
Archive for January, 2017

sally-quillian-yates304-800x430COMMON SENSE: We are living in alternate universes with competing realities. For the Progressives to try and take the moral high ground for the justifiable firing of Acting Attorney General Sally Yates defies not only the law but also logic.
Yates refused to honor her oath of office, which she swore to do. Instead of being considered heroic, she should lose her license to practice law. She knows this of course, so why did she do it? She could have simply resigned. Considering she would have to step down when Senator Sessions is confirmed in a few days, why didn’t she simply leave, which would not have been dishonorable?
She will use this to propel her notoriety. My guess is she will come back to Atlanta and run for office in Georgia. As a champion of the Progressives for standing up to President Trump, she will be able to raise money easily. She won’t win, of course, but she will make a big splash.
She is not heroic. Her actions were dishonorable. She is just another Progressive whose word means nothing. Nevertheless, fools by the millions will champion her betrayal to do her oath of office as laudable.
Jack Watts

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493401622-canadian-liberal-party-leader-justin-trudeau-speaks-in-jpg-crop-cq5dam_web_1280_1280_jpegCOMMON SENSE: Over the weekend, pandering to Progressives worldwide, Prime Minister Trudeau magnanimously announced that Canada would take all of the refugees President Trump rejects. Then, Sunday evening, two Radical Muslim Terrorists, shouting “Allahu Akbar,” opened fire in a Quebec mosque, killing six and wounding eight.
I wonder how Canadians feel about the foolishness of Trudeau’s statement now, don’t you? To me, it seems like Karma has bit this fool right in his derriere.
If Canada wants to follow the path of France and Germany, which are paying a heavy price for their liberal immigration policies, then let them. In the USA, we finally have elected a leader who intends to keep us safe from Radical Islamic Jihadists, which his predecessor refused to even acknowledge were real. Trump is going to keep his campaign promise of “extreme vetting,” and most Americans are delighted that he is.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: According to President Obama, “Elections have consequences.” He was right. We have elected Donald Trump President to protect the American people, even the ones who do not want to be protected. Extreme vetting is necessary and is now policy. It will be enforced—thank God.
As far as Sanctuary Cities are concerned, the mayors need to follow the law—period. Harboring criminals, as if there is something noble in doing so, will only end up hurting innocent and needy citizens in their cities.
Trump is going to do what he said he would do. He’s not going to be intimidated, and most hard-working Americans do not want him to change, despite those protesting. Their efforts are counterproductive.

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angry-obama-scCOMMON SENSE: When President Obama commuted the sentence of Bradley Manning, now called Chelsea, it shocked and infuriated nearly everybody. So, why would Obama do it, other than he could? Here’s my theory.

WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, promised to begin releasing documents about Hillary foundation on January 19th, but so far he hasn’t done it. I believe Assange hasn’t and will not release them because he cut a secret deal with Obama. If Manning was released, nobody would learn the truth about how Hillary had compromised through her foundation.

By not releasing any further documents about Hillary’s corruption, Assange is simply keeping his end of the bargain. By commuting Manning’s sentence just before leaving office, Obama, Hillary, and every other corrupted official wins. The only losers are us—the American people. As he was walking out the door, the self-proclaimed “most transparent President in history” did one more sneaky, reprehensible thing.

If I’m wrong about this, I’ll apologize, but you know I’m right, don’t you?

—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: In 2008, I wrote extensively about Obama, warning that he was a militant ideologue—a man who favored globalism over patriotism and Islam over Christianity. Not surprisingly, I was excoriated for my position and called every name in the book. But I knew I was right.
Over the years, while being the loyal opposition, I continued to point out what was happening and how Obama’s Presidency was eroding core American values. Because I stuck to ideas rather than name calling, at least for the most part, my miniscule audience began to grow.
Despite being mocked routinely for being patriotic, when the globalist agenda was thriving, I continued with my pro-American message, which many considered anachronistic. Now, as a new day is dawning and we are busy making America great again, I can say it was worth the sacrifice, but even if my efforts had failed completely, I would still have done the same thing. I had no other choice. It’s who I am.
Jack Watts   #MAGA

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President Barack Obama signs an executive order after speaking about jobs, energy independence, and climate change, Monday, Jan. 26, 2009, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

COMMON SENSE: On this day in 2009, President Obama signed his 1st Executive Order, which sealed all of the records about his past. This seemed a little strange to me at the time, since he promised to be the most transparent President in history.

