
Posts Tagged ‘Sgt. Bergdahl Deserted’



COMMON SENSE: While murdering 50 in Orlando, Omar Mateen yelled, “Allahu Akbar”—just like all other Muslim Jihadists do, when they are killing innocent people. Yet, President Obama used his news conference as an opportunity to push his gun control agenda, rather than address the real problem, which is Muslim Terrorism. Obama didn’t say one word about Muslim terror, despite this being the worst mass murder in American history.

It’s obvious Obama is incapable of acknowledging reality or dealing with it. Neither is Obama 2.0—Hillary Clinton. How many more mass murders do we have to endure before we are willing to admit the problem is Radical Muslim Jihadism? Our President is supposed to keep us safe. It’s his #1 job, but Obama is far more concerned with furthering his Progressive agenda on gun control than abiding by the oath he took to protect us.

—Jack Watts


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In our illustrious history, we have made some huge mistakes in foreign policy, but that’s what they have been—mistakes. Even Jimmy Carter, whose Presidency was a colossal failure, tried to do the right thing, but this doesn’t seem to be true of the Obama administration. It’s like Team Obama is purposefully being foolish. Take the Bergdahl fiasco, for instance. Obama swapped a deserter for the Taliban five—all mass murderers—three of which have already tried to reconnect with their terror organizations.

This was not only a bad deal, but it also makes Obama look incompetent. Wasn’t there anybody on his staff who thought through this? Wasn’t there anybody who was willing to tell him this was a bad idea? This answer is “No!”

Perhaps there were those who knew this would blow up in their faces, but they were unwilling to speak up. When you work for a narcissist like Obama, you learn to never differ from his wisdom. To do so carries a heavy price. Even worse, Obama and his sycophants like Susan Rice will redefine reality to make their flawed decision appear to be correct, and the liberal media will champion the false narrative as virtuous. After all, it’s their job to undergird Obama and validate everything he does, regardless of how disastrous the results happen to be.

Jack Watts

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In politics, each event is linked to another. By understanding the linkage, you can discern what is happening and why. For example, people have been mystified about why President Obama did nothing to obtain the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi. I wasn’t surprised—not in the least.

Here’s the reason. Obama thought he would be championed for obtaining the release of Sgt. Bergdahl, but that didn’t happen. When Obama was criticized and ridiculed for making a bad deal, by releasing the Taliban Five for a deserter, Obama’s narcissism was deeply offended. Not helping Tahmooressi was the American public’s “just punishment” for not appreciating Obama’s great victory in obtaining Bergdahl’s release. To Obama, it wasn’t Tahmooressi that was important; it was punishing the rest of us, allowing Tahmooressi to suffer vicariously as our proxy.

Shutting down the World War II Memorial to vets in their 80s and 90s is another example. It was America’s just punishment for the Republicans not giving Obama the funds he wanted. Again, closing the Memorial was linked to Obama not getting his way. Understanding Obama’s narcissistic linkage helps us be able to predict his behavior.

When the Republicans take the Senate in the mid-term elections, it will be seen by Obama and his sycophants as a direct repudiation of the President’s policies and leadership. Obama even said so, which many consider to be a gaffe, but it wasn’t. It was a warning. When he said, “Make no mistake about it, all of my policies are on the ballot,” Obama was letting us know we had better reelect Democrats. In his twisted thinking, he was warning us that if we fail him by electing Republicans, then we deserve the punishment he will impose.

Losing the Senate isn’t something Obama is incapable of taking in stride. If we don’t head his clear warning, there will be “Hell to pay.” What that will be, I have no idea, but I’m 100 percent certain it will occur. By repudiating him personally, which is a massive affront to his fragile ego structure, I’m sure his punishment will be severe. If you think my hypothesis is ridiculous, just wait and watch. It won’t take long.

Jack Watts

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Eric Holder has been to President Obama what Luca Brasse was to the Godfather, Vito Corleone. Holder was appointed at the pinnacle of Obama’s popularity, when 65 percent approved of the President. From day one, Holder has seen his mission as one of enforcing Obama’s worldview down the throats of the American people. Refusing to call terrorism what it really is, Holder has consistently redefined reality to fit into the Obama viewpoint, which exalts Islam over the Judeo-Christian that has made us a great nation. It’s why Major Hasan Nidal’s attack at Fort Hood was defined as workplace violence instead of what it really was—a Jihadist attack.

Holder, whose loyalty to Obama superseded his oath of office, has also refused to investigate the scandals of his benefactor’s administration. To this day, Fast & Furious, the IRS, Benghazi, and the targeting of journalists have never been legitimately probed, and they probably never will be. Although Obama may be incompetent, Holder certainly isn’t. He has served his master well.

