
Archive for May, 2019

COMMON SENSE: From the moment Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, we were told we must respect his investigation, which we did. We were told that Mueller’s integrity and impartiality were beyond reproach. Dutifully, we accepted that this was true. Then, we were told to allow the investigation to take its course, unimpeded by anything, so we complied. We did everything the media and the Deep State advocates of the investigation insisted that we do.
Now, after all has been said and done, and there has been no underlying crime established, we have been allowed to see for ourselves who Robert Mueller really is, and I am thrilled that we have.
At his press conference, what I saw was a petty, semi-vindictive man who wanted to take a parting shot at President Trump. That he despises Trump seemed obvious, but I also saw something else—fear. Mueller, whose character is not as elevated as we have been led to believe, does not want to answer any questions, but this is where we draw the line.
I no longer believe anything we have been told, and I will no longer defer to Mueller’s character as being above reproach. It isn’t. He has an agenda, and I suspect he has always had an agenda. Let him testify. Make him testify. Force him to answer hard questions under oath, just like he did to others with impunity for two years. Do it. Do it now!
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The New York Times headline for May 30, 2019 is, “MUELLER DECLINES TO ABSOLVE TRUMP.”
So what? The Special Counsel was not tasked with absolution. His task was to recommend an indictment or not—nothing else. He doesn’t have the power, right, or authority to absolve anybody of anything. Only Christ can do that, and He did it on the Cross.
No prosecutor has ever been given the task of absolution—never in American history. Yet, this is what the NYT tells us Mueller was supposed to do. He wasn’t.
In our system of justice, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Surprisingly, this even includes Donald Trump. Just because the Democrats, the mainstream media, and the Deep State cabal want him to have been found guilty of colluding with the Russians to win the 2016 Presidential election, Mueller couldn’t charge him with it because Trump didn’t do it. There was no evidence that he did anything wrong—period.
That being the case, Mueller, who finally showed his true colors by engaging in prosecutorial misconduct that should lead to his disbarment, said that he couldn’t say that Trump was innocent. He had no right to do this anyway, regardless of the situation. No prosecutor does. Trashing Trump was not Mueller’s right to do. He knew this, but he did it anyway.
What Mueller also did was provide the Democrats with the encouragement they need to bring charges of impeachment against the President. That was Mueller’s true agenda, along with trying to avoid a subpoena.
If the Democrats want to impeach Trump, so be it! Bring it on. Let the chips fall where they may. The one thing for certain Mueller accomplished yesterday was to take away any doubt about where he stands and what his true motive has been from day one. For that, I am delighted.
Jack Watts

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—Mueller essentially invited the Democrats in the House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. That seems clear to me.
—Despite what many Conservatives think or say, this is not good news for Trump, the American people, our economy, or our standing in the world, which is outstanding at the moment. It will stop Trump from doing anything else meaningful for the rest of his term in office.
—Speaker Pelosi, however, is reluctant to pull the trigger on impeachment for two reasons. First, there is no way the Republican Senate will sustain the charge and remove Trump from office. Therefore, it’s a waste of time and political capital. Second, if she does pull the trigger, and the soon-to-be declassified documents show there really was a coup, then she and the House will be on the wrong side of history. She will be laughed at and mocked. Plus, she will lose her job because the House will flip back to Republican control.
—Mueller’s press conference may have been scheduled hastily to take all of the oxygen because the I.G.’s report is about to be released. This report probably will contain a scolding reprimand for everything Mueller has been doing for the past 22 months.
—By holding the press conference, leaving the Justice Department, and becoming a private citizen, Mueller hopes to avoid testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, where he is certain to be asked the date when he knew there was no collusion with the Russians by Trump or anybody else on his team. Mueller does not want to be grilled about any attempt to entrap the President of the United States into committing perjury.
BOTTOM LINE: With Trump on Air Force One and Barr in AK, Mueller called the press conference. By so doing he has insisted on having the last word . . . or so he thinks. Barr may trust him, but I do not.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Once again, I have seriously underestimated the true magnitude of corruption in the Obama administration. Concerning illegal surveillance, I have focused on what the DOJ, FBI, NSA, and CIA did to the Trump campaign and Presidency, essentially leading y’all to believe this was a one-time occurrence, but it wasn’t. It happened to others, going back as far as 2012, perhaps even earlier than this.
