
Archive for April, 2017

th-2COMMON SENSE: The mainstream media has charged that the 1st Amendment is under attack because President Trump calls their reporting “Fake News,” but is the press’ assertion accurate? I don’t think so.
First, Trump gives the press more access to him than any President in recent history, and the White House holds daily press briefings. Second, unlike Obama, Trump hasn’t used the power of his office to squelch reporters he holds in disdain, which is what Obama did to Fox News’ James Rosen. Third, the press corps accompanies the President, wherever he goes, on Air Force One. So, why does the press insist there is a problem?
It’s because President Trump does not, and will not, submit to the press’ way of thinking. Trump refuses to submit to their “Totalitarianism of Thought.” Instead, he ridicules it, calling it “Fake News.”
Because Trump is not a Progressive, his worldview is not the same as the Washington media’s. Its entirely different. Trump is not a Globalist, which the members of the media are. He puts America first; the media doesn’t. Trump wants growth, a strong military, and strong borders, none of which are highly valued by the media.
So, when they say that the 1st Amendment is under attack, it simply means that Trump will not knuckle under to the media’s way of thinking. Thank God he doesn’t. I like this about Trump.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: It’s no secret that the Democrats and the Leftwing Media have been relentless in their criticism of President Trump’s America first agenda. Their attack has been vicious and personal, and it has gone unchecked for too long.

The one promise that Candidate Trump made that has made no progress, however, at least as far as I can tell, is his commitment to Drain the Swamp. This needs to change, and it needs to change immediately.
The criminals from the Obama administration who have undermined our national security for profit need to be held to account, including people from the White House. Endless investigations about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting of Conservatives, and the Bowe Bergdahl deal have never been finalized or brought to prosecution. This is unacceptable. The Swamp must be drained.
Now, the ill-advised Iran Nuclear Deal has taken a sinister turn that may involve criminality on the part of President Obama as well as Hillary Clinton. It involves seven men, six of whom were Iranians. While under indictment for espionage by Obama’s own Department of Justice, Obama had them spirited away in the middle of the night and returned to Iran. He told the American people they were businessmen, which was a lie—Obama’s specialty.
This incident, like all the others, needs to be pursued like a spurned wife pursues her ex-husband for alimony. Drain the Swamp, Mr. President. You promised you would. Do it now.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: During the first 100 Days of the Trump administration, the strategy of the Democrats has been to obstruct everything he has done, regardless of what it is. The refusal to confirm Justice Gorsuch is a perfect example of refusing to support anything Trump does.
By putting up roadblocks everywhere, impeding Trump at every turn, the Democrats believe they can now boast that he hasn’t accomplished nearly as much as he promised he would. By refusing to cooperate, the Democrats now believe they can say Trump’s Presidency is a failure, even though there are 1361 days left. That’s how desperate they are to undermine his Presidency, and the Progressive media will follow suit.
But here is something Trump has accomplished that you will not see reported—not by anybody. Just 7% into his tenure, our allies trust us again, and our enemies fear us, which is the polar opposite of how they felt with Obama. This is a huge win for Trump, for America, for our allies, and for the rest of the Free World. It was a win that the obstructionists could not diminish or derail.
Link to “Creating Trump Nation:” http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation
Jack Watts

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searchCOMMON SENSE: I’ve been challenged about what our solution to the North Korean problem should be, so here is what I think. Our goal should be regime change and the reunification of Korea. The North Koreans, other than Kim Jong Un, are starving, and their economy is close to collapsing.
The USA should do everything we can to further their isolation and help crash their economy, while simultaneously increasing our commitment to help North Korea’s starving people. We want to drive a wedge between the people and their dictator, by showing how much better of South Koreans are economically, which they are.
Through unification, which would be similar to reuniting Germany, with the commitment for Korea to be non-nuclear, China might be willing to help us meet this goal.
This is an accomplishable goal. What cannot be allowed is for the North Korean dictatorship to develop a delivery system that could destroy South Korea, Japan, Australia, or the USA.
Jack Watts

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th-2COMMON SENSE: Attorney General Sessions has drawn a clear line in the sand. His anti illegal immigration stance is a clear statement that the Justice Department intends to keep President Trump’s campaign promise to secure our borders and return illegals to their place of origin, beginning with the criminals.
Because this is an “in-your-face” repudiation to the open border policies of the Obama administration, and the Progressive Leftists who embrace globalism by repudiating nationalism, Sessions is being pounded by the mainstream media. So be it.
Session is putting Americans first, as he should, and he is also keeping one of Trump’s most fervent campaign promises. By putting sanctuary cities and states on notice, Trump and Sessions are certain to be vilified by the Left, but Deplorables like me love them for it.
We don’t want criminal illegals in our country—period. We don’t want MS-13, Radical Islamic Jihadists, or people who come here to get on welfare. Being in debt $20 trillion dollars, we have enough problems of our own without accepting the dreck of other nations, and I couldn’t care less about the Progressives who disagree with me. As Obama said, “Elections have consequences,” and this is one of them—a good one, don’t you agree?
CREATING TRUMP NATION: http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Other than the persistent terror attacks of ISIS in Europe and the United States, President Trump is facing four significant challenges—each resulting from the feckless abdication of responsibility by Barack Obama. These are the problem areas.
1. Middle East—Syria, Iraq and Afganistan
2. Iran’s nuclear ambitions
3. Russian imperialism in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States
4. North Korea
Right now, the showdown with North Korea is the most dangerous, but our world is considerably more dangerous than it was before 9/11. That being said, by playing a strong hand, rather than the weak and vacillating one Obama chose, we have to reassert our leadership worldwide.
In my opinion, Trump’s team is doing this masterfully. Kim Jong Un, whose narcissism has generated societal delusion in North Korea is the most dangerous, but Iran isn’t far behind. Because Obama flinched, Un and others hope Trump will do the same thing, but that’s unlikely to happen. Hopefully, with the help of the Chinese, this will resolve peacefully, but there is no guarantee this will happen.
Jack Watts

