
Archive for the ‘Ferdinand and Isabella’ Category

COMMON SENSE: I’ve been challenged to say something positive about Donald Trump, rather than just continue to point out how corrupt Hillary Clinton is, which she is. So, here goes:
1. Although Trump is not a traditional Christian, his love of country is very attractive. He genuinely wants to make America great again and has been willing to take millions of dollars worth of vicious ads aimed at him—both from the Right and the Left. He’s doing this for us, and I admire him for it.
2. As compared to Barack Obama, President Squat-to-Pee, Trump is a very strong man—one our allies will respect and our foes will fear. Unlike Obama, Trump will do what he says he will do, rather than behave like Phineas T. Bluster.
3. Trump is committed to work for free. With Hillary selling favors to foreign nations—all to benefit her personal wealth—Trump will do the exact opposite. Running for President has cost him plenty. We can count on him to do the right thing for the right reason at the right time.
4. Trump will create real wealth for America and make our military stronger—both of which we desperately need after being raped by Team Obama.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This statement, which seems comical, is actually quite poignant. It reveals why the Western Democracies, including the USA, have been unable to combat al Qaeda and ISIS effectively, but the problem isn’t just with Bernie. It goes much deeper.
Essentially, Socialists and Progressives—people like Obama, Kerry, and Hillary—have a fundamental flaw in their belief system. According to their way of thinking, which features a materialistic worldview rather than a theistic one, there is something missing in the lives of terrorists. Therefore, the way to end terrorism is to discover what the problem is, and find a way to provide a solution.
One non-theistic interpretation of the problem is this: Because of climate change, the Middle East is becoming uninhabitable. The terrorists are simply trying to fight their way out of the desert to find more suitable surroundings. So, the answer isn’t to fight them; it’s to find them a better place to live.
Leaders in our State Department, and many others in Europe, actually believe nonsense like this is true. It’s what makes us as vulnerable as we are. Our greatest enemy isn’t Jihadism; it’s the flawed thinking of Progressives and Socialists.
At its core, Radical Islamic Terrorism is a theological problem. They want a worldwide Caliphate—one ushered in by the blood of Islamic martyrs. Until Sharia Law is universally accepted worldwide, they will not be satisfied. Because their traditional enemy, Israel, will never bow their knees and accept Allah as supreme, all Jews must die. The USA, the Great Satan, is next.
In 1492, when Columbus was discovering the New World, the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, expelled all Muslims from Europe. Although history has not been kind to them for this, it’s becoming increasingly easier to understand why they did it, isn’t it?
Twice before, the Islamic assault on the West has been stopped in its tracks, sending these barbarians back to where they belong. This feat was accomplished by those who understood that the problem was actually a war of belief systems—Islam versus Judeo-Christianity. That hasn’t changed. It’s still the same fight, but the Progressives and Socialists don’t have the capacity to understand it. Because they cannot conceptualize in terms like this, they are incapable of resolving the problem. With Progressives leading us, we will never be safe.
Muslims Jihadists understand brute force and nothing else. Playing nice, and trying to understand them, doesn’t work. It never has, and it never will. It’s also the reason why electing Progressives is self-defeating. If you want to be safe, you have to elect people who understand the problem, and Hillary certainly isn’t one of them.
—Jack Watts

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11149533_10153186046555748_2424552664195312802_n-1COMMON SENSE: Many have tried to explain the Trump phenomenon, but most are clueless. To begin with, you must understand the mindset of the American people. It’s isn’t anger and hatred they feel, as much as it is righteous indignation. There’s a —a big difference.
Trump has tapped into this. Call it the American spirit that demands righteousness, regardless of how it is achieved. It’s the “Frontier Thesis” of Frederick Jackson Turner for a new millennium. People who like Trump are not racists and bigots, as the liberal media would have you believe. His supporters are rugged individualists who demand not only personal freedom but also personal accountability.
For people like these, and there are millions of them, Trump is as heroic as John Wayne, with the snarly edge of Dirty Harry. His supporters loathe the sappy weakness of Progressives, every bit as much as they champion American exceptionalism. Trumpsters, because of the strength of their convictions, will not back down, when trouble arrises. Instead, like Dirty Harry, they head toward it.
How many rugged individualists are there in America, as compared to those who want something for nothing, I’m uncertain, but I do suspect there are enough to give Trump the Republican nomination on the 1st ballot. Even if Trump goes down to ignominious defeat, he has stirred something in the American consciousness—like Barry Goldwater did in 1964—and a new wave of patriotic strength is certain to emerge from it.

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COMMON SENSE: From the beginning, Jihad has been an integral part of Islam. That has never changed, and it never will. What has changed is this recent encroachment into Western society, which hasn’t happened since Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Moors from Spain in 1492.
The idea that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” is a new concept, espoused by the Progressives and Leftists who routinely engage in historical revisionism. Islam has always expanded by the sword. This will never change either. What we have to decide, as a nation, is whether or not to allow people into America—who have no intention of assimilating in our great “melting pot”—like all of our ancestors once did. It’s as simple as that.
Should we permit people who consider the United States to be the “Great Satan” into our country? To not allow them entrance is a repudiation of our values—no question about it. But to allow them in is probably suicidal. For me, I say keep them out. It’s easier to deal with feeling guilty than it is to deal with a severed head, which is the intention of many who want in. Don’t kid yourself about this either.
—Jack Watts

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