
Archive for February, 2019

COMMON SENSE: What the media is really good at is spinning reality. They know how to position things to make someone they support look good or someone they loathe look bad. They are masters at nuances, which definitely served them well with a President like Barack Obama—the consummate beta male.
What the media is poor at is dealing with an alpha male like President Trump. Foolishly, they have believed they could control him and make him “lead from the rear” like Obama did, but Trump has steadfastly refused to allow himself or his agenda to be corralled by the media. He simply will not do it, and the media is apoplectic with rage that he won’t.
They do not understand true leadership. What they do understand and love are weak-willed men and women who are easily corruptible—just as they have been. It’s what the media wants, but it is definitely not what the American people want. What they call “toxic masculinity” is what we call “a man with a pair.”
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Nothing that Michael Cohen has to say has the least bit of significance. When someone is as bitter as he is, especially facing lengthy jail time, that person’s credibility is nonexistent. Bitter ex-spouses are more believable.
What does bother me is the leadership that Elijah Cummings is providing for the House committee that has scheduled Cohen for today. Members of Congress are supposed to lead—not undermine. With President trump in Hanoi, trying to make progress with North Korea, the world is anxiously waiting. Finding a path forward is critical for world peace.
What Michael Cohen has to say, by comparison, is less than meaningless. That the Democrats in the House are using this occasion to try and undermine Trump’s credibility, while he is abroad doing his best to make a deal, is beyond self-defeating.
It makes me wonder how any American worth his or her salt could ever support such reckless, incompetent, self-absorbed fools. Remember this the next time you vote.
Jack Watts

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PRAYER for Our Nation

You have been so gracious to us,
Answering our deep heartache
In a way that cannot be denied.
In Your mercy and goodness,
You have spared us from the destruction
Of those who mock Your name
And champion darkness and depravity.
Thank you, Father, for intervening
And for giving us another chance to be
The people You have called us to be.
By answering our prayers, You have provided us
With the opportunity to walk in the light,
Free from the constraints of those who mock You
And support the evil of this world’s god.
Now that we have bowed our collective knees to You,
Give us the wisdom and courage to stand and move forward,
Championing the rights of all, including the unborn.
Give us the strength to stand firmly against those
Who hate You and Your ways. Let us be kind
And forgiving, while making certain to hold each citizen
Accountable to the Rule of Law, regardless of who they are.
You still have a purpose for the United States of America,
And we humbly ask You to make Your will known to us.
Your mercy and graciousness are boundless.
On this day, when righteousness has been victorious,
We want to acknowledge You as the Author
Of our great victory over the arrogantly corrupt.
Without Your active intervention, all would have been lost.
We know this; help us to never forget it,
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The historical ignorance of the Radical Left is appalling. Presidential candidates make ignorant statements repeatedly that have no historical foundation. Take “reparations” for instance.
The hypothesis is white people owe black people money to pay for free labor that happened slavery was legal. All white people are thrown into one batch, those who should pay, while all black people are thrown into another—those who should receive. This sounds great to potential black voters. Getting something for nothing, while simultaneously stoking hatred, always does.
But how would you determine who the legitimate victims and perpetrators are? In my case, my great grandparents came to America during the potato famine in Ireland, which was a decade after the conclusion of the Civil War. Thus, my line had nothing to do with slavery, so why should I pay anything? The answer is I shouldn’t, but this doesn’t mean a thing to fools like Kamala Harris or Pocahontas.
I’m white so I should pay. It’s as simple as that, despite having nothing to do with what happened before the Civil War. Instead, my ancestors were being oppressed by the British. Maybe the Queen owes me money, but I don’t care. I have created a good life for myself, and that’s good enough for me.
What these Democratic Presidential hopefuls are doing is generating hate, division, and irreconcilable differences—nothing more, nothing less. No good will come from it other than to give a slight edge to the candidate who creates the most hate. Just as Pocahontas is no Native-American, Kamala Harris is not African American. Both are cons that are backed by fools who misinterpret history.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Now that Jussie has been exposed as a greedy fraud, the narrative has changed to how he has let down blacks, gays, and anti-Trump supporters. That he has defamed millions of average Americans like you and me is irrelevant and unimportant. Just watch the news and see for yourself.

