
Archive for April, 2019

COMMON SENSE: We have never gotten to the bottom of the IRS targeting Conservatives and “Tea-Party” associations in the “scandal free” Obama administration. That we haven’t is unacceptable.
Lois Lerner, the IRS executive behind the targeting, is enjoying her retirement, drawing full benefits, despite her criminal behavior.
Now, it has come to light that the Department of Justice under Eric Holder was complicit in this entire scheme. The DOJ withheld over 800 pages of Lerner documents citing “taxpayer privacy” and “deliberative privilege.” Yet these internal DOJ documents show Ms. Lerner was talking to DOJ officials about prosecuting tax-exempt entities (yes, criminally!) two years before the IRS conceded there was inappropriate targeting.
Justice requires that indictments be made. At bare minimum, Holder and Lerner need to spend years in prison. There must be no mercy for this massive public corruption.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Joe Biden says that we are in a fight for “the soul of America.” I absolutely agree with him. We are, but his soul is dark, corrupt, and at odds with the vision our forefathers had when they founded the greatest nation on earth. They championed:
—America first, not globalism
—A melting pot, not hateful identity politics
—Strong borders, not open borders
—The Judeo-Christian ethic, not pro Islamism
—The rights of citizens, not those of illegals
—Patriotism, love of country, not self-loathing
—Unapologetic pride in the American way of life
Biden says that world leaders begged him to run for President. Why wouldn’t they? They know he would go back to the failed policies of Barack Obama, where our allies paid less than 1% of their GDP for defense, while we paid close to 4% to protect them. They want trade agreements where they continue to exploit our nation—not the tough negotiations of Donald Trump. They want a President who will bow to them, not one who will stand strong, always putting the USA first.
Nothing can be clearer than what is at stake in 2020. It is a battle for the heart and soul of America, and it is a battle we must win. We need to send a strong message to the world that America will remain the land of the free and the home of the brave. Don’t you agree?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When it comes to targeting Americans for political gain, nothing should surprise me about the Obama administration, but something has. For nearly three years, I have known about and written about the secret cabal to exonerate Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump, but the spying and subterfuge have not been limited to the 2016 Presidential Election.
Obama’s intelligence community, including Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, Yates, McCabe, and a host of others, have been illegally surveilling Americans for at least four years of Obama’s Presidency. There have been four full-time clandestine operatives working to gain information on Republicans, using the FISA court to obtain illegal warrants.
The chief judge of the FISA court has brought this to the attention of Attorney General Barr. Names of these operatives have been given by the judge. There will be grand jury testimony given, and indictments will be forthcoming.
The key to the entire illegal spying operation focuses on the FISA court, where fraudulent claims were made routinely to spy on Republicans. Trump was just one of them. There were many others. Because gaining a warrant in a FISA court is an Ex-Partee hearing, meaning those spied upon have no representation, this entire operation occurred in secrecy. It was a brilliant scheme, but completely corrupt.
Just like the use of the IRS to target political opponents, these four operatives used the FISA court to legitimize their illegal spying. This entire operation is about to be exposed to the light of day, and there will be a slew of indictments. Not even CNN can cover up this scandal.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton’s Obstruction of Justice is coming apart at the seams. Yesterday, under oath, Bill Priestap, the Assistant Director of the FBI Counter-Intelligence Division, said that, ” the agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House, specifically, the Executive Office of the President. The FBI also admitted nearly 49,000 Clinton server emails were reviewed as result of a search warrant for her material on the laptop of Anthony Weiner.”
Judge Royce Lamberth ordered Obama administration senior “State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, as well as Priestap, to be deposed” under oath. “The court ruled that the Clinton email system was ‘one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency’.”
Hillary Clinton’s emails were obtained from the following:
Bryan Pagliano
Cheryl Mills
Executive Office of the President
Heather Samuelson
Jacob Sullivan
Justin Cooper
United States Department of State
United States Secret Service
Williams & Connolly LLP
This admission in court connects the coverup of Hillary’s missing emails directly to President Obama for the first time.
Hang on, folks, the you-know-what is about to hit the fan.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: There is a way to diffuse the obstruction of justice narrative, but it’s not by doing battle with the likes of Nadler, Schiff, or Swallwell. It’s easy and guaranteed to work.
Mr. President, instead of responding to your attackers, go straight to the source of their argument. Declassify all the material relating to the issuance of the original FISA warrants. Because they were fraudulently obtained and renewed, everything that resulted from the Russian Collusion investigation is flawed. Every finding and narrative of the Mueller investigation is fruit of the poisoned tree.
This entire, shameful episode in American history has been nothing more than an attempted coup by Deep State operatives from the Obama administration. By declassifying every document concerning the opening of the investigation, which you must do immediately, you will be exposing this fraudulent investigation to the light of day.
But you must do this now. Do not allow the Deep State and the Presidential hopefuls of the Democratic Party to continue their assault against you with impunity. Act now. Expose this traitorous plot for what it has been from day one. It’s time to go on offense.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Because many are confused, I would like to help. Using an example we all understand, you are either pregnant or you are not. There is no such thing as being a “little bit” pregnant.

