
Archive for March, 2017

search-1.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Many of the current issues, like repealing and replacing ObamaCare, are complex and not easy to understand. Other issues, like confirming Judge Neil Gorsuch, are easily comprehended. You have seen him and listened to how fair-minded and articulate he is. Brilliant, he is the epitome of what a judge should be.
Yet, Minority Leader Chuck Shumer intends to filibuster Gorsuch’s nomination—not because he isn’t qualified, but because the Democrats do not want President Trump to have a judge on the Supreme Court. Schumer’s strategy is simple to understand, and it demonstrates the Democrats’ singular purpose—to impede and obstruct anything and everything President Trump does. It doesn’t seem like they will do anything to move this country forward.
So be it. Millions of people made their decision to vote for Trump because they wanted him to appoint Conservative Justices, and he has kept his promise. Gorsuch must be confirmed, and we must all remember how vicious and mean-spirited the Democrats have been. In 2018, there are many Democrats up for reelection from Red States. We need to oppose every one of them.
Jack Watts

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12573733_828304790628555_5483197664783316735_nCOMMON SENSE: This May, I will pick up a chip from AA for having twenty-five years of continuous sobriety—not bad for an Irishman. During this time, I have seen more people die from alcoholism and drug addiction than you can possibly imagine.
It’s always tragic, and I have never gotten used to it. This needless loss is staggering. That President Trump is addressing our problem with opiates, which has become an epidemic, is very encouraging. In the USA, three times more people die from drug overdose than are murdered. This is a sobering statistic.
This epidemic isn’t a partisan issue. Drug addiction and alcoholism affect all of us. I’m grateful Trump is using his office, which is the most powerful one in the world, to push back against this major societal issue.
Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: Senate Minority Leader Schumer has called for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devon Nunes to step down. Nunes should not do this—period. To begin with, it’s none of the Senator’s business how the House of Representatives is run. Besides, what is wrong with the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee meeting with the Commander-in-Chief of the United States anyway?
Schumer, some House Democrats, and the Progressive mainstream media are calling for Nunes’ ouster because he so effective at what he does. Plus, it diverts attention away from the real issue—the illegal surveillance of President-Elect Trump by Team Obama.
All Shumer ever does is whine, complain, and obstruct. I defy anybody to point to one positive thing Shumer has done since he became Minority Leader. Can you think of anything? I sure can’t.
It’s time to stop complying with the demands of Shumer and the other Swamp Dwellers like him. Nunes needs to stay. Part of leading is standing up to the obstructionists and saying, “No!”

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th-1COMMON SENSE: Although the House of Representatives refused to come together to repeal ObamaCare, President Trump has used his executive authority to dismantle the law’s coercive power. By directing the IRS to not impose any penalties for those who do not have the insurance ObamaCare mandates, Trump has done what Congress has refused to do. Without enforcing the penalty, ObamaCare has become a law that has no authority. It’s like spitting on the sidewalk, which remains against the law, but is never enforced.
Also, Trump directed HHS to accept any insurance as valid, which means having catastrophic insurance will suffice. You don’t have to pay for birth control or other things you don’t need. So, ObamaCare is effectively dead, and Trump accomplished it while the media covered the failure of Congress to participate.
Trump has outsmarted them all. Dick Morris has a great piece on it.
Jack Watts

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neil-gorsuch-donald-trump-supreme-court-nominee-09COMMON SENSE: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has stated he will not vote for Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Instead, Schumer has threatened to filibuster the nomination, even though Gorsuch is definitely qualified to serve.
Perhaps this is just payback for Obama’s appointee, Merritt Garland, never having been given an up-or-down vote. Nevertheless, Schumer’s actions are a clear indication that the Senate Democrats intend to obstruct everything President Trump intends to do.
So be it. We will just have to move forward without any Democrats supporting Gorsuch. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs to act accordingly. Change the rules so that Gorsuch only needs 51 votes, not a super majority of 60. By nominating Gorsuch, Trump has kept his promise to the American people to appoint a Conservative, and we need to make sure Gorsuch is confirmed. According to Obama, “Elections have consequences.” Obama was right.
Jack Watts

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th.jpgCOMMON SENSE: There’s no way to sugarcoat this. Yesterday was a fiasco, and I’m not even sure why. Perhaps the healthcare bill was so flawed that we are better off that it was not passed, perhaps not. Here’s the problem: The Republicans said they were competent enough to repeal and replace ObamaCare, which is a disaster, but they weren’t. Even worse, because of this failure, they have broken their promise to the American people and have become equally culpable for ObamaCare.
But this isn’t the end of the world. It’s just one defeat. Now, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and continue the fight. We must Drain the Swamp, fix the economy, bolster our military, and move forward. Many will gloat, but that’s okay. We’ll accept our defeat, learn from it, and move forward.
Jack Watts

