
Archive for October, 2017

COMMON SENSE: Let me see if I have this right. We have a Special Prosecutor investigating a “Matter,” which is the most accurate term, because there has been no crime established. This Special Prosecutor’s first indictment was for Trump’s campaign manager, but the charges have nothing to do with the “Matter,” which is Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia concerning the 2016 Presidential Election.
The “Matter” is largely based on a discredited, highly salacious dossier created by a British spy and paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Trump’s opponent, the Clinton Campaign, with had John Podesta as the Campaign Chairman.
The Manafort indictment alleged that he was engaged in illegal activities with Ukraine years before the election. At the time, Manafort was involved with the Podesta Group, led by Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary’s Campaign Chairman, John. So, Trump’s former campaign manager of a couple of months is in cahoots with the brother of Hillary’s Campaign Chairman, and the FBI has been protecting the secrets of this unlikely scenario from Congress and the American people, while receiving hearty approval from the mainstream media for doing so.
Meanwhile, there does not appear to be any investigation into the $145 million the Clinton Foundation received for selling 20% of America’s uranium, the material used to make nuclear weapons to the Russians. If you “follow the money,” the Clintons have become fabulously wealthy from the Russians, but no collusion has been alleged concerning Hillary, Bill, John Podesta, the Podesta Group, the Clinton Campaign, or the DNC—not even by Trump’s Department of Justice.
Even worse, nobody has even bothered to ask the simplest question of all, and it is this: If Putin has already been able to compromise Hillary, which the $145 million pay-to-play payoff indicates he has, why would Putin want Trump to be President and not Hillary? Where is the logic in this? It’s completely backwards.
Who is the loser in this entire fiasco? We are, the American people. There is a level of corruption that is so vast, so pervasive, and so evil that it must be ferreted out, exposed to the light of day, and prosecuted by true servants of the law—not corrupt people who have as much to hide as the people they are investigating.

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COMMON SENSE: The cornerstone of our inalienable rights is Freedom of Speech and the right to peacefully assembly. In 2010, when the Tea Party first arrived, hundreds of political groups sprang up and applied for 501c4 tax-exempt status, which they were denied. Using the power of the IRS as a weapon, the Obama administration targeted these groups, denying them their Constitutional rights.

Fighting back, these groups sought justice through the courts, and this is where our prayers have been answered. This past week, the Department of Justice settled nearly all of these cases, but they also required the IRS to make a public apology for targeting these groups unlawfully in the first place. Imagine that, the IRS apologizing, and the government admitting publicly it has been wrong.
This is a great victory for righteousness and for the Constitution. It also provides us with a reason to pause and give thanks. Our prayers are availing much, and we need to continue praying for our great nation.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Yesterday, the major story on the network news, other than Fox, was Senator Jeff Flake’s denunciation of President Trump from the floor of the Senate. There was no mention, or very little mention, of the Uranium One scandal that is rocking Hillary, the FBI, the DNC, Eric Holder’s DOJ, and even the Obama White House. Essentially, the scolding of Trump by an unpopular Senator was seen as more important than the subversion of our nation.

While it is unusual for a Senator to excoriate a sitting President from his own party, it pales in importance when compared to the security breach that occurred by selling 20% of our uranium to Russia. That this story isn’t even being reported yet, or is being badly under-reported, is a clear indication of just how out of step the mainstream media is with what is important, what is truly newsworthy, and what is in the best interest of the American people.
In their tunnel-vision hatred for President Trump, they spend all of their time and efforts looking for ways to make him look like he is criminally incompetent, including falsifying the news, rather than actually doing their job, which is to keep the American people informed with the news.
This isn’t going to change, but it is a clear indicator of how far we have fallen and how long the road is to our recovery. The media, which is dominated by Progressives, is more interested in making the nation conform to its flawed worldview, than they are in seeing things accurately and reporting the truth.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The Uranium One scandal is being mis-categorized. It’s being looked at as corruption by Hillary, Mueller, Rosenstein, Holder, and perhaps even Obama. Although it does involve corruption, I believe it is a mistake to view it this way.

