
Archive for May, 2020

COMMON SENSE: When four Minneapolis police officers unlawfully used excessive force against George Floyd, leading to his death, America was outraged. Everybody, without exception, was offended. This included the lead officer’s wife who had the good sense to file for divorce against him just two days later. My guess is she was quite familiar with her husband’s bullying and physical intimidation.
Because of the horrific circumstances leading to Floyd’s death, the United States was poised to embrace a teachable moment, but this moment has now been lost. Instead, with the hearts of millions being hardened because of the rioting, looting and destruction to our major cities, the deeply-held biases of nearly every American have been reinforced.
For Conservatives, what we see is a vicious attack on law and order by the dregs of society—young men and women who embrace anarchy. They hate the nation we love and are doing their best to destroy it. We have no sympathy for them or for the feckless mayors and governors who allow them to riot and loot with impunity. For us, to suppress the violence that continues to threaten our nation, we will support whatever use of force is necessary. We want to squelch the unruly. To us, they deserve what they get.
We are also put off by the cowardice of the political leaders who coddle the riffraff who are destroying innocent people’s property. Mostly Democrats, these leaders talk out of both sides of their mouths. Refusing to offend the rioters, they order the police to be gentle with them, while simultaneously holding press conferences where they do their best to look and sound tough, which is laughably absurd.
On the other side are the perpetrators of this wave of violence. Seizing the opportunity afforded by the death of Floyd, these disseminators of hate have unleashed a torrent of violence against average Americans, embittering millions of innocent people in the process. To the Leftists, however, none of us are innocent. We are all part of a racist system created by our forefathers—a system that needs to be destroyed, the quicker the better.
Bolstered by fellow travelers in the hierarchy of the Democratic Party, and inappropriately blessed by Politically Apostate Christians, the Radical Left is doing their best to bite the hand that feeds it. People like these have always been part of the American political landscape, but they are more plentiful now than they have ever been, thanks to the Presidency of Barack Obama.
To say the times are tense is a monumental understatement, but what does the future portend? The answer is yet to be determined. With the economy in freefall, the dangers of COVID-19 still being exploited and chaos in the streets, the Democrats and the anarchists are licking their chops at the prospect of replacing President Trump with a malleable candidate who is somewhere on the dementia spectrum, but will their concerted effort work? We shall see, but I believe the forces of righteousness will prevail and Trump will be reelected. Meanwhile, let’s crush this rebellion.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: For most of us, it seems incomprehensible that the Democrats intend to nominate Joe Biden to be their candidate for President. We look at Biden and recognize that he is somewhere on the dementia scale. Saying this isn’t a cheap shot at a political candidate we don’t believe is very smart. We can actually recognize Biden has Alzheimer’s Disease or something akin to it.

Since millions of Americans can see this, we wonder why Democrats can’t? We wonder what they are missing that allows them to either look past this or worse, deny that’s it’s true. We think; surely they must see this, right? They couldn’t be this self-deceived, could they?


Even from his basement, where he is hunkered down doing very little campaigning, he makes one political gaffe after the other. He bumbles and fumbles one question after the other, consistently getting facts and dates wrong. Despite this, the media, who are complicit in their denial of reality that Joe is fundamentally unable to do the job he seeks, never press him about his misstatements. Instead, unlike the way they treat President Trump, they routinely give Ole Joe a pass.


Witnessing what is happening, Conservatives have come to the conclusion that the Democrats aren’t really going to nominate Biden. To us, having such a candidate is illogical. Instead, at the last minute, we believe they intend to select another candidate. Until Governor Andrew Cuomo engineered the deaths of 6,000 nursing home patients in an act of negligent homicide, it looked to us like he would be the chosen person to replace Biden. Now, after being complicit in murder, this seems unthinkable, so we wonder who it will be?


