
Archive for June, 2016

COMMON SENSE: So, Attorney General Lynch had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a private jet yesterday in Phoenix. If someone hadn’t tipped off the press, we would never have known about it, would we? When asked about the topic of discussion, Lynch started feeding us a conk-n-bull story that they talked about their grandchildren. I certainly don’t believe that, do you?
With so much at stake with the FBI criminal investigating Hillary, tfor the Attorney General o speak to the former President, especially in such a clandestine manner, is totally inappropriate.
It isn’t good enough for Lynch to recuse herself. Obama needs to fire her, but he won’t, will he? No, of course he won’t. Now we know for certain that the fix is on.
Once again, where the Clinton’s are concerned, the Rule of Law means nothing. Even worse, this corrupt, deceitful Jezebel is leading in the polls. If Crooked Hillary becomes President, Lord help us.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Seddique Mateen, father of the Orlando killer, Omar Mateen, has been a guest at Obama’s White House and Hillary Clinton’s State Department. I wonder what they talked about?
The senior Mateen, a supporter of the Taliban, is standing behind the President’s podium in the White House Briefing Room.
Apparently, Mateen has been a frequent visitor to the nation’s Capitol. He has held meetings at Hillary’s State Department. Doesn’t this seem odd to you?.
Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce—stopped the investigation dead in its tracks. She also made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened.
Now, Omar Mateen’s wife, his accomplice has gone missing. But none of this seems to be newsworthy to the mainstream media, does it? All the press is interested in is using the attack to try and take away the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. Hillary and Obama are using the massacre at Pulse to pound legitimate gun owners.
Why isn’t someone in authority taking a look at oddities like this? There is definitely something fishy here, isn’t there? This may well be our domestic Benghazi.
—Jack Watts

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2015-09-09T150245Z_1_LYNXNPEB880UT_RTROPTP_4_USA-ELECTION-CLINTON-e1442078799615COMMON SENSE: Everybody knows that past performance is the best indicator for future behavior. That being said, while Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were fighting for their lives, trying to hold on until help came, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was huddled in the White House planning how to spin their deaths. Help never came of course, but Hillary did make up a good story. Her goal wasn’t to save them but to deflect from her malfeasance and to ensure Barack Obama’s reelection.
Now, four years later, despite all of her efforts to stonewall the investigation, we know exactly what happened. If she is elected President, she will throw our military under the bus to save her rear—just like she did at Benghazi. She is untrustworthy, consistently deceitful, and unfit to be Commander-in-Chief. That the Democrats would nominate her is shameful, but that they don’t care what she did is even worse.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: During the Benghazi attack, the two unarmed drones flying overhead provided real-time intelligence to the White House, State Department, and Pentagon. This means that while Hillary was having meetings, planning on how to use the You Tube video to cover her rear, she had access to video that showed the fight was still going on—just like when she watched the attack on Osama bin Laden. Yet, when it came to our brave warriors in Benghazi, she did nothing to try and save them—nothing.
She let them die, never lifting a finger to help. She just didn’t care. Hillary is cold. I’ve always known that, but what she did—or didn’t do—shows a level of moral depravity that few can rival. She must never be our President.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Using carefully crafted phrases, each tested by focus groups, Hillary’s campaign injects just enough truth, mixed with deceit and innuendo, to garner support from the naive, the ignorant, and the depraved—all to attack the character and qualifications of Donald J. Trump.
She intends to spend more than $1 billion, painting a word picture of Trump as being dangerous, reckless, and unfit to be Commander-in-Chief. By contrast, she purports herself to have the wisdom, experience, and steady hand to lead us in time of crisis.
Her strategy is impressive, except for one thing. It just fell apart at the press conference held by the Benghazi Select Committee, and the big winner is Trump. Without having to spend a dime in refutation of Hilary’s massive campaign, the committee’s report has done the work for him.
In a word picture, Hillary surmises what Trump might do in a crisis, and it isn’t good. But what we now have are facts, showing that when a real crisis occurred under her watch, she didn’t lift a finger to save American lives. Instead, at the meeting held, while those brave men fought for their lives, Hillary’s focus was on saving her political career, ensuring Barack Obama’s reelection, and deceiving the American people about what really happened.
We know what kind of Commander-in-chief she would make, don’t we? She doesn’t have the character qualities we need in a leader. Hillary is unfit to be President of the United States.
—Jack Watts

