
Archive for August, 2019

COMMON SENSE: Predictably, Obama’s former intelligence team, spearheaded by Brennan and Clapper, have come to the defense of James Comey, the disgraced former FBI Director. Saying that one man’s conspirator is another man’s whistle blower, they are attempting to redefine reality to make Comey’s criminality seem patriotic.
Will this work? Will it be effective? The answer is yeas and no. For those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, it will work. For whatever reason, they are constitutionally and morally incapable of viewing reality based on verifiable truth. For most, however, as the cabal to unseat Trump becomes known, they will call a spade a spade.
Our job, our moral obligation, is to oppose Brennan’s and Clapper’s revisionist perspective consistently. The battle lines have been drawn—truth and justice versus deceit and corruption. If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to come off of the sidelines and make a stand. The future of our nation depends on you.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: One of the areas where Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) believes President Trump is vulnerable to impeachment charges concerns the firing of FBI Director James Comey. Nadler and the Democrats consider Comey’s firing to be obstruction of justice because it was done with “corrupt motives.”
I believe the Inspector General’s Report on Comey shows clear evidence that Trump’s firing of the FBI Director was not only justifiable but also necessary. From their first meeting on Jan. 6, 2017, a couple of weeks before Trump was sworn in, Comey was already busy trying to entrap Trump into saying something that could be used to have him removed from office.
Comey told Trump that he didn’t do “weasel moves,” but this is exactly what he did. At their first meeting, Comey told Trump about the Steele Dossier, including the part about the prostitutes peeing on the bed. Comey’s goal was not to make the President-Elect aware of this as much as it was to entrap him into saying or doing something incriminating.
What makes me think this, you might ask? It’s because the Director had a secure laptop in his FBI limousine waiting for him after the meeting. Comey immediately made notes about his meeting with Trump at the Trump Tower and sent them to his Crossfire Hurricane Team—Strzok, Ribicki, McCabe, Baker, Page, etc. They had a Skype meeting about what to do next. It’s all in the I.G’s Report.
This was what they considered to be their insurance policy to have Trump removed from office without ever giving him a chance. The cabal to unseat a duly elected President was made operational the very first time Trump and Comey met. It had been meticulously planned for months, but it began before Trump was even sworn in as President. Did Comey deserve to be fired? Hell yes, he did! He deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison, and so do each of those who participated in Crossfire Hurricane. These conspirators who were a cancer within the FBI are traitors, not heroes.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Beginning with Barack Obama, Democratic candidates for President have presented themselves as being someone they are not. I’m not talking about being deceptive in their campaign promises. All of them do that. I’m talking about these men and women presenting an image of themselves that is completely different than who they really are. Not even their names are real.
Because reality is irrelevant to Progressives, the Left doesn’t see a problem with this, but I do. If a person cannot be comfortable being who they really are, they have absolutely no business leading the USA. They are by nature frauds. Hating the reality of who they are, they have even changed their names—not just one or two but a bunch of them.
For example:
—Barack Obama’s name is really Barry Sotero.
—Bernie Sanders is really Bernard Gutman.
—Kamala Harris is really Maya Harrison.
—Bill DeBlasio is really Warren Wilhelm, Jr.
—Elizabeth Warren is really Liz Herring.
—Pete Buttigeig is really Paul Montgomery.
—Beto O’Rourke is really Robert Francis O’Rourke.
Actors do this all the time. They create an image that they believe will make them more popular, but our leaders should behave differently. We need to know who they really are—not what they think will make them popular. Trump, whether people like him or not, is always Trump. You know what you are getting, but we have absolutely no idea who Warren Wilhelm, Jr., Paul Montgomery, or Liz Herring are. That is neither good nor acceptable.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The persistent attack from the Left that the ICE detention centers are concentration camps is ridiculous. That they have been compared to what NAZI Germany did in World War II shows how ignorant of history the Progressives are, but this nonsensical comparison is easily refuted.
The NAZI concentration camps were created to keep political prisoners captive. Nobody wanted to go to Auchwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Treblinka or to any of the others.
The ICE detention centers are the exact opposite. Illegals by the thousands pay coyotes thousands just to get across the border and be placed in them.
That’s the difference. It’s a big one, huge one. Yet, none of those from the Left have been willing to make this obvious distinction, but you know better.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Where did the idea that public servants were not to be as accountable as private citizens ever come from? I would like to know. We certainly were not taught that in school. If anything, people in the FBI should be held to a higher standard than others, but this is no longer true . . . not in 2019.
That it isn’t true is galling. It’s also fundamentally wrong, as anyone who believes in justice and the rule of law will attest. How is it that a man like General Michael Flynn can have his life destroyed over a non-consequential lie, while systematic deceivers like McCabe, Comey, Strzok, Page and a host of others seems to be getting a pass?
We have been promised justice by AG Barr, and that’s exactly what we want. It’s what we demand. Indict McCabe. Do it now and let this little twerp see for himself what it is like to have his life dismantled.
It isn’t just that we are tired of waiting, which we are. It’s that we have seen for ourselves that there is no justice for the “ruling Deep State.” Obama and Holder never paid a price for Fast & Furious, did they? Hillary, Huma, and the others skated for the email server, didn’t they? Enough is enough; let the indictments begin. Do it now!
