
Archive for July, 2014

In America, this is a great time to be a patriot. Because Progressives and the Radical Left do not consider the Constitution and the Rule of Law to be sacred, we must. Their disdain for traditional values has provided us with the opportunity to take a strong stand for what we believe. To oppose them effectively, however, we must be steadfast and immovable. It’s the only way to restore our nation to greatness, but being determined isn’t enough.

Equally important, we must have the knowledge necessary to express ourselves confidently and convincingly. This is something many are unable to do. It’s a problem that must be addressed and resolved.

In the twenty-first century, the United States faces new challenges and new dangers, which once again require an informed citizenry to take a stand for what is right. To remain strong, we must remain resolute. To remain resolute, we must have convictions. To have convictions, we must know what we believe. To know what we believe, we must return to the original documents. There is no other way.

In the nineteenth century, Lord Acton pointed out, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” His words seem more appropriate today than when he first spoke them. We live in perilous times—times which require good men and women to stand firmly against those who hate our way of life and plot our destruction.

We also face dangers from within—from those who no longer accept America’s traditional values as their own. There have always been people like them among us; but their numbers have grown. Now, they threaten to overwhelm us.

For decades I’ve heard people warn of impending doom; and like most, I’ve dismissed what they have had to say as ludicrous, conspiratorial nonsense. Now, their warnings of impending disaster don’t seem as far fetched as they once did. Being ignorant about our heritage is no longer an option. Remaining unaware and complacent carries a heavy price tag. We must be prepared.

America has weathered many storms. We will need to weather many more, but we cannot do so without being vigilant—without being informed. With perils from without and from within, understanding our great tradition is more important than ever.

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