
Archive for the ‘John Kerry’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.” In practice, the Progressives do the exact opposite, of course, but her sentiment is accurate. We simply must maintain a standard of propriety that is laudable. If we do, we will be the winners.

On the other side, where there is virtually no moral compass, the level of animosity toward the President is the worst I have ever seen. Many people despised Nixon, and the level of animosity toward Clinton, after his Lewinsky affair, was intense, but nothing compared to the hatred toward Trump.
Hollywood celebrities are calling for his assassination, and they are doing so with impunity. This is not healthy for our nation, nor is it acceptable. At the same time, their shenanigans are counterproductive. As Machiavelli once said in “The Prince,” if you are going to “kill the King,” you only get one chance. If you miss, the king will get stronger.
This is what we are witnessing now. President Trump is getting stronger, and the character assassination of the Left is becoming increasingly ineffective. Because Trump is keeping his promises, unlike every other President since Reagan, Trump’s base is rock solid. His adversaries, by way of contrast, who spew their venom like hissing demons, have no message, no success, and no future.
Link to my book, “Creating Trump Nation,” for signed copy
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness with a little thing is a big thing. By being true to his word, by nominating a Conservative to the Supreme Court, which he promised to do, President Trump has demonstrated his faithfulness to us, and that’s a big deal.
Not only did he keep his promise, but Trump held firm with his commitment to Neil Gorsuch and the American people, despite the relentless hammering of the Democrats. Senator McConnell and the Republican majority deserve praise as well. The confirmation of Neil Gorsuch is a big win for the Rule of Law and for the Constitution.
When the chips were down, Trump kept his promise, and this is a big, big deal to those of us who believe in him—a Huuuuuge deal. It builds credibility and trust. Thank you, Mr. President.
Jack Wattssearch.jpg

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COMMON SENSE: John Kerry began his career by lying before Congress about his activities in Vietnam. Years later, the Swift-boat captains called him on it, ending Kerry’s chances of winning the Presidency in 2004.

Now, Kerry is ending his career the same way he began it, by lying about his role in the UN Security Counsel’s resolution condemning Israel. Netanyahu says he has proof Kerry and Obama were behind the resolution, and I would believe Netanyahu over our two liars any day of the week.
Announcing a fundamental change in foreign policy the last month of an administration has NEVER been done before, and this is nothing other than Obama doing his best to create another problem in the Middle East. January 20, 2017 cannot come quick enough to suit me.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Last summer, we were told that no foreign governments hacked into Hillary’s email server. We now know that was a lie. At least five nations have, and I believe one of them was Iran. If I’m right, and the evidence indicates that I am, it explains a lot.
Because the Obama administration does not want the contents of Hillary’s server to be revealed, going to great lengths to aid her in a cover up, it has been easy for Iran to blackmail the United States. It explains why we lifted economic sanctions on Iran and gave them $1.7 billion, including at least $400 million in cash. It also explains why our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, would take the 5th about her involvement in this disastrous one-way, criminally negligent deal.
It also provides insight into why we have signed a disastrous deal that will lead Iran to develop nuclear weapons in less than five years. Maintaining the cover up has been so important that we have put Israel’s existence at risk. It’s also why Iran can buzz our Navy without fear of reprisal and why they can capture our sailors with no fear of reprisal. Secretary of State Kerry even thanked Iran for treating our sailors well, which the photo flatly contradicts.
What is Hillary and the Obama administration so intent on hiding? The FBI has the answers and so does the NYPD. It’s also why our corrupt Department of Justice is so intent on squashing the investigation into the server and the Clinton Foundation. We need answers, and we need them now.
Jack Watts

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loretta-lynch.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Under oath, Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified to more than seventy questions, saying that she took the advice of the FBI concerning her decision not to indict Hillary Clinton. Lynch said this so many times that it was clear her intent was to stonewall Congress about Clinton’s email server issue. For Lynch, the FBI was her cover. for not doing her job
Now, we learn that at least three FBI Field Offices have requested authorization to investigate Hillary’s pay-to-play scheme concerning her role as Secretary of State and donations given to the Clinton Foundation. What Hillary and her aides did, providing favors for donations, is criminal, and Lynch knows it.
Lynch wants it both ways. For one investigation, she relied on the FBI completely, but for the other, she has been unwilling to listen to the FBI at all. Something stinks here.
Lynch is corrupt. She has been compromised, and she has to go. Congress has it within its power to impeach her and make her stand trial for corruption, and our lawmakers need to do this. This entire Clinton State Department stinks to high Heaven, and the American people are tired of all of it.
The chant, “Lock her up,” is appropriate for Hillary, but it is also the right one for Lynch. Our top cop is a crook.
—Jack Watts

