
Archive for the ‘Pelosi’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Traditionally, midterm elections are brutal for the party in control of the White House. In 2010, after Obama’s impressive victory, primarily because of his deceitfulness about ObamaCare, the Democrats lost the House of Representatives to the Republicans. Despite Obama being reelected in 2012, the Senate flipped in 2014 to the Democrats.

Now, after the election of Trump in 2016, based on his unpopularity, the Democrats and the media believe the House will flip in 2018. and Pelosi will once again become Speaker of the House. The polls and the pundit are in almost universal agreement about this, but I am certain they are wrong for three reasons.
First, with passage of the Tax Bill, the economy is soaring, and it’s only going to get better—much better. Despite the militant hostility of the press toward President Trump, coupled with his low approval rating, he is getting the job done. The American people are enjoying the fruits of his labor where they like it best—in their wallets and purses. His economic victory is massive, as Americans by the millions are coming to realize.
Second, the corruption within the Obama administration is about to explode, especially with the Trump Dossier. Just as Obama used the IRS to target the Tea Party unlawfully, his administration used the DOJ, FBI, and the White House to target candidate Trump, his staff, and practically everybody in his campaign. Presenting this fraudulent Dossier as legitimate, they used it to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump. It was also the foundational document for the Mueller investigation. When the American people see how corrupt the Obama administration was, which can no longer be hidden, it will cost the Democrats at the polls this November. This is not wishful thinking on my part. It’s going to happen.
Third, I believe the sexual misconduct of Congress is going to hurt the Democrats much more than it will hurt the Republicans. Although Americans are very forgiving about such things, they are not forgiving about the use of taxpayer’s funds to pay for it. So far, there are between thirty and forty Congressmen who have used taxpayer funds as hush money to settle claims resulting from their misconduct. Before the next election, all of these men will be unmasked, and I am predicting that 80% of them or more will be Democrats.
Obviously, other variables are certain to come into play that could have a dramatic impact on the 2018 election, including potential conflicts with North Korea and Iran, but if the scenario I have described plays out, and I am certain that it will, the Republicans will not lose either the Senate or the House. In fact, they will experience gains, perhaps major gains, especially in the Senate.

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17760171_1166945333431164_4892622199645181364_nCOMMON SENSE: “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man . . . ” Stated clearly in the book of Romans, this is the great sin of Progressivism—the Leftist worldview that has deceived millions of Americans, including most Millennials.
Almighty God created Man, and from Man, fashioned a Woman—two distinct genders. Now, according to Progressivism, there is no distinction. You are whatever you think you are, regardless of your unchangeable genetic markers.
From the union of a man and a woman, God established a family, but this has been under attack by Progressives for decades.
From families, God established nations, with Israel having a unique place in history. America was established as a nation to be “a City on a Hill” for the entire world to emulate, but this vision is being soundly repudiated by Progressive globalism. To them, we are citizens of the world first and American second, which is exactly opposite to the way we were founded. This is why “Make America Great Again” is so distasteful to them.
So, ISIS may be our enemy without, but Progressivism is definitely our enemy within, deceiving millions of misled Americans.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are mounting an effort to have President Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, and removed from office. That’s not going to happen, but it will dominate the news and make the Progressive media believe Trump’s base has abandoned him.

That hasn’t happened, nor will it. The “Make America Great Again” movement is gaining strength, not diminishing, as the fools in the media believe. Pelosi and the Democrats are certain they will retake the House of Representatives next year, but that’s not going to happen either. In the Senate, the Republican majority will actually increase. You can count on it.
This photo tells you the reason why. Trump loves America, and he is proud of us. President Obama, the consummate Progressive globalist, was ashamed of us and of American leadership in the world. Because Trump’s naysayers only converse among themselves, they have no idea what is really happening across the fruited plain. I do.
We are taking our nation back from the anti-American, anti-God, anti-morality Progressives one skirmish at a time. Our effort is ongoing and relentless, but the result is certain. Trust me about this; I know what I am talking about.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.” In practice, the Progressives do the exact opposite, of course, but her sentiment is accurate. We simply must maintain a standard of propriety that is laudable. If we do, we will be the winners.