But Holder’s reign of terror is now at an end, and his replacement will not have the same level of power. Because Obama’s popularity hovers at 40 percent, the new Attorney General will be nothing more than a caretaker, as Americans anxiously wait to get rid of the worst President in American history.

Jack Watts

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From the moment Nidal Malik Hasan, a former United States Army psychiatrist, fatally shot thirteen and injured more than thirty others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009, I knew we would be in serious trouble with Barack Obama as Commander-in-Chief. His militant refusal to call this a terrorist attack, which it definitely was, made it crystal clear Obama, and his Progressive cohorts, were unable to call a spade a spade. Their flawed worldview would not permit it. So, they engaged in revisionist history to rename it workforce violence, which it has remained ever since.

The problem with this is that it isn’t true, as anybody with an ounce of sense recognizes, which disqualifies his fawning press, who act as codependent enablers to this twisted worldview. Another example of this is Obama’s assertion that Islam has always played a key role in history, which it certainly has not, but the press lets his revisionism slide. It has become their fallback position.

The problem goes far deeper than this, however. It now threatens our survival as a nation.

As his core, Obama is a Progressive more than he is a Muslim. It’s a non-theistic worldview, but it’s not necessarily atheistic. To a Progressive, God simply isn’t important, as we saw when the Democrats booed His name being included in the Democratic platform several times during their last Democratic National Convention. Government is what is important to Progressives—not God’s will.

True to his Progressive principles, Obama has governed accordingly for six years. An essential component of Progressivism is that America has been on the wrong side of history since our inception, and the Judeo-Christian worldview is wrong, archaic, and intellectually indefensible. Those who champion American exceptionalism are worthy of being mocked, and that’s precisely what Progressives do, including the press. In the Progressive repudiation of our historical roots, they have repeatedly championed Islam as a religion of peace. As President, basing his policies on his Progressive beliefs, Obama has championed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the rebels over Khadafi in Libia, Hamas over Israel, and the swap of the Taliban Five for Bergdahl—the American deserter. Each of his ideological positions—all based on Progressive ideology—have failed. None of them have furthered American interests. Rather than admit his errors, Obama has double-downed on his ideological convictions.

The folly of Obama’s ways was broadcasted worldwide on You Tube, with the beheading of James Foley on August 20, 2014. This blatant, in-your-face attack on an American citizen graphically revealed the failure of Obama’s tepid leadership and his flawed worldview. Even worse, it reveals the Progressive worldview, where terrorism has repeatedly been redefined, is incapable of facing Evil head on. Progressives don’t believe in Evil, while those who are Evil are willing to die for their cause—just as long as it eventually brings about our destruction, Israel’s too.

You might ask, “Do we have anything that’s strong enough to withstand this Evil assault upon our nation?” The answer is simple and obvious: Of course, we do. We have our Judeo-Christian heritage that has always recognized Evil for what it is and stood up to it effectively, including World War II.

When I was pursuing my Ph.D in international politics at Emory in the late 70s, the prevailing belief of my professors—all Progressives—was that America was in irreversible decline. With Jimmy Carter as President, my heart sank, believing this was true. Then, Ronald Reagan—like the rise of the Phoenix—came out of the West and ushered in a generation of American strength and prosperity.

Now, with Obama at the helm, we are being told the same thing. America’s days are dwindling, which even evangelicals accept as the fulfillment of their Premillennial worldview, but it isn’t necessarily so. In fact, it shouldn’t be so.

Regardless of what the future holds, we must stand up to the Evil of Islam and confront their Jihadism head on. To do this, we need a leader who embraces the historical foundation of our Judeo-Christian heritage and not one who repudiates it in favor of the wishful thinking of Progressivism.

Not much is at stake—just our survival.

Jack Watts

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Because he made a wrong turn with weapons in his car, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi has been in a Mexican jail since March 31st. During that time, people have made repeated pleas to President Obama to intervene on Sgt. Tahmooressi’s behalf, going so far as to present the Commander-in-Chief with a petition, signed by 100,000 citizens, asking for his help. Nevertheless, President Obama hasn’t done one thing to help.

Obama’s not going to help. It isn’t that Tahmooressi doesn’t deserve his help. In fact, the law states clearly that it’s the President’s job to try and get the Sargent released. Obama knows this; he just doesn’t want to do it. This is where the pissy part of his narcissistic personality disorder interferes with his ability to do his job.

According to Obama’s distorted thinking, letting Tahmooressi rot in jail is what he deserves. This conclusion is based on some real or perceived slight Obama has received from people like us—people who want to see Tahmooressi released. Maybe it’s because we compared Tahmooressi favorably to Bergdahl—the deserter who Obama championed. Who knows?

But the situation is similar to when Obama shut down the WorldWar II Memorial, turning away vets in their 90s, as payback to the Republicans for not raising the debt ceiling and shutting down the government. There was little correlation between the two in everybody’s eyes other than Obama—our narcissistic President. His sense of reality is different than others.

