what is required to become strong, patriotic, Christian citizens. If you are willing to stand up and be counted, which only strong men and women of faith will be able to do, then you will be helping to ensure that Evil does not triumph in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” Saving America is our responsibility, but it should also be a joyful task.
For the nation we bequeath to our children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren to be like the one we inherited from our forefathers, we must become the strong men and women of faith God called us to be. It’s our duty to the generations that follow. We have no other option than to assume this mantel of responsibility.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Sheriff Scott Israel embodies all that is wrong with America. Cunning and devious by nature, this chameleon, who presents himself as a champion of law and order, is completely self-serving. He was perfectly willing to side with the crowd in a town hall ambush of Senator Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch, while being fully aware that four of his officers refused to enter the school to confront an active shooter. How many of the seventeen victims would still be alive if his cowardly officers had done their jobs? We will never know, will we? How many shots were fired, while they crouched behind their vehicles and did nothing to defend and protect, which is their sworn duty?
What we do know is that Sheriff Israel was perfectly willing to throw one of his officers under the bus, but Israel has been silent about the failure of the other three to do their jobs. Why is that? It’s because this calculating Cretan would have to take responsibility for this systemic problem, and there is no way Israel is capable of manning up.
Instead, he blamed others, pointing his serpentine finger at Loesch, Rubio, the NRA, the FBI, and anybody other than him—coward that he is. Not one officer under Israel’s command did his job—not one. It wasn’t until officers from Coral Springs arrived that any police entered the building. By that time, it was too late for those who might have been spared, if Israel’s officers had done their job.
Israel is a media whore—no doubt about it—but he will not like the attention he is about to receive. This devious, deceptive sleaze has to go, and he has to go now. Shame on you, Scott Israel, you miserable excuse for a human being.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We can learn from the experience of others, namely Israel. Because the threat of attack by extreme Muslims is so great, and children are completely defenseless, they make a perfect soft target for Muslim terrorism.

Knowing this, Israel has developed an entire protocol for kids to follow in case of attack. It does not include panic, screaming, or huddling in a corner defenseless.
To begin with each school has an armed guard. We need one as well—period. There needs to be at least one at each school. Israel has solved the problem; so can we. But we will need armed guards to do so.
Will this increase the cost of education? Yes, of course it will, but it will also act as a powerful deterrent for attack. Think of it this way. If each school had a sign that said, “WARNING: Any attempt to harm our students or our faculty will be met with deadly force;” do you think this would stop this problem? Perhaps not every attack, but most. And it would cut down on casualties dramatically.
This will work. President Trump, put Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on a plane to Israel tonight. Have her learn the Israeli Protocol backwards and forwards. Then, implement it here throughout America. Do it now.
Jack Watts

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22309007_10213047781922236_6841622879705319689_nSALT & LIGHT: In the 2016 Presidential Election, 81% of Evangelicals voted for a return to the values that once made America great. These values can make America great again. There is no doubt about that.
Our values come from the Judeo-Christian Ethic. It provides us with a consistent sense of right and wrong. This is the belief system that began at the landing at Plymouth Rock and with the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
These traditional values are what made America great, and they can make us great once again. Because our values are in sharp contrast with the nihilism of Progressivism, we conflict sharply with them. What we believe repudiates the statism of Progressives, as well as their desire to have open borders, abortion on demand, massive regulation, and governmental interference into every aspect of our lives.
Unlike the Progressives, who are ashamed of being American, we are not. We are proud of our nation and believe in American Exceptionalism wholeheartedly. Although we are mocked and ridiculed for what we believe, our commitment to our values is unassailable, and we vote.
Because there are so many of us, when we are unified, in most areas of the country, we are capable of electing the men and women we desire. Nevertheless, we must remain strong and vigilant, because our adversaries, like roaring lions, relentlessly seek to elect those whose love for America has grown cold.
Instead of championing the rights of the people, in the depth of their corrupt hearts, they have undermined our future, while becoming rich at our expense. The mid-term elections are just a few months away. This means it is time for men and women of faith to band together and support those candidates that champion our values, while relentlessly repudiating those who do not.
Having narrowly averting disaster in 2016, we are at a crossroads. Will we return to the way that made us great, or will we decline and cease to be prosperous? The future of our nation is in our hands. With the help of Almighty God, we can solidify our gains and truly make America great again, but it’s time to get back to work.
Jack Watts
JACK’S BOOKS: mcgeenadme.net/books

