
Archive for December, 2018

Our gracious God and loving Heavenly Father,
Our hearts are heavy and burdened with foreboding,
As the true purpose of the Special Counsel has become clear.
With the aid of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, it is
Mueller’s goal to take down the duly elected President
Of the United States of America and have him removed from office,
Nullifying the will of the American people in the process,
Rendering their votes and their voice void and meaningless.
Father, we come before You today and ask that You foil
This dastardly plot, perpetrated by these cunning, vile,
And ruthless emissaries of the depraved, godless Progressives.
In their dishonorable hearts and perverse minds, this merciless team
Of corrupt and unethical lawyers has come to believe they have
A higher calling, and the mischief they are inflicting upon this nation
Is somehow honorable and noble, but it certainly is not.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
All they have done is try to undermine the Presidency and create
A Constitutional Crisis of monumental proportions, as they rip
The fabric of America’s soul apart with their ignoble ambitions,
Which have nothing to do with truth, honor, or justice.
Because we can discern their intentions and understand
Their cunning motives that have nothing to do
With anything other than fulfilling their own agenda,
We ask that You protect President Donald J. Trump.
Foil the disgraceful plot of the Mueller investigation and continue
To expose the true motives behind this cabal to the light of day.
Illuminate the minds of American citizens, especially those
Who have a heart to trust You and seek Your will.
Father, do not allow this evil plot to come to fruition.
Instead, spare us from the destruction of these worthless
Ambassadors of Darkness who wish to perpetrate upon us.
We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: President Trump’s surprise visit to al-Asad Airbase in Iraq came at an opportune moment. By explaining and defending his decision to remove our armed forces from Syria, while pledging to keep our military presence strong in the Middle East, Trump went a long way toward reassuring his base that he is not the isolationist the media has made him out to be.
This visit came at the same time that the NYST jumped nearly 1,100 points, partially regaining recent losses. As we watch what is happening, it’s crystal clear that the Progressive media would rather witness America’s collapse rather than see Trump be successful at anything. So be it.
Trump is out there standing firmly for the American people, and I continue to be proud that I voted for him. We have been at war since 2001 at a cost of $7 trillion. That’s a lot of money. It’s time to protect our own borders rather than put good money after bad by defending everybody else’s.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Where Secretary Mattis’ resignation is concerned, I can see both sides. This is not a black and white issue. What I do not like, however, is making a villain out of either one.
Mattis did a great job of rebuilding our military after sequestration. We are now prepared, which we were not before the General arrived. Plus, Mattis was responsible for the defeat of ISIS and starring down North Korea. On all of these things, he and Trump were united.
Moving forward though, Mattis wants to keep a strong military presence in the Middle East, while President Trump wants to bring our troops home. I see the necessity of leaving them there as a deterrent to ISIS reforming, but I also know that we have been at war continuously this entire century. That’s a long time. We need a break, and we cannot afford to spend trillions on Middle Eastern wars.
Both men have a strong argument, but Trump is the Commander-in-Chief. It’s his call, and he made it. For me, I choose to be thankful for all that Mattis did, but I also choose not to criticize man.
—Jack Watts

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I AM NOT ASHAMED—EXCERPT: Progressives are constantly apologizing for America. Because we have used and abused others, according to them, they believe it is our responsibility to make reparations for every real or perceived injustice that exists in the world today. Because they believe it is our distorted belief in God that is at the root of all of America’s criminality over the centuries, it’s perfectly logical for them to boo God at the Democratic National Convention. In the minds of those who participated, what they did was not disrespectful at all. On the contrary, it was the only ethical, logical, and moral thing for them to do.
For Progressives, God, or at least the God of Conservative American Christians like us, is the enemy of all that is good, just, and fair in the world. Therefore, opposing God, and every vestige of His existence in our society, is something all decent Progressives are committed to accomplishing, although some are less strident about it than others.
As patriotic Americans and committed Christians, in addition to being continuously shocked, saddened, outraged, and appalled by the actions of the Progressives, we have been more confused by their worldview than anything else. To us, it’s inconceivable that any American would want to dishonor God. That Progressives consider such disrespect to be moral is mind-boggling.
To us, they have lost their way, and their reprobate belief system is decidedly ungodly and un-American. Because the Progressive worldview is hostile to God and to Christianity, we have come to disrespect them just as much as they have come to loathe us. Having had enough of their hostile contempt for our values and for our American heritage, we have begun to fight back, but we have been doing so on their terms, not on ours.
This has been a mistake. Instead of recognizing this for what it is, a spiritual battle, we argue with them, based on their sensory perception of reality. Essentially, by remaining in a constant state of anxiety and turmoil, based on the abusiveness of Progressives, we have failed to enter God’s rest and allow the Holy Spirit to fight the battle for us. Although the Scriptures assure us that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world, we think and act as if it is the exact opposite. Again, this is a mistake.
Jack Watts

