
Posts Tagged ‘Puritan Work Ethic’

My heart aches and my spirit is grieved,
As I watch the systematic destruction of out great nation,
By those who took an oath to defend and protect us,
While they lead us in the exact opposite direction.
Haughty, arrogant, and corrupt, our leaders champion depravity,
Calling it noble, healthy, and the fulfillment of the American dream.
Reinterpreting history to suit their twisted, deceitful worldview,
They smile smugly at how successful they have become.
Father, there is so little that I can do to stand in their way.
I want to expose them and tell others how perilous the road ahead
Will be, but few are willing to listen or heed my warning.
Choosing to embrace deceitfulness over truth, they mock Your ways.
Will You hear my prayer, Lord? Will You intervene?
Will You move in a mighty way and spare or land,
Or have we traveled this foolish path for so long
That nothing but destruction and sorrow lie before us?
I do not have the answers, nor do I know the future.
All I can do is bow my knee before You and humbly
Beseech You to intervene and restore our nation
Before our self-serving ways devastate our future.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Why would Hillary Clinton make the Democratic National Convention be about positioning her as the reincarnation of June Cleaver—Beaver’s mom? Scripting everybody to fall into line with the theme that Hillary is a wonderful—albeit a misunderstood woman—speaker after speaker extolled her as a virtuous lady, someone who is warm, compassionate and giving. It was a great production. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with reality.
The reason she chose this approach is because it’s her default position on everything. When she is cornered, she lies. It’s not just what she does; it’s who she is. So, it’s not surprising that she would use the DNC to create an illusion of who she thinks the American people want her to be. In fact, it’s predictable. The last thing she wants is for you to know what she is really like.
Donald trump complains that she hasn’t given a news conference in nearly nine months, but I think that, by not doing so, this is the most honest thing she has done. Since she will not give straightforward answers to direct questions—not without lying—why bother to go through the motions, knowing that it is a charade?
Because she will get much further by promoting the illusion of who she is, rather than letting us have a candid look at her, the Queen of Corruption will continue to extol her virtues—none of which square up with reality. It’s her only option—her default position on everything. So, if you can stomach four more years of deceit, she’s your gal.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: So far, the post I put up about Bush 41 and 43 refusing to supporting Donald Trump has been reposted on Facebook 1,555 times, and it has more than 1,700 likes.
On my blog, We Believe America, 2,200 people from all over the world have read what I wrote in the last two day, including from these nations: Ecuador, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, UK, Mexico, Australia, Germany, Philippines, Malaysia, Bahrain, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Italy, Singapore, France, Ireland, and Israel. 
I am just one guy, but we are making a difference—a big difference, worldwide. Politicians and media analysts cannot understand this movement, nor do they have a clue about how powerful it is. But they will. It’s inevitable. We are taking our nation back from the politicians, and they can’t stop us.

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COMMON SENSE: Mr. President, for 7.5 years you have not spoken up about how Barack Obama has been systematically trying to destroy the United States of America. Now, after remaining silent for so long, you choose to be vocal—not about Obama’s disastrous policies or Hillary’s corruption—but about Donald Trump and your inability to support his nomination for President.
Maybe you were wise to not criticize Obama. If that’s true, then you would have been equally wise to continue remaining silent. You haven’t snubbed Trump as much as you have snubbed those who voted for you twice but are fed up with electing Campaign Conservatives—those who do not keep their promises to the American people once they have been elected.
Respectfully, Sir, I am very disappointed with you. Because of his age, I give your dad a pass.

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COMMON SENSE: Trump will win in November. He will be our next President and Commander-in-Chief. Count on it. Despite what all of the talking heads tell you to the contrary, they are wrong. I am right about this; trust me.
Here’s the reason why: Trump has the best political instincts I have ever seen—better than Reagan’s, Bill Clinton’s, or Barack Obama’s. Because I did not take Trump seriously at first, I didn’t see this, but it has become the most obvious characteristic of his campaign, once I started paying closer attention.
Hillary can’t think on her feet; Trump can. Hillary can’t pivot without massive scripting; Trump does this fluidly. Hillary, like her policies and thinking, is old and unsuccessful. Trump’s idea and style is new, innovative, and solidly anti-establishment.
Here are some of the things I think Trump should do in to enhance his position:
1. He should continue to stress how unfair the Democrats are being to Sanders by denying him equal distribution to their super-delegates, calling the system crooked and rigged. By doing this, it will continue to erode Hillary’s position with millennials. By the time Hillary gets the nomination, which is inevitable, there will be a gaping hole in the coalition that elected Obama twice.
2. Pick Rubio to be his V.P. Because Marco is liked and respected by both conservatives and RINOs, he can be indispensable in healing wounds with those who need to be in the Trump coalition. Once selected, send Marco to the Capitol to meet with Republican leaders. Then, turn him loose to get the Latino vote in FL, CA, NM, NY, and NJ—all states that will be in play.
3. Start naming people who will be considered for a Trump cabinet position, using the example of Christie as Attorney General, Carson as Surgeon General, etc. By beginning to surround himself with respected and talented people, using the Reagan model of being Chairman of the Board, tepid and tenuous supporters will become enthusiastic.
4. Drop several names as possible Supreme Court nominees, including Ted Cruz. Because Cruz’s supporters are all committed Constitutionalists, they will see the value of a Cruz appointment, and the #NeverTrump movement will melt like ice cream in July.

