
Archive for July, 2020

CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN: In our generation, very few know much about God or what He has declared to be true about Himself. Most, having a worldview based on their five senses, don’t even think that such knowledge is important, but it is.
God is infinite, eternal, and all knowing, which the Scriptures clearly assert. In our society, it has been deemed impolite to talk about God. In some areas of the world, it has become a crime to even mention His Name, especially in Islamic nations ruled by Sharia Law. In some Islamic nations, it is actually punishable by death, and many people have died because of their Christian faith.
In America, until quite recently, the repudiation of Christianity has been subtle. In today’s world, it has become unacceptable to have a literal belief in what God has declared to be true in the Scriptures. To do so is to admit you are an ignorant, anachronistic, uninformed, and unscientific person.
To maintain biblical beliefs as being real and legitimate invites contempt and ridicule, especially from the Progressive Left. Their castigation can be very intimidating and quite unpleasant. By being consistently mocked, Christians have become marginalized in our society. Because our worldview contradicts what is proclaimed by the cultural values of nearly every person in the media, academic world, and the entertainment industry, we have been deemed to be deplorable and irredeemable.
According to this generation’s Progressive viewpoint, God, if He really does exist, is in everything and everybody. All avenues lead to Him, regardless of what they might be. He is universally accepting of everybody, whether you believe in Him or not.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Four-year-old children can be very demanding. When they do not get their way, they often throw tantrums, insisting that you capitulate to their will. This is when parenting becomes very challenging. A good parent knows to never give in to the demands of the child, knowing that it will only lead to further problems down the road.
Because of what is happening in our nation today, the same thing is true, but the tantrums are far more serious. In Portland, Seattle and other cities, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other Radical Leftist groups have made this spring and summer a violent, bloody mess for law enforcement. Like children, these rioters and looters insist upon one thing after the other, but nothing ever appeases them. There’s a reason for this.
What they really want is power, and they intend to hold the United States hostage until we capitulate and relinquish our nation to them. Progressive Democrats and weak-willed Republicans are willing to do this, believing it will restore order. It won’t. In fact, by capitulating to these extremists, what we would be doing is surrendering our national sovereignty to Marxist Socialists. Our situation is this serious. Currently, our threat from within is greater than any threat from without.
So, what do we do? The answer is simple but achieving it isn’t. We must meet the force of the insurrectionists with superior force and crush their rebellion. Once we begin, we must see it through. Because doing this will invite the wrath of the media, Hollywood, Democrats and weak-willed Republicans, it must be done swiftly—with overwhelming force.
The American people, who are fed up with lawlessness, will support this. Because President Trump has the rocks to do this, while pathetic Joe Biden doesn’t, reestablishing law and order, along with dealing with COVID-19, should be positioned as the key issues for the election.
—Jack Watts

