
Archive for August, 2017

COMMON SENSE: Now, nearly a year after the “Russian Collusion” narrative was hatched, implicating Donald Trump, deeper investigation of the metadata and data transfer speeds found in the records indicate that it was an inside job and not hacking at all. In other words, it’s highly unlikely that the Russians had anything to do with the emails being stolen.

Investigators are practically sure that it was an inside job—a leak at the DNC. The Leaker would have used a thumb drive that could have downloaded the material at the speed in which it was downloaded. An outside hack could not. These findings are startling, and it raises numerous other questions.
Connecting the dots, it’s more important than ever to investigate the Seth Rich murder. You remember him, don’t you? He was gunned down in Washington D.C., in an apparent robbery, where the thief didn’t steal anything. After than, Julian Assange, of Wikileaks, offered a sizable reward for the capture of the culprit, but nothing has ever come of it.
Here is what I believe but cannot prove. Rich, who was disgruntled by the DNC’s unfair treatment of Bernie Sanders, copied the information and sent it to Wikileaks. Rich’s betrayal was discovered, and he was murdered for it. Best of all, Trump was blamed for the whole thing, because he was conspiring with the Russians to defeat Hillary, or at least that is what the media has told us for a year.
Here are some unanswered questions:
—Why has there never been a serious investigation of Seth Rich’s murder?
—Why has the DNC been so resistant to allow the FBI to inspect their server?
—Why has there been a year of accusations against Trump without any evidence to support the accusations?
—Why was Rich’s murder never investigated by the FBI, which would have jurisdiction for any crime involving national security, which this murder does?
—And why has the Trump DOJ been so remiss in getting to the bottom of this?
I, for one, want to know the truth, without Leftwing vitriol or Conservative dismissal of a serious subject. It’s been a year. We demand answers.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE161534_100003471255753_672416768_n: We are not having a national dialog on whether or not to have statues of Civil War Generals or slave-owning Colonists. What we are having is mob rule by militant Leftwing anarchists. That this level of lawlessness is being allowed in more troubling than any discomfort caused by monuments that are more than 100 years old.
This does not bode well for our nation.
Jack Watts
Jack’s Books: mcgeeandme.net

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COMMON SENSE: President Trump‘s abandonment of our “Nation Building Policy” is a positive step forward. It hasn’t worked for decades.
After World War II, we were so successful in establishing Democracies in West Germany and Japan, Americans came to believe we could do this everyplace. Less than a decade later, we were equally successful in South Korea, but that’s the last time it worked,
Nevertheless, since the 1950s, nation building has been the bedrock for all US foreign policy, whether during Democratic or Republican administrations. Both parties espoused this policy. In Vietnam, it didn’t work, and it has been a dismal failure in the Middle East.
That Trump has abandoned it is wise. He is simply admitting what should have been acknowledge half a century ago. Not all nations want Western democratic institutions—they just don’t.
Jack Watts
Jack’s books: mcgeandme.net

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COMMON SENSE: There is a Russia scandal, but it has nothing to do with President Trump. It involves Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC, and Imran Awan, the IT expert who has been indicted for bank fraud.

Awan is the linchpin to the entire story. For years, he was privy to the computers of nearly sixty Democratic House members, and it is suspected that he sold American secrets to Russia, Iran, and others. The bank fraud charges are what got him arrested, but it’s his role with Schultz and the DNC that may prove to be the undoing of the entire Democratic Party.
This is a story that is not going away, nor will it be ignored—not with Attorney General Sessions in charge. Keep your eyes and ears open because this is the plug that will lead to draining the Swamp. Schultz will not survive this politically, and she is certain to be a target in the investigation.
Trust me on this. It’s about to hit the fan.

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17760171_1166945333431164_4892622199645181364_nCOMMON SENSE: I remember the years in my Ph.D. program at Emory in the early 80s, where I was the only Evangelical, the only conservative, and the only unabashed American patriot. For three years, I was hammered daily by Leftists who all thought alike. Each day, without exception, I had to defend myself from personal and political attacks. At the time, I bemoaned my situation repeatedly, wondering why in the world I was there, but now I know.
It is for such a time as this that I was being prepared. Taking back our nation from the Progressive reprobates—those who champion wrong, calling it right—is a tall order. As you can see, the Swamp Dwellers do not want to be dislodged, but doing so is absolutely necessary. The louder they scream, the closer we are coming to the seat of Darkness they love so dearly.
Our struggle will continue, and it may get worse before it gets better. So, buckle up for a rough ride for quite a while. The end result will be worth it. I promise you it will.
Jack Watts
Jack’s Books: mcgeeandme.net

