
Archive for September, 2019

COMMON SENSE: On the left in the blue dress is Kathleen Biden, the wife Hunter Biden dumped so that he could start having a sexual relationship with his dead brother’s widow, Hallie.
In court documents in 2015, when V.P. Joe Biden was using his office to benefit his son, Kathleen said her husband Hunter Biden had left her destitute. Instead of providing for his family, the court documents say Hunter used the corrupt funds he was receiving for “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations.”
This is where the money from his sweetheart deal was being spent, on drugs and whores. The Bidens put the “D” in family dysfunction. Why hasn’t this ever been exposed as it should have been?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In my opinion, the impeachment efforts of the House Democrats to destroy President Trump will fail for four reasons.
1. He is innocent of what they are accusing him.
2. The charge is trivial and does not rise to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor.
3. The charge is not an honorable effort and does not seek justice. Instead, it is motivated by malice, hatred and a deep desire to destroy the President.
4. There are other variables at work that will shipwreck this effort to defeat President Trump through bearing false witness.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: During President Trump’s call to the Ukrainian President, he mentioned CrowdStrike. This is very important, but its importance isn’t being explained well or accurately. Let me try and help with this.
When the DNC server was hacked and 30,000 emails from Hillary were copied, they were sent to WikiLeaks. The DNC reported the crime to the FBI. The Bureau wanted to examine the server to determine how it was breached, but the DNC refused. The DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, refused to allow the FBI to examine the server, saying that CrowdStrike in Ukraine had already determined the breach.
Why the FBI didn’t just seize the server like they would have in any other situation says a great deal about how flawed this investigation was. Nevertheless, almost immediately, the finger was pointed at Trump and the Russians. Seizing a political opportunity, a conspiracy charge soon developed against Trump.
Meanwhile, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks maintained that Russia had nothing to do with it. Because of the speed with which the emails were copied, it was speculated that it was an inside job. Someone copied the information and put it on a thumb drive. This fact leads us to Seth Rich.
Rich was a Bernie Sanders supporter who worked at the DNC. Not liking that the deck was stacked against Bernie by the DNC, which Donna Brazile later confirmed, Rich was most likely the person who actually hacked the server. He had unlimited access to it. A few days later, Rich was gunned down on the streets of Washington, D.C. Theft was the stated motive but nothing was stolen from him. Further establishing Rich’s connection to WikiLeaks, Assange offered a reward for the apprehension of Seth’s murderer
My theory is that CrowdStrike determined he was the hacker and he got himself murdered for it. I believe Trump suspects this too, and it’s why he asked the President of Ukraine to investigate what actually happened.
Seth Rich’s murder, like so many others involving the Clintons, has never been solved. The President knows this and he has asked Ukraine to get to the bottom of CrowdStrike’s involvement in what happened back in the summer of 2016. I have no problem with what the President is doing about this, do you?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: From the day we first heard about it, the whistleblower complaint has been uniformly deemed credible by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the Intelligence Community Inspector General (IC IG), the Democrats in both houses and the media. This means it must be true, right? Overwhelmingly, we have been told that what the whistleblower has stated is true. Because it is, we are expected to take what we have been told at face value, but I don’t. I believe there is something sinister going on here. Let me explain why.
After reading the whistleblower’s letter in its entirety, the first thing I noticed was that it contained nothing but hearsay evidence, which would be thrown out of any court in America. Gossip isn’t evidence. Then, I looked at the “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form. The whistleblower’s complaint had to fall within the guidelines of this intelligence community form. This is where the problem is, and it’s why I have come to the conclusion that this complaint is actually a carefully-orchestrated attempt to take down President Trump.
Originally, the guidelines stated, “In order to find an urgent concern ‘credible,’ the IC IG must be in possession of reliable, first-hand information.” This is the key. Hearsay evidence, which is all the whistleblower has, would be deemed inadmissible, but this requirement was secretly changed. It now reads, “I know about the information I am disclosing here, and I have heard it from . . . “