Having thought about this at considerable length, I have come to the conclusion that the Democrats really do intend to nominate Biden. They don’t care that he is corrupt or demented. In fact, they prefer it. Here’s why: Not having all of his marbles would make it much easier for those around him, his cabinet and others, to govern as they please. With Biden as President, what we now call the Deep State will come out from under their rocks to wreak havoc on our nation and on the world. They are thrilled at the prospects of having a mentally incompetent President.


As bizarre as it may seem to nearly every American, the Democrats are thrilled with the idea of having a mentally deficient President. It would ensure virtually no accountability whatsoever, and we all know how much the Democrats loathe being held to account, don’t we? This is their plan and their strategy. Now, all they need are millions of fools to vote for them, which they will add to the votes they obtain through fraud.


—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: The 2020 Presidential campaign is heating up. Between now and the election, it is going to be all out war. If you think the chicanery of the Democrats was disgraceful and unlawful in 2016, when they spied on Donald J. Trump and his associates, now that their freedom form prison at stake, I doubt you can imagine what horrific things the Democrats have planned for the next five months.


This spring has been a perfect example of what’s in store for us until November. It has been a perfect storm of malice. With the purposeful unleashing of COVID-19 to destroy America’s robust economy by the Chinese Communists, coupled with the pandemic being exploitated by Democratic Governors who have a vested interest in keeping our economy from recovering quickly, the Progressive Left is doing its best to paint a picture of President Trump as being responsible for all of the ills that have befallen our nation. According to the Democrats, he is the one responsible for 100,000 deaths, not the Chinese Communists or the incompetent Democratic Governors whose negligence cost the needless death of thousands.


That this is unfair doesn’t make a bit of difference to the enemies of American freedom—the Chinese Communists and the National Democratic Party. I’ve linked them together because their purpose is the same. Both want to take America down a notch or two, maybe three or four. Aiding them are Politically Apostate Christians—those who pray to Jesus but inexplicably support abortionists, Socialists and militant Atheists. We all know who these Never-Trumpers are, don’t we? They should be on the side of righteousness, but they are not. Spouting venom covered with a thin veneer of sanctimony, they refer to themselves as people of faith, while consistently denying honorable causes.


I have no use for them, but they are just another obstacle we need to overcome, and overcome them we will. America is blessed to have millions of people like us—those who have never and will never bow our knees to the false god of Statism or the New World Order. So, buckle up and get ready for what awaits us. It isn’t going to be pretty.


Because much has been given to us, much is required, but I believe we are up for the task. What about you? Are you up for the challenge or not? Is the soul of America worth whatever sacrifice we have to make or isn’t it? I believe it is and I’m willing to fight for what is right. How about you?


—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: For three years, all we heard was Russia, Russia, Russia. On CNN and MSNBC, the story was broadcasted 24/7. Like the relentlessness if the tide, nothing could stop it. We were deluged with one story from an anonymous source after the other, all in a focused effort to drive President Trump from office, either through Impeachment or resignation.
As overwhelming as the Russian Collusion narrative was, there was nothing true about it. It was all a fabrication—a planned, coordinated assault upon our Chief Executive and our democratic way of life.
It didn’t matter that it was false. Nothing could stop FBI Director Comey, CIA Director Brennan, DNI Director Clapper, NSA Susan Rice or any of the other disseminators of this damnable, contrived conspiracy. The Obama/Biden administration was consumed with destroying Trump.
The story was so ubiquitous, penetrating and seemingly credible that millions of Americans continue to believe it is true, despite it having been thoroughly discredited. Like so many other political agendas, while our attention was being directed toward Russia, the Chinese Communists were working tirelessly to undermine our nation and surpass us as the world’s leading economy.
Now, the Chinese Communists have either exploited a pandemic or caused it, with the sole purpose of expanding their power and influence throughout the world at the expense of the United States. The only thing standing in their way is President Trump and his rock-solid base of support among people of faith. It’s why the Chinese Communists are solidly behind Joe Biden.
Since they have already compromised him through his son, Hunter Biden, the former V.P. cannot stand up to them. Being corrupt, Biden is incapable of opposing them. Our nation is in trouble. To come out on top, we need President trump at the helm, leading us once again to prosperity. A Biden Presidency would solidify China’s position worldwide. Only a fool would deny this.
Jack Watts

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Heavenly Father,

Despite the fact that much of America remaining shutdown

Because of the contagion spread by COVID-19’s destructiveness,

On this long Memorial Day weekend, we still choose

To come before You to remember those who have gone

Before us, sacrificing their lives so that we could remain free.