In the case of the Mueller Report, there was no charge brought against President Trump concerning obstruction of justice. The choice is binary—either they could have indicted him or not. By saying there would be no indictment, while not being “exonerated,” means nothing legally.
Mueller’s team could not find sufficient evidence to charge, but they still wanted to get Trump. That’s obvious. Not exonerating him was their way of doing it. There was no collusion—period. So, all they had left was to try and indict Trump for defending himself against a crime that never happened. This is how bizarre this has become.
Nadler, Schiff, Omar, Swallwell, and their kind think we will sit by and allow them to finish the job the Deep State could not do, but they are mistaken. We will fight them every inch of the way. You can count on it. 
By trashing Trump, Mueller has proven he is no better than Comey, who did exactly the same thing to Hillary. Both were unfair and actually illegal.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: For close to three years, we have had to push back on the narrative that our President, Donald J. Trump, has been a traitor. Mean-spirited Progressives have had no qualms about stating this, going so far as to malign people like us for being so stupid that we have denied the obvious. Because their goal has been to “save” our country, they have justified their savage assaults against Trump and fools like us for steadfastly supporting him.
Now, the truth is out, and it’s plain as day. There was no traitorous collusion—not even one smidgen of it. There was no crime at all, but that no longer matters to the Left. Without apology for being wrong for so long, they have shifted their assault to a new narrative—obstruction of justice.
That Trump was an innocent man being falsely accused, and never a traitor, isn’t even being acknowledged by the purveyors of hate. Instead, their new goal is to “get Trump” by saying that he obstructed an investigation into a crime that never existed. Just as bad, they are now attacking us for not buying into their new false narrative.
With them, it will never end. They lack the character quality of being able to repent when they have been wrong, and all you have to do in turn on your TV to see that this is true. The vicious assaults continue, and we are still being castigated as fools for not buying into their goal of destroying the President no matter what it takes to do it.
They have been feeding us chicken you-know-what for years, telling us it is chicken salad. Enough is enough. With equal fervor, we must now get to the bottom of discovering who has perpetrated this false narrative, prosecute them, and send them to jail for a very long time. These people are the real traitors, and we will not rest until they are brought to justice. What I have just written is true—every word of it. You know this, right?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If the purpose of the Mueller Investigation was to determine whether or not Trump, or his campaign, was colluding with the Russians, then we have our answer. It wasn’t. Neither the candidate nor the campaign. Mueller’s Report makes this crystal clear. It also makes clear that the Steele Dossier, the predicate for the investigation, was a fraud.
Then, why has there been no jubilation—no collective sigh of relief that President Trump is not a Manchurian Candidate? Why aren’t people cheering that Russia’s attempt to infiltrate the Trump campaign failed? Why is this—the initial reason for the investigation—barely being mentioned?
It’s because the true purpose of the investigation has been to drive President Trump from office. This has always been the purpose. That the Progressive Left has failed to accomplish their goal is why there is fury throughout America instead of gratitude. When Comey told Trump he was not the target of the investigation three times, the FBI Director lied three times. That alone is reason enough to fire him.
By leaving the obstruction question open, Mueller and his team have done their best to aid the Deep State, the media, and Leftists to continue their attempts to drive Trump from office, but we are not about to allow that to happen. We know what’s happening and we know the truth.
By the way, isn’t trying to undermine Trump’s ability to govern obstruction of justice? It’s time to take the gloves off and bring all of this nonsense before a grand jury. Indict the criminals and send them to jail for a long time.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused Judge Kavanaugh of being sexually inappropriate—without corroboration—President Trump never wavered in his support for his Supreme Court nominee. The attack on Kavanaugh, as you remember, was fierce and relentless, but Trump hung tight.
Remember this tomorrow. When the Mueller Report is released, it will be filled with innuendos and unsubstantiated suppositions—all aimed at undermining our support for the President. When the chips are down, like they were with the Kavanaugh nomination, Trump has never flinched. Neither should we. Because he stands for us, we must have his back as well.
We must withstand the tsunami of slander coming our way, fiercely opposing it. The jackals are circling, and they smell blood. Let them. Stand strong anyway. Our future depends on it.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The Mueller Report will show there never was any collusion, even though Comey’s FBI tried to implant Halpern and others, all spies, into the Trump campaign to legitimize their investigation. They were never successful in doing this though, despite repeatedly trying.
Nevertheless, Mueller has been trying to “get Trump” on obstruction of justice for more than two years. He has tried this, even though:
—There was no legitimate predicate for the investigation.
—The FISA warrants to spy were initiated fraudulently.
—And there was no legitimate crime to investigate.
They have have been trying to destroy Trump’s Presidency without ever establishing a crime. So, by simply defending himself from being wrongfully accused, which the Report will show, Trump has been guilty of obstruction of justice in the eyes of those who set out to drive him out of office.
And we, the American people, are expected to sit by idly and allow our choice for President to be nullified by fraud, illegal surveillance, and warrants that were never grounded in fact? To expect us to do this is insane.
This isn’t going to happen. We will not allow it to happen just because this is what the Progressives want. Instead, now that they have failed, we want their activities, many of which were treasonous, to be investigated legitimately. Let those who have attempted this coup be exposed, prosecuted, and imprisoned for decades.
—Jack Watts

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