
Archive for April, 2014

In 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville penned Democracy in America. In it, he wrote, “Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.” This is an accurate statement and provides a clue about why Barack Obama’s vision for America is destined to fail. The reason is simple: Obama’s Progressive foundation is built on sand.

There is no moral foundation for Progressivism other than a general idea that everything should be fair and equal. Nor are there any firm guidelines about how to determine what is fair and equal.

Progressivism is a worldview that permits its adherents to use deception to achieve its goal. Corruption is acceptable, if it helps achieve Progressivism’s utopian mandate. How elected leaders achieve their ends is unimportant—just as long as society moves steadily along the path toward the utopian ideal.

With this firmly entrenched belief system in mind, it’s perfectly acceptable for Barack Obama to disregard his sworn duty to uphold and defend the Constitution. Progressives consider the Constitution to be a flawed, archaic document that’s more of a nuisance than anything else. To ensure Progressives stay in power, stuffing the ballot boxes is also acceptable. Because their goals are higher than those of others, Progressives don’t have to abide by the same rules of conduct. With a higher calling, why should they? Abiding by the Rule of Law is for their opponents—not for them.

On the other side are millions who hold the Constitution in high esteem—almost like it is a sacred document. Basing their morality on biblical truth, which has a firm foundation in American history, they view this administration’s hypocrisy, deceit, corruption, and open contempt for the Rule of Law as grounds for disqualifying everything that President Obama has done.

The gap between the two sides is not a strong disdain for one another. It is a political cleavage. The stakes are high in this zero-sum game. One side will win; the other will lose. The Progressives consider themselves to be smarter than people of faith, openly ridiculing their opponents for obscurantism. People of faith, on the other hand, view Progressives as scoffers of righteousness who have reprobate minds. Because they ridicule God’s Word and God’s people, people of faith have virtually no respect for Progressives, including President Obama. Nevertheless, most people of faith consider the victory of Progressivism to be inevitable, partly because of Christian chiliasm.

Progressives also believe their victory is inevitable, partly because of their recent accomplishments. I don’t believe this is an accurate assessment, and here’s the reason why.

Recently, I attended a Wednesday evening church service in North Georgia, close to where Deliverance was filmed years ago. I was at an Assembly of God church, which has an entirely different tradition than my own. As I observed the congregants, I had an epiphany. I could see strength in them that is far greater than anything I have observed among Progressives. Because the foundation for people of faith is solid—built on rock and not on sand—those who have a moral foundation are destined to prevail. Lacking moral rectitude is also the reason why the Progressive movement is destined to fail. Nothing built on sand ever succeeds for long. Although not many realize it yet, the tide is changing.

At first, the Children of Darkness seem to have an advantage. Because they are willing to be ruthless, mean-spirited, and verbally abusive, they bully people of faith, cawing them into submission by making them feel guilty. This strategy has worked for quite a while, but things are changing. The Children of Light have become increasingly unwilling to remain silent in the face of change they consider to be godless and abhorrent.

In American history, we have had many interesting periods, including the Civil War, the Vietnam War era, and now this one. Before the issue is resolved, there will be numerous intense episodes of conflict. Progressives are never gracious losers, but the outcome is certain. I assure you that it is.

Jack Watts

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Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

—Helen Keller


In 1776, at the time of the American Revolution, how many people do you think were church member—members not attendees?

  • 5 percent
  • 25 percent
  • 35 percent
  • 55 percent
  • 75 percent

Before you answer, think about that generation of Christians for a moment. These early Christians influenced the founding of this nation and the Constitution that established the laws of the land. In many ways, we still live in the wake of their blessing a dozen generations later. Their influence has been that powerful.

Currently, more than 50 percent of Americans are church members, and our influence is pitifully weak—not just politically, but in service to our nation and to the world. If 50 percent can’t get the job done today, it must have taken 75 percent in the late-18th century, right?

Well, not exactly.

If you guessed 5 percent were church members, you were correct. That’s right, just one out of twenty, but being a believer in that era was far different than it is today. Those early Americans were strong, resilient men and women, whose faith impacted every aspect of their lives. In their era, making disciples was the emphasis—not evangelism.

In our generation, the emphasis is getting thousands of marginal believers to say they are members, and there is practically no emphasis on making them strong men and women, filled with knowledge and estimable character qualities. This shift in balance has weakened our impact upon society dramatically—much like Common Core has downsized educational excellence.

Christians in the 21st century like to blame Progressives, liberals and political correctness for the state of affairs, without taking a hard look at themselves. What has changed is the quality of Christians. We have dumbed down, while telling ourselves we are okay—worst of all, we believe it.

Jack Watts


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