Recognizing our profound debt to these heroes of the past,

There are no words that that seem suitable or adequate—

No expression of appreciation that could possibly equal the deeds

That these mighty men and women of valor have done for us,

But we recognize it is our duty and our privilege to pause—

To stop and honor them in a way that is reverent and fitting.


Consequently, with profound respect and hearts full of gratitude,

Along with misty eyes, we bow our heads in reverence

And thank You for raising up so many warriors over the years—

From the time of the Revolution to our destructive Civil War,

From the two World Wars to the Middle Eastern conflicts.

Never allow us to forget the sacrifices our warriors have made for us.

Allow their deeds to be perpetually and indelibly etched in our hearts,

Knowing that  in our dark, depraved, and fallen world the price of freedom

Will continue to remain high because of the Evil desires of others.


From our nation’s founding, You have put into the hearts of our forefathers

That America would be a “City on a Hill” for the entire world to emulate.

Accordingly, let us pause on this special weekend when summer begins

To remember those who died, that we, the living, might continue

To answer the perpetual call to fight for freedom, justice and righteousness.

In Your benevolence, You have allowed our generation to remain free.

We thank You for this and for each of our numerous blessings.

We owe all of the abundance we have accumulated and enjoy to You.


Nevertheless, because of a biological attack upon the land of the free,

We find ourselves in a desperate situation, where economic calamity,

Which we have not brought upon ourselves, threatens our economy

With misery, famine and pestilence that can dismantle the foundation

Of our existence and of all the sacrifices our warriors have made for us.

Father, we come before You today and ask for Your favor.

Do not allow the virus launched by the Chinese Communists,

Which is being exploited by the Progressive Democrats and the media,

To succeed in destroying all that our veterans have fought to protect.

Instead, pour forth Your Holy Spirit and stir the American people

To once again look to You as our benefactor. Heal our land.

We need You now, just as we have needed You so many times before.

Be there for us, even though our generation of Americans is so undeserving.

As Your children, we ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,



—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Throughout the land, Christian people are looking to their governors, seeking permission to reopen their churches for worship. With President Trump being supportive, believers are hopeful that their long religious hiatus will finally be coming to and end. Witnessing this, I am flabbergasted by what is happening. Neither Christians, Jews nor even Muslims need to ask permission to reopen their places of worship. The government has no moral, ethical or legal right to have closed your places of worship in the first place—none whatsoever.


That you have allowed them to do so indicates one thing: You do not have a clear understanding of your rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution.


Our forefathers, the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 and the Puritans who founded Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629, came here to flee religious oppression. Because this issue was so important, Freedom of Religion is the first right mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Our Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” No state or local jurisdiction can do this either.


Religious freedom isn’t a suggestion. It’s an inalienable right. This means it cannot be taken away by government or by anyone else. It’s fundamental to who we are as a nation. The right to assemble and worship has been bestowed upon us by our Creator, Almighty God. It is not granted by government. Because this is true, no Blue State Governor has any legal right to keep you out of church. The President doesn’t even have this authority.


That you have allowed yourselves to be bullied and intimidated by the likes of Governor Whitmer, Governor Cuomo, Governor Newsome or Governor Pritzker doesn’t say as much about them as it does about the Christians and Jews who live in Michigan, New York, California and Illinois. Of course, these Democratic governors want to arrogate power and authority to themselves that they do not have. This is what Democrats do, but the real travesty is that Christians and Jews have demurred and allowed it to happen. Believers have permitted their inalienable rights to be taken away by those who are more than willing to do so. Essentially, Christians and Jews have bowed their knees to Baal.