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1234828_641569679318885_6180570728848488510_nCOMMON SENSE: Here is my advise: Stick to your values and your determination to retake our nation back from Progressives like Obama and Hillary. They will do everything they can to thwart our efforts, especially with the sycophantic liberal media. For example, the ABC—Washington Post Poll that has Hillary ahead by 12 points is weighed heavily toward Democrats 2.5-to-1; but you never heard that, did you? The poll was purposefully skewed to shape public opinion, rather than reflect it, showing how dishonorable the media can be.
In the campaign, Hillary will spend $2 billion to paint Trump as unfit and dangerous, which he is not. She has to do this. It’s her only card. She can’t run on her record, since she has failed at everything she has ever done. Obviously, she can’t run on her character, so all she can do is attack Trump mercilessly.
To win, Trump needs to stay on message, and it should be this: If you want four more years of global retreat, Hillary is your candidate. If you want to make America great again, vote for me.
If you want to see your wages lose buying power, while increasing our national debt to fund illegals, vote for Hillary. If you want “huge” growth, vote for me.
If you are content to be lied to, and are fine with denying the global threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism, choose Hillary. If you want the military restored and ISIS destroyed, vote for me.
If you don’t mind working hard to barely make it, while the establishment elites become fabulously wealthy at your expense, vote for the most corrupt politician in American history, Hillary Rodham Clinton. If you want somebody who will work for free—just to make you better off—vote for me, Donald J. Trump.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: While murdering 50 in Orlando, Omar Mateen yelled, “Allahu Akbar”—just like all other Muslim Jihadists do, when they are killing innocent people. Yet, President Obama used his news conference as an opportunity to push his gun control agenda, rather than address the real problem, which is Muslim Terrorism. Obama didn’t say one word about Muslim terror, despite this being the worst mass murder in American history.

It’s obvious Obama is incapable of acknowledging reality or dealing with it. Neither is Obama 2.0—Hillary Clinton. How many more mass murders do we have to endure before we are willing to admit the problem is Radical Muslim Jihadism? Our President is supposed to keep us safe. It’s his #1 job, but Obama is far more concerned with furthering his Progressive agenda on gun control than abiding by the oath he took to protect us.

—Jack Watts


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proxyCOMMON SENSE: In Orlando, the attack, killing 50 and wounding 40, was on Pulse—a gay nightclub. Yet, it wasn’t until Peter Doocy of Fox News asked the question about Islamic Terrorism that the issue was addressed. This underscores a fundamental problem in our politically correct society.
Americans are so wed to Progressive thinking that they refuse to look at the obvious, for fear of being called Islamophobic. This is a serious problem. I do not believe that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John Kerry want these kinds of attacks to occur, but the way they view the world simply does not allow them to deal with reality effectively. Because instances like these do not fit their political narrative, they spend more time reinterpreting what happens than addressing the problem.
Their politically correct worldview, which maintains Islam is a religion of peace, defying reality, makes us more ore vulnerable than we need to be, and it’s why we desperately need a change in leadership. Hillary, who has a record of appeasing terrorism, simply cannot get the job done.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When the missing twenty-eight pages of the classified 9/11 Report are finally released, which shouldn’t be long from now, both the Bush and Obama administrations are going to take a massive public relations hit. The American people are going to feel like they have been purposefully deceived for years by W and Barack, and they. have. The outrage over this deception will be deafening.
Because she was Secretary of State, during this time for four years, Hillary’s credibility and competence will be called into question once again—justifiably so. She had a role in this cover-up, and it’s going to hurt her—but not as bad as Benghazi has. Trump, who is already up by 22 percent among men, will get another massive boost to his “outsider” candidacy. Because safety is a key issue for women, his negatives with women will diminish, as Americans of both genders come to realize that we need a massive purging of the status quo.
In words Trump might use, this is “going to be huge . . . Huge!”

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COMMON SENSE: Donald Trump will win in November. In fact, I predict he will win in a landslide similar to Reagan’s victory in 1980. Here’s the reason why.
Hillary, the consummate political insider, is not only corrupt, but she also lacks personal appeal. There’s nothing warm or inspiring about her, but here’s the larger issue. The states she is winning—her “Firewall”—are all Red States. She stopped The Bern’s momentum in the early primaries by winning South Carolina. Although this was heralded as a great victory for her, she has zero chance of winning South Carolina in the general election—just like she has zero chance of winning Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, or any other solid red state.
The Bern is winning most of the Blue States. So, the places where she has to do well against Trump, Hillary isn’t fairing well at all. The energy is all with Bernie—none of it is with her. With both Bernie and Trump articulating the same message—that the system is rigged to favor this unethical woman—those disaffected by this message will not embrace her. i doubt will Hillary will be able to turn things around, even with a Sanders endorsement.
To young voters—Bernie’s base—she is viewed as negatively as Trump supporter’s see her. Once the FBI’s investigation is complete, which is imminent, as she is not indicted by Obama’s DOJ, she will be universally castigated as Crooked Hillary—a name she richly deserves. Her credibility is shot. She might as well campaign by saying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

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