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In his numerous interviews about being a source for the intelligence community, Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, although quite cryptic about specifics, has provided all of us with one valuable piece of information. From the beginning of the Deep State’s attempt to keep Trump from being President, knowing how corrupt Hillary Clinton was, it has never made sense to me why the leaders of the intelligence community would want her to become our Commander-in-Chief. Now, Patrick Byrne provided the answer.
He said that the FBI, CIA, etc wanted her because they knew they could blackmail her into getting whatever they desired. Since they had massive evidence of her illegal and corrupt activities involving the sale of our uranium to the Russians, the financial malfeasance of the Clinton Foundation, Fusion GPS’s involvement with Christopher Steele, and a host of other issues, they knew they could control her in the White House. Trump, on the other hand, as we have seen has not been controllable. By having Hillary as President, the power position of the intelligence community would be enhanced exponentially.
Essentially, our intelligence agencies employed the J. Edgar Hoover model in backing Hillary. Like him, the modern FBI had developed a massive amount of evidence against Hillary and were prepared to use it if she didn’t play ball with them. So, Byrne has already done us a great service by providing the motivating factor behind the FBI’s cynical plot to undermine Trump and have Hillary win.
That this is all coming out now will make the next year very interesting, won’t it?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In their antipathy toward President Trump, which may more accurately be described as bitter contempt, the editorial staff at the New York Times has decided to reeducate Americans about our history. Dubbing this the “1619 Project,” the goal of the Times is to revise our understanding about America’s founding. If this can be successfully done, the editorial staff believes it will provide the rationale for defeating Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election. This, rather than honest journalism, is their goal.
Their bottom line perspective is that because of slavery America was never great in the first place. Therefore, it can never be made great again.
Why is this important you might ask? It’s important because the NYT provides the seminal thought for the entire anti-American Progressive movement. Whatever they pen is picked up by CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and lesser sycophants throughout the nation. It is then re-reported as the gospel truth.
In my opinion, the 1619 Project, which derives its name from the year the first slaves were brought to America, is a very dangerous undertaking. By undermining the core value of one’s love of country, the NYT will be doing everything in its considerable influence to undermine our heritage. Their end goal may be to unseat Trump, but the real result will be to undermine the American way of life. If successful, an entire generation of malcontents will be created. They will be like Antifa on steroids.
For the staff at the NYT, if they can get Trump, the end result will justify the means, even if it destroys everything that has been built in the past 400 years. They don’t care. As jaded and cynical as they are, it will be worth it. From our perspective, it falls upon us to redouble our core value of love of country. We must stand strong for our values, even though we will be ridiculed for doing so. America is worth our efforts, regardless of what the NYT says. It’s time for us, you and me, to become warriors.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This is the painting that all visitors are greeted with, when they walk into Jeffrey Epstein’s twenty-seven story mansion in Manhattan. I suspect it has been placed there to intimidate anybody who believes he or she is more powerful than Epstein.
It’s a brazen display of poor taste, but it also reveals just how depraved our society has become. In the USA, the rich and powerful use their wealth and positions of authority to exploit rather than to serve, but that’s not all. Their exploitation has a perverted component to it. These dark figures regularly engage in raping children—both males and females.
In his denunciation of the USA, Putin regularly characterizes American leaders as a “bunch of pedophiles.” He says this all the time. As accomplished a spy as Putin is, I think he is right. This painting, which should offend every American, depicts a lifestyle that is a clear repudiation of everything that the Judeo-Christian value system holds dear.
This clear display of perversion is not only what Epstein and Clinton stand for, but it’s also what many other political and business leaders stand for. It’s poison to the soul of our nation and must be exposed to the light of day.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Rarely am I shocked, but the level of depravity and perversion in Jeffrey Epstein’s home in Manhattan has sickened me. Bill Clinton in drag, and in a blue dress no less, reminiscent of Monica Lewinsky.
Clinton has professed that he has had very little to do with Epstein, but this clearly isn’t true. Bill Clinton was the President of the United States. Being involved in such behavior goes beyond any sense of normality. This is indefensible, even for the Progressive media. If you are not horrified and sickened by this, I feel sorry for your sense of right and wrong.
When I saw this, it immediately reminded of a biblical passage from Romans. The verses say, “God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them (Romans 1:28b-32, NAS).
Better than any words I could ever write, this is what we are dealing with in the twenty-first century. This is who Epstein and Clinton are, and their depravity is deeply embedded in our federal government.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: It is like there are two completely different realities in America. and they are mutually exclusive. The Progressives believe President Trump is illegitimate, a criminal, a fool and probably a traitor. Being all of these things, nothing he does is ever acceptable or laudable. Even the San Andreas is his fault.
In this reality, the economy may be doing well but it’s largely due to Obama. People like Comey, Mueller, and McCabe are patriots, deserving respect and honor. The House should impeach Trump—the sooner the better so that America can be rid of its albatross—Donald Trump.
The alternative view is that Trump came along at exactly the right time to save America from itself and from the corruption of the Deep State. Trump, despite his brashness, has turned America around and instituted policies that truly have made America great again. He has done this, despite the harassment of the Deep State, the anti-American Democrats, and a conspiracy to fraudulently have him removed from office.
With the gap between these two divergent realities being so wide, it’s impossible for them to compromise with each other. One will win and become dominant, while the other will atrophy and become marginalized. Which will be the victor? That’s the crucial question. I know what I believe, but the answer is in the Hands of Almighty God.
—Jack Watts

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