
Archive for the ‘Presidential Pardon’ Category

th-4COMMN SENSE: Having taught government in high school and at Emory University, one of the things I like about the Comey/Trump conflict is how we are all learning a thing or two about Constitutional Law. The Left is accusing President Trump of Obstruction of Justice, but Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz says that simply is not true.
On CNN, Dershowitz, who is no Conservative said: “Trump could have told Comey, ‘You are commanded, you are directed, to drop the prosecution against Flynn.’ . . . He could’ve said to Comey, ‘Stop this investigation, I am now pardoning Flynn. That’s what President Bush did.” Dershowitz then cited the case of Caspar Weinberger, who was pardoned by George H.W. Bush before he could be tried in connection to the Iran-Contra scandal.
I understand that emotions are running high about this, but we must remember the Rule of Law is what will determine the outcome, not who can shout the loudest.

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th-1COMMON SENSE: Here are 10 things we have learned from former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony:
1. President Trump was never under investigation about Russia.
2. President Trump did not obstruct justice, despite his disgruntled former employees desire for this to be true.
3. President Trump did not collude with Russia.
4. Although they tried, Russia did not alter the election’s outcome.
5. President Trump wanted all “satellite” staffers, who were behaving illegally, to be caught, exposed, and prosecuted.
5. Comey, the former Director of the FBI, admitted to leaking at least one memo illegally.
6. Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton, which is Obstruction of Justice.
7. Despite overwhelming evidence to indict Hillary, Comey chose not to pursue this. Why not?
8. Because they hate the President, CNN and other news outlets have been falsifying their coverage of this story the entire time.
9. No reasonable person can still believe President Trump has done anything criminal or worthy of impeachment.
10. The Russia narrative is now dead, although it will be pushed by the Progressives for quite a while longer.
It’s time to get back to work. It’s time to Make America Great Again.
Check out my book, Creating Trump Nation
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Under FBI Director James Comey, the Bureau has been engaged in illegal surveillance of Americans for years. Just like the IRS was used to target President Obama’s political opponents not-for-profit status, it looks like the FBI has also been weaponized against Obama’s opponents.
According to Circa, “In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was ‘lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.’ Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.”
Comey, who gained prominence by being the DOJ official who cleared President Clinton of wrongdoing in the pardoning of Marc Rich, in the final days of Clinton’s Presidency, is not the squeaky clean public servant the media wants us to believe he is—far from it. From the time he got Bill off, Comey has been in bed with the Clintons, becoming extraordinarily wealthy in the process.
Now, as part of the Deep State, his purpose is to bring down President Trump, but the corruption at the FBI, which is just beginning to surface, threatens Comey’s agenda.
Tuesday’s broadcast of WATTS UP! will be, “Comey: The man, the Myth, and the Miscreant.” I will post a link later. Stay tuned. (By the way, I’m not suicidal.)

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Malik-Obama-Birth-Certificate.001-min.jpegCOMMON SENSE: Yesterday, I posted several Tweets from Malik Obama about President Obama being born in Kenya and not in Hawaii, as Barack has attested. Why would I do such a thing? I knew I was going to get hammered for it. Shouldn’t I have realized that by posting Malik’s ludicrous assertion I would hurt my credibility? Besides, as everybody knows, the birther issue is old news, thoroughly debunked, right? Only wackos think differently. Isn’t that correct?
Malik is just a jealous, crazy sibling who wants to hurt his younger brother. That was the whole story, nothing more, right? Besides, shouldn’t Malik be grateful that Barack’s IRS gave him retroactive 501c4 tax exempt status, legitimizing Malik’s foundation, which had been operating fraudulently for years. How ungrateful can Malik be?
Then, why would Malik Tweet Barack’s “real” birth certificate now, when it no longer makes a difference? Does this have any relevance now that Barack’s term is complete?
Think of it this way. Next to your spouse, who knows you the best? Who knows your weaknesses and vulnerabilities more than your siblings? Nobody! In my opinion, this is why Malik Tweeted it. He wants to hurt his brother, and this is how he can do it. Malik knows the truth, and he wants to use it to destroy Barack’s credibility. By announcing to the world that his younger brother is a complete fraud, Malik is trying to do to his brother what Barack tried to do to America for eight years—take us down a notch or two.
Will we ever know the truth about this issue? No, I don’t believe we will—not unless President Trump unseals Barack’s records with an Executive Order, which I think he should do.
Jack Watts

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angry-obama-scCOMMON SENSE: When President Obama commuted the sentence of Bradley Manning, now called Chelsea, it shocked and infuriated nearly everybody. So, why would Obama do it, other than he could? Here’s my theory.

WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, promised to begin releasing documents about Hillary foundation on January 19th, but so far he hasn’t done it. I believe Assange hasn’t and will not release them because he cut a secret deal with Obama. If Manning was released, nobody would learn the truth about how Hillary had compromised through her foundation.

By not releasing any further documents about Hillary’s corruption, Assange is simply keeping his end of the bargain. By commuting Manning’s sentence just before leaving office, Obama, Hillary, and every other corrupted official wins. The only losers are us—the American people. As he was walking out the door, the self-proclaimed “most transparent President in history” did one more sneaky, reprehensible thing.

If I’m wrong about this, I’ll apologize, but you know I’m right, don’t you?

—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: I’m in favor of the Inspector General looking into the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email server investigation. All of us, regardless of whether conservative or liberal, need to know what really happened. One week Director Comey was a hero and the next a villain, depending on what perspective you happened to have.

