
Archive for August, 2020


COMMON SENSE: After our entire nation and most of the world has missed the spring and summer of 2020 by staying at home, the CDC, the gold standard in medicine, has finally admitted that 94% of the reported COVID-19 deaths have been caused by other underlying issues. In other words, these people were going to die anyway. They had an average of 2.6 additional illnesses causing their deaths.


My question is this: Why are we just now learning about this? The COVID-19 death count has been announced as a daily, almost hourly, ritual on every news outlet in America since March. Escaping news about the pandemic, as well as the fear it has caused, has been unavoidable. Now, we are learning that we have been deluged with misleading information from our scientists and our political leaders for the entire duration of this pandemic. As a result, the losses we have needlessly suffered have been catastrophic.


This entire pandemic has been a massive con job on the American people, but why? Who would do such a thing to us, and why?


I believe the reason has been that the government wants to exert a massive amount of control over us. Mayors and governors have become drunk with the power this has afforded them, and they don’t want to give it up. There’s a reason why they don’t. Governmental leaders like Mayor De Blasio and Governor Cuomo don’t lose their jobs. They don’t miss a paycheck but the rest of us do.


But our scientists are equally at fault. The way we have learned this is even suspicious. Instead of having a major press conference admitting their error, their miscalculation, the CDC simply changed its website to reflect the accurate information that only 6% of the COVID-19 deaths have come from the disease alone. That’s about 10,000 deaths in a nation of 330 million people. That’s hardly a blip on the radar and certainly not a legitimate reason to shut down an entire economy.


Now that we know this, where should we go from here? At bare minimum, the fearmongering and economic repression have to stop. Open restaurants and allow us to live our lives like adults. Play football and let us enjoy the fall. Most of all, stop telling us what to do by hiding behind the cloak of  “following science.”


Our mayors and governors aren’t following science. They are following their lust to control us. They seem to have an overwhelming need to keep us repressed, docile and compliant. More than anything, they want to continue treating us like children who require constant guidance and spankings by them, our benevolent superiors. Except they aren’t benevolent, are they? They’re authoritarian and repressive. Because they are, we will simply need to take back power ourselves. We must reassert our own authority, and we must to do it immediately. The time to stop being compliant to authoritarianism is now!


—Jack Watts



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COMMON SENSE: The juxtaposition of where we are as a nation was perfectly depicted for all to see Thursday night. On one hand, we witnessed President Trump lay out his vision for America for the next four years. Despite the Progressive media proclaiming it as being dark, anybody who watched knew it was the exact opposite. It was hopeful—a return to the values that traditionally have made the United States the greatest nation in the history of Mankind.


On the other hand, as the guests of the Republican National Convention left to return to their hotels, many of them traveling by foot, they were accosted by an angry, violent mob of Antifa and BLM rioters. By simply attending the nomination ceremony for President Trump to accept the Republican nomination to be President, the attendees put themselves in the crosshairs of militant anarchists.


The message attendees received was clear: “If you support Trump, you are doing so at your own peril.” Of course, none of the thugs who accosted Senator Rand Paul and his wife, Vernon Jordon, or any of the others could put together an articulate sentence like I just written for them. Instead, they preferred to use the “F-word” as a noun, verb or adjective to make their case. For them, command of our language isn’t as highly valued as hostile confrontation. They excel at bullying.


The choice for America’s future is clear. If you are okay with angry mobs roaming the streets of our major cities looking for innocent citizens to accost, you’re in luck. Your cause is being championed by the Democratic Party. They have your back. You can count on them to position assault, arson and looting as peaceful protest. The militants who are arrested for such behavior will soon be back on the streets harassing others, thanks to people like those on Joe Biden’s staff who are more than willing to provide bail.


Championing the dramatic upsurge in violence but still maintaining that it makes perfect sense to defund the police, Biden supporters are plentiful—mindless but plentiful. You can find a Progressive Democrat running for nearly every office in the USA. Their goal is to remake America into a nation our forefathers never wanted.


If this isn’t the vision for America you desire, if your heart longs for the return to law and order, to normalcy and decency, then you also have a candidate. His name is Donald J. Trump. Brash, unscripted and outspoken, he has the force of personality equipped to stand strong against the attempted takeover of the USA by the Radical Leftwing of the Democratic Party. Unapologetically calling events the way he sees them; this Alpha Male is perfectly capable of restoring order to America. He just needs to be empowered by us for the next four years. I don’t know about you, but I am perfectly willing to give him the authority to quell this rebellion.