Like the IRS, EPA, and other agencies of the federal government, Obama’s White House weaponized the intelligence agencies against all of his political opponents. This is why there was so much unmasking by Samantha Powers, at the U.N., and Susan Rice, as Obama’s National Security Advisor. None of this was legitimate or warranted. Along with numerous others, they target American citizens, using 702s with the FISA courts to do so.
This was a blatant violation of the 4th Amendment rights of each of these citizens, nearly all of whom still have no idea they ave been spied upon. Make no mistake about it; this was criminal behavior authorized by the Obama administration.
Now that President Trump has given Attorney General Bill Barr the authority to make public all of Obama’s spying, there is a chance that this entire illegal operation will be exposed, but that’s all there is . . . a chance. So far, only Dan Coates, the DNI, has shown any willingness to be completely transparent. Predictably, the FBI and the CIA have been less than cooperative, despite being given a direct order by the President of the United States.
Fear of exposure is why Comey, Clapper, and Brennan are publicly chastising Trump for being transparent. Calling right wrong and wrong right, they chide Trump for allowing their treachery to be exposed to the light of day, but this is exactly what needs to happen. The ball is now in Barr’s court, and we shall see what happens next. At bare minimum, Obama’s legacy will be destroyed, as it should be.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: A real Constitutional crisis is about to occur—not like the orchestrated one that the House of Representatives is touting over subpoenas. This one is much more serious.
The House will definitely bring charges of impeachment against the President for obstructing justice concerning a nonexistent crime. Apparently, Trump complained too much that he was innocent about being framed. That this is true is irrelevant to the vengeful Democrats. They want to destroy his Presidency, regardless of the cost. So be it!
Concurrently, Attorney General Barr will be bringing indictments against a slew of Deep State conspirators, which will certainly to go deep into the Obama administration, perhaps even into the White House itself.
With both sides digging in their heels, this is certain to be a conflict that is as serious as it can possibly be. It’s a conflict of truth versus deception, Good versus Evil, and people of faith against godless people.
It is time for us to be strong and not back down. Our nation is dependent upon us. If you are not strong, pray to be strong. If you are strong, pray to be stronger. Each of us is needed, if the nation of our forefathers is to survive. If you think I’m engaging in hyperbole, think again. This is real and it will happen.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: By declassifying the original FISA application, which shows the FBI verified a fraudulent document—the Steele Dossier—President Trump will be allowing the America people to see for themselves exactly what happened. Instead of speculating that we are right and the Progressives are wrong, we will know for sure.
I have been writing about this Deep State conspiracy for three years. If I have been wrong, I will publish a heartfelt “mea culpa” but, if the Progressives have been wrong, I doubt any of them will admit they have made an error in judgment.
Am I being cynical to think this way? I don’t think so. For over two years, the Progressives have called President Trump a traitor, which the evidence from the Mueller Report completely contradicts. Nevertheless, not one person from the mainstream media has apologized for calling the President a traitor—none that I can think of anyway.
Instead, these same journalists are now vilifying President Trump for calling those who have perpetrated the plot to drive him for office as traitors. They are horrified that he would use that word to describe Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, and numerous others, while giving themselves a complete pass for calling the President a traitor, which they have repeatedly done with impunity.
Now, the truth is about to be revealed, but the Progressive media—who should be for transparency—has suddenly become the advocates of secrecy. Since when has a journalist ever been for secrecy? That all of these charlatans are about to be exposed as the frauds that they are is a wonderful feeling for me—kind of like my team winning the Super Bowl and the World Series.

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 Let us begin the weekend with honor and respect.
Heavenly Father,
As an indebted nation, we come before You
On this Memorial Day weekend, to honor those
Who paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to remain free.
We want to express our gratitude in a reverent way
That doesn’t seem trite or without proper deference.
Despite our desire, there are no words that are adequate—
No expression of appreciation that equals what
These mighty men of valor have done for us,
Since our nation’s inception in the eighteenth century,
But we understand it is our duty and our privilege to try.