That the clandestine meeting between President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch hasn’t been included in the investigation indicates this is an attempt to skew the findings. That meeting was the seminal event in the entire fiasco, and no honest assessment of what happened can be made without including it.
Clearly, this is a last-minute attempt by Team Obama to undermine the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency, but like every other attempt, it’s destined to backfire. Once he is in office, all Trump’s team needs to do is expand the scope of the Inspector General’s investigation to include the Clinton-Lynch meeting.
By that time, Obama will be out of office and no longer able to pardon his former Attorney General. Even if he has already pardoned her in his last week, which Obama may well do, Lynch will finally have to answer direct questions under oath or commit perjury. Either way, this corrupt woman will be exposed, and it will come from Obama’s attempt to discredit Trump. The same thing is true for Bill Clinton. With any luck, the investigation, initiated by Obama, may end up implicating him, and it will be a self-inflicted wound that ends up benefitting Trump. Oh what a web we do weave . . .
Jack Watts #MAGA #Draintheswamp

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COMMON SENSE: Team Clinton really believes this, and they are not done yet. Make no mistake about it, the Clinton Campaign was behind Jill Stein’s effort to overturn to results in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania—Hillary’s Blue Wall. Since flipping all three states was necessary to change the outcome, the federal judge’s decision to stop the recount in Michigan ended any chance of Hillary stealing the election this way, but she is still not done.
Until Trump is sworn in, which is a month after the Electoral College meets, you can count on the Queen of Darkness to be busy trying to reverse the outcome. Normally, the meeting of the Electoral College is perfunctory but not this time. Currently, her surrogates are contacting Trump electors and trying to influence them to change their votes.
Perhaps this is why Trump is so active and visible since the election. Usually, a President-Elect is only seen occasionally, but Trump has changed all of that, gaining good will by being highly visible.
Will Hillary’s effort amount to anything? It’s doubtful, but she’s like a villain from a scary movie that keeps coming back to life. Even Obama’s security review about Russian involvement in influencing the election is suspect. Frankly, until Trump puts his hand on the Bible to take the Oath of Office, I intend to remain vigilant, and I suggest that you follow my example.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Our nation remains deeply divided, but is there a way to reunite us? I believe there is, but it is not by becoming more accommodating to the Progressives. In fact, it is just the opposite. The way to come together is by “Draining the Swamp.” Let me explain.

Millions of Americans believe Hillary Clinton is either the legitimate victor in last month’s election, because she won the popular vote, or they believe she should be the winner anyway, because Donald Trump is such a horrible person. They are unshakable in their conviction that Hillary is the most qualified, and she would make the best President.
To reunite, we must shake their convictions, and the only way to do this is by unmasking Hillary and expose her for the world to see. When he becomes President, Donald Trump doesn’t need to do anything to facilitate this other than not be obstructionist like President Obama has. By simply allowing the legal process to unfold, Hillary’s massive pay-to-play corruption will become evident, and millions of Americans will recognized how deceived they have been. Some will continue to embrace their deceptions, but most will reluctantly accept the truth.
The only thing that can stop this from happening is for Trump to renege on his pledge to deal with her corruption, by saying, “She has suffered enough.” This isn’t true, nor should she be allowed to ride off into the sunset with the billions of dollars she has received illegally. We must hold President Trump to his promise on this. It’s the only way we will ever reunite millions of Americans to the Conservative mainstream.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When President-Elect Trump indicated he didn’t want to prosecute Hillary Clinton, at first I was disappointed. Now, I consider it to be strategically brilliant.
Here’s why: Instead of embittering millions of her followers by dragging the Clintons to court, Trump has simply suggested to other nations that they should pursue the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and Bill Clinton Inc., for fraud and corruption.
These nations, eager to ingratiate themselves to the new President, will fall all over themselves in their relentless pursuit of America’s First Family of Crime. It’s inevitable.
Because the evidence is clear and incontrovertible, the results of the investigation will be the same, but they will not be influenced by President Trump or his administration in any way. So, neither Hillary’s followers nor the her sycophantic media will be able to cry foul. They cannot blame Trump for being on a political witch hunt. Even better, it means that a pardon by President Obama will not get her off the hook with foreign nations.
Hillary and Bill will be exposed for exactly who they are. Eventually, even the Progressives will be forced to admit that the American people have been spared by not having her serve as President.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: To understand Jill Stein’s recount initiative, there are some things that you must realize. This has nothing to do with any attempt to ensure the legitimacy of the election. Instead, it’s an attack by Team Clinton to alter the final outcome.
Jill Stein is just a useful tool in the process. If Stein’s motives were pure, which they are not, she would have also targeted New Hampshire for a recount, where Trump lost by 2,732 votes, which is obviously much less than the 70,000 he won by in Pennsylvania. The same is true for Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado, where Trump lost by less votes than he won by in Pennsylvania.
So, what is really happening? To know, you must understand this: Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She is guilty of corruption, pay-to-play, and a number of other criminal activities. She knows this, and she also knows the truth about her activities will eventually be revealed, even if Obama or Trump pardon her, which might happen.
Since she knows she is going to be unmasked, her reasoning is why not have a Hail Mary pass to change the outcome of the election? What does she have to lose?
Right now, corrupt officials from the Democratic Party are creating “previously undiscovered” votes or “fraudulently altered” votes that will change the outcome of the election, and crown the Queen of Darkness the next President of the United States.
Yes, she intends to steal the election, just like she stole the missing $6 billion from the State Department. Knowing her long-standing pattern of criminal behavior is about to be revealed, forever vilifying her name and her legacy, she has nothing to lose. For her, it’s just one more crime and worth the gamble.
Neither Trump, the RNC, the Transition Team, nor the FBI seem to be taking this threat seriously, but it’s real; believe me. I’m sounding the clarion call to be watchful, not because I’m smarter than Trump or the others, but because I do have a better understanding of just how depraved Hillary Rodham Clinton really is.
Just to cover myself, let me say this: I am not suicidal, nor am I accident prone.
Jack Watts

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