
Archive for April, 2016

COMMON SENSE: At this time in 1980, I was finishing my course work for my Ph.D. in Political Science at Emory University. Ronald Reagan was close to becoming the Republican nominee. All of my professors at Emory were thrilled by this, because the polls showed that Jimmy Carter, Georgia’s own, would destroy Reagan in the general election.
At the time, I believed my professors were right, but I didn’t allow that to stop me. I loved my nation more—still do. Consequently, I decided to tell everybody I met, while selling fashion shoes part-time at I. Miller, about why Reagan would be a better President than Carter. My professors continued to mock the people’s choice, and the Republican establishment lamented the insanity of its own supporters—just like now.
The rest is history, and it’s about to repeat itself. Our choice will be Trump or Hillary—Crooked Hillary. So, stop your whining, negative defeatism and make a commitment to get to work. We need to save this great nation of ours. It can be done, but it will take a monumental effort to do so.

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COMMON SENSE: Because of what happened in New York, I believe Trump will win the nomination on the 1st ballot. My candidate, Cruz, couldn’t even compete. So, all of this talk about what will happen on subsequent ballots is just a waste of time. Uncommitted delegates will be under enormous pressure to support Trump.
Although I did not see it coming, Trump is clearly the people’s choice, and I plan to support him and not be an obstructionist. I suggest you do the same thing, even if you don’t want to admit doing so publicly.
The media has done an excellent job of telling us Hillary will destroy Trump in the general election, but I don’t believe that for one minute. There is tremendous enthusiasm for Trump and none for Hillary. Besides, her ethical problems may yet doom her candidacy.
I would like for Trump to be kinder—except for calling Clinton “Crooked Hillary.” I like that. I would also like to see him appoint Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. If that happened, Trump would make a lot of us happy.
Here is what I suggest. Let your anger go, knowing that defeating Crooked Hillary is essential for preserving our heritage and making America great again.

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COMMON SENSE: My advice to Bernie Sanders is the exact opposite of what I have suggested for Cruz and Kasich. Regardless of how substantial the lead Hillary has developed, Bernie should continue. The reason is an independent variable that the Republicans don’t have—an FBI investigation.
Despite the fix probably being set by Obama and Loretta Lynch to keep Hillary from being indicted, it will be difficult to keep 100 FBI agents silent about Crooked Hillary’s crimes. When they comes out, and they will, Bernie needs to be there to pick up the pieces. So, keep running, Bernie. You may end up being the nominee, after all.

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COMMON SENSE: What a blowout in New York for Donald Trump. When the primaries began, I liked Walker, Rubio, and Cruz; eventually landing on Cruz. I liked him because of his commitment to the Constitution and the Rule of Law, which President Obama has never followed or honored. Of the seventeen candidates, like so many others, I considered the Trump candidacy to be a joke, but I was wrong.
He is clearly he choice of the people, despite what the Republican establishment wants. Since the RINOs have given us McCain and Romney—both of whom ran terrible campaigns—perhaps they need to reevaluate their position on Trump. Mathematically, Kasich has been dead meat for weeks. If he had any dignity, he would quit, but he will not. Instead, he wants to try any manipulate the process to gain the nomination, despite the fact that he has been soundly repudiated by the people.
My candidate, Cruz, is on life-support and will be eliminated mathematically next Tuesday. I hope he is gracious and gets out of the race. There are a lot of conservatives who do not like Trump, but I can’t believe any of them would prefer Hillary Clinton—who Trump has accurately deemed “Crooked Hillary.”
Now, it’s time to come together and heal the hurt feelings that so many have. We must do this. It’s our responsibility. After all, America is worth it. Our choice is either Trump or Crooked Hillary. I know which one will be best for America; don’t you?

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COMMON SENSE: I need to address something most people don’t understand. Both Bernie and John Kasich poll well because they have not been relentlessly attacked like Cruz and Trump have, especially Trump. Even Hillary has remained virtually untouched–so far at least.
Because neither The Bern nor Kasich have a chance of being nominated, they have remained free from attack ads. At the same time, because so many fear a Trump Presidency, he has received millions of dollars worth of attack ads. Naturally, his favorables will go down, while those who are not attacked tend to rise.
In a general election, all of this will change, however, and it will change fast—especially when the Super Pacs go after Hillary’s incompetence and corruption. So, don’t let the media influence you into abandoning your candidate. Remain strong and let the chips fall where they may.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This may be the most direct and clearly stated announcement President Obama has ever made. It should give all of us comfort, knowing that Hillary Clinton’s criminal activity will finally be addressed—just like it would be for any other American. The Rule of Law will be followed; justice will prevail; and Hillary will be indicted.
Despite Obama’s unambiguous clarity, I don’t believe what he said for one minute; do you? After seven years of repeated deception, to accept Obama’s promise at face value would be as foolhardy as taking an alcoholic’s promise that he will never drink again. In fact, the more he guarantees the process will be honest, the more certain I am that the fix is in place.
—Jack Watts