Continued appeals to Obama for Tahmooressi’s release will remain unanswered.

Obama enjoys sticking it to all of the conservatives who insist that he intervene. He’s not going to do it, regardless of how often he is asked. Continuing with my metaphor, to keep asking for his help is like pissing in the wind.

Jack Watts

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Once, there was a Superman episode where he pressed a piece of coal so hard for one minute, doing what would take thousands of years, he produced a perfect diamond. This past month has produced that same kind of pressure on President Obama. Seemingly, he is being pressed from many directions, but no jewel is being produced. Instead, what we see is the disintegration of a man, with a fragile ego structure, who is simply not capable of doing his job.

But how can we expect anything different? Like all Progressives, Obama has no moral absolutes. Every decision is based on his perceived best interest and not on firmly established principles. For him, God either does not exist or is irrelevant. Because this is what Obama believes, where does he find his values? Where does he draw his strength? He certainly cannot draw it from God. Obama has to draw it from himself, but he doesn’t have a well defined compass, which differentiates right from wrong. What’s right is what appears to be popular, rendering his decision-making ability weak and indecisive.

Having no irrefutable sense of right and wrong, Obama does whatever seems like it will work at the time. So, embracing Sgt. Bergdahl’s parents during the infamous swap for the Taliban Five seemed like the right thing to do. It would get back a POW, while taking the pressure from the VA scandal off of the White House. For Obama, it seemed like a win-win, but he failed to take into account the millions of Americans who do have moral absolutes. So, his win-win scheme ended up being a lose-lose disaster.

Because Obama is morally bankrupt, he cannot understand those who are not. Misunderstanding the heart of Americans:

  • Obama didn’t realize Americans would balk at him dealing with terrorists—something no President has ever done.
  • Since he is the master of secrecy, de didn’t think we would discover Bergdahl was a deserter.
  • Obama didn’t realize his trading five mass murderers for a deserter would produce moral outrage.
  • Because Obama has never taken his oath of office seriously, he didn’t believe people, especially veterans, would be offended by Bergdahl’s repudiation of his oath of allegiance.
  • Obama didn’t think we would discover Susan Rice’s lies about Bergdahl, but we did—just like we discovered her lies concerning Benghazi.
  • Obama, taking the press for granted, thought he would be championed like a hero—just like he was when Osama bin Laden was assassinated. Instead, even the Leftists in the press have lambasted him for being a weak, feckless leader.

This list could be replicated about the IRS scandal, where deleting Lois Lerner’s incriminating emails by Team Obama is obviously Obstruction of Justice. People should go to prison for this, but Obama, being morally bankrupt, thinks he can get away with it.

Perhaps he can, but he cannot hide the truth about who he really is any longer. It isn’t that the Obama administration has some corruption in it. It’s far worse than that. The corruption is part of Obama’s nature, and he has simply spread his diseased worldview throughout his administration, producing scandals concerning Obamacare, the EPA, the VA, the IRS, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Fast & Furious, and who knows what else.

Those who continue to champion him—those devoid of moral compasses—do so because they have no alternative. Repudiating God by booing Him at their National Convention in 2012, they showed who they really are. They are as morally bankrupt of character as our federal treasury is in debt.

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The evidence has been revealed by The Daily Beast. There can be no doubt Sgt. Bergdahl, deserted. In letters sent to his family, Sgt. Bergdahl wrote:

“Leadership was lacking, if not non-existent. The conditions were bad and looked to be getting worse for the men that where actuly (sic) the ones risking thier (sic) lives from attack.”

“If this letter makes it to the U.S.A., tell those involved in the investigation that there are more sides to the cittuwation (sic),” he adds. “Please tell D.C. to wait for all evadince (sic) to come in.”

So, the truth comes out. Each of Team Obama’s efforts to make Bergdahl a hero, while making his fellow soldiers villains, have been lies. The administration’s deceitfulness shouldn’t surprise anyone. Our Nobel Peace Prize winner has made another bad deal. Now, they are justifying the exchange, saying it shouldn’t jeopardize Americans. Bt what about the Afghanis we have been fighting for? Don’t they count? Or, are tike the Mexicans who paid for Fast & Furious with their lives? Those we leave behind in Afghanistan to experience the wrath of the freed Taliban Five will pay the price for Obama’s decision to deal with terrorists.

Obama’s two-fold purpose was to look like a hero, reversing the bad news he was receiving from the VA Scandal, while also pleasing the Far Left by releasing Gitmo prisoners. What he didn’t count on was the uproar over springing a deserter and dealing with terrorists. If he had done his homework, which he never does, he probably would not have made this terrible decision.