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160118134132-donald-trump-nigel-parry-large-169COMMON SENSE: Years ago, I worked for a ministry where the operating culture was, “Firings will continue until morale improves.” No kidding. While talking-the-talk about God’s love and acceptance, there wasn’t anything about the ministry that wasn’t fear based.
What happened in North Korea Easter weekend reminded me of my time with the ministry. When the missile test failed miserably, what was the administration’s response? Execute the technician responsible. This is the way it is in North Korea. Everything is fear based, and the eyes of Big Brother Un are everywhere.
Dealing with a nation like this is problematic. Their level of delusion is so great that there is no rationality involved. The GDP of North Korea is less than the state of Vermont. That’s how poor this nation is. Their only claim to fame is intimidating the Free World, and they are very good at it.
Thank God President Trump has had enough. This problem will not resolve by denying it exists, which Obama did for eight years—Bush too. By eliciting Chinese support, Trump has demonstrated a level of sophistication in international politics that few believed he possessed, but he has been making all the right moves. Good for you, President Trump, good for you.
(Link to Creating Trump Nation: http://tinyurl.com/ buytrumpnation)
—Jack Watts

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th-2.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Where North Korea is concerned, normal calculations do not apply. There is no “Rational Man Model” where Kim Jong Un is involved. Since he is never contradicted, he has convinced himself he is always right. Barack Obama surrounded himself with sycophants, who validated each of his foreign policy missteps, but there were plenty of others who let Obama know how feckless his leadership actually was. Kim Jong Un doesn’t have that.
People are beaten or executed for not applauding him loud enough or long enough, and there is nobody to say, “The Emperor isn’t wearing clothes.” That’s how insulated from reality this madman is. For example, when Kim Jong Un played golf for the first time a few years ago, his score was 19 for his entire round. In an attempt at modesty, it was admitted there was one hole where he didn’t get a hole-in-one, and North Koreans were forced to believe this nonsense.
This is how detached from reality the North Koreans are. The Obama administration knew this, as did the Bush and Clinton administrations, but they chose not to deal with North Korea’s insane Group Think. As the threat grows, however, Trump can no longer pretend the threat is minimal like his predecessors did. This means that North Korea may actually be a more serious problem for the United States than ISIS. Our best chance to solve this situation peacefully is with China’s help, which may or may not happen. One thing is for certain: North Korea is a powder keg
Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: There is a reason why President Trump’s foreign policy is proving to be more effective than his domestic agenda—at least so far. When the Commander-in-Chief gives an order, it is obeyed, and when the Commander-in-Chief does not micromanage, our military, being the best in the world by far, oyr armed forces can definitely get the job done.
There’s another reason too. The world is starved for American leadership. After years of fecklessness, vacillation, and incompetence, our allies are thrilled to see America take a strong stand once again. The vacuum created by Obama’s retreat emboldened our enemies, especially ISIS, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Now, to put a halt to this, President Trump is demonstrating just how powerful we actually are. This will ultimately re-stabilize the world, but not in the short-term.
Domestically, President Trump is being confronted with repeated attacks by the mainstream media, obstructionist Democrats, and Republicans who talk-the-talk but do not walk-the-walk. Despite this, the economy is bustling, stifling regulations are being repealed, and our energy sector is being cut loose. This means prosperity ahead, but it will continue to be a dogfight to get things done, especially with victories being depicted as defeats
Jack Watts

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160118134132-donald-trump-nigel-parry-large-169COMMON SENSE: What is the #1 promise Donald Trump made to the American people? Wasn’t it to “Make America Great Again?” Of course it was.
All other promises subordinate themselves to this one, but to Make America Great Again, we must reassume our role as the leader of the Free World. This means the fecklessness and incompetence of the Obama White House has needed to be given a transformation and complete overhaul, which is exactly what President Trump has been doing in his first three months as President.
The mainstream media, who can never acknowledge anything positive about Trump, is saying that Trump is flip-flopping on his core promises, but nothing could be further from the truth. Because of Obama’s micro-management style and avoidance of global leadership, our enemies have been emboldened worldwide, requiring decisive action by our new President.
So far, Trump has received commitments from our NATO partners to pay their fair share of expenses for defense, which Obama could never do. The result is a solid check on Russian expansionism. Second, by sending cruse missiles into Syria, Trump has signaled to enemies and allies alike that the US retreat from the Middle East has ended. Third, by enhancing our trade relations with China, Trump has checked the belligerence of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, but more may need to be done. Fourth, by dropping the MOAB bomb on ISIS, Trump has signaled to Jihadists and everybody else in the world that America will once again take its rightful leadership role in fighting global terrorism.
Not bad for the first three months of Trump’s Presidency. Just because the Progressives in the mainstream media refuse to give Trump credit doesn’t mean a thing. The rest of the world—the non-Alinsky world—sees that America is back in the game, and they love us for it.
Jack Watts

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