
Archive for January, 2019


COMMON SENSE: In her own words, Speaker Pelosi explains how the Democrats destroy the loves of their opponents. Here is how they do it:
1. They smear their targets by demonizing them and spreading malicious lies about them.
2. This is followed by a merchandizing campaign to make their false charges real to the American electorate.
3. They elicit the help of the press of write stories about their targets, which solidifies the falsehood and makes it real.
I’m not exaggerating about this. Watch the short clip below. Pelosi explains this strategy in her own words. When I saw this, the words of Isaiah came to mind. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:20a).
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Stories about sexual depravity in the priesthood continue to plague the Roman Catholic Church. The latest story involves the Pope.
An Argentine bishop close to Pope Francis took naked selfies, exhibited “obscene” behavior, and has been accused of misconduct with seminarians. Francis accepted Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta’s resignation in August 2017, after priests in the Argentine diocese of Oran complained about inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment of adult seminarians.
The Pope decided to allow Zanchetta to resign quietly. Then Francis promoted him to the No. 2 position in one of the Vatican’s most sensitive offices. Essentially, Francis turned a blind eye to Zanchetta’s misconduct.
How the Pope could do this is beyond me. The days of refusing to deal with rampant sexual misconduct in the church are over. Catholicism needs to deal with this problem by defrocking their legion of predator priests. Perhaps the best way to begin would be for Pope Francis to step down.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Anastasia Vashukevich, the prostitute who was imprisoned in a jail in Thailand, said she had proof Donald Trump colluded with the Russians. Becoming an overnight sensation, CNN and others, believing they had the smoking gun on Trump, rushed to Thailand to get her story.
Now out of prison, Anastasia Vashukevich has admitted she made the whole thing up to try and get out of jail. Once again, a woman “who is to be believed” lied about the entire thing, but I doubt you will see this story on CNN. If anybody does, please let us know. Just for the record . . . whores lie.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If House Democrats have their way, swearing to God will cease from being a part of their oath of office. In fact, their ultimate goal is to have God removed from every aspect of our lives. As the radicalization of the Democratic Party escalates, any mention of God’s name has become verboten.
To them, God has no place in the American way of life. It’s why they booed inclusion of His name in their party platform at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.
The lines have been drawn. They couldn’t be clearer. If you seek God’s will, your viewpoint is not welcome in the new, less-than-improved Democratic Party.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Last week, while Americans were obsessing about the government shutdown and the shenanigans of an opportunistic Native American to make a political statement, a major shift in Middle Eastern politics occurred. It almost went unnoticed by the media, despite the fact that it will change everything.
Saudi Arabia has begun to develop its own nuclear capability. They have done this because their intelligence has confirmed that Iran is close to having nuclear weapons, along with the capacity to deliver them. Soon, we will have radical Sunnis squaring off against radical Shiites, virtually assuring a nuclear Armageddon.
The Saudis, who were reluctant to take this step, placed a great deal of faith in President Trump to keep the Iranians in check and to change the political dynamics in the Middle East, but they are no longer certain he can survive the relentless attacks from the pro-Iranian Democrats. Out of self-preservation, the Saudis have taken this bold step to level the playing field with their mortal enemy, Iran.
With uranium obtained from the USA through Hillary Clinton’s corrupt State Department and $150 billion in cash flown in secretly from President Obama, Iran had all that it needs to move forward with its threat to destroy Israel and the Great Satan—the United States of America.
Because the Left would rather take down Trump than allow him to do his job, the skittish Saudis have made this bold move. Interestingly, the Israelis are not threatened by this and have stated as much. Israel fears Iranian aggression—not the Saudis.
Nevertheless, there is now a nuclear arms race in the Middle East that cannot be stopped by any other means than force, but the fools in the media are too consumed with “getting Trump” to inform Americans about this. Not many are even paying attention. God help us!
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: What is our country coming to, when twenty-nine FBI Agents with assault weapons are required to arrest a sixty-six-year-old man in a pre-dawn raid of his home? Roger Stone is not El Chappo, and Stone wasn’t being arrested for murder, drug dealing, or anything like that. He was arrested for lying to the Mueller investigation.
Stone may not be Mr. Rogers, but his alleged crimes are not violent ones. They are process crimes. Nevertheless, nearly a platoon of agents was required to apprehend him. Why? And why were CNN cameras allowed to film this entire charade? How did that happen? Who authorized it? Do you accept CNN’s position that it was good journalism, or do you think it was orchestrated? I know what I think.
To arrest Stone, all that was required was a phone call to his lawyer telling Stone to surrender to the FBI. That’s all. Stone, who is not a flight risk, would have done so, and this expensive charade would have been avoided; but that’s not what the Mueller team wanted. They wanted the spectacle and the drama, thinking it would intimidate Stone.
Being arrested like this certainly would have intimidate me, but was justice served by it? I don’t think so. Also, was the means of apprehension actually “cruel and unusual?” If so, it was a violation of Stone’s 8th Amendment rights. Stone’s apprehension was expensive, but Mueller doesn’t care. He has an unlimited budget—money that comes from you and me.
And why is it left to Jack Watts to ask questions like these? Shouldn’t this be the role of the media? When it comes to the role of actual journalism, where are they?
Obviously, the media should be asking these questions, but they are more invested in “getting Trump” than they are in actually doing the job of asking relevant questions. At bare minimum, Stone’s rights have been violated and, by having CNN film the arrest, Stone’s chances at a fair trial have been cast aside in favor of satisfying those who want to “get President Trump.” If I am wrong, tell me where?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Concerning the government shutdown, Trump did blink, but it was the only responsible thing for him to do. He is President for all Americans—not just those who support him. The shutdown was beginning to take a substantial toll on our nation, adversely affecting our economy. Trump cares about this.
Nancy Pelosi does not. All she has to please is the most radical elements of the Progressive Left, which she did. To her, it wouldn’t matter how destructive the shutdown was, just as long as she was able to solidify her power base. She has now done that. It’s probably why she was much less brazen that Senator Schumer, when they addressed the media.
We lost this round, but as long as the issue remains unresolved, we have not lost the war. What happens in the next month will tell the tale.
By flinching, President Trump took a hit—no question about it—but what if a plane had gone down because there were not enough air traffic controllers on the job? That would have precipitated a catastrophic loss. In my opinion, it was better to take a short-term loss than to suffer one far worse.
Now that Pelosi has her victory, maybe she will be willing to earmark $5 billion in funds for the “President to use at his discretion to provide border security.” That way, Trump can build “the barrier” and Pelosi can maintain the Democrats did not fund it directly.
Jack Watts