When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, being good citizens churches and synagogues closed their doors to keep the disease from spreading, but this was a voluntary act on the part of people of faith. It wasn’t required. It couldn’t be—not Constitutionally. What is so amazing is how cowed people of faith have become. Let me ask you, where is the strength of your convictions? Where is the power of your faith? And why have you allowed your state government to have authority over a right that is inalienable?


The weakness Christians and Jews have shown about this issue is appalling. Throughout history, your spiritual forefathers have been burned at the stake rather than do what you have done and are meekly whining about. Now that it is safe to do so, go back to worshiping God and never allow yourselves to be intimidated like this again. You need not ask permission; just grow a pair and do it.


—Jack Watts



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Heavenly Father,

Despite the fact that much of America remaining shutdown

Because of the contagion spread by COVID-19’s destructiveness,

On this long Memorial Day weekend, we still choose

To come before You to remember those who have gone

Before us, sacrificing their lives so that we could remain free.

Recognizing our profound debt to these heroes of the past,

There are no words that that seem suitable or adequate—

No expression of appreciation that could possibly equal the deeds

That these mighty men and women of valor have done for us,

But we recognize it is our duty and our privilege to pause—

To stop and honor them in a way that is reverent and fitting.


Consequently, with profound respect and hearts full of gratitude,

Along with misty eyes, we bow our heads in reverence

And thank You for raising up so many warriors over the years—

From the time of the Revolution to our destructive Civil War,

From the two World Wars to the Middle Eastern conflicts.

Never allow us to forget the sacrifices our warriors have made for us.

Allow their deeds to be perpetually and indelibly etched in our hearts,

Knowing that  in our dark, depraved, and fallen world the price of freedom

Will continue to remain high because of the Evil desires of others.


From our nation’s founding, You have put into the hearts of our forefathers

That America would be a “City on a Hill” for the entire world to emulate.

Accordingly, let us pause on this special weekend when summer begins

To remember those who died, that we, the living, might continue

To answer the perpetual call to fight for freedom, justice and righteousness.

In Your benevolence, You have allowed our generation to remain free.

We thank You for this and for each of our numerous blessings.

We owe all of the abundance we have accumulated and enjoy to You.


Nevertheless, because of a biological attack upon the land of the free,

We find ourselves in a desperate situation, where economic calamity,

Which we have not brought upon ourselves, threatens our economy

With misery, famine and pestilence that can dismantle the foundation

Of our existence and of all the sacrifices our warriors have made for us.

Father, we come before You today and ask for Your favor.

Do not allow the virus launched by the Chinese Communists,

Which is being exploited by the Progressive Democrats and the media,

To succeed in destroying all that our veterans have fought to protect.

Instead, pour forth Your Holy Spirit and stir the American people

To once again look to You as our benefactor. Heal our land.

We need You now, just as we have needed You so many times before.

Be there for us, even though our generation of Americans is so undeserving.

As Your children, we ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,


—Jack Watts

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The USA is in trouble—no question about it. Out of jealousy, anger and malice the Chinese Communists have launched an effective biological attack upon us. Their goal has been to use the devastation caused by COVID-19 to allow them to overtake the USA as the world’s economic superpower.


All that remains to be answered is whether this was a premeditated attack or them simply taking advantage of the opportunity COVID-19 presented. Regardless of which it is, the loss of life and the economic devastation caused by COVID-19 is the responsibility of the Chinese Communists and nobody else.


This sneak attack, which has been even more devastating than Pearl Harbor, has definitely caught the United States by surprise. President Trump did a magnificent job of refurbishing our military but, because we never expected any responsible nation to launch biological warfare, we were caught flatfooted. So was the rest of the world. Being aided by the complicity of the World Health Organization, China’s success has been greater than their wildest expectations.