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I AM NOT ASHAMED—EXCERPT: To Progressives, patriotic Christians must be held in check until all of us acquiesce or eventually die off. This is their strategy, and it’s necessary because of our faith in God and our belief in American Exceptionalism. According to them, what we believe is holding our nation back from the desired goal of becoming part of a global New World Order.
That we consider their goal to be anti-Christian makes us even more dangerous. If they can effectively squelch us, which is their intention, regardless of what is required to accomplish this goal, they are making progress, and America is moving in the right direction.
Consequently, in dealing with us, being devious and deceitful is not wrong—not when the end is to further their Progressive agenda. Winning is their goal—their only goal. Therefore, whatever it takes to accomplish this task is moral and right. For a Progressive, the ends always justify the means. For a Christian, this is never true, or at least it shouldn’t be.
From our perspective, we are horrified by what the Progressives think and by the actions they take to achieve their purposes. We are constantly being shocked and appalled by their unethical behavior, especially by the things they do that are corrupt and illegal.
We do not understand them. Because their worldview is so alien to us, we cannot grasp what they believe or how they think. This means we cannot comprehend the agenda they are attempting to impose upon the American people. Their behavior has been so anathema to us that we dismiss what they are doing as being crazy.
Because Progressivism is fundamentally godless, we have not considered it worth the time it would takes to understand what it is. This has been a serious error on our part. For instance, at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, when the entire delegation booed the inclusion of God’s name in their party platform, while we watched on TV, we were appalled, horrified, and angered. Collectively, our mouth’s dropped in shock that any American political party would do such a dishonorable and disrespectful thing.
Although our response was understandable, it also reveals our lack of understanding about what Progressivism really is. To make an effective stand against it, this has to change. Just as we cannot defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism without naming it and understanding what it is, we cannot confront and defeat Progressive ideology without recognizing it and understanding its underlying beliefs.
At the core of Progressive ideology, it is in spiritual conflict with Christianity. To them, it is our God, the God of Christianity, that is the problem in America. Almighty God is not the solution to our problems; the state is. That so many Americans believe in God is what has caused most of the problems in the world today. This is why the Progressives are hostile toward Christianity, while having no apparent animosity toward any other religions, including Radical Islam.
For Progressives, America has become strong and rich—not because of God’s blessing—but because we have robbed and subjugated other people and other nations, all in the name of God. There is nothing special about us other than the fact that we have become very skilled at using the wealth of the world for our own benefit. To our discredit, all of our achievements have been at the expense of those who are less fortunate than we are.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Remaining strong and steadfast in perilous times like these can be very difficult. The Spirit of Deception is powerful in America, but so is the Spirit of Truth that is within us. In fact, God promises us that “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”
Most of us want to be liked and to avoid unnecessary conflict, but demurring or remaining silent comes at a high price. By not standing for the truth, as we are commanded to do, we allow deception to be normalized so that it eventually becomes the truth.
What I have just stated is not etherial; it’s real, and it impacts us daily. Take the Progressive doctrine of Gender Fluidity for example. They have not only normalized the idea that you can become the sex that you identify with, but they have also militantly championed this nonsense, affirming it as absolute truth. To believe otherwise, as I have just stated, has become a hate crime.
This is how the Spirit of Error operates in our society today. Because they own the truth, and we do not, according to them, to maintain that there is no way to change one’s DNA markers is the statement of someone who is ignorant. People like me who maintain that men are men and women are women, regardless of how they feel about it, are worthy to be mocked, castigated, and shunned. In America, if you state the truth, it comes at a high price.
This is a perfect example of how powerful the Spirit of Deception has become, but it’s just one example. There are hundreds. To remain true to “He who is in us” is becoming increasing difficult, as this Spirit of Deception infects millions in America.
Jack Watts