Now, eight years later, to “Drain the Swamp” President Trump should nullify Obama’s order and allow the American people to discover for themselves who Barack Obama really is. We deserve to know, and I am certain we will discover many interesting surprises.
Jack Watts
Obama’s 1st Executive Order: https://fas.org/sgp/obama/presidential.html

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Churchill bust Oval Office_1484967418645.jpg_5677855_ver1.0_640_360.jpgCOMMON SENSE: In 2009, when Barack Obama became President, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, sent a personal gift to him. It was the bust of Sir Winston Churchill. Upon receiving it, President Obama, who considered Churchill to be a proponent of colonialism, immediately had it put in the closet, unwisely snubbing and offending the Queen of England.
As one of his first acts as President, Donald Trump had the bust restored to a place of honor, strengthening our deep ties with the United Kingdom. Although this was a small gesture, symbolically it was huge. It signals a complete repudiation of Obama’s disastrous foreign policy, which punished our allies while rewarding our foes. Across the Pond, this will be noticed, believe me. Good for you, Mr. President.
Jack Watts

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I wrote this right after the election, but it seems even more appropriate today:
You have been so gracious to us,
Answering our deep heartache
In a way that cannot be denied.
In Your mercy and goodness,
You have spared us from the destruction
Of those who mock Your name
And champion darkness and depravity.
Thank you, Father, for intervening
And for giving us another chance to be
The people You have called us to be.
By answering our prayers, You have provided us
With the opportunity to walk in the light,
Free from the constraints of those who mock You
And support the evil of this world’s god.
Now that we have bowed our collective knees to You,
Give us the wisdom and courage to stand and move forward,
Championing the rights of all, including the unborn.
Give us the strength to stand firmly against those
Who hate You and Your ways. Let us be kind
And forgiving, while making certain to hold each citizen
Accountable to the Rule of Law, regardless of who they are.
You still have a purpose for the United States of America,
And we humbly ask You to make Your will known to us.
Your mercy and graciousness are boundless.
On this day, when righteousness has been victorious,
We want to acknowledge You as the Author
Of our great victory over the arrogantly corrupt.
Without Your active intervention, all would have been lost.
We know this; help us to never forget it,
Jack Watts

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161534_100003471255753_672416768_n.jpgCOMMON SENSE: We have done it. Standing tall and strong for God and country, we have defied all odds and driven those who mocked us from the halls of power. Choosing to believe that Almighty God still has a purpose for America, we were chosen for such a time as this. We felt it in our bones, and it was a high calling. I am deeply humbled and profoundly gratified to have a small part in this, but a real part . . . just like you.
Jack Watts

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hillary-clinton-blue-glasses-parkinsons-disease-health-issues-campaign-933x445COMMON SENSE: Supporters of Hillary Clinton are urging President Obama to Pardon her, as well as all of the others, for all crimes relating to her email server and the Clinton Foundation. If he does, it’s a clear indication that he knew there was criminality involved and Hillary was complicit. By Pardoning her, Obama, who has steadfastly maintained that his administration has been free of scandal, would be admitting this is a lie, which anybody with a brain already knows.
If he doesn’t Pardon her, the FBI’s investigation is certain to continue, and there is no telling how many Swamp Dwellers will be exposed. By not Pardoning her, he can maintain plausible deniability about her criminal activity. Plus, he loathes her, and she is nothing but a political liability to him at this point.
If I were Obama, I would not address the issue at all and let her suffer the consequences of her actions, but he may go ahead and do it anyway.
Jack Watts

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