
Posts Tagged ‘Politically Correct’

12434698_10208354548806112_17676164_nCOMMON SENSE: I remember the day after the 1980 Presidential Debate between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. When I went into the Political Science Department at Emory, where I was working on a Ph.D., all of the professors were ecstatic because they thought Jimmy Carter had “cleaned that cowboy’s clock.”
Being the only person in the department for Reagan, I was crushed, but their glee turned out to be short lived. Within a few days, it was clear that Reagan had won. Although Carter’s responses were more technically precise, he came across as un-warm and devoid of emotions. Reagan, by way of contrast, was genuine, warm, kind, and personable. Carter never recovered. The cowboy won, and we had the Reagan Revolution.
Last night, Hillary was technically on target, but she was also mean-spirited, smug, and unlikeable. Trump, by way of contrast, seemed like somebody you would like to have over for lunch.
Perhaps this is why all of the polls said he won the debate and Hillary didn’t.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Here is the “Smoking Gun” concerning Hillary’s missing emails, and it definitely proves “intent,” which the FBI says doesn’t exist.
An army of reddit users believes it has found evidence that former Hillary Clinton computer specialist, Paul Combetta, solicited free advice regarding Clinton’s private email server from users of the popular web forum.
A collaborative investigation showed a reddit user with the username “Stonetear” requested help in relation to retaining and purging email messages after 60 days, and requested advice on how to remove a “VERY VIP” individual’s email address from archived content.
On July 23, 2014, the House Select Committee on Benghazi reached an agreement with the State Department on the production of records—Hillary’s emails. It was the following day that “Stonetear” asked for help in how to take care of his problem. This constitutes Obstruction of Justice—a felony.
There is a massive cover-up here, with those perpetrating it fully intend to hand the election to Hillary. If they are successful, Hillary will do what she always does—destroy her enemies.

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COMMON SENSE: While CNN was busy deleting Hillary’s use of the word “bomb” in her interview, after the attacks in NY Saturday night—in an effort to make her look good and Trump look bad—the Jihadists were busy planning their next attack.
We have allowed this Trojan Horse of Radical Islam into our country, and we are going to pay a terrible price to get rid of it. Using the Internet, the “Cyber Islamic Army” is busy recruiting, indoctrinating, and sending out misguided fools to create havoc and carnage in America, while Obama is busy telling us how peaceful Islam is.
The time for submitting to this politically correct nonsense, at the expense of American lives, is over. We need new leadership, from people who are not corrupt, to forge the way. If we continue doing the same thing, which is Hillary’s strategy, we will continue to get the same results. This tired, sick old woman cannot possibly do the job necessary to keep us safe. Trump has been consistently right on the issue of terrorism, and he is definitely strong enough to protect us. The choice is clear.
Jack Watts2016-09-19t115410z_1007000001_lynxnpec8i0lw_rtroptp_2_cnews-us-usa-attacks-jpg-c

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COMMON SENSE: At this time four years ago, while lying about what was really behind the Benghazi attack, Obama’s position was Osama bin Laden was dead, al Qaeda was on the run, and ISIS was the JV team. Believing Obama’s false narrative to be true, Americans continued to deny reality by choosing the more politically-correct position of toleration toward a worldview that is antithetical to ours.
We were wrong then and, if we choose Hillary’s perpetuation of Obama’s error, we will continue to be wrong. Even worse, we will sustain repeated attacks for the next four years. This is what will happen, whether you are willing to admit it is true or not.
In the past 24 hours, we have sustained attacks in MN, NY, and NJ—all blue states. Radical Islamisists don’t differentiate between the right and left. To them, we are all the Great Satan.
Isn’t it time to stand up to these monsters? Isn’t it time to abandon our false narrative and call things what they really are? Isn’t it time to deal with these terrorists harshly and put an end to Radical Islamic Jihadism in America?
If your answer to these questions is yes, then you know what you need to do.
Jack Watts