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1234828_641569679318885_6180570728848488510_nCOMMON SENSE: Here is my advise: Stick to your values and your determination to retake our nation back from Progressives like Obama and Hillary. They will do everything they can to thwart our efforts, especially with the sycophantic liberal media. For example, the ABC—Washington Post Poll that has Hillary ahead by 12 points is weighed heavily toward Democrats 2.5-to-1; but you never heard that, did you? The poll was purposefully skewed to shape public opinion, rather than reflect it, showing how dishonorable the media can be.
In the campaign, Hillary will spend $2 billion to paint Trump as unfit and dangerous, which he is not. She has to do this. It’s her only card. She can’t run on her record, since she has failed at everything she has ever done. Obviously, she can’t run on her character, so all she can do is attack Trump mercilessly.
To win, Trump needs to stay on message, and it should be this: If you want four more years of global retreat, Hillary is your candidate. If you want to make America great again, vote for me.
If you want to see your wages lose buying power, while increasing our national debt to fund illegals, vote for Hillary. If you want “huge” growth, vote for me.
If you are content to be lied to, and are fine with denying the global threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism, choose Hillary. If you want the military restored and ISIS destroyed, vote for me.
If you don’t mind working hard to barely make it, while the establishment elites become fabulously wealthy at your expense, vote for the most corrupt politician in American history, Hillary Rodham Clinton. If you want somebody who will work for free—just to make you better off—vote for me, Donald J. Trump.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Our leaders continue to promote the false narrative that they are in control and terrorism, particularly ISIS, is on the run. Yet, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Orlando Police Department have lost track of Omar Mateen’s wife, his accomplice in murdering 49 people at Pulse—the gay nightclub.
Where is she? What is being done to find her? And why isn’t this a major news story? Is something fishy going on here? None of this makes sense to me. How about you?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In recovery, an enabler is someone who misguidedly abets an addict, refusing to allow that person to face the consequences of his or her actions—like Hillary defending her sexual predator husband, Bill.
Likewise, every time Obama, Hillary, or Kerry refuse to call Radical Islamic Terrorism what it is, they become enablers for terrorists. They are providing these monsters cover, regardless of what their motivation might be. If every person in America understood this, nobody would vote for Hillary, Obama’s approval rating would tank, and people would see Kerry for the fool that he is.

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636013449020050647-uscpcent02-6q4wvy8it5v18pmvj16r0-originalCOMMON SENSE: Something is terribly wrong about the entire investigation into Omar Mateen’s shooting at Pulse in Orlando, killing 49 people. I have some questions:
1. Why was Mateen’s wife, who was an accomplice, allowed to flee? It’s inconceivable that she wouldn’t be under constant surveillance.
2. Why was every reference to Islam scrubbed from the original record?
3. From the retrieved record of the hostage’s phones, Mateen was talking to a collaborator other than his wife. Who is it, and why have we not heard more about this?
Honestly, this is beginning to smell. Something is going on, and we don’t have a clue what it is.
—Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: In 2009 and 2010, the Democrats controlled the White House and Congress—both the Senate and the House. They could have passed as much gun legislation as they pleased. Having the Presidency and and Congress, they were unstoppable.
Do you know how many gun bills they proposed during those two years? None, Nada, ZIP. Back then, Col. Nadal slaughtered 13 at Fort Hood. Why didn’t their “outrage over guns” stir Obama, Pelosi, and Reid to action back then instead of now?
I’ll tell you why. It’s because they see a political advantage . . . nothing else.
—Jack Watts

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