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16508334_10206232700175825_3255171521002844344_nCOMMON SENSE: Today, in Canada, their Parliament is voting to make “Islamaphobia” a crime. So, our northern neighbors, in an effort to codify their politically correct nonsense into law, intend to criminalize calling a spade a spade. If I lived in Toronto instead of Atlanta, I would be guilty of criminal behavior routinely for simply stating the obvious.
Thank God for the 1st Amendment and for President Trump, who has consistently stated the truth about Radical Islamic Jihadism. What the Progressives in Ottawa are doing, which is enforcing Totalitarianism of Thought, is exactly what the Progressives in the United States desire to impose on all Americans, but that’s not what we want, is it?
Jack Watts

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170321-henry-sanchez-mn-1620_c56634478cf6722f78e27d01dabf9ee5.nbcnews-fp-1200-800.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Neither CBS, NBC, or ABC reported on the rape of a fourteen-year-old girl by her “fellow students,” who just happened to be seventeen and eighteen. These criminal illegal aliens live in a sanctuary county in Maryland. Since this is a major news story, why didn’t these networks report about it?
It’s because it doesn’t fit the Progressive narrative the mainstream media wants Americans to have about illegals. Believing in open borders, the media calls these people undocumented rather than what they really are, illegals. Enough is enough! Why would an eighteen-year-old be in a class with a fourteen-year-old anyway?
Knowing how bad some of these illegals are, their countries of origin are refusing to take them back, which is entirely unacceptable. Unless they do so willingly and immediately, the USA should cut off any aid to them, limit trade, and refuse to grant travel Visas to their citizens. It’s time to play hardball and fix this problem.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: During yesterday’s testimony with FBI Director Comey and DNI Director Rogers, there were plenty of good sound bites for the Democrats, but so far, there has only been one verified felony—the leaking of Mike Flynn’s conversation with the Russian Ambassador. That’s it—one crime but lots of smoke and mirrors.
What the Democrats have been successful at doing is this: They have re-vilified Russia to Cold War proportions, elevating this nation to the status of the Soviet Union, which was much bigger and far more powerful. When the Soviet Union dismantled in 1991, its population was 286 million. Currently, Russia has 143 million people. It is half the size of the Soviet Union, and there is no Warsaw Pact—NATO’s counterpart—to add to its power base.
Also, according to the IMF, the GDP of Russia is 3.8 trillion, while ours is 19.4 trillion. Russia’s economy compares to Indonesia’s and Germany’s, which makes it a small player in the world. Putin would love to make Russia as dominant as the Soviet Union, so he loves all of the talk that elevates him to be the world’s bully; but he isn’t Scut Farcus; he’s Gilbert Dill at best. Russia is a medium-size player with nukes—that’s all.
It’s unfortunate that the Russians have been used by the Democrats to be the word’s bad guy, but that’s what has happened. Instead, we should be building bridges with Russia, which is Orthodox and not Communist, to partner with us in destroying ISIS and Radical Islam. That Russia has been made the enemy again has been a stupid move, even for the Democrats.
Jack Watts

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trump-merkel-gorusmesinde-tokalasma-krizi.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Yesterday, I posted about how a family of four owes $250,000 as their part of our national debt. This is real money and has to be repaid. Currently, Leftists and Progressives are incensed by President Trump’s proposed budget cuts—kind of like the way a kid screams at the grocery store when told that he or she can’t have everything they want. We simply must learn to live within our means.
This also means others must pay their fair share for defense. When Trump met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the exchange between them was frosty at best. Since Germany is one of our key allies, the press is being critical of Trump, saying he is undermining NATO. This isn’t true. Let me explain why.
Each NATO nation is required to spend 2% of its GDP on defense. It’s part of the deal. The USA spends 3,3%, and that number is rising. It’s the price we must pay to remain safe and the world’s only superpower. The UK pays 2%, which is their agreed upon share, but Germany only pays 1.2%, far below the minimum requirement. This means we—the United States of America—are carrying Germany, and their economy is doing much better than ours is. How is that fair?
When Trump pointed this out to Merkel, which weak-willed Obama would never would have done, the President told Merkel that Germany must pay more. Predictably, Merkel balked, even though it is her nation’s responsibility to pay 2% to be part of NATO. Currently, only the UK, France and Turkey are meeting their obligations. Every other member of NATO is spending less than 2%, which means the American people—you and me—are paying for their protection, while our massive debt continues to increase. This is unfair to us, and I am thrilled we finally have a President who will stand up for us.
You don’t hear about this from the media though, do you? What you do hear is that Trump is an isolationist, and that he is dangerous. Again, this isn’t true. He simply wants our defense partners to live up to the bargain they made decades ago, and I agree with him 100%. How about you? We have been played by others for far too long. Enough is enough. Pay up, or you are on your own.
Jack Watts #MASA

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