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COMMON SENSE: Now that Russian interference in our 2016 Presidential Election has been established, it would behoove President Trump to place sanctions on Putin’s regime. Trump can do what Obama did, which was a slap on the wrist to Russia, and be done with it; or Trump can do something far more strategic—something that will also send a message to other cyber-attacking nations. My idea would act as a real deterrent.
Russia has a GDP of about $1.5 trillion, which makes our economy more than thirteen times larger. We can punish them economically, and we should. Here’s how we can do it.
When President Trump deregulated fracking natural gas, he set in motion our ability to become an energy exporting country. The technology now exists for natural gas to be liquified, loaded onto oil tankers, and sent overseas, where it can be de-liquified to warm homes in the winter in European countries cost-effectively.
Currently, Russia’s chief export is natural gas. What I am proposing is for the Trump administration to sanction Russia by competing against them. We can cripple their natural gas exporting business, which would be a real deterrent. This is a sanction that has teeth.
Here’s how it would work. We would sell our natural gas to countries that were once part of the Soviet Union for half price. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Byelorussia would all be beneficiaries, and perhaps others. Two of these countries are not in NATO, which means they are all subject to the same fate as the Crimea, which Putin annexed from Ukraine under Obama’s watch. All of the above countries fear Russian aggression.
By selling our natural gas to them for half price, undercutting Russia, their energy dominance over these countries would cease. We would only make this deal, however, if each of these countries used the cost savings to buy U.S. weapons to be used for self-defense against Russia. This would act as a deterrent for Putin’s desire to reconstitute the power of the former Soviet Union. Because all of these countries are fearful of Russian attack, especially under a weak President like Obama, they would jump at the opportunity to bolster their ability to defend themselves.
To make this work, the fracking industry in the USA would need to be subsidized for a two-year period—the length of the proposed sanction. We could do this without cost to the American taxpayer by moving funds from foreign aid to countries that hate us to underwrite this initiative. By doing this, we would be getting a return on our foreign aid, help establish our energy-exporting business, solidify our relationships with Baltic and Eastern European countries, thwart Russia’s imperialistic goals in the region, and punish Russia for interfering in our election.
This is my idea. Maybe you can improve on it.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: To understand the Mueller findings correctly, they need to be taken in context with what has happened to General Flynn, or more accurately, what hasn’t happened to him. Several weeks ago, he was supposed to be sentenced for his perjury conviction, but he wasn’t. It was postponed, and I suspect he will never serve time. But why is this important, and what is the link to what Rosenstein announced?

Flynn’s unmasking was based on the Steele Dossier, which the FBI fraudulently presented to the FISA Court to obtain a warrant. Thus, everything obtained from it is “fruit of the poisoned tree,” making the Flynn conviction fundamentally flawed. In other words, the Flynn conviction would not stand upon appeal, which Mueller knows.
The same is true for every aspect of the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion in our elections. So, what Mueller and Rosenstein have done is carefully orchestrate a way for them to get out of the mess created for them by the FBI in the best way possible.
They have done this by making everybody a winner. By indicting thirteen Russians, who will never be tried, Team Mueller has verified that there was indeed collusion. Thus, the Democrats and the media, who have been pushing the “Russian Collusion” narrative since Trump was elected, can claim victory. On the other hand, Trump and his supporters, who have consistently denied any collusion, can also claim victory. Any involvement with the Russians by them was “unwitting.” They didn’t know about it. To collude, you have to be knowledgable, which nobody was.
The entire Russian collusion investigation appears to be much ado about nothing—a tempest in a teapot. There may be more to come, but I doubt it. With what has been announced by Rosenstein, I do not see any reason why the President should be interviewed either, nor why he should even be asked.
Instead, the focus should turn to the criminality of the FBI and the DOJ, both of which knowingly and willingly conspired to illegally charge a sitting President with crimes he never committed. It’s time for Comey, Strzok, Page, Priestep, Ohr, Yates, Susan Rice, and the rest to pay for what they have done. It’s time for them to be indicted, tried, and if convicted to spend years in prison.
Jack Watts
JACK’S BOOKS: mcgeeandme.net/books

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