Therefore, with profound respect and a full heart,
Along with misty eyes, we bow our heads in reverence
And thank You for raising up so many warriors over the years—
From the time of the Revolution to our destructive Civil War,
From the two World Wars to the Middle Eastern conflicts.
Let our warrior’s sacrifice be a perpetual reminder,
Etched indelibly in our hearts, that the price of freedom
Will always remain high in our dark, depraved, and fallen world.
From the beginning, You put it into the hearts of our forefathers that
America would be be a “City on a Hill” for the entire world to emulate.
So, let us pause on this special weekend when summer begins
To remember those who died, that we, the living, might continue
To answer the perpetual call to fight for freedom and righteousness
For the American people.
In Your graciousness, Father, You have allowed our generation
To remain free and prosperous, and we thank You
For each and every one of our numerous blessings.
We owe every bit of the abundance we enjoy to You
And to those who gave their lives that we might continue to champion
Our forefather’s vision for what America’s future would be.
Thank You for Your continued blessings upon our great nation.
As we reflect upon the sacrifice of others, let us never forget
Every act of heroism that has been required to make the United States
Of America the greatest nation in the history of the world,
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: With the declassification of the investigative predicate for the surveillance on the Trump Campaign, the President has just opened Pandora’s Box of corruption. The Deep State and the Progressive media will be predictably apoplectic, but that is to be expected.
What the exposed evidence will reveal is there never was a legitimate reason to investigate Trump’s campaign or his Presidency. Instead, it will reveal a rigged investigation that had only one purpose—to drive a duly-elected President of the United States from office.
Trump has called this effort treasonous, and he was right. It is. I predict the evidence will show that he was spot-on accurate. Right now, fools like Adam Schiff and the “stolen-valor” senator from Connecticut are reviling Trump for declassifying these documents, but the President was right to do so. The American people need to see the truth for themselves.
By the time every evil deed of the Deep State has been exposed to the light, CNN will have no audience at all. I, for one, intend to post about every despicable thing Obama’s surrogates have done You can count on it.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Michael Avenatti’s fall from grace, from being touted as a potential Democratic contender for the White House to being charged with multiple felonies in numerous states, is a great object lesson for the Progressive media’s lack of discernment. For months, Creepy Porn Lawyer was given airtime on CNN, MSNBC, and other networks because he viciously and unfairly attacked President Trump. Uniformly, he was heralded as truthful, wise and courageous—the exact opposite of what he was.
Now, the journalists and anchors who elevated him to rock-star status look like the fools that they are. Avenatti is a con, which only a few, like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, recognized, but there’s a greater lesson to be learned here than the realization that Avenatti will end up in prison.
Within the mainstream media, there is no independent thinking. Progressive journalists have a herd mentality that allowed a conman like Avenatti to deceive and manipulate them. Once he fooled the first person, like lemming, the rest followed. That he could do this so easily should let people know that these leftwing journalist are unworthy of the public’s trust. If a guy like Avenatti could fool them so easily and thoroughly, how can their insight be trusted about anything else of substance and importance?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: For two years, half of President Trump’s term, we were told to wait on the Mueller Report. It never seemed to end, but we did wait. Because Trump knew that he was innocent of any “collusion” with Russia, he shared with Mueller everything that was requested. The investigation lacked a legitimate predicate, but we waited anyway.
When the Report came out, exonerating Trump of collusion, that should have been the end of it, but it wasn’t. The Progressives, led by Nadler, Schiff, and now Pelosi, weren’t satisfied. Now, they want to search every aspect of Trump’s life, hoping to come up with a crime somewhere in his past.
Their goal—their only goal—is to drive a duly-elected President out of office, and they foolishly believe that we, the American people, are fully supportive of what they are doing. We’re not. We’ve had enough of this nonsense.
Our economy is doing great, thanks to Trump—not to the Democrats in the House or Senate. Currently, we have a crisis on the border that the House Democrats are ignoring because all they want to do is get Trump.
We have a crisis in Iran, North Korea, Russia, and Venezuela that require our Commander-in-Chief to focus on foreign policy, but he can’t. Instead, he has to deal with the likes of Nadler, a pompous glutton from the Upper West Side. It’s time to put an end to this charade. Put up or shut up. We will not tolerate this nonsense any longer.
Jack Watts

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