—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: For most of my life, the differences between the Republicans and the Democrats seemed to have been very small. They were nuances more than anything else. In this election, however, just like it was in 2016, the differences are stark. They couldn’t be greater or clearer, so are the consequences.
A vote for President Trump is a vote to affirm American exceptionalism. It’s a vote to embrace the American dream of opportunity and personal responsibility for anybody who works for their goals. A vote for former V.P. Joe Biden is a decision to disaffirm the value and validity of the USA, including repudiating four hundred years of history. It’s an affirmation and commitment to the Radical Left’s vision of America and their desire to restructure our beloved nation to resemble the failed Socialist nations of Europe and South America. It’s a commitment to cancel everything that offends the mean-spirited Radical Left. The list of their perceived grievances is too long to enumerate.
The difference between Biden and Trump is the difference between chaos and law and order. It’s the difference between anemic growth or great prosperity. It’s the difference between being dominated by China or keeping them at arm’s length.
We can either continue to be the world’s number one superpower both economically and militarily under Trump, or we can decline dramatically under Biden. The choice is yours; so are the consequences.
—Jack Watts

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MY PRAYER: Father,
You have created me to have a free will,
And I am so grateful that You have.
Because of this, I have the capacity to choose
The kind of human being I want to be.
Having been born with a sinful nature,
I know what I am capable of being,
And exactly how rebellious my heart can be.
But I also know that You have redeemed me,
Because of what Christ accomplished on the cross.
Now, I have the option to walk in Your ways,
Rather than be lost in my sin and depravity.
Father, I want to have the mind of Christ—
To be obedient to Your will and not to the Sons of Rebellion
Who want to destroy me by robbing me of my joy,
Killing the love I have in my heart for You.
Do not allow them to tear down my bountiful future.
Instead, allow me to have the courage to examine my heart
And to change whatever is needed to be a better person.
I ask this in Christ’s precious name,
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: There will be a great deal written about the fall of Jerry Falwell Jr., and none of it will be pretty. In Lynchburg, the lives of many will be irreversibly altered—not destroyed but altered. I’m not guessing about this. I know exactly what will happen. It’s why I wrote, “Recovering from Religious Abuse,” which Simon & Schuster published.
These are the people I’m concerned about, not Falwell and his wife. I know about what will happen because Jim and Tammy Bakker were my clients the day the scandal broke about Jim’s affair. I saw what happened to the lives of those who worked for PTL. The same thing will happen to those who work at Liberty. I also wrote a novel about this, “Feet of Clay.” Here’s an excerpt from it:
FEET OF CLAY: As I think about my situation, it reminds me of a commercial that aired many years ago. It hit the mark perfectly with its witty, profound message. Slightly dark, satirical, and irreverent, the commercial was thought provoking, while also being entertaining.
It starts with half-a-dozen clean-cut, all-American grade-schoolers announcing to us, the listening audience, what they want to be when they grow up—what their lifetime goals and aspirations are. Expecting them to say they want to become doctors, teachers, engineers, or professional athletes, I was surprised by what they actually said. One nine-year-old girl proudly announced: “When I grow up, I want to be the office gossip.” A ten-year-old followed with boyish bravado, “When I grow up, I want to be a brownnoser.” The other kids made similar ignominious assertions. It was hysterical. I can’t remember the product these kids were peddling, but I grinned from ear-to-ear each time I watched the commercial.
The satire was obvious. Nobody sets his or her career goal to be cowardly, devious, or ingratiating. Nor does anyone want to end up being a brownnoser. When young people enter the workplace, they have praiseworthy, high-minded goals. You can see it in their eyes when they graduate from high school and college. During nearly every commencement ceremony, those graduating listen to a successful businessman or politician pontificate about how the current generation has the unique ability to change the world, making it a better place for each of us, while at the same time, accumulating substantial wealth to enjoy “the good life.”
During commencement, when you look from one smiling face to the next, you can see hope radiating from these young people. Coupled with their enthusiastic smiles, each graduate anticipates the future, believing he or she will produce noble, praiseworthy accomplishments. They are convinced their dreams will soon become a reality. All that is required to achieve their dream is hard work—performed honestly and honorably.
Unfortunately, for most, that’s all it ever becomes—a dream. Reality is far different than what they believe it will be, making the commercial as poignant as it was funny. The “real world” produces far more brownnosers than men and women who stand by their convictions—especially if negative consequences are certain to follow.
This is no surprise; but if this dichotomy is true in the world of politics and business, the difference between aspirations and reality is even more pronounced for those who choose to serve Christ by working for ministries. Nearly all who pursue this path—the road less traveled—do so for altruistic reasons, sacrificing material gain as part of their noble calling. It just goes with the territory. They decide that fulfilling their dreams can best be accomplished by working for the Lord, which is a praiseworthy ambition.