Instead, it should be categorized as a National Security breach. For a semi-hostile foreign power to be allowed to own 20% of our uranium, the essential ingredient for making nuclear weapons, is not just a bad deal, it is also treasonous, and it should be dealt with as such.
According to the New Your Times, about one-fifth of the uranium purchased by Uranium One cannot be accounted for. This is not just unacceptable, it is also criminal negligence. This should not be looked at as a partisan issue—not at all. Many people are involved from both parties. Remember, atomic bombs do not discriminate. They kill everybody.
What President Trump should do is convene his National Security Team, access to enormity of the problem, and use the Department of Homeland Security to ferret out wrongdoing instead of the Department of Justice. Let these criminal officials be tried for treason and not for corruption.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In the summer of 2016, I posted repeated about how the “Fix” had been set by Loretta Lynch’s DOJ, Comey’s FBI, and the Clinton campaign. I was criticized repeatedly for standing for the truth. It’s all well documented on “Creating Trump Nation.”
Yet, despite the truth finally being revealed, where is the justice? In what way have either Hillary or Bill Clinton been held accountable? And why hasn’t Jeff Sessions’ DOJ done anything about this vast miscarriage of justice?
Do I want vengeance? No, I do not. All I want is for the law to be the same for everyone, just like it is supposed to be. Hillary, America’s malevolent Jezebel, continues to mock justice, as she spreads her acrimony on many waters.
Jack Watts
Creating Trump Nation—autographed: 

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COMMON SENSE: Concerning the Mandalay Bay Massacre, on Thursday, Special Agent Aaron Rouse said, ““You need us. You trust us, and the way we have that trust is by using good discretion about what we share.” For nearly my entire life, I have trusted the FBI to do the right thing, firmly believing they always pursued the best interests of the American people, but I no longer believe this is true. How can I? How can you?
Because of the way former Director Comey conducted the Bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton, coupled with the way he manipulated the system into having a Special Prosecutor appointed to investigate a non-crime concerning President Trump, I do not trust the FBI at all. Their image is not much better than that of Harvey Weinstein.
Instead of leading the way into Draining the Swamp, the FBI is part of the Swamp that needs to be drained. Rather than trust the FBI to find the answers, I’m not even sure they they shouldn’t be part of the investigation. One theory is that the shooter was working for the FBI, selling guns to ISIS in a Fast & Furious sting operation that backfired. If this is true, we will never know what really happened.
The FBI, like Weinstein, is what is wrong with America. The image of both is forever tarnished, and for good reason. Weinstein is depraved, and the FBI has been consistently turning a blind eye to depravity for years.
No Agent Rouse, we do not trust you. We have about as much confidence in you as we would have in an adulterous spouse.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I wrote extensively about Bowe Bergdahl last year. His case is a perfect example of why we elected Donald Trump to be President.

To begin with, when President Obama made the deal, swapping Bergdahl for five Taliban leaders imprisoned in GITMO, it was done swiftly and semi-secretly. To placate the American people, Obama sent out his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, to tell us Bergdahl served “with honor and distinction,” which was a lie. He deserted his post.
Now, Bergdahl is about to take a plea, admitting he was a deserter. He will serve many years in prison, which is his just penalty, but that’s only part of the story.
Several soldiers died looking for this deserter. Their lives cannot be replaced. Despite this, Obama, knowing the entire story, chose to release five mass murderers to retrieve a traitor. These are the kind of deals Obama made, and it’s why we refused to elect his crooked Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. And now, you know the rest of the story.
(All of my Bergdahl commentaries are available in CREATING TRUMP NATION: mcgeeandme.net/books)
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I believe Iran is more dangerous than North Korea. Here’s why. Kim Jong Un may be a ruthless dictator, even a paranoid megalomaniac, but he does not have a death wish. He wants to survive, but this might not be true of Iran.

Iran is motivated by eschatological beliefs. They are convinced it is their divine mandate to usher in the Twelfth Caliphate, which is the Muslim Millennial Kingdom. This means the Iranians actually are willing to have their nation destroyed for the perceived higher good of a worldwide Islamic Kingdom.
Their belief system is something new to international politics, and we have no adequate foreign policy to counter it. In fact, I doubt many at the State Department or Pentagon even consider this to be a real and legitimate motivating factor, but it is. Our danger level with North Korea is high, but it is off the chart with Iran.
I’m not guessing about this.
Jack Watts

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