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CHRISTIAN CONSERVATISM: In the twenty-first-century, even though we are Christians, we have been led to believe that there is no such thing as absolute truth. In America, relativism prevails, and most Christians accept the status quo, either willingly or passively. A large part of the problem comes from the worldview of Progressivism, which purposefully devalues Christianity.
To express an alternative perspective to what Progressives espouse is to invite ridicule, contempt, and shunning into your life. This can be very intimidating, and it’s something few Christians are willing to experience.
For better or worse, this is the world in which we live. Most Americans, including a large percentage of Christians, accept the Progressive worldview as being accurate. Many Christians are no longer even willing to question it. If we do, we do so in private. This is how intimidated believers have become in the twenty-first century.
We will no longer be able to survive, or be salt and light to our culture, if we continue to live like this. Having become passive to Progressivism has whittled us to the nub. We are not who we are supposed to be. Because we are not, it’s time to say, “Enough is enough.” Embracing deception as the truth is not acceptable.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In just a couple of weeks, on the 15th of August, the United States will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Victory over Japan, the end of World War II. Perhaps V J Day was the greatest day in American history, especially since we came close to being defeated by the Japanese after their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor less than four years earlier.
Because of how badly our U.S. Navy was crippled, if the Japanese had decided to attack our mainland, our military leaders feared the Japanese could reach as far as the Mississippi River before we had the capacity to stop them.
When the war was over, our generals asked why the Japanese didn’t attack the American homeland? Their answer was astounding. They said that too many Americans owned guns for our nation to be subjugated. Had they attacked the West Coast, they believed they would be met my millions of Americans with guns, and this was something they didn’t want to face.
The moral of this true story is this: Our founding fathers recognized our inalienable right to defend ourselves. It’s why we have the 2nd Amendment. It saved us once; it might save us again. This right of self-protection is something we will never allow to be taken from us.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Currently, we are experiencing a positional clash between two conflicting Presidential traditions. One is fully operational; the other is definitely not. Unfortunately for the American people, it appears that the wrong tradition will prevail. If this happens, it will end up destroying the United States of America as we know it. Let me explain why.
The first tradition affirms that neither the FBI nor the Department of Justice will bring charges against the political party out of power close to the date of a Presidential Election, knowing that to do so might impact the outcome. Essentially, because it would be unfair to put law enforcement’s foot on the scale, there has been a longstanding tradition to refrain from doing so.
In my opinion, this is why the Durham investigation has not brought forth any indictments of the FBI and the DOJ in their attempted coup against President Trump, based on the fraudulent Steele Dossier that launched operation Crossfire Hurricane. As it now stands, less than one-third of the American people even know that there really was an attempted coup against President Trump, despite the fact that it actually happened.
This segues perfectly into the second tradition. This is the tradition that, when a President leaves office, he withdraws from politics, leaving the newly elected President the freedom to run the country the way he sees fit. This has been a long-honored tradition, one that former Presidents have scrupulously followed until the Presidency of Barack Hussain Obama. When he left office, he and his Vice President, Joe Biden, launched a soft coup against President Trump.
This is not speculation. It’s verifiable fact and Assistant U.S. Attorney John Durham has the evidence that it actually happened. From the moment Hillary Clinton lost the election in 2016, the entire Obama team engaged in an elaborate plot to destroy Trump’s Presidency. By engaging in this illegal activity, they most assuredly violated the tradition of not interfering with the ability of the following administration to govern.
This brings us to our current situation. By honoring the first tradition, the Durham investigation is completely disregarding the second—the more germane tradition. By not allowing the American people to know the truth, by not allowing them to become keenly aware of exactly what happened, Durham is actually putting his foot on the scale to help Joe Biden. There’s no other way to look at it accurately.
What Durham is doing, and being allowed to do, is unconscionable. In an effort to be fair, Durham is being unfai,r and he shouldn’t be allowed to do it. Because nobody elected him to an office, he shouldn’t be permitted to make a political decision that impacts our entire nation. He must be compelled to bring forth charges or resign and allow someone else to finish the job.
It is Durham’s job to investigate and bring charges, nothing else. That he has made himself the sole arbiter of who will win the November election is not only wrong by nature but also unfair to the American people. The two thirds that know nothing about the goal of Crossfire Hurricane definitely deserve to know the truth. If it hurts Biden, then so be it. He was part of the conspiracy anyway. Durham, do your duty or resign.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The mayors of Portland, Minneapolis, New York, Chicago and Seattle have been particularly critical of President Trump’s leadership, telling anyone who will listen that he is the enemy of Democracy. Interestingly, each of these mayors has either been unwilling or unable to maintain peace within their own jurisdictions. Perhaps their criticism of Trump is an attempt to deflect from their own deficiencies. If so, it’s not working.
None of these mayors want Trump’s help to crush the rioters and looters, but they do want his help to pay for the damage these rioters and looters have created. In fact, these incompetent mayors insist that it is the duty of the rest of us to pay for the destruction they have allowed in their cities. That they even have the gall to ask for financial help, while handcuffing their own police, is incredulous to me, but this is exactly what they are doing.
In my opinion, President Trump should respond in one of two way. He should say, “No!” Or, he could say, “Hell no!” Either one would be acceptable but, knowing him, I suspect he would prefer the latter. That’s just fine with me.
The residents of these cities have no one to blame but themselves. They allowed their situations to escalate, so it’s their responsibility to deal with the results. Their constituents voted in these weak-willed, incompetent Democrats. Now, let these same people deal with the mess they have created. Do I feel sorry for them? Not in the least.
Jack Watts

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My heart aches and a dreadful foreboding for what the future holds

Robs me of my sleep, my tranquility and my sense of optimism.

Our beloved nation is under attack. It is being torn apart from within

By the depraved, the corrupt, the perverted and the badly misguided.

They hate us, Your children, but without legitimate cause,

Other than for one thing: We are the only ones standing in their way

To complete their goal of destructing the American way of life.

They despise us because we love, honor and worship You.


You are sovereign in our lives and the reason why the United States

Has been the greatest nation in the history of the world for centuries.

Because we believe this heart and soul this to be true, there can be no peace

Between those who seek a damnable, destructive purpose for America and us.

There can be no middle ground between Darkness and Light.

There can be no compromise between Evil with Righteous.

There can be no way to serve You, Almighty God, and the false gods

Of Progressivism, Socialism, Communism or their complicit Democrats.


Despite their bitter disdain for us, it is You who they really hate.

In their scoffing and bitter acrimony, they intend to destroy every vestige

Of Your Name from our great history, but what they really want

Is to remove You from our lives completely and replace You

With the Father of Lies. In their degeneracy, their ultimate goal

Is to do whatever seems right in their own eyes with impunity.

