
Archive for November, 2018

COMMON SENSE: The CARAVAN is plagued with disease. One-third have respiratory issues that must be addressed medically, but let’s do our Christian duty to help them in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. We can end this crisis by giving them a medical incentive to go back home countries. It would be a win for everybody—the sick people in the Caravan, Mexico, and the USA. There is no downside to my idea.
Once these disillusioned people are repatriated, their tales of woe will dissuade others from trying to do the same thing. This will end the crisis peacefully, as hundreds abandon their pilgrimages peacefully each day.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Michael Avenatti, the darling of the Left and constant guest on CNN, has no redeeming character qualities. Currently out on bail on charges of domestic violence, while also being evicted from his law offices for failure to pay rent, Creepy Porn Lawyer has now lost favor with his mealticket, Stormy Daniels.
Stormy, who has a long history of getting screwed by men in one way or another, has gone public with her misgivings about Avenatti. She lamented. “For months I’ve asked Michael Avenatti to give me accounting information about the fund my supporters so generously donated to for my safety and legal defense. He has repeatedly ignored those requests. Days ago I demanded again, repeatedly, that he tell me how the money was being spent and how much was left. Instead of answering me, without my permission or even my knowledge Michael launched another crowdfunding campaign to raise money on my behalf. I learned about it on Twitter.”
Avenatti, the Democratic Presidential hopeful, hasn’t been as public recently—not since knocking some sense into the head of his former girlfriend—but we expect he will resurface soon on CNN, the View, and other Progressive news outlets.
Jack Watts

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FILE PHOTO: Pope Francis welcomes a group of Syrian refugees after landing at Ciampino airport in Rome following a visit at the Moria refugee camp in the Greek island of Lesbos
COMMON SENSE: In preparation for the Roman Catholic Church’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees last year, Pope Francis spoke out about refugee issues like the Caravan that is now at our southern border. In his defense of migrants, he said that their safety should take precedence over our national security concerns. He added that illegals should not be subjected to collective deportations. In essence, Francis maintained that their rights supersede ours.
I disagree with Pope Francis’ position. While these illegals have rights in their home countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, they do not have any rights in the United States of America. It is not their right to come here illegally. It is also not their right to break into the USA. We have the sovereign right to determine who can come and who cannot come. It’s as simple as that.
Furthermore, the Pope has no right to tell us how we should run our nation. Just as Pope Francis has walls surrounding Vatican City, we also have the right to construct a wall on our southern border to stop illegal entry. Instead of dictating policy to us, which we have not sought, I would respectfully suggest that the Pope concern himself with the legion of pedophiles in the priesthood who have been robbing children of their innocence with impunity for decades, maybe longer. Let him get his own house in order before he tries to fix ours.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Nationalism, loving your country, is wrong, according to the Progressive worldview, but is it really? If you listen to the media, academics, actors, and politicians with a globalist agenda, patriotism is the root cause for nearly all of the ills throughout history. Like Chatty Cathy dolls, they point to the destruction of the NAZIs in World War II as their historical example.
So, if you don’t want to be a NAZI, an ideology that embraces racism, you must repudiate your love and allegiance to the United States of America. It’s as simple as that. Additionally, you must renounce “American Exceptionalism,” because it is nothing more than the exploitation of others to create wealth unjustly for American consumption. Our wealth is undeserved.
This is what Progressives believe, and it is what our children and grandchildren are being taught from grade school through graduate school. This ideology has become so pervasive that millions of Millennials are ashamed of being American, which is a new phenomenon in our history, and it’s a dangerous one. If young people do not love their country, they will not fight for it. After all, they do not want to support a NAZI regime.
This is where the Progressive’s tenuous grasp of history is flawed. It was actually unbridled patriotism that defeated Nazism and Fascism in World War II, with Winston Churchill rallying the British Empire and the United States to fight the NAZIs. In Russia, with Hitler at the gates of Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad, it was the Russian Orthodox priests who rallied the citizens to fight for “Mother Russia.” Their call for Russian nationalism ultimately pushed the Germans out of Russia, and the Wehrmacht retreated all the way back to Berlin. Russian, British, and American nationalism won World War II.
Here’s another example. Without a sense of national identity, the Jews, who were dispersed in 70 a.d., would have lost their identity and would never have reestablished a Jewish state in 1948. Their nationalism, just like our nationalism, is a good and healthy thing, but it must be nurtured to survive—not repudiated by the self-destructive, foolish revisionist thinking of the Progressives.
Jack Watts