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I AM NOT ASHAMED—EXCERPT: To patriotic Christians like us, God’s active involvement in our lives makes perfect sense, but to a Progressive, such thinking is nonsensical and somewhat delusional. To make matters worse, Progressives consider our mindset to be dangerous to our democracy. To them, our Christian worldview is the enemy of progress and of fundamental human fairness.
Progressives think they deal with facts, not irrational mythology, which is what they consider our biblical worldview to be. Because they deal with the real world, which is not mystical, only they are capable of possessing the truth and seeing the world clearly. We are not. Because they view reality accurately, through their Progressive perspective, they are wise. Our worldview, by way of contrast, is fundamentally flawed, making us fools for adhering to it. Since this is obviously true, it is acceptable for Progressives to scoff at our patriotic Christian value system. They do this with impunity. For them, it’s sport. They enjoy it.
We are nothing more than unenlightened clowns who deserve the mocking we receive. Because we are fools, there is no need to show us even the smallest measure of respect. Who respects fools? Nobody does, of course. This makes it perfectly suitable for them to ridicule us and to demand that we comply with their politically correct mandates.
To them, what we believe is unacceptable. We are homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynistic racists—all of which are worthy of contempt. While preaching tolerance, Progressives are openly, militantly, and aggressively intolerant of anything that is Christian. They espouse intolerant tolerance, which is the epitome of incongruity. Essentially, they pursue a lifestyle of being walking, talking oxymorons. They champion this obvious flaw as being virtuous.
Although they cannot stop us from believing in God, they fully intend to stop us from having any significant influence on America. It’s the reason why they have been waging political warfare against us for several decades.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Secretary of Defense James Mattis is leaving because his view of our foreign policy differs markedly with President Trump in one area—the Middle East. Mattis and Trump have worked together well to rebuild our military preparedness, which fell into disrepair under President Obama’s sequestration program. Mattis and trump have reversed this beautifully.
When it comes to our Middle Eastern policy, however, Mattis’ perspective is very different from Trump’s. With the President’s announcement that we would be removing our troops from Syria, coupled with his plan to finally leave Afghanistan, which Mattis does not support, the former general felt the need to resign.
By withdrawong from Syria, Mattis, as well as the leaders in Israel, believe that Iran will move into the power vacuum to create the Crescent Caliphate, which would include Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. The power of this Shi’ite alliance would be a direct threat to Israel, to Saudi Arabia, and to world peace.
With its allegiance to Russia, this Crescent Caliphate would quickly become the dominant power in the Middle East. Recognizing this, Mattis believes this would set the stage for the USA to have to come back to the Middle East to fight another war against a much stronger foe.
Mattis is probably correct, but it is difficult for President Trump to keep U.S. troops fighting in the Middle East perpetually. Trump does not want America to be the world’s policemen, but this is a role we have been forced to play since World War II. Understandably, Americans are tired of being at war for so long—since 9/11/2001.
There are no perfect answers here. This is not a black and white issue. While I was delighted to see the end of Rex Tillerson and Jeff Sessions, I am not at all happy to see James Mattis and John Kelly leave. They are strong men, and it’s in Trump’s best interest to have leaders like them in his administration.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I know Washington D.C., is depraved. This doesn’t surprise me, but the massive cover-up of pedophilia by the Roman Catholic Church does. This is no longer a few isolated spots, where children have been robbed of their innocence by predatory priests. Instead, it is a pandemic problem that has undermined the voice of the Roman Catholic Church to proclaim moral purity throughout the United States and the world beyond.
Even worse, the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the Church continues to cover-up the blatant wrongdoing of it’s aberrant priests. Take Illinois for example. According to the New York Times, “The Catholic Church in Illinois withheld the names of at least 500 priests accused of sexual abuse of minors, the state’s attorney general said Wednesday in a scathing report that accused the church of failing victims by neglecting to investigate their allegations.”
The Church must stop acting like the Deep State bureaucracy and come clean, but that isn’t happening. The bishops love their power too much. This situation is tragic and far from being resolved.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Not one thing about what has happened to General Michael Flynn is on the up-and-up. Nothing is as it seems, and the prosecutorial misconduct toward him has been blatant.

Not only did disgraced Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe purposefully mislead Flynn by telling him that he didn’t need an attorney for his interview with Agent Peter Strzok and Agent Pientka, but the original 302 document that memorialized the interview is missing. Despite repeated demands for it to be produced, neither the FBI nor Mueller’s Office of the Special Counsel has been willing to produce the document. Instead, they have produced a subsequent 302 document that was created seven months later—SEVEN MONTHS LATER.
This stinks to high heaven. It’s unethical, and it’s illegal. FBI protocol requires 302s to be entered into their Sentinel system within five days, so where is this potentially exculpatory document? The FBI, DOJ, and Mueller’s team have refused to tell Congress or the court. What are they hiding, and how are they getting away with this?
Adding to this blatant refusal to be transparent, the FBI has refused to allow Agent Pientka to testify to Congress, despite repeated demands for him to appear. Why is Pietka being muzzled? What darkness does he know that should be brought to light?
What is happening—what the government is doing to Flynn—is disgraceful, illegal, and unworthy of our democratic republic. Trump’s right: this is a Witch Hunt!
Jack Watts

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