I have written extensively about why this happens in “I Am Not Ashamed,” explaining in detail why we, deplorable people of faith, are unimportant. Here is an excerpt.
Ignorant by nature, buffoons like us are dupes, living in a fool’s world bolstered by our romanticized version of the past. America’s future does not belong to us. It belongs to the enlightened Progressives. According to them, to believe in inalienable rights, because God is the One who “bestowed” these rights upon Americans, one would actually have to believe in the existence of God. Not only would one have to believe that God is real, but one would also have to believe that He is active in the affairs of our nation, which He absolutely is not. Such mystical notions are little more than superstitious drivel. It’s the opiate of the people, according to the enlightened Progressives of the media, academia, and Hollywood elites.
To patriotic Christians like us, God’s active involvement in our lives makes perfect sense, but to a Progressive, such thinking is nonsensical and somewhat delusional. To make matters worse, Progressives consider our mindset to be dangerous to our democracy. To them, our Christian worldview is the enemy of progress and of fundamental human fairness.
Progressives think they deal with facts, not irrational mythology, which is what they consider our biblical worldview to be. Because they deal with the real world, which is not mystical, only they are capable of possessing the truth and seeing the world clearly. We are not. Because they view reality accurately, through their Progressive perspective, they are wise. Our worldview, by way of contrast, is fundamentally flawed, making us fools for adhering to it. Since this is obviously true, it is acceptable for Progressives to scoff at our patriotic Christian value system. They do thos with impunity. For them, it’s sport. They enjoy it.
We are nothing more than unenlightened clowns who deserve the mocking we receive. Because we are fools, there is no need to show us even a small measure of respect. Who respects fools? Nobody does, of course. This makes it perfectly suitable for them to ridicule us and to demand that we comply with their politically correct mandates.
To them, what we believe is unacceptable. We are homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynistic racists—all of which are worthy of contempt. While preaching tolerance, Progressives are openly, militantly, and aggressively intolerant of anything that is Christian. They espouse intolerant tolerance, which is the epitome of incongruity. Essentially, they pursue a lifestyle of being walking, talking oxymorons. They champion their obvious flaw as being virtuous.
Although they cannot stop us from believing in God, they fully intend to stop us from having any significant influence on America. It’s the reason why they have been waging political warfare against us for several decades.
To their way of thinking, we must be held in check until all of us acquiesce or eventually die off. This is their strategy, and it’s necessary because of our faith in God and our belief in American Exceptionalism. What we believe is holding our nation back from the desired goal of becoming part of a global New World Order.
That we consider their goal to be anti-Christian makes us even more dangerous. If they can effectively squelch us, which is their intention, regardless of what is required to accomplish this goal, they are making progress, and America is moving in the right direction.
Consequently, in dealing with us, being devious and deceitful is not wrong—not when the end is to further their Progressive agenda. Winning is their goal—their only goal. Therefore, whatever it takes to accomplish this task is moral and right. For a Progressive, the ends always justify the means. For a Christian, this is never true, or at least it shouldn’t be.
From our perspective, we are horrified by what the Progressives think and by the actions they take to achieve their purposes. We are constantly being shocked and appalled by their unethical behavior, especially by the things they do that are corrupt and illegal.
We do not understand them. Because their worldview is so alien to us, we cannot grasp what they believe or how they think. This means we cannot comprehend the agenda they are attempting to impose upon the American people. Their behavior has been so anathema to us that we dismiss what they are doing as being crazy.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Jussie and the Covington High School fiasco have one thing in common. Both stories were reported wrong by the mainstream media, and there have been many others as well. Trying to be the first to condemn Trump supporters as monsters or worse, the media, in their rush to point the finger of blame, have created a false narrative that has proven to be repeatedly wrong, but that’s not the worst of it.
They don’t care that they are wrong, not much anyway. The end goal—to defame and vilify Trump and his supporters—is worth being inaccurate. This creates a terrible problem though.
When the news is agenda driven, rather than being driven by accuracy, it ceases to be news. Instead, it becomes opinion writing, which is what I do. I have a perspective, and I state it. Everybody knows this is what I do, and they make their decisions about me based on my viewpoint. My goal is to influence people to believe the way I do. It’s obvious this is my goal.
Journalists are not supposed to be like me. They are expected to be impartial. When they are not, and they haven’t been for years, they can no longer function as the 4th Estate. This becomes a serious problem in a Constitutional Republic. We need a free and independent media—not a leftist, agenda driven group of people who do not care about accurate reporting.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize. According to Fortune, “U.S. President Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in reaching an agreement to work toward de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula.”
Also, “The U.S leader was nominated by two members of Norway’s governing Progress Party, according to state broadcaster NRK. The deadline for this year’s prize passed in January, so this nomination would make him eligible for next year. It is unclear whether he was nominated for this year’s prize.”
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Crazy Bernie has just announced his candidacy for President in 2020, but is he radical enough for the Democrats? I suspect he is too tame for what they have become. Like Rick Santorum or Mike Huckabee in 2016, who went nowhere, I think Bernie will find that his base has realigned with more radical candidates.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: By what right does the acting-Director of our secret police, the FBI, a man fired shortly thereafter for deception and lack of candor, launch an unprecedented investigation into a duly-elected President of the United States? What gives Andy McCabe the authority to do this? Why did it originate with him and not with the Department of Justice? What is the predicate for such an investigation? What is the provable high crime or misdemeanor?
Even if one is suspected, the Constitution calls for it to be brought before Congress for an impeachment vote in the House and a trial in the Senate. Attempting to bypass the Constitution in an effort to have Trump removed is not only a flawed strategy, but it is also a criminal attempt to obstruct justice by the secret police.
Invoking the 25th Amendment was intended to remove a President who is physically or mentally incapacitated. It was not intended to try to nullify the will of the people by denying them their choice, simply because the acting-Director of the FBI didn’t like the people’s selection. McCabe must be held accountable for his dereliction of duty and for attempting a soft coup, the results of which have badly divided the American people. McCabe must be prosecuted, along with each of his co-conspirators.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In Munich, Joe Biden told a German audience that America is an embarrassment. He actually said that. He also said, “The America I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border. Americans know that’s not right.”
Biden, who will soon announce his candidacy for President, said, “The American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly, that it is not right. That it is not who we are.”
What I know for sure, beyond any shadow of doubt, is I do not want another President who apologizes for us instead of stands up for us. I also do not want open borders. What about you? Biden is a globalist who wants open borders. An incompetent fool, nicknamed “Handsy” by the Secret Service, because of groping women of any age, Biden’s candidacy is certain to fail—thank God.
—Jack Watts

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