On the other side, where there is virtually no moral compass, the level of animosity toward the President is the worst I have ever seen. Many people despised Nixon, and the level of animosity toward Clinton, after his Lewinsky affair, was intense, but nothing compared to the hatred toward Trump.
Hollywood celebrities are calling for his assassination, and they are doing so with impunity. This is not healthy for our nation, nor is it acceptable. At the same time, their shenanigans are counterproductive. As Machiavelli once said in “The Prince,” if you are going to “kill the King,” you only get one chance. If you miss, the king will get stronger.
This is what we are witnessing now. President Trump is getting stronger, and the character assassination of the Left is becoming increasingly ineffective. Because Trump is keeping his promises, unlike every other President since Reagan, Trump’s base is rock solid. His adversaries, by way of contrast, who spew their venom like hissing demons, have no message, no success, and no future.
Link to my book, “Creating Trump Nation,” for signed copy
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Just as it makes no sense to give a masochist a nice gift, Making America Great Again isn’t something that will motivate people from the Progressive Left. They don’t want us to be great again. We don’t deserve to be great, and we never did. To them, we were never great in the first place.
What motivates the Progressives is divesting our nation of all of our wealth, by redistributing what we have to 3rd world countries. This will make amends for our past crimes against humanity. This is what Progressives really believe.
So, when Trump talks about winning, his remarks are by nature offensive to the masochistic Left. Because Trump’s goal is to win, this means they will never recognize any of his accomplishments as being either legitimate or beneficial.
There is an entire generation that believes this nonsense. They believe it heart and soul. We have our work cut out for us. This flawed thinking must be confronted with reality, but first we must understand the worldview of the Progressives. Without understanding how they think, or what motivates them, we simply cannot help them.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: There is a reason why the continuous hammering of the mainstream is not working, and it’s very simple. Trump won the election, fair and square, and it grates against our American sense of fairness for his victory to be challenged. We see what they are doing, including many of his detractors, and we think it is dishonorable. I watch all of the pundits give their analysis, and none of them mention this simple fact. Instead, the great Progressive political thinkers hedge, hem and haw, and spew out excuses that are nothing more than drivel.

Let me explain the fairness issue this way. I hate the Florida Gators. It’s very difficult to lose to them, which the Bulldogs do much too often. But when we lose, we accept that we lost and deal with it. We don’t try and investigate the officials or do anything other than try our best to do better the next time.
That the media, the Radical Left, and the Democratic Party will not accept that they lost the election is wrong. It’s being a poor sport, and being a good sport is a critical part of the American way of life that we hold dear. The Progressives tell us that Trump is unpopular, but he comes out on top with the American people all the time. Why? It’s because we view him as being honorable, which his unfair opponents are not. It’s as simple as that.
Jack Watts

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161534_100003471255753_672416768_nCOMMON SENSE: Having to face relentless daily attacks by the bitter mainstream media is the new normal for us. This is not going to change. Regardless of how successful President Trump’s agenda is, as long as he is President, he is going to be hounded by a hostile press. This will test his resolve, and it will test ours as well.
It will help to start thinking of Trump like Nehemiah, who rebuilt the wall to Jerusalem, while simultaneously having to ward off repeated attacks by his adversaries. Trump is having to do the same thing, which means we have to redouble our efforts to undergird his Presidency with prayer and immovable support. We must stand in the breach of the wall and fight with him to protect our nation from the Progressives.
The future of America depends on it. We must not allow the constant naysaying of the Progressives in the media to wear us down. Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are depending on us to remain faithful.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The Comey adventure has more twists than a season of “Fargo.”Having written extensively about the mishandling of the Clinton investigation in Creating Trump Nation, it is apparent to me that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used the power of her office to ensure Hillary Clinton was not indicted, as she should have been.

