
Archive for November, 2016


DONALD TRUMP: Now that you have become the leader of the Free World, it’s time to moderate some of your social media Tweets. You simply cannot go off the reservation. It’s unseemly, but I have an idea that might help you.
Why not have a Tweet editor—a person who has the freedom to moderate your Tweets that are excessive or inaccurate. The person would “Tweet, writing imaginative realistic posts” for you, as well as editing your own. It’s a great acronym. He or she would become your T-W-I-R-P Czar.
It would require someone who is knowledgable, wise, and has experience as an editor—someone like me. Like you, I want to serve, so I would do it for $1 a year. Because you like to Tweet in the middle of the night, however, that’s overtime. So, let’s just say I’ll do it for a buck-and-a-half. What do you think? I like the sound of it, don’t you—Jack Watts, TWIRP CZAR.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When President-Elect Trump indicated he didn’t want to prosecute Hillary Clinton, at first I was disappointed. Now, I consider it to be strategically brilliant.
Here’s why: Instead of embittering millions of her followers by dragging the Clintons to court, Trump has simply suggested to other nations that they should pursue the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and Bill Clinton Inc., for fraud and corruption.
These nations, eager to ingratiate themselves to the new President, will fall all over themselves in their relentless pursuit of America’s First Family of Crime. It’s inevitable.
Because the evidence is clear and incontrovertible, the results of the investigation will be the same, but they will not be influenced by President Trump or his administration in any way. So, neither Hillary’s followers nor the her sycophantic media will be able to cry foul. They cannot blame Trump for being on a political witch hunt. Even better, it means that a pardon by President Obama will not get her off the hook with foreign nations.
Hillary and Bill will be exposed for exactly who they are. Eventually, even the Progressives will be forced to admit that the American people have been spared by not having her serve as President.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: To understand Jill Stein’s recount initiative, there are some things that you must realize. This has nothing to do with any attempt to ensure the legitimacy of the election. Instead, it’s an attack by Team Clinton to alter the final outcome.
Jill Stein is just a useful tool in the process. If Stein’s motives were pure, which they are not, she would have also targeted New Hampshire for a recount, where Trump lost by 2,732 votes, which is obviously much less than the 70,000 he won by in Pennsylvania. The same is true for Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado, where Trump lost by less votes than he won by in Pennsylvania.
So, what is really happening? To know, you must understand this: Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She is guilty of corruption, pay-to-play, and a number of other criminal activities. She knows this, and she also knows the truth about her activities will eventually be revealed, even if Obama or Trump pardon her, which might happen.
Since she knows she is going to be unmasked, her reasoning is why not have a Hail Mary pass to change the outcome of the election? What does she have to lose?
Right now, corrupt officials from the Democratic Party are creating “previously undiscovered” votes or “fraudulently altered” votes that will change the outcome of the election, and crown the Queen of Darkness the next President of the United States.
Yes, she intends to steal the election, just like she stole the missing $6 billion from the State Department. Knowing her long-standing pattern of criminal behavior is about to be revealed, forever vilifying her name and her legacy, she has nothing to lose. For her, it’s just one more crime and worth the gamble.
Neither Trump, the RNC, the Transition Team, nor the FBI seem to be taking this threat seriously, but it’s real; believe me. I’m sounding the clarion call to be watchful, not because I’m smarter than Trump or the others, but because I do have a better understanding of just how depraved Hillary Rodham Clinton really is.
Just to cover myself, let me say this: I am not suicidal, nor am I accident prone.
Jack Watts

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DONALD TRUMPhillary trump_4: You have a blindspot. It’s time to lawyer up. Better call Saul or someone like him; I’m serious.
Green Party nominee Jill Stein has raised millions for a recount of the 2016 Presidential Election in three key states—Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. There is nothing ethical or honorable about what she is doing, quite the contrary. Instead, this is a sinister attempt to deprive you of the Presidency.
To begin with, where did Stein get the money for this? The Green Party doesn’t have two nickels to rub together. The Clintons are behind this. There’s no doubt about it. If you think that Hillary is going to go away quietly, think again. Stein is her surrogate. Evil is afoot, Mr. President-Elect, and you need to address it head on.
Stein is challenging the results in Pennsylvania, where you won by about 68,000 votes, but she isn’t challenging the results in New Hampshire, where you lost by only about 2,800 votes. If she was interested in the “integrity of the election,” why choose Pennsylvania over New Hampshire for a recount?
Her purpose, which is at the behest of the Queen of Spirit Cooking, is to do nothing other than nullify the will of the people. Stein wants to hand the Presidency to Hillary—even at this late date, and the threat of her accomplishing this goal is real and substantial.
You won Wisconsin by about 27,000 votes but lost Nevada by about 26,000 votes. Why challenge one and not the other? It’s for the same reason. Your narrow losses are irrelevant; only your narrow wins are important. You won Michigan by about 12,000 votes but lost Maine by about 20,000 votes, but Stein isn’t concerned about the integrity of the vote in any of the states you lost—just the ones you won that would change the outcome.
Here’s my advise: Pay less attention to picking your Secretary of State and more attention to the underhanded attempt by Team Clinton to rob you and the American people of the victory we have achieved.
Jack Watts #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #LockHerUp #@RealDonaldTrump