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hillary-collapses-videoCOMMON SENSE: The way things are unfolding with Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is exactly the way things unfolded with the Watergate scandal from 1972-74. At first, there was a story or two about the break in, but there was no momentum. This happened for quite some time, just like it is happening now.
Then, the momentum shifted, and an avalanche of stories became all-consuming, eventually forcing President Nixon to resign. The same scenario is unfolding—right before our eyes. I believe the video chip of Hillary collapsing is a perfect metaphor for what is about to happen.
Aided by the FBI and the DOJ, a shroud of secrecy has been established, in an attempt to cover-up Hillary’s crimes, but their efforts will no longer be able to protect her. The pressure to reveal the truth has become too great.
When it becomes evident to Democrats running for office, that’s Hillary’s criminality has become their problem, and may cost them their seats, they will abandon her.
Her destiny is set. She will never become President of the United States.
How appropriate that her undoing came on 9/11, four years to the day after she abandoned our brave men to die in Benghazi. Finally, justice for these men is about to happen.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Concerning Hillary’s email scandal, although having her own personal server and destroying evidence from it was criminal, this certainly isn’t the most important issue. The greatest problem is why Hillary set it up in the first place.
It was the communications vehicle between her office as Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation. She used the server to funnel large amounts of money to her Foundation.
Since its inception, there has never been an external audit of the Clinton Foundation, so nobody knows exactly how much money has been amassed or how deep her corruption goes. Suffice it to say, when the details of this pay-to-play scheme come out, which they will, Hillary will be featured in the “Guinness Book of World Records” for having accomplished the most massive fraud in world history.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Ya gotta love Hillary! Just when you think there isn’t any other low-down, devious, or sneaky thing she can do, she comes up with something new to surprises us.

In last night’s semi-debate, she had a listening devise in her ear. This means that the “Most Qualified Person to Run for President” and “The Smartest Woman in the World” needed information to be fed to her to answer Matt Lauer’s questions. Unbelievable!

There is nothing about Hillary that is straightforward and honest—not one thing. According to actor, James Wood, “She can’t even lie without help.” How can anyone take this woman seriously?

—Jack Watts

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bleachbitlogoCOMMON SENSE: The reason FBI Director Comey gave for not recommending indictment was that there was “no intent” on Hillary’s part, but now we know that’s not true. When Congress issued a subpoena and a Preservation Order to Hillary, the State Department, and the IT company, concerning Hillary’s emails, they had not yet been destroyed. Defying the subpoena, which is a felony—Obstructing Justice—the emails were destroyed, using the “Bleach Bit” program to do so. Now, not even God can read them.
It is no longer credible for Comey to say there was no intent. President Obama has said this too. What we have here is a massive cover-up to keep the Democratic nominee for President from having to face the legitimate consequences of her actions. Make no mistake about it, crimes have been committed. Comey has disgraced himself and needs to resign—now. If Obama wants to save any part of his legacy, he needs to stop protecting Hillary.
The Democrats keep hoping this will go away, but it will not. This is their Watergate.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I just watched Hillary Clinton’s abbreviated press conference on her plane, and I have two comments:
1. That it ended abruptly because Hillary was overtaken by a coughing fit indicates that she is physically unfit to do the job. She just isn’t healthy enough to be President.
2. When she suggested that the Russians wants Trump to win, you need to ask why that would be? Putin is aggressive and has territorial aspirations in Eastern Europe. Who is more likely to stand in his way, Trump or Hillary? Neither Hillary nor Obama were willing to check Putin’s annexation of the Crimea, were they? Also, if Putin has Hillary’s deleted emails, he can blackmail her throughout her Presidency, which she knows. Instead of admitting how vulnerable this makes her, because she never admits anything, she is projecting her weakened position onto Trump. Keep this in mind because it’s how Hillary plays the game.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton is the reason why the Presidential Campaign is so negative—not Donald J. Trump. Because she cannot taut her record of accomplishment, failing miserably at everything she has ever done, especially at being our Secretary of State, all she can do is say, “Trump is more unsuitable than I am.”
This is exactly what she is doing by calling Trump a racist, which he is not. If anything, the charge of racism could be levied at her, but I don’t it would be true, accurate or fair to do so. Her avowed mentor was Sen. Harry Byrd, who was a member of the Ku Klux Clan at one time. Bill Clinton’s mentor was Sen. J. William Fulbright, also a member of the Clan. So, both Clintons do have a connection, although a thin one.
There is no historical record to indicate that Trump has ever had anything to do with the Ku Klux Clan, but Hillary is accusing him of being one of their supporters. A non-politician, Trump didn’t even know who David Dukes was. Being a minor player, not many people know who he is.
Because Hillary is deceitful and corrupt, she has to do everything she can to put the spotlight on Trump, rather than answer uncomfortable questions about her pay-to-play scheme, where she used her position of authority to amass a fortune for her foundation. She should be in the jailhouse—not the White House.
Jack Watts  

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