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22196309_1802771863096600_8271142776974367137_nCOMMON SENSE: Throughout history, when a child is born, the first question asked is if the baby is a boy or a girl. This question differentiates who we are and, until recently, it has provided each of us with our life-long identity.
Now, thanks to Progressive ideology, we are being told that this foundational truth, which is in defiance of Natural Law, is wrong, and we are fools to hold on to this antiquated notion. Preaching “Gender Fluidity,” the enlightened Left now wants to put tampon dispensers in men’s rooms for those males who menstruate.
There are no men who menstruate. Nevertheless, the Progressives insist that they do, and heaven help anyone who disputes this tenet of their belief system. To be enlightened, according to Progressives, you have to accept what is irrational and also in defiance of science. Because males have a Y chromosome, they don’t have periods. It’s as simple as that, unless you are an adherent of Progressivism.
Because of Gender Fluidity, males who grow breasts now dominate female athletics, which is perfectly fine for Progressives. In this perverted worldview, they have refuted the greatest scientific achievement of the past half-century—the understanding of how DNA markers make each of us truly unique.
Because of your DNA, there is nobody else exactly like you, and this includes your foundational sexual identity—being either a male or a female. You can’t change your DNA, no matter how much you would like to or how hard you try. It cannot be done. In fact, this truth has become settled law, as thousands of cold cases have been solved by discovering the unique DNA of criminals through trace evidence.
Despite all of this, the Progressive Left, fools that they are, dominate academia and the Democratic Party, where they perpetrate this ridiculous viewpoint. Even worse, they insist that all of us accept their nonsensical worldview as being true, even though it contradicts science and Natural Law.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Clearly, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had Khashoggi murdered. President Trump is well aware of this, but the murder was not on American soil. Because it wasn’t, it’s not our responsibility. This is why Trump has chosen to look the other way. Many are faulting him for this, which is understandable, but it is also short-sighted. Here’s why:
1. With Iran busy developing nuclear weapons, maintaining our strong strategic alliance with Saudi Arabia is in our best interest. We need them to counterbalance Iran’s aggression in the Middle East.
2. Even though the Saudi’s publicly denounce Israel, being Sunni Muslims, they hate the Shiite Muslims in Iran more than they hate the Jews. Saudi Arabia would deny this publicly, but in the de facto world of Middle Eastern politics, it’s true. This makes our alliance with them particularly important, and it’s irreplaceable.
3. Oil! We cannot disrupt the flow of the world’s oil supply. Being high-minded at the expense of destroying our economy, as well as that of Europe’s, isn’t something Trump is willing to do, and he’s right. His pragmatism in this case is wise, and it is very Presidential.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: A federal judge is requiring Hillary to testify about issues concerning her private email server. This may seem like ho-hum old news, but it isn’t. In fact, it may lead to uncovering and exposing the truth behind the Benghazi attack, and also why Obama was willing to exchange five Taliban generals for the traitor, Bowe Bergdahl.
To the Progressive Left, the answers are unimportant, but to patriotic Conservatives these remain significant issues. That we have never received answers continues to gall us, but the Day of Judgment may finally be nearing for both Hillary and for former President Obama. We certainly hope so. Stay tuned.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The corruption in Broward County FL, has taken a nasty turn. Apparently, civil rights attorneys were collecting ballots from inmates at the county jail the day after the election. These votes—the day after the election—have been counted with legitimate votes, and it’s all to steal the election from Scott and DeSantis. Even Nicolas Cruz, the mass murderer at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas was allowed to vote.
This corruption—all of it—must come to an end. The Senate race between Scott and Nelson is a federal election. The FBI must investigate this immediately. Brenda Snipes, along with her crooked Democrat operatives, must not be allowed to steal the Senate seat from Scott or the Governorship won by Ron DeSantis.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When we have Presidential and Midterm elections, what do we want? We want to win, of course, but when we don’t, we accept our losses with dignity and grace—like when a sporting team we love loses a crucial game. Even if the outcome of an election disappoints us, we don’t throw a hissy fit, but more importantly, we do not try and alter the outcome fraudulently.
Unfortunately, the Progressive Left is not constrained by such ethical standards. They have no sense of fairness. If they lose by a narrow margin, like they have in two key races in Florida and one in Georgia, they huddle together to think of ways to alter the outcome. They have no scruples against cheating—not if it is required to change the winner and gain power.
For Conservatives, like losing a sporting event because of a bad call, this infuriates us. We view what the Progressives are doing—”finding” uncounted ballots that have been manufactured and not cast—as criminal. It’s not only wrong, it also undermines our republic like nothing else.
This must not be allowed to stand, and the criminal Progressives behind it must be held to account for their actions—not with a slap on the wrist, but with substantial prison sentences. Nothing short of this is acceptable.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Obviously, losing the House of Representatives was a blow. Having committees led by Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and Elijah Cummings will not serve the American people well, but we will just have to endure it.
At the same time, achieving a 54-to-46 advantage in the Senate was a huge win for the Trump agenda, especially since Senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker will be replaced by solid Conservatives. It means it will be much easier for President Trump to fulfill his promise to transform the federal judiciary, which is the third branch of government. The importance of this cannot be overstated.
By leaving numerous judicial appointments vacant when he left office, President Obama did the American people a solid service. Instead of appointing Progressives, which was his right, he left more than a dozen spots open, and Trump has been filling them with men and women who are committed to adjudicating based on the Constitution, rather than the whimsical notions of Obama’s Progressive agenda.
When all is said and done, reshaping the judiciary may be Trump’s greatest achievement, and much of it is because Obama simply failed to do his job. This abdication of responsibility by Obama may end up being his most enduring legacy, and the American people should be grateful to him for it.
Jack Watts

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