
Archive for the ‘Radical GLBT Agenda’ Category

COMMON SENSE: This is strictly my opinion. It’s what I believe is true, but this is a “news story.” Last week, President Trump announced that he intended to end human trafficking, which is the sex-slave business. That he has begun to do this, which already includes over 200 arrests in Hollywood, is why there is such hatred for him. Those who love the darkness have been lashing out at a man who intends to expose them to the light.
If Hillary had won, there would have been no exposure. How can I be sure of that, you might ask? It’s because she shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador, according to NBC News.
In my opinion, this is what is behind the efforts to unseat our President. If I’m right, a scandal of apocalyptic proportions is close to happening. For America to be truly great again, the depraved need to be exposed, prosecuted, and imprisoned. I will not let this go—count on it.

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COMMON SENSE: Just as it makes no sense to give a masochist a nice gift, Making America Great Again isn’t something that will motivate people from the Progressive Left. They don’t want us to be great again. We don’t deserve to be great, and we never did. To them, we were never great in the first place.
What motivates the Progressives is divesting our nation of all of our wealth, by redistributing what we have to 3rd world countries. This will make amends for our past crimes against humanity. This is what Progressives really believe.
So, when Trump talks about winning, his remarks are by nature offensive to the masochistic Left. Because Trump’s goal is to win, this means they will never recognize any of his accomplishments as being either legitimate or beneficial.
There is an entire generation that believes this nonsense. They believe it heart and soul. We have our work cut out for us. This flawed thinking must be confronted with reality, but first we must understand the worldview of the Progressives. Without understanding how they think, or what motivates them, we simply cannot help them.
Jack Watts

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hillary trump_4.jpgCOMMON SENSE: It is immoral to support Donald J. Trump, according to the mainstream media. Only an ignorant bigot, someone devoid of compassion and basic human dignity, would even consider doing so. He is the champion of the ignorant, the vile, the uneducated, the obtuse, and nobody else. Worse, he definitely does not represent American values.
Relentlessly hammering this message home, reporters and anchors from the Left have been successful in their attempts to marginalize Donald Trump, painting the picture that he would be a destructive force for America. Unfortunately, some of Trump’s missteps have helped make this picture more plausible. This message, brilliantly elucidated, has had one purpose—to ensure that Trump will never be President. To these Leftists, objectivity in reporting is not nearly as important as destroying Trump in the eyes of the American people.
At the same time, our “objective media” has not said that a vote for Hillary Clinton would be the moral alternative. If any of them said this openly, because Hillary is deceitful and corrupt, which everybody knows, the media would lose their audience. Since she’s the only alternative, however, it’s obviously implied. It’s never stated though, which is strategically brilliant. All they have needed to do is discredit Trump. Having done so, support for Hillary, although reluctant, would be the inevitable alternative.
The only thing standing in the way of the media’s success is you. Are you smart enough to see through what they are doing? Are you wise enough to realize that their disapprobation of Trump has nothing to do with his policies? Are you plugged in enough to see that the media’s criticisms of Trump are actually true of Hillary? If so, then we may still save our great nation from the manipulations of these amoral, reprehensible Sophists.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Our leaders continue to promote the false narrative that they are in control and terrorism, particularly ISIS, is on the run. Yet, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Orlando Police Department have lost track of Omar Mateen’s wife, his accomplice in murdering 49 people at Pulse—the gay nightclub.
Where is she? What is being done to find her? And why isn’t this a major news story? Is something fishy going on here? None of this makes sense to me. How about you?
—Jack Watts

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isis-gay-man-executed-syriaCOMMON SENSE: In the 1930s, anti-Semitism was very strong in Germany, but nobody was executed because of it. It wasn’t until the NAZI’s made it policy, using the force of the state, to kill Jews and homosexuals that the Holocaust began.
It’s the same thing now. There is still anti-Semitism and anti-gay sentiment in the Western Democracies, but there are no executions because of it—no pogroms. In Muslim countries, however, where they practice Sharia Law, it’s different. In Iran, for example, there are 75 million people but no gays—none. How could that be, you might ask? It’s simple. Using the force of the state, where execution is legitimized, they execute gays—all of them—or at least as many as they can find. It’s the same with ISIS.
Despite this, the Obama administration has been very supportive of Iran—Hillary too. Valerie Jarrett, his chief advisor, is Iranian. At the same time, without question or discernment, gays support Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats, never connecting the dots that this is not in their best interest. Perhaps it’s time gays rethink their strategy.
—Jack Watts