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Jack at Kappa SigCOMMON SENSE: At my fraternity, Kappa Sigma, each year we held a “Pig Party.” On that evening, each brother would ask out a really ugly girl, bring her over to the fraternity house, and laugh at all of them behind their backs, secretly choosing the Queen. Although I never participated, I was a brother, so these were the kind of guys I associated with. Many fraternities did things like this—not just ours.
The brothers loved to mock these girls, who had no idea how badly they were being ridiculed. It was a terrible thing to do, but it illustrates an important point. In my analogy, Ted Cruz is the Ugly Girl who is being courted by the Republican Establishment.
Cruz is all smiles, believing he actually has gained the support of Washington D.C., RINOs, but he hasn’t. They are using him, mocking him behind his back, just waiting for the opportunity to humiliate him—dropping him like a hot potato. Sadly, like the unfortunate girls, who believed a handsome guy saw through the veneer of unattractiveness to their inner beauty, Cruz believes the Republican Establishment is embracing his candidacy. Just like the Pig Party, everything about it is deceptive.
Rather than bask in the false glow of this scam, Cruz would be much better served to make peace with Donald Trump, and via-se-versa. If the two men unite, which would require wisdom and discernment from both of them—a tall order—the RINOs would not be strong enough to accomplish their goal, which is to snatch the nomination away from both of them.
The only way for the Establishment to achieve its goal, which is to nominate Kasich or someone else, is for the Cruz and Trump to remain enmeshed in their adolescent squabbles. So far, just like my fraternity brothers, this nefarious RINO strategy is working, and they are laughing—just like the Kappa Sigs did at the ugly girls so many years ago.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Donald Trump isn’t a stupid man, but it looks like he doesn’t understand the rules of the game he is playing. Because he doesn’t have the organization that Cruz has, Trump is crying foul, making people believe he is being cheated. On the surface, it appears that he is.
Because the system favors the establishment, at the expense of individual voters, Trump is making his case to the American people. It’s a brilliant idea, and I think it’s going to work. Trump is making Cruz look sleazy for simply following the rules. Trump’s outrage is aimed at NY, PA, NJ, and CA voters—not the uncommitted delegates Cruz is putting in his back pocket from CO and other states.
To think that Trump doesn’t know what he is doing is naive; he knows exactly what he is doing. His strategy, which marginalizes Cruz, will ensure that the turnout for future elections favors him, and the delegates from those contests go into the Trump column.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Let me be perfectly clear about this: Obamacare is good policy, when compared to the disastrous deal the Obama Administration made, concerning the Iranian nuke deal. Our negotiator, John Kerry, was taken to the cleaners by the Ayatollahs. The Iranian nuke program—now free from inspection—is racing forward, fully intent on ushering in the 12th Caliphate. From an American perspective, that’s World War III. From a millennial perspective, it’s Armageddon. Regardless of how you cut it, this ill-suited deal may cost millions of lives, which is exactly what Iran wants, even if it means their own annihilation.
Even though Obama and Kerry are fully-aware that they have been had, they cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Their legacy will be forever tarnished—just like Neville Chamberlain’s. Even worse, grade schoolers in America will pay for this mistake with their lives—no question about it.
—Jack Watts

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11149533_10153186046555748_2424552664195312802_n-1COMMON SENSE: Many have tried to explain the Trump phenomenon, but most are clueless. To begin with, you must understand the mindset of the American people. It’s isn’t anger and hatred they feel, as much as it is righteous indignation. There’s a —a big difference.
Trump has tapped into this. Call it the American spirit that demands righteousness, regardless of how it is achieved. It’s the “Frontier Thesis” of Frederick Jackson Turner for a new millennium. People who like Trump are not racists and bigots, as the liberal media would have you believe. His supporters are rugged individualists who demand not only personal freedom but also personal accountability.
For people like these, and there are millions of them, Trump is as heroic as John Wayne, with the snarly edge of Dirty Harry. His supporters loathe the sappy weakness of Progressives, every bit as much as they champion American exceptionalism. Trumpsters, because of the strength of their convictions, will not back down, when trouble arrises. Instead, like Dirty Harry, they head toward it.
How many rugged individualists are there in America, as compared to those who want something for nothing, I’m uncertain, but I do suspect there are enough to give Trump the Republican nomination on the 1st ballot. Even if Trump goes down to ignominious defeat, he has stirred something in the American consciousness—like Barry Goldwater did in 1964—and a new wave of patriotic strength is certain to emerge from it.

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