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I AM NOT ASHAMED: We trust our senses and our reasoning. We consider this to be reality, rather than what God’s Word states to be real. Without ever saying so, we consider His truth to be a utopian ideal, rather than what it really is. We never consider that by doing this, our thoughts are sinful, but they are. Without recognizing what we are doing, we call God a liar. As horrifying as this might seem, it’s true.
Obviously, we don’t do this from a spirit of open rebellion, but this is precisely what is happening. We just don’t know any better. We should, but we don’t.
Having been thoroughly deceived by Satan, we embrace the false safety of our well-established fortresses, never considering that they are what perpetuate our darkness. Our deception is so complete that we believe the darkness we cherish is actually the light. If you think about it from this perspective, is it wonder why our lives are so similar to those of our non-believing friends.
As Christians, we are convinced we know who we are, and we do—but only to a certain degree. There are huge areas of our lives where we lack understanding, and there are other areas we have simply chosen to ignore. These are the areas that have become our debilitating strongholds. These fortresses of disbelief, or false belief, rob us of the abundant life Christ promised, much to the delight of our Adversary, Satan.
We belong to God, and nothing can snatch us away from His hand. We know this factually, but its power to influence our lives has been diminished, based on our false beliefs. Because we haven’t renewed our minds through the Holy Spirit, we languish rather than flourish.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Yesterday in Venezuela, Juan Guaido, who opposes the dictatorial regime of Maduro, claimed to be the legitimate President of Venezuela. The United States and Canada immediately recognized Guaido’s legitimacy. In retaliation, Maduro ordered our diplomats out of Venezuela in 72 hours.
The clock is ticking. My guess is that President Trump will order our ambassador to stay. Why would Trump do that? The answer is simple. Since we do not recognize Maduro to be legitimate, we should not acquiesce to his orders. If Maduro tries to take our embassy forcibly, there will be fierce retaliation, but why is any of this important? Who cares?
We do, or at least we should. Here’s why. The caravans of illegals coming from Central America have been financed by the Maduro regime, not George Soros, as most falsely believe. Getting rid of Maduro, once and for all, will cut off the head of the snake that is plaguing our southern border. Also, with Maduro gone, there will be another example of how Socialism has failed. So, pay attention to what is happening in our southern hemisphere.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: We have barely begun to get to the bottom of the Deep State corruption at the FBI, DOJ, State Department, and other governmental agencies. The reason why is simple. Fired and disgraced FBI officials like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Priestep, James Baker, and Lisa Page still hold some very high cards in this game.
To keep from being indicted, they are threatening to reveal the contents of Anthony Weiner’s laptop, which contains hard evidence about just how corrupt the Clintons were, as well as many others in the Obama administration. Many Republican household names are just as corrupt. Essentially, Comey’s band of bandits are threatening to go nuclear to keep out of jail, but will this strategy work?
Or, will incoming Attorney General William Barr indict them anyway? I’m putting my money on Barr. There is another reason why I am betting on him. The NYPD also has the contents of Weiner’s laptop, and they are harder to corrupt than the FBI. For the past two years, with the feckless and incompetent Jeff Sessions at the helm, the bad guys have been winning—no doubt about it—but will they be successful and get away with what they have done?
I don’t think they will, but stay tuned. The you-know-what is about to hit the fan.
—Jack Watts

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