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c2b9c0e6-e8c4-4c62-a0bd-8777944d29e4COMMON SENSE: The reemerging obsession with the O.J. Simpson case is very interesting. Like so many others, I can remember where I was, when the slow-speed chase happened and when the verdict was announced.
In many ways, that case reminds me of what is happening in our country today. When O.J. was acquitted, I was at the Varsity in Atlanta. All of the white people were stunned—shocked by such a miscarriage of justice, while the African-Americans cheered that he got off. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they just wanted him to get off.
It’s the same thing in 2016. Our societal morality has declined so far that multiplied millions willingly support Hillary Clinton—the most corrupt politician in American history. Like O.J., they just don’t care what she has done or how badly she has violated her oath of office. They just want to see a woman win.
It’s the same with Obama. Fools by the millions excuse his deceit, his incompetence, and his loathing for the people he has sworn an oath to protect and defend. Progressives, blacks, gays, spineless Republicans, and those on the dole simply do not care that he has done everything in his considerable power to take the United States “down a notch or two.” Calling right wrong, while they champion the wisdom of foolishness, with smug, self-righteous grins on their faces, like lemming racing to their inevitable demise, they are systematically destroying the foundations of our nation that required centuries to build.
Equally at fault are many deluded Christians and Jews—those who should be able to discern this evil, but are too compromised to do so. It’s just like the Simpson trial. Just as I could not believe the verdict reached by O.J.’s jury, I cannot believe what I am seeing in America today. It’s heartbreaking. I grieve for the future of our beloved nation.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: While murdering 50 in Orlando, Omar Mateen yelled, “Allahu Akbar”—just like all other Muslim Jihadists do, when they are killing innocent people. Yet, President Obama used his news conference as an opportunity to push his gun control agenda, rather than address the real problem, which is Muslim Terrorism. Obama didn’t say one word about Muslim terror, despite this being the worst mass murder in American history.

It’s obvious Obama is incapable of acknowledging reality or dealing with it. Neither is Obama 2.0—Hillary Clinton. How many more mass murders do we have to endure before we are willing to admit the problem is Radical Muslim Jihadism? Our President is supposed to keep us safe. It’s his #1 job, but Obama is far more concerned with furthering his Progressive agenda on gun control than abiding by the oath he took to protect us.

—Jack Watts


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proxyCOMMON SENSE: In Orlando, the attack, killing 50 and wounding 40, was on Pulse—a gay nightclub. Yet, it wasn’t until Peter Doocy of Fox News asked the question about Islamic Terrorism that the issue was addressed. This underscores a fundamental problem in our politically correct society.
Americans are so wed to Progressive thinking that they refuse to look at the obvious, for fear of being called Islamophobic. This is a serious problem. I do not believe that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John Kerry want these kinds of attacks to occur, but the way they view the world simply does not allow them to deal with reality effectively. Because instances like these do not fit their political narrative, they spend more time reinterpreting what happens than addressing the problem.
Their politically correct worldview, which maintains Islam is a religion of peace, defying reality, makes us more ore vulnerable than we need to be, and it’s why we desperately need a change in leadership. Hillary, who has a record of appeasing terrorism, simply cannot get the job done.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: With the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the 2016 Presidential Election has assumed seismic proportions. Not only will we choose the next President, but we will also determine the direction of the Supreme Court and leadership of the Senate. The House of Representatives is certain to remain in the hands of the Republicans.
Senator Mitch McConnell has vowed to not bring any Obama appointee to replace Scalia to the floor of the Senate for a vote. This is a strategy developed into an art form by Harry Reid (D-NV), when he was in charge of the Senate. He blocked every attempt by the Republican House of Representatives to dismantle Obamacare, among other things.
Mitch McConnell’s Republican strategy, which is no different than Reid’s for the Democrats, is certain to polarize each side further. When Reid was in charge, the Democrats loved what he did, but they don’t like what McConnell is committed to doing.
Crying foul, Democrats like Chuck Shumer, Hillary Clinton, and The Bern are saying that there are consequences to elections and that Obama has a right to appoint whomever he pleases, which he does. He can appoint whoever he pleases, but the Senate has an equal right to not vote on his appointment.
Using the same argument that Harry Reid and Obama used, when the Democrats controlled the Senate, Republicans should point out that the consequences of the latest election also have consequences. The Senate flipped from Democratic control, which means the new Senate has the right to Advise & Consent any way it chooses, including blocking any Lame-Duck appointment Obama makes.
With many more Republican seats at risk this election than Democrats, the Senate could flip back, further upping the ante for the 2016 election. The entire direction of the country is at stake. Leadership in all three branches of government is at stake, with the outcome clearly in doubt.
Will we continue to race toward the Socialist model that has proven to be so destructive to Western Europe, or will we return to the values of our forefathers, which made the United States the strongest and wealthiest nation in the history of the world. The answer will soon be in the hands of the American people, where it should be. My fervent prayer is that people of faith, who embrace traditional values, will turn out in abundance and choose wisely.

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COMMON SENSE: Today, one of my friends made this statement: “Evangelicals would rather see a socialist in power than than vote for imperfection.”

Sadly, this is not only true but deeply profound. It’s also the reason why we have allowed power to slip from our grasp and pass to the marketers of corruption, duplicity, and vice. Democrats know how sleazy Hillary is, but 70% don’t care. Yet we are willing to discard good candidates at the drop of a hat.

If you want to turn our nation around, extend the same grace and mercy to others you desire for yourself. If you don’t, we will have to try and weather one or two terms of Hillary, which we may not be able to do.

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