Serving Christ, however, also means being employed by the ministries, mega-churches, and publishers that champion His name. This is where a huge disconnect occurs. Working for Christian leaders has little resemblance to what most envision life would be like serving the Lord. It’s different—worlds apart really—but not in a healthy way.
The stars of Christendom—those whose faces and voices are easily recognized by millions—bear little resemblance to the biblical version of Christ or the principles He taught. Somewhere along the way, the career path for many who have been “chosen to lead” takes a sharp turn from the biblical standard, producing an entitled mentality, elitist behavior, and a consumptive lifestyle most would consider antithetical to the desires of a servant of God. It was a lifestyle Benny enjoyed regularly and one Dett convinced himself he should possess as well.
There is a story behind all of this that needs to be told, but my purpose is more than just to curse the darkness. Rather, I intend to offer hope to the millions who have been used, abused, and discarded—all in the name of God.
To accomplish this, I will need to tell you a good bit about who I am. Like everybody, my story begins the day I was born. From day one, my challenge was about whether to accept authority or to challenge it—whether to speak out against abusiveness or simply keep my mouth shut. Obviously, I’ve landed on the side of speaking my mind, but becoming that person has required a lifetime of battling adversity.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When former Governor John Kasich spoke in support of Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention, most Trump supporters considered this to be an act of treachery and treason to the Republican Party. Additionally, they marveled that Kasich could still be bitter towards Trump four years after losing the Republican Presidential nomination. After all, that’s a long time to remain jealous. Even couples who go through acrimonious divorces don’t continue to be hostile that long, although some do.
For Kasich to remain so resentful doesn’t make a lot of sense. That is, unless you dig a little deeper. If you do, it makes all the sense in the world.
When Trump won the election in 2016, he promised the American people he would return the power to them, where it rightfully belonged. Like so many other promises, this is one Trump kept. By fulfilling it, what Trump has done is to take away the power from establishment Republicans and Democrats alike. This, more than any other reason, is why they hate him so much. It has wounded their pride—the first Deadly Sin.
Kasich might have been able to forgive Trump for beating him in the 2016 primaries, but he couldn’t forgive Trump for marginalizing him. Marginalization is the same reason why all of the Bushes hate Trump so much. He has undercut their most-favored status, effectively putting them on the shelf with nothing to do, wounding their pride in the process.
In Trump’s Republican Party, average Americans, people like you and me, have been elevated, while people like Kasich, George W. Bush and a host of other Swampy elites have been stripped of their power and prestige. That nobody looks to them for leadership galls them. They are no longer even asked what they think. This is why they malign Trump personally, and it is the specific reason why so many of them will support Joe Biden in November, even though they know Biden is corrupt, incompetent and poorly suited to be President. Although they recognize this is true, being motivated and empowered by their wounded pride, they will do it anyway
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: For quite a while, many of my Conservative friends were convinced Joe Biden would not receive the nomination from the Democrats. They were certain he wouldn’t be their standard bearer for President of the United States. Reasoning that Biden, who is clearly on the dementia continuum, isn’t capable of being the leader of the free world, they were convinced the Democratic Party would use a slight-of-hand to nominate someone else to take his place.
Now that Biden has been nominated, we know this didn’t happen. What we are just beginning to realize, however, is nominating a diminished Biden was always their intention. Although this seems nuts to us, their strategy was actually brilliant—diabolical but brilliant. Let me explain why.
It’s obvious the American people would never elect a true Socialist or Radical leftist to the Oval Office. Because Senator Bernie Sanders could never win, nominating him would be an exercise in futility. It would have been as unwise as the Democrats nominating George McGovern in 1972 or Walter Mondale in 1984. Both of those Leftist Democrats lost by a landslide, just like Bernie would have.
Therefore, in order to achieve a Socialist takeover of the United States, which is their intention, an alternative strategy was required. By nominating a likable person of good character, a man of integrity, which the Democrats consider Biden to be, his deteriorating mental capacity was actually a positive attribute rather than a negative one. That a candidate who fondles small children isn’t really a person of good character is beside the point, as is the Democrats’ assertion that Biden is a man of integrity. His obvious corruption in Ukraine and China don’t really matter to them.
What does matter is they can position Biden as a moderate to the American people. The Democrats feel certain enough gullible Americans may believe this to get him elected. Once elected, the Radical Democrats will swoop in, assume all of the power positions in his administration and destroy our Constitutional Republic. This is their strategy.
