
Archive for the ‘Antonia Scalia’ Category

WATTS UP! The entire program, which broadcasts at 5:30-6:15 EDT tomorrow, will be devoted to the scandal involving Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the corrupt DNC, Imran Awan’s espionage for the Muslim Brotherhood, and the murder of Seth Rich—none of which interest the mainstream media. By the way, Imran, circled in red, was with Seth Rich the day he was murdered. Be certain to tune in.
Here is a link to tomorrow’s program: http://tobtr.com/s/10171573
Creating Trump Nation: mcgeeandme.net
Jack Watts

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neil-gorsuch-donald-trump-supreme-court-nominee-09COMMON SENSE: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has stated he will not vote for Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Instead, Schumer has threatened to filibuster the nomination, even though Gorsuch is definitely qualified to serve.
Perhaps this is just payback for Obama’s appointee, Merritt Garland, never having been given an up-or-down vote. Nevertheless, Schumer’s actions are a clear indication that the Senate Democrats intend to obstruct everything President Trump intends to do.
So be it. We will just have to move forward without any Democrats supporting Gorsuch. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs to act accordingly. Change the rules so that Gorsuch only needs 51 votes, not a super majority of 60. By nominating Gorsuch, Trump has kept his promise to the American people to appoint a Conservative, and we need to make sure Gorsuch is confirmed. According to Obama, “Elections have consequences.” Obama was right.
Jack Watts

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MAR-A-LOGO MONOLOG: Mr. Trump, your economic speech was excellent.Unfortunately, few paid any attention to it. Your entire agenda—all of which is essential to return America to greatness—was marginalized because of that one silly statement that was construed as being threatening to Hillary Clinton.
Sir, it’s time to take the gloves off and get tough—not with Hillary but with yourself. You simply must stop allowing the news cycles to be about unimportant, off-the-cuff, ad hominem attacks that go over the top and alienate voters. You promised us that you would not “blow it” like Mitt Romney did four years ago, but that’s exactly what you are doing.
There is so much coming out about Hillary’s poor judgment and corruption that her supporters should be abandoning her candidacy in droves, but this isn’t happening because of you. Each day, you are allowing the opposition—Hillary, her campaign, and the media—to paint you as an unsuitable alternative to her.
You simply must stop giving them ammunition to do this. If you can discipline yourself for three months, we might be able to save this great nation. If not, we will elect an unrepentant criminal to be our next President. The choice is yours, Mr. Trump, and so are the consequences.
—Jack Watts

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hillary clinton rally at the apollo theatre in harlem

hillary clinton rally at the apollo theatre in harlem

COMMON SENSE: According to a report from “The New York Times,” Hillary Clinton is considering retaining Loretta Lynch as Attorney General if she wins the presidency. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this?