Now, it is our turn to respond to this vicious assault, but how do we do it?


We start by recognizing that this is a different type of warfare than any we have ever fought. It’s economic, not military. By allowing COVID-19 to decimate the USA, Western Europe and other nations, China has made themselves a pariah nation. Because we have such a large manufacturing investment with them, however, we cannot simply stop trading with them—not immediately and not completely.


That would initiate a worldwide depression, but we do need to develop a plan to withdraw the manufacture of any strategic materials from China. Plus, we must never allow ourselves to become their economic hostages again. Those days are over. What they have done is inexcusable and unforgiveable.


Simultaneously, we need to bite the bullet, hunker down and weather the inevitable economic downturn this pandemic causes. Recognizing that other nations are in much worse shape than the USA is, we will need to feed much of the world for the next couple of years. Because of what we have suffered and, because we are still vulnerable to another biological attack, we must carefully weigh whatever trade we continue to have with China.


Based upon what they have done, they are not to be trusted. Since they have to import every drop of oil they require to function, however, and because we are an oil exporting nation, their goal of surpassing the USA is destined to fail. At least it will if we continue to use our natural resources to our advantage, which we should, despite what the Progressive Democrats want to do to eliminate our advantage through job-killing regulations.


Never again should we allow ourselves to be vulnerable to a biological attack by the Chinese or anybody else. This means we will need to develop defensive measures against another attack. To do this, we will need a steady hand as President, which means we need to reelect President Trump. Biden is simply not capable of getting the job done. Besides, he has been bought and paid for by the Chinese Communists.

—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), has just asked the Department of Justice for the un-redacted transcripts from the Mueller investigation into President Trump. The reason for the request is Nadler’s committee intends to build a case against President Trump for interfering into the cases against General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. This means they intend to impeach him again. They are serious about this.


The malice of Representative Nadler, as well as Pelosi, Schiff and a host of other Democrats, is so overwhelmingly toxic that they intend to put the country through another round of an Impeachment trial. Coupled with the first round and the horrors of COVID-19, our nation certainly does not need this divisive destruction but, since the Democrats have the power to do it, they will. Their hatred of the President is so intense they do not care what it will cost the American people just so long as the “get Trump.”


If they can’t get him a second time, they will try a third time and a fourth time. The sole purpose of the Democratic House is to drive Trump from office. They have done nothing of value to serve the American people. They seem incapable of doing so.


If we want to normalize our country, we had better flip the House back to Republican control in November. Nothing short of this will end the nightmare that never seems to go away. We need Representatives who will serve the American people not their collective personality disorder.

—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Nothing can be clearer than the desire of Blue State Democrats to deny your civil liberties, infringe upon your right to free assembly and to abridging your right to worship God. By keeping their states shut down while taking a paycheck themselves, the goal of these dictatorial Democrats is to defeat President Trump in November. Unfortunately for millions of Americans, you will be impoverished in the process. They don’t care.


The malicious tyrants who rule New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Washington, California and several other states are giddy with delight that the unemployment rate is getting so high. Embracing their cynical strategy to remain closed f=indefinitely, many states still don’t even have a plan for reopening. This will destroy the United States, but that’s okay if they can “get Trump” in the process. That millions of hard-working Americans will be destroyed is acceptable collateral damage to the Democratic Ghouls who have established one job-killing, draconian measure after the other.


Like good soldiers, we are expected to shut up and do exactly what these Democratic Governors say. If we don’t, using Gestapo tactics, they punish Americans for exercising their 1st Amendment rights, even though they have no right or legitimate power to do so. To a person, these Governors think they know better than we do, but they don’t. Georgia and Florida have opened up successfully. Numerous other states are now following suit, but not the Blue State Democrats. They have doubled down on repression.


What utter nonsense. We call ourselves the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” It’s time that we start acting like it.

—Jack Watts

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