
Archive for December, 2015

COMMON SENSE: The Progressive narrative, which insists Islam is a religion of peace and refuses to identify terrorists by their belief system, maintains that the way to keep Jihadism from spreading is to be nice to them. If we offend them in any way, we are helping them spread their hatred. People like Hillary, Obama, and Kerry really believe this, but it’s the exact wrong position to take.

Radical Islam understands one thing—power. Being nice to them is what encourages them, which they see as weakness. What will work is to destroy their ability to wage war. We must cease our photo op foreign policy, change the rules of engagement, and alow our military to do what they do best. Nothing else will work.

Unfortunately, President Obama is so wedded to his ideological perspective, he will never have the will to do what is necessary. Neither will Hillary Clinton. To check ISIS, we must take the fight to them and kill them—lots of them.

—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: From the beginning, Jihad has been an integral part of Islam. That has never changed, and it never will. What has changed is this recent encroachment into Western society, which hasn’t happened since Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Moors from Spain in 1492.
The idea that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” is a new concept, espoused by the Progressives and Leftists who routinely engage in historical revisionism. Islam has always expanded by the sword. This will never change either. What we have to decide, as a nation, is whether or not to allow people into America—who have no intention of assimilating in our great “melting pot”—like all of our ancestors once did. It’s as simple as that.
Should we permit people who consider the United States to be the “Great Satan” into our country? To not allow them entrance is a repudiation of our values—no question about it. But to allow them in is probably suicidal. For me, I say keep them out. It’s easier to deal with feeling guilty than it is to deal with a severed head, which is the intention of many who want in. Don’t kid yourself about this either.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: President Obama’s commitment to his ideological beliefs, which reality consistently repudiates, is dangerous to the American people. There is no greater example of this than his determination to close the Detention Camp at Guantanamo Bay.

More than ever, we need GITMO, but this doesn’t make any difference to Obama or his Progressive supporters. Their flawed worldview trumps everything else, including the safety of the American people.

Each time Obama has tried to fulfill his ill-advised campaign promise to shut down GITMO, Congress has intervened to stop him. This includes many Democrats, who are not as unwise as Obama, but time is running out for the President. I predict he will try to close the facility and bring the remaining monsters to federal prisons in the USA without Congressional approval—just because it’s in his ideological make-up to so so.

The only problem with GITMO is there are too many empty beds. Instead of shutting it down, we need to fill it up with more Radical Islamic Jihadists. One more thing: let them eat what everybody else eats. Never cater to their murderous belief system, which Obama does daily.

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COMMON SENSE: President Obama’s initial reaction to the attack in San Bernardino was to renew his call for gun control. Because unarmed citizens were attacked and killed, while having a Christmas party at work, Obama believes we should turn in our guns and trust him to take care of us. No thanks.
Obama’s next priority was to have his Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, tell us that any backlash against Muslims would result in prosecution, but He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Blamed misjudged what was happening in America. He thought he could squelch us easily with his imperial pronouncements—just like he has done in the past—but the indignation of the American people has reached a boiling point. We are finally fed up with him, even his cherished Kool-Aid drinkers.
In the latest Quinnipiac Poll, taken after the attack, 60% of Americans said they disapproved of Obama’s handling of foreign policy, while just 34% approved. Obviously, the American people do not believe Obama has contained ISIS, which he obviously hasn’t.
Now, Obama wants to address us. He wants to reassure us about how much he cares about us, and millions will believe him—just like they always do. We still have one year left in his administration, so my advice to you is to be sober, be be vigilant, and to be wary.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Our leaders tell us that we must understand the motivation of terrorism, which they maintain comes from despair, exacerbated by the negative impact of climate change. Refusing to even identify the enemy, our leaders responses to terror are little more than symbolic gestures. Furthermore, they do not believe we can kill our way out of our current crisis, and they say so routinely.

Our leaders are dead wrong about everything. Radical Islamic Jihadism is not born out of despair. It is born out of hope. Muslims want to usher in a worldwide Caliphate, where everybody is Muslim, and they are willing to die for their cause. Until we understand this, until we accept this as real, we will remain hostages to their terroristic tactics. To stop being their victims, we must make a determined commitment to drive them back to the seventh-century, where they belong. Because the truth contradicts the current administration’s narrative of reality, Team Obama will never confront Radical Muslims. It’s not in their nature or belief system to do so.

With this in mind, ask yourself who has the will to identify the enemy for who it is, and who has the will to commit our great nation to crush these vile, demonic serpents. All Radical Islamic Jihadists understand is raw power—nothing else. We possess this power. We possess the power to crush them. To do this, however, we must change our rules of engagement, showing them no mercy.

Remember, it is either us or them. That’s the bottom line.

—Jack Watts

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