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By any standard of measurement, based on the prisoner exchange of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for the Taliban-Five, this week has been the worst of Barack Obama’s Presidency. What’s really surprising is that it all could have been avoided. President Obama brought this catastrophe upon himself. He has no one else to blame.

His reasoning for making the swap—championing it from the Rose Garden—was to deflect from the Veterans Administration scandal. There were simply too many legitimate stories about deserving veterans being treated badly by the VA. The focus of the news needed to change, so the exchange was made, despite breaking the law to do so. As unpopular as Congress is, the White House thought they could handle Congressional opposition by calling it political bickering.

What Obama and the White House didn’t expect was the firestorm of opposition that ensued. They had good reason for thinking this way. For example, in one of the 2012 Presidential Debates, Obama’s position on the You Tube video clip, which was that it caused the Benghazi attack, was challenged by Mitt Romney, the Republican standard-bearer. When Romney made the challenge, Obama responded, saying that he had actually said it was a terrorist attack the day after Benghazi. When Romney refused to accept Obama’s explanation, the moderator, Candy Crowley, was consulted. She just happened to have the transcript of the Benghazi Rose Garden speech in hand, opened to the page Obama needed to refute Romney.

Romney retreated from his position and never recovered, but Crowley’s complicity was never seriously challenged either. Because it wasn’t, Obama mistakenly believed he could count on the press to cover his back about the Bergdahl swap, without being seriously challenged. Like always, the press would cover for him. Believing he had things well in hand, Obama went forth with Bergdahl’s parents, counting on the American people to champion getting a POW back home.

On paper, it sounded good. The scheme did change the narrative from the VA scandal, but only by making matters worse. Many things went wrong. Sgt. Bergdahl’s father showed up with a Muslim beard, thanking Allah, which was horrifying to most Americans. Then, Obama was far too chummy with Bergdahl’s cute mom, which was equally inappropriate.

When the terms of the exchange became public, things deteriorated for Obama fast. Handing over five senior leaders for one person was hard to stomach, but we put a higher premium on life than the Taliban. To solidify the PR coup, Susan Rice was sent out on the Sunday talk shows to say that Bergdahl “served with honor and distinction.” You might as well have had Bernie Madoff giving investment advise.

After that, the wheels came off, especially when it was learned:

  • Bergdahl actually deserted
  • Six good men died trying to find him.
  • Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers called him a deserter on national TV
  • And the Liberal media and even some Democrats deserted Obama.

What was a bad situation became a nightmare for Obama, but he will not allow things to stay that way. In his mind, he has to do something to regain the upper hand. Admitting he has made a mistake isn’t an option. Nor will he apologize. Narcissists never do. They never believe they are wrong.

But what will he do? Heave knows. Let’s hope it doesn’t cost American lives.

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      You want it from the horses mouth?? Here ya go..We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to “walk the earth” and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things. No one thought anything about it. He was a little “out there”.
      Next morning he’s gone. We search everywhere, and can’t find him. He left his weapon, his kit, and other sensitive items. He only took some water, a comp#$%$ and a knife. We find some afghan kids shortly after who saw an american walking north asking about where the taliban are. We get hits on our voice intercepter that Taliban has him, and we were close. We come to realize that the kid deserted his post, snuck out of camp and sought out Taliban… to join them. We were in a defensive position at OP Mest, where your focus is to keep people out. He knew where the blind spots were to slip out and that’s what he did. It was supposed to be a 4-day mission but turned into several months of active searching. Everyone was spun up to find this guy.
      News outlets all over the country were putting out false information. It was hard to see, especially when we knew the truth about what happened and we lost good men trying to find him. PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews, were all KIA from our unit who died looking for Bergdahl. Many others from various units were wounded or killed while actively looking for Bergdahl. Fighting Increased. IEDs and enemy ambushes increased.
      The Taliban knew that we were looking for him in high numbers and our movements were predictable. Because of Bergdahl, more men were out in danger, and more attacks on friendly camps and positions were conducted while we were out looking for him. His actions impacted the region more than anyone wants to admit. There is also no way to know what he told the Taliban: Our movements, locations, tactics, weak points on vehicles and other things for the enemy to exploit are just a few possibilities. The Government knows full well that he deserted. It looks bad and is a good propaganda piece for the Taliban. They refuse to acknowledge it. Hell they even promoted him to Sergeant which makes me sick. I feel for his family who only want their son/brother back. They don’t know the truth, or refuse to acknowledge it as well. What he did affected his family and his whole town back home, who don’t know the truth. Either way what matters is that good men died because of him. He has been lying on all those Taliban videos about everything since his “capture”.
      If he ever returns, he should be tried under the UCMJ for being a deserter and judged for what he did. Bergdahl is not a hero, he is not a soldier or an Infantryman. He failed his brothers. Now, sons and daughters are growing up without their fathers who died for him and he will have to face that truth someday.


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