To even suggest this is a blatant attempt to try and influence Loretta Lynch from indicting Hillary. How can it be seen any other way? There’s nothing subtle about it either. It’s a brazen—in our face—attempt to corrupt the Attorney General, by offering her a bribe.
Just as bad is the President campaigning Hillary on the campaign trail. Normally, this would be fine, but not when the FBI is investigating her criminal behavior. Again, this is a brazen move, aimed at putting pressure on the FBI and the DOJ not to indict.
These actions aren’t about politics. They are about right and wrong, following the law or skirting it, and justice versus ratifying corruption. If you are not appalled by what is happening, you are not paying attention.
—Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: In 2009 and 2010, the Democrats controlled the White House and Congress—both the Senate and the House. They could have passed as much gun legislation as they pleased. Having the Presidency and and Congress, they were unstoppable.
Do you know how many gun bills they proposed during those two years? None, Nada, ZIP. Back then, Col. Nadal slaughtered 13 at Fort Hood. Why didn’t their “outrage over guns” stir Obama, Pelosi, and Reid to action back then instead of now?
I’ll tell you why. It’s because they see a political advantage . . . nothing else.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Many of us worked diligently to flip the Senate in 2014, only to discover that it made virtually no difference. The Republicans consistently caved into Barack Obama’s demands. More than anything, this explains Donald Trump’s popularity with the American people. If Obama is Putin’s “bitch,” which he is, then the Senate Republicans are Obama’s.
But they do have an opportunity to redeem themselves. With the nomination of Judge Garland to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, the Senate has a chance to make things right with its core constituency—people like you and me. The Republican Senators seem determined, but they are a weak-willed lot. My guess is they will stand firm for one reason: They fear the wrath of the electorate—you and me—more than that of a lame-duck President. Nevertheless, even on their best day, the resolve of the Republicans is tenuous at best.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Let me calm your apprehensions about one thing: There will be no brokered convention. The reason is simple. Neither Romney nor any of the other RINOs have the power to make it happen. Let me explain why.
It’s no secret that the RINOs do not want Donald Trump to be President, but they loathe Ted Cruz just as much. To have a brokered convention, if Trump doesn’t get the 1,237 needed, the RINOs would have to cut a deal with Cruz—who will have the second largest total. To deny Cruz for the same reason, the RINOs would have to cut a deal with Trump.
Either way, despite the pitiful totals of Rubio and Kasich, one of the two anti-establishment candidates would be in the driver’s seat. It’s the only way the math will work, which means we are going to have a non-establishment candidate.
Now, for the sake of argument, let’s just say that neither Trump nor Cruz gets the 1,237 votes to win outright. Wouldn’t it be far more likely that Trump and Cruz would cut a deal between themselves, rather than let their mutual enemies—Romney and the RINOs—take away their delegates?
Trump and Cruz are very smart men. If Trump has the most delegates, he might say, “Ted, have your delegates vote for me, and I’ll appoint you to the Supreme Court, and you can influence the next generation.” If Cruz has the most, he might say, “Donald, have your delegates vote for me, and I’ll appoint you Secretary of Commerce, and you can make all the deals you want.”
So, let the talking heads on TV clammer about a brokered convention12705307_935976263137826_8333608501134058084_n, but know that is all it is—talk. In 2016, we are going to have a candidate the people want . . . Period!

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COMMON SENSE: With the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the 2016 Presidential Election has assumed seismic proportions. Not only will we choose the next President, but we will also determine the direction of the Supreme Court and leadership of the Senate. The House of Representatives is certain to remain in the hands of the Republicans.
Senator Mitch McConnell has vowed to not bring any Obama appointee to replace Scalia to the floor of the Senate for a vote. This is a strategy developed into an art form by Harry Reid (D-NV), when he was in charge of the Senate. He blocked every attempt by the Republican House of Representatives to dismantle Obamacare, among other things.
Mitch McConnell’s Republican strategy, which is no different than Reid’s for the Democrats, is certain to polarize each side further. When Reid was in charge, the Democrats loved what he did, but they don’t like what McConnell is committed to doing.
Crying foul, Democrats like Chuck Shumer, Hillary Clinton, and The Bern are saying that there are consequences to elections and that Obama has a right to appoint whomever he pleases, which he does. He can appoint whoever he pleases, but the Senate has an equal right to not vote on his appointment.
Using the same argument that Harry Reid and Obama used, when the Democrats controlled the Senate, Republicans should point out that the consequences of the latest election also have consequences. The Senate flipped from Democratic control, which means the new Senate has the right to Advise & Consent any way it chooses, including blocking any Lame-Duck appointment Obama makes.
With many more Republican seats at risk this election than Democrats, the Senate could flip back, further upping the ante for the 2016 election. The entire direction of the country is at stake. Leadership in all three branches of government is at stake, with the outcome clearly in doubt.
Will we continue to race toward the Socialist model that has proven to be so destructive to Western Europe, or will we return to the values of our forefathers, which made the United States the strongest and wealthiest nation in the history of the world. The answer will soon be in the hands of the American people, where it should be. My fervent prayer is that people of faith, who embrace traditional values, will turn out in abundance and choose wisely.

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