Since Lynch was promised that she would remain her position as Attorney General with a Clinton victory, Lynch’s actions were corrupt. This means Loretta Lynch is guilty of Obstruction of Justice—the exact crime the Democrats are trying to falsely charge President Trump with committing.
How ironic that the Democrat’s strategy of connivance has come back to haunt them, and that Comey—America’s Quisling—will inadvertently have orchestrated a major corruption investigation into the bowels of the Deep State. While trying to hurt Trump, Comey has actually expose Lynch, Hillary, and a slew of others to a criminal investigation.
Maybe Trump’s campaign slogan, “Lock her up,” will finally come to fruition. Let’s hope so. What’s that they say about Karma?
(CREATING TRUMP NATION deals with this subject numerous times. It’s available at B&N, Amazon, and here: http://mcgeeandme.net/books/creating-trump-nationdeplorables-on-facebook-like-me-won-the-white-house)

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COMMON SENSE: Surprisingly, so far in his Presidency, Donald Trump, the successful businessman, has been more successful in foreign policy than he has with his domestic agenda. There is a reason for this.
Other nations worldwide, having been adversely impacted by the absence of American leadership under Obama, are anxious for our new President to restore order throughout the world, which he is doing. In the Middle East, President Trump has gained the cooperation of fifty Muslim nations to fight terror at the grassroots. In Asia, he has confronted North Korea head on, and has also eased tensions with China—no small task.
Now, he is in Belgium, addressing the problems of NATO, our primary alliance in the world. At this point, 24 of our 29 partners are not keeping their commitments to spend 2% of GDP on defense, while we are increasing our indebtedness by spending nearly 4% to defend them. Instead of begging our allies to pay their fair share, like George W. Bush and Barack Obama did, Trump should demand that they pay up or leave the alliance. That will get their attention. Why should we pay for defending them, when we are in debt and they are thriving?
Trump’s domestic agenda isn’t doing as well, primarily because the Progressive Democrats have forced him to remain on the defense. Led by the media, who have viciously opposed Trump and everything he wants, Trump hasn’t gained the traction he needs to move us forward. Despite this, so far this quarter, our growth rate is above 4%, something Obama never came close to achieving.

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Father, Lord God Almighty:

We come before You today on bended knee,

Because our hearts are troubled and sorrowful.

We are apprehensive about our nation’s future.

In Your goodness to us, six months ago,

As our nation was about to go over the cliff,

You spared us from certain destruction,

By foiling the ambitions of America’s Jezebel,

And her equally nefarious and detestable partner, Ahab.


Hearing our prayers, which were legion,

You honored us by stopping the cold-hearted schemes

Of those who mock Your Name and ridicule Your children.

In Your benevolence, You gave us another chance

To change our wicked ways that are so dishonoring to You.

Thank You for Your benevolence and for Your mercy to us,

Which we do not deserve, but which You have granted graciously.

Believing restitution of all that is good was within our grasp,

We, Your children, were overjoyed with the prospects for the future.


But now, our joy and our enthusiasm have been short-lived,

As a dark shadow has come over our the United States,

And ominous clouds threaten to undo our legitimate victory.

The forces of darkness, led by damnable men and women,

Loathsome creatures who hate Your name—those who

Champion corruption and depravity, have joined forces

With Jezebel and Ahab to alter the will of the American people

And abrogate our voice, which produced an electoral landslide.

Do not allow their scheming and plotting to succeed, Father.

Foil their plots and refute their lies so that the entire world can see.

Refuse to grant the desires of the arrogant, those who believe

Their godless voices should exercise dominion over the righteous.

Defeat them, Father—not because we are justifiably deserving—

But because You have been merciful to America for centuries.

We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Your Son,


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