This is truly their desire and the motivation behind their hatefulness,

But they are not Almighty and You are. It is within Your power

To prevent them from achieving their goals. Because this is true,

And there is no doubt that it is true, we humbly ask You to intervene

On our behalf and crush this iniquity that threatens to destroy us.


Although we are not deserving, not based on our performance, we do ask

That You send Your Holy Spirit to sweep across this land in a mighty way.

Stir Your people like You have done so many times before, when the heart

Of this great nation was threatened by enemies from without or from within.

Do not allow the destructive Evil desired by the Progressives to prevail.

In humility and sorrowful repentance, we ask this in Christ’s Precious Name,



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COMMON SENSE: The Democrats will do anything to keep President Trump from being reelected, and I mean anything. This includes using COVID-19 to their advantage.
Here is how it works. By terrorizing the American people about how deadly the pandemic is, the Democrats want to keep the economy shutdown as long as possible, while simultaneously blaming President Trump for the economic downturn. They also want to keep the schools from reopening because it would “put children at risk,” but only 30 children under fifteen have died nationwide since COVID-19 arrived from China.
Now, because the danger has decreased, the Democrats have developed a new strategy—deceiving Americans about a “new spike” in the virus. In Florida, over 300 testing locations have failed to report negative results, just positive ones. This makes it look like the virus is getting out of control, when it isn’t. They have lied about this as well.
This entire effort is political and meant to hurt Trump’s chances for reelection, but there is also other unwanted collateral damage being done. This false reporting may end up getting the 2020 college football season cancelled, and even the Democrats don’t want this to happen.
Almost daily, I shake my head at how devious the democrats are—the party of Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the Clintons—but they are.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Our goal is not only to win this Presidential Election, to keep the Senate and to flip back the House of Representatives, but it is also to halt the erosion of anti-American sentiment that is sweeping our nation. To do this, we must remain focused and single-purposed. Expending our energy on meaningless things like a Goya buy-cott is a waste of time in my opinion, especially when there is a much more important issue that requires an immediate response from us.


We simply must confront the behemoth of public education that is spitting out millions of our precious children and grandchildren each year, transforming them into semi-literate, entitled, self-indulged, anti-white, racist commies. Ignorant of American history and deficient in basic mathematic skills, millions are now graduating from our public school system with no skills but with the firm conviction that the United States of America never was the land of the free or the home of the brave.


This has to change, and now is the time to go on the offensive by attacking public education. Although just thirty children fifteen and under have died from COVID-19 throughout the United States, the teacher’s union and many Democratic governors do not want to reopen schools this fall, claiming it’s unsafe to do so. Nonsense! Now is the time to start firing teachers who refuse to work. Based on the end product they are producing, most of these teachers are worthless anyway.


Instead, start thousands of new church schools across America that go back to the basics—reading, writing, arithmetic and love for the greatest nation that has ever existed—the United States of America. Instead of always being defensive, it is now time for us to attack the source of our nation’s problem—public education.


—Jack Watts

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CHRISTIAN CONSERVATISM: For each of us to fulfill our purpose in life, we must come to know the truth—God’s truth. The Gospel of John, verse 8:32, powerfully states, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” But often the first part of Jesus’ statement is omitted. “ So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine . . .’”
Our first step is to read and meditate on His Word. Then, the Holy Spirit will reveal its meaning to us, which we must accept as true. Our next step is to apply it. After accomplishing this, which is frequently an arduous and time-consuming process, we must ensure that our convictions become our personal reality. Once we have accomplished this, we can live in a way consistent with, and in accord with, our convictions. This is the process of surrender that produces the fruit and the power of the Spirit of God to work through us.
These are the steps in our journey to become Christ-like—to live in harmony with our loving Heavenly Father. Instead of being conflicted, like most Americans, including many Christians, our lives will become congruent. We will experience love, peace, joy, patience, and much more. This is not an idealistic, unattainable, and sentimental goal. It is an achievable life plan. It can happen, and it will happen.
This is the heart of God for every Christian, but reaching it involves a myriad of experiences and an abundance of different life journeys. Some reach their goals sooner than others. Sadly, millions never even fathom that these goals exist. Instead, these unfortunate people live out their days in disillusionment and defeat, experiencing half-lives that are devoid of worthwhile meaning or discernible purpose.
We all have experienced seasons without passion or purpose, but we can attest that this is not what God desires for any of His precious children. He wants much more for them than this. Teaching this truth to as many as possible is the heart of why I post on Facebook.
What I have to say is targeted for Christians, not non-believers. To non-Christians, these concepts will seem foolish, but to those who are born again by the Holy Spirit, the principles discuss, when applied, will dramatically transform their lives. My prayer is to help you, and many other special people like you, become the best you possibly can be and to accomplish everything God desires for you to do.
Jack Watts

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