If you think I’m overstating what they intend to do, then you are wrong. This is precisely what they are planning to do. They know a demented President will not be able to stop them. This is why the anti-American Democrats are thrilled that Biden is losing his mental facilities. Having a diminished President is necessary for them to achieve their goal. I wish that what I have just stated was hyperbole, but it isn’t. Unfortunately, it’s the absolute truth. God help us.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Night after night at the Democratic National Convention, we have been told how bad things are in the USA. We are a failure as a nation because of this and that, and it’s up to us to “Reimagine” our nation being something completely different than what we have loved and cherished our entire lives. That we might not want to “Reimagine” the USA is irrelevant to the Democrats.
We are being told Reimagining is our goal by one speaker after the other, but all of them have other things in common. They are angry and full of hate, but they refuse to admit it. Instead, they accuse those of us who support President Trump of being angry and full of hate, which we aren’t. Most of us are the exact opposite.
We are also being told the economy has failed, which we can see isn’t true, even after the pandemic. They scold Trump as Commander-in-Chief, but we aren’t at war for the first time in this millennium. We are being told that illegals have all the rights we have, including the right to free healthcare. We are being told we can afford to pay for this, but we know we can’t.
We are being told the police are our enemies, so we should get rid of them. Simultaneously, we are being told that the police are brutalizing peaceful protesters, but that’s not what we see. What we see is Portland burning, as well as Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York and Atlanta.
We are being told that Trump doesn’t take his job seriously and he’s not up to the task, but that’s not what we see. What we see is a guy who doesn’t quit, who doesn’t take a dime for what he does, and always fights for people like you and me. He never gives up. He is consistently and repeatedly our champion, and we love him for it warts and all.
But there’s more. Trump has done everything he said he would do. Frankly, I would have been satisfied if he had fulfilled about a third of his promises, but he’s come close to fulfilling all of them. If the Obama administration had stepped aside like they were supposed to do instead of trying to throw Trump out of office, there’s no telling how much more Trump would have accomplished.
So, here is what I have concluded. The Democrats are unfit to lead, but for Trump to win, he needs to do exactly what he did last time. Make a list of promises to us. Tell us what they are and that he is just as committed to fulfilling them in the future as he has been in the past. Then, leave the rest up to us . . . We have his back and there are multiplied millions of us.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: For the entirety of President Trump’s time in office, we have been deluged with the message that the rest of the world hates us and Trump hasn’t accomplished anything of value. With this level of saturation marketing by the hostile media, it’s not surprising that many people believe Trump’s Presidency has been a failure, but is this true?
Trump has a record: what does that record reveal about his foreign policy? Let’s take a look at the difference between where the United States was in 2016 under Obama and where we are now. What’s the difference?
—We are not at war in the Middle East or anyplace else.
—ISIS has been destroyed.
—Nobody is being decapitated.
—The U.S. military is more powerful than ever.
—Our NATO allies are now paying their fair share for their own defense.
—Jerusalem has been named the Capital of Israel.
—The UAE has normalized relations with Israel with other Arab nations to follow.
—We are energy independent for the first time since World War II.
—NAFTA has been replaced by the fairer USMCA.
—Our China trade deficit has been cut in half.
—North Korea is no longer threatening nuclear war.
—We are not helping Iran while they pledge, “Death to America.”
There is much more but, as you can see, Trump’s Presidency, unlike Obama’s, has been successful. If you think that Biden, demented that he is, can do any better, think again.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The normalization of the relationship between the United Arab Emirites (UAE) and Israel is a profound achievement by the Trump administration. It is certain to make Israel safer, while simultaneously increasing pressure on Israel’s Aran neighbors to follow suit. The UAE’s recognition of Israel’s legitimate right to exist is such a huge development that Joe Biden, the Democratic Presidential nominee and notorious plagiarist, is doing his best to take credit for this. In one way, he has a right to do this. Let me explain why.
During the Obama-Biden administration, they did everything they could to increase the power and influence of Iran in the Middle East, going so far as to secretly send billions in cash to Iran in the middle of the night without telling anyone what they were doing. This infuriated many Americans, but it also greatly alarmed Iran’s Arab neighbors. They are much more concerned about being dominated by the Persians in Tehran than they are about aligning themselves with the Jews in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Because the Arabs, who are Sunni Muslims, hate the Shiite Muslims in Iran at least as much as they hate the Jews, if not more, this has forced Arab nations like the UAE to look to Israel to offset and check Iranian aggression and terrorism. Needing to survive and not be dominated by Iranian Shiites is the reason why the UAE recognized Israel. Trump’s team, unlike Obama’s, recognized this and leveraged it to protect Israel, our primary ally in the Middle east.
Being vulnerable was what motivated the UAE to boldly step forward. They were put in this position by the incompetence of the Obama-Biden administration, aided by Hillary Clinton and John Kerry who were complete failures as Secretaries of State. So, in one sense, Biden can take some credit for the UAE recognizing Israel, but the credit he deserves is entirely negative. That’s the truth.
—Jack Watts

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