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COMMON SENSE: There are good and substantial reasons to pursue the criminal investigation into the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and Bill Clinton Inc. Right now, people on both sides have emotional reactions about the Clintons, but nobody has the complete facts, which everyone needs for closure.
To reestablish confidence in the Rule of Law, where everyone is held equally accountable, the investigation must go forward. To “Drain the Swamp,” the investigation must continue. Nobody knows how far-reaching the tentacles of Hillary’s corruption goes, but we must learn. To simply let it go, while allowing the Clintons to enjoy the fruits of their ill gotten gains, is an unacceptable outcome. To assert that Hillary has suffered enough is ridiculous. She hasn’t suffered at all, nor has she been held accountable for her actions—not ever.
When the truth is finally discovered and revealed, it will be a major blow to Progressives and the mainstream media. Once they learn they have championed a career criminal, there will be massive soul searching by the Progressive elites who believe they are wiser than the rest of us, and college students will have to face uncomfortable facts.
All of this is necessary to move forward, and none of it is vengeful. It’s just pursuing the truth. It’s the responsibility of Congress and the new Attorney General to see that justice is served, and we must hold their feet to the fire. We will accept nothing less than a thorough investigation—period.
Jack Watts

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14925692_10210400061259092_8046806426912915111_n.jpgCOMMON SENSE: If you intend to “Drain the Swamp,” there is no way to do it effectively without containing the alligators and water moccasins. This means you have to deal with Hillary Clinton.
When I heard that President-Elect Trump doesn’t intend to “Lock Her Up,” which was a consistent slogan at all of his rallies, at first I thought it was a mistake, but now I consider it to be wise. Here’s why.
First, President Obama has the ability to give Hillary a blanket pardon, without specifying the crimes she has committed. Knowing this would undermine his legacy, Obama doesn’t want to do it, but he will if forced into a corner. This ability to grant a pardon ends the moment Trump becomes President.
Second, the FBI is already investigating Hillary’s foundation, and this will lead to disclosure about many other despicable things she has done—things that will horrify millions, when they become public knowledge. Nothing can stop this investigation—not the President, President-Elect, or the outgoing or incoming Attorneys General.
Third, the Congressional investigations will continue, but this time, they will not be impeded by a corrupt Attorney General. Sessions, the incoming Attorney General, will support Gowdy, Issa, and others rather than thwart their efforts.
Hillary is destined to be unmasked one way or the other, so President Trump can focus on “Making America Great Again,” instead of looking vengeful. This is a good thing. He doesn’t need to expend political capital on bringing Hillary to justice. Others can do that.
When Americans find out who Hillary really is, and how close we have come to anointing this Evil Shrew, it will undermine the sanctity of Progressive ideology and decimate the credibility of the mainstream media—both laudable achievements.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In my opinion, the greatest loser in the last election is the mainstream media. It’s not just that they were wrong in predicting the outcome. It goes much deeper than that.
Essentially, by skewing the news to fit the narrative they wanted us to accept, they bet their future on the outcome. Now that their Progressive worldview has been soundly repudiated by patriotic populism, all they have left to do is to increase their bitter vitriol to a populace that no longer pays attention to them—not the way they once did anyway.
In the months ahead, with diminished viewership, which means loss of advertising revenue, many of these journalists will be forced out of their jobs and end up teaching at universities. It’s inevitable, especially at CNN and the “New York Times.”
Do I feel sorry for them? No, I do not. I feel sorry for the the impressionable kids at the universities who will be infected by the false belief system of these Leftist Progressives.
Jack Watts

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a1f8d2e3-2dde-48b0-b6b7-48f422cd6ccdCOMMON SENSE: Yesterday, the Reverend Jesse Jackson stated that President Obama should give Hillary Clinton a pardon before leaving office. This was not an off-handed comment. Rather, it was the opening salvo in a strategic initiative to make sure Hilary is never held accountable for her many crimes. Other voices are certain to follow—all aimed at defending poor Hillary from the mean-spiritedness of the Trump administration.
Jackson’s purpose was to gain sympathy for Hillary and nothing else. I suspect the decision to pardon Hillary has already been made, despite its downside. By pardoning her, along with her sycophantic underlings, it’s an admission that she is guilty of committing crimes, which she has steadfastly denied. It’s also something that will taint Obama’s legacy, which many want to position as being scandal free.
When Obama does pardon Hillary, does it mean she gets to keep the billions she has pilfered for her corrupt foundation? Hmmm, just wondering.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Our goal cannot be simply to change Barack Obama’s policies. We must do more than that—much more.

To kill Dracula, you must pound a stake through his heart. To destroy the godlessness of Progressive ideology, we must expose it for exactly what it is. The way to do this is to “Drain the Swamp,” even if Obama pardons most of the criminals from his administration—people like Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, and John Koskinen.
The investigations must move forward. The American people, especially Progressive Millennials, must be made aware of exactly who their champions are. The deeds of darkness of these miscreants must be exposed to the light. When this happens, many impressionable young people will realize exactly how badly they have been deceived.
To truly make America great again, we must return to the values of our Forefathers. Nothing less will work longterm. To get the job done, we must pound a stake into the heart of Progressive ideology, which is antithetical to core American values. 
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Many are already advocating the abandonment of investigating the Clinton Foundation. They say,”Why dwell on the past, when there is so much to do to make America great again?” Let me explain why that is a ad idea and we cannot allow it to happen.

First, President-Elect Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp,” and he must hold true to his word.
Second, the Rule of Law, which has been abandoned by the Obama administration, must be restored. The corrupt must be held accountable for their crimes, and the fortuned they have amassed illegally must be returned to the American people.
Third, by Draining the Swamp publicly for the world to see, the false god of Statism will be dealt a substantial blow. The elites in government, the media, and academia have been entertaining themselves for decades in a massive circle jerk of deception, gleefully mocking all who are beneath them—Deplorables like you and me. It’s time to expose this false ruling class for the frauds that they are, which will happen with the unmasking of Team Hillary.
Let a Special Prosecutor be appointed. When the truth is revealed, millennials by the millions will abandon the false beliefs of Progressivism. This will happen, believe me.
Jack Watts

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