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COMMON SENSE: Because of what happened in New York, I believe Trump will win the nomination on the 1st ballot. My candidate, Cruz, couldn’t even compete. So, all of this talk about what will happen on subsequent ballots is just a waste of time. Uncommitted delegates will be under enormous pressure to support Trump.
Although I did not see it coming, Trump is clearly the people’s choice, and I plan to support him and not be an obstructionist. I suggest you do the same thing, even if you don’t want to admit doing so publicly.
The media has done an excellent job of telling us Hillary will destroy Trump in the general election, but I don’t believe that for one minute. There is tremendous enthusiasm for Trump and none for Hillary. Besides, her ethical problems may yet doom her candidacy.
I would like for Trump to be kinder—except for calling Clinton “Crooked Hillary.” I like that. I would also like to see him appoint Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. If that happened, Trump would make a lot of us happy.
Here is what I suggest. Let your anger go, knowing that defeating Crooked Hillary is essential for preserving our heritage and making America great again.

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COMMON SENSE: Amazingly, people seem to think Hillary Clinton’s election to the White House is inevitable, when the exact opposite is true. In reality, she is the weakest candidate running . . . by far.
Let me explain. In states that normally vote for a Democrat in the General Election, she is being trounced by The Bern—a clueless Socialist, but also a decent man. When I say trounced, I mean decimated. In last week’s primaries, for example, The Bern received more than 70% of the vote.
Where Hillary is supposed to be strong, as the Democratic nominee, she is weak, but she does have a sizable lead in the delegates. The reason for this, other than the corruptible Super Delegates, is Hillary has soundly defeated The Bern in SC and other Southern states. Being first, SC was Hillary’s “Firewall,” according to the pundits. She beat The Bern handily, but in a General Election, what do you think Hillary’s chances are of winning SC? Let me tell you: Zero!
Regardless of who the Republicans choose, their candidate will beat Hillary in SC. The same is true in every other Southern state where Hillary won in the Democratic Primary. In the General Election, she will not win any of these states, but none of the commentators ever mention this, do they?
In the states she needs to win—the Blue States—she is losing big time, and in the states she has no chance of taking from the Republicans—the Red States—she seems strong, but it’s only because of the black community, which isn’t large enough to carry any Southern State.
This alone shows you exactly how vulnerable she is, especially if the Republicans ever get their act together, which they may not.
One more thing: We still have not heard what the FBI has to say about her criminal behavior. When we do, the few people who mistakenly believe she is trustworthy and honest may change their minds.

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COMMON SENSE: Make no mistake about it—the most important issue of the 2016 Presidential Election is still out there. No, it’s not the War on Terror, unsustainable debt, or securing the border from illegal immigration. It concerns the Rule of Law. Will we be a nation where nobody is above the law, which has always been our tradition, or will some people be treated differently, remaining above the law?
Currently, there are 150 FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s unethical, corrupt, and illegal activities, while she served as Secretary of State. When they present their findings to Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, and ask her to present them to a grand jury, the moment of truth will arrive.
At that point, the issue will become a political question. This is when President Obama will either rise to the occasion and do the right thing, or when he will refuse to abide by the Constitution and not allow the FBI’s findings to move forward.
At that precise moment, we will know where we are as a nation. Does the Rule of Law still apply to everyone or doesn’t it? Millions cynically believe Obama will disregard his Constitutional responsibilities, while millions more are so obtuse about what is happening, they will be clueless about the seriousness of the matter.
I hope Obama directs Loretta Lynch to allow the legal course to move forward. He could just stay out of it all together, but I have serious doubts that he could do that. If he refuses to allow justice to take its course, we will have a Constitutional crisis as serious as during the Watergate scandal. Perhaps Obama knows this and doesn’t want his legacy to be stained by such dishonor. Perhaps he doesn’t care. Only time will tell. Until that moment arrives, we will all remain in limbo about the defining issue in the next election.

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11149533_10153186046555748_2424552664195312802_n-1COMMON SENSE: Concerning terrorism, there is a fundamental difference between the way the Left sees it and how the Right does. Progressives—like Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and The Bern—believe we have caused Islamic people to hate us, which makes the lion’s share of the problem ours. So, what we need to do is make the lives of Radical Jihadists better. If we do, in time, the problem will solve itself. Be nice to them and they will eventually be nice to us. Besides, there are only a few who have been radicalized. The rest of Islam is peaceful.

Conservatives—like Trump, Cruz, Netanyahu, and others—believe that the problem originates with the way Islam views the world. Those who take the Koran literally—the Radical Jihadists—believe the USA is filled with infidels, making us the Great Satan. Therefore, by nature we are Evil and deserve to be the object of terror. Jews are even worse than us and need to be exterminated.

Conservatives believe the problem originates with the belief system of Muslims. Therefore, for a Conservative to make policies based on being nice to Jihadists would be viewed as cowardly, capitulating to Evil. The way to defeat Islamic terrorism is to identify it, call it what it is, and make policies aimed at defeating them militarily, sending them back to the Stone Age.

In this upcoming election, the choice Americans make will go a long way toward either solving the problem or making it worse. If you believe Muslims hate us for good reason, vote for Hillary or The Bern. They will govern in a similar way to Obama, which is to not deal with the problem effectively. If you think Radical Islam is Evil and needs to be defeated decisively, vote for Trump or Cruz. They will not coddle terrorists, and they recognize there is a fundamental problem with the belief system of Muslims.

The media and our feckless national leaders want to make this issue more complex than it is. It’s as simple as what I have just described. There’s a reason why they want to keep you confused. If we accept their version of reality as accurate, we will continue to be more passive than aggressive in confronting the problem, and that’s what they want. After all, America is responsible for causing all of the problems in the world. Everybody, other than ignorant Conservatives, realizes that.

Jack Watts

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