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COMMIN SENSE: There is no need to panic, nor even any cause to be upset. Yes, there has been a significant amount of turnover in the White House, but that was to be expected, even predicted. There are reasons why.
First, Trump was elected to make fundamental change, which means it was his purpose to stir things up. That causes disruption, especially among the Swamp Dwellers, who have vigorously opposed change. That many of them have had to go is the second reason for so much turnover.
Third, there have been so many leaks that Trump has been constantly fighting a rear-guard action. This means there will be many more people fired before it is over, but they are terminations that need to happen.
Fourth, because Trump is not corrupt, those who are need to be ferreted out, which is happening. All of them need to be fired, and some prosecuted. Fifth, because Trump is committed to keeping his promises, which most Presidents refuse to do, it makes him bump heads with the entrenched establishment, and this causes additional turnover.
We elected a businessman to get things done, and Trump is doing that, despite being hammered from all sides. Let’s give him some space to get the job done.
Creating Trump Nation: mcgeeandme.net/books
Jack Watts161534_100003471255753_672416768_n

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COMMON SENSE: In your lifetime, can you remember a time when there has been more division in our nation than right now? When there has been more animosity and less civility than we are currently experiencing? Has there ever been a time, when there has been a greater opportunity to stand up and be counted for everything we hold dear?
It is for such a time as this that we have been placed on this earth. It is time for Christians, and other people of faith, to bow their heads, humble themselves, and pray for this great nation God has given us. Let us seek peace with one another, while we also pray for safety from terrorism from those who wish us harm.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The greatest political thinking of all-time came from Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, but it was after the Peloponnesian Wars, not before them. The most influential concepts came from these great philosophers in an attempt to explain how Athens, the city of art and culture, could lose a war to the brutish Spartans, who were close to being troglodytes.
All of Western political thought has come from these men, and others of their era, and their goal was to learn the lessons of history so that future generations would not repeat them.
The same issues are germane in America today. We can either learn from our collective experiences, or we will not. One thing is certain, however, nothing can be learned from historical revisionism, but this is exactly what the Progressive agenda is attempting to produce. Whether it’s from Obama saying that Islam goes back to the foundation of our nation, which the primary documents do not substantiate, or ignorant Millennials tearing down monuments, as if their actions are wise and prudent, changing the historical record is the goal. It’s a fool’s errand.
The United States is the greatest nation in the history of the world, but we are not without flaws, significant flaws. Learning from our mistakes is the way forward—not exalting ignorance in the name of progress. That doesn’t work. Ot never has, and it never will.
Jack Watts
Jack’s Books: mcgeeandme.net

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COMMON SENSE: Being a Christian, which is my primary identity, racism has no place in my world. Since Christ loved all of Mankind and died for the sins of everybody, we are all equal in the eyes of God. Thus, racism, in any form, is a sinful mindset—period.
That being said, taking down the memorial to Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville seems like the epitome of hypocrisy. If you are going to do this, if this is required because of Lee’s role in the Civil War, then shouldn’t the entire University of Virginia be dismantled, stone by stone? After all, it was founded by Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd President, founder of the Democratic Party, and lifelong slave owner.
If Lee’s statue comes down, then to be consistent, the University of Virginia should also cease to exist. Going one step further, the Commonwealth of Virginia, founded by slave owners, should be dissolved, as should the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and several other states. Or, as an alternative, we could choose to respect our history, while not agreeing with all aspects of it.
Jack’s Books: mcgeeandme.net
Jack Watts

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12573733_828304790628555_5483197664783316735_nCOMMON SENSE: French is the language of diplomacy and has been for half a millennium. It’s why there are so many French words and phrases that have come into the English language concerning foreign policy—words like rapprochement, fait accompli, and de facto/de jure. The cardinal rule of diplomacy is understatement. In diplomacy, to say an act by another nation is “unfriendly” is close to declaring war.
The Progressives, especially in the media, have been very critical of President Trump for using the term, “Fire and Fury,” when speaking out about our current crisis with Kim Jung-un of North Korea. Specifically, they are enraged because Trump’s words were well outside of normal, appropriate diplomatic language.
I disagree with the media’s assessment. The language of diplomacy will work with nearly all nation-states, but it is actually counterproductive with a rogue nation like North Korea.
Before SWorld War II, Winston Churchill was criticized by appeasers to Hitler for being bombastic and crude, but Churchill was right and Neville Chamberlain was wrong. In our current crisis, all that Kim Jung-un understands is brute force, and that is what Trump has given him. Neither Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, nor Barack Obama were willing to be confrontational. Consequently, the North Koreans have considered the USA to be weak—a paper tiger.
Trump, standing up for the American people, is calling their bluff. Kim Jong-un has two choices. Either he can attack and be destroyed, or he can backdown and lose face. Either way, his days are numbered. To be sure, this is brinkmanship diplomacy, but I do not believe it will lead to thermonuclear war. That’s the way I see it.

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