The rule was changed to accept hearsay evidence as being credible. Thus, the DNI and the IC IG both have accepted what was submitted because it falls within the new guidelines. All of this, the changing of the guidelines, was done in secret in the last year-and-a-half. I believe the change was made by the intelligence community specifically to bring a charge against President Trump. If we can discover who made the change, then we will know who is behind this cabal to remove him from office.
In my opinion, what is now happening, the impeachment of President Trump, is part of a plan to get him. It may be the “Insurance Policy” that FBI Agent Peter Strzok alluded to in his text message to his lover Lisa Page.
Nothing about what is happening is honest, straightforward, ethical or fair. It is another dirty trick, just like the Steele Dossier was, and its goal is to nullifying the will of the American people by changing the outcome of the 2016 election. Everybody in America needs to know what is happening.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I have read the whistleblower’s letter to Sen. Richard Burr and Rep. Adam Schiff in its entirety, and I have several observations and questions:
1. The whistleblower has no firsthand information about anything. Everything he or she knows comes from what the whistleblower has heard “from multiple sources.” This is hearsay evidence, which no court in America would allow to be admissible. So, my question is this: How is this person afforded whistleblower protection?
2. It’s clear this document was not the work of one person. It has been reviewed and documented by a lawyer or a team of lawyers.
3. When I read it, after having read the transcript of the conversation between President Trump and the Ukrainian President, it didn’t seem like the whistleblower and I were talking about the same thing. There was nothing sinister about Trump’s conversation, like the whistleblower would have us believe. In fact, what the whistleblower has to say seems to be much ado about nothing.
4. Finally, it’s clear to me that this is a hit-job by Deep State operatives that remain in the intelligence community. More than anything else, the whistleblowers letter reminds me of the Ten Commandments: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Impeachment is serious; at least it should be. It nullifies an election and the will of the American people. It should never be capricious or poorly thought out, but this is exactly how the House Democrats have behaved, capriciously.
Jumping the gun before the transcript of the Ukrainian phone call was even released, Speaker Pelosi launched a formal impeachment inquiry, accusing President Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors. She did this before seeing the documentation or knowing the facts. We should be able to expect more from the House of Representatives than this. At bare minimum, our lawmakers should not be sloppy, nor should their actions be based on gossip.
When the transcript was released for everybody to read, it was innocuous. There was “no there, there.” Once I read it, and then heard the Ukrainian President say there was no coercion, I suspect Speaker Pelosi wished she had waited, but she didn’t. There was no way for her to un-fire her gun. The damage was done. A prudent legislator would have waited for the facts to be known, but she refused to be wise.
The American people deserve better, more professional legislative representation than this. Malice is behind everything the Democrats have been doing. That is not a sound legislative strategy. It’s toxic, ineffective and unproductive. Although repetitive, let me say, “We, the American people, deserve better than this.”
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: So, let me see if I understand all of this correctly. A whistleblower has accused President Trump of abusing his authority, and the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community has found the information to be credible. Because of this, the House is beginning formal impeachment inquiries.


At the same time, it has been disclosed that the whistleblower does not have first-hand information about Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine. What he has is hearsay information, which is inadmissible in any court in America. Plus, it has also come to light that he is a political operative for a Democratic Presidential candidate. Hmmm, that’s interesting.


Speaker Pelosi has launched the impeachment initiative before the contents of the phone conversation has even been disclosed. Shouldn’t she have at least waited until President Trump released the transcript, which he is doing today? She didn’t do this though, did she. That’s because the fact do not count, not to the Democrats. All that counts is getting Trump. You know that and so do I.


Once again, there is an absence of fundamental fairness. The Democrats want to hold Trump accountable for an implied quid pro quo, while simultaneously giving Vice President Joe Biden a pass for his verifiable corruption concerning Ukraine, based on withholding funds until massive payments to his drug addict son would not be investigated. In addition, Biden, the consummate hypocrite, is calling for Trump’s impeachment for corruption. This is so wrong and upside down that the American people should repudiate the leadership in the House. It’s the only way to restore order in America.


—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If you are a globalist, President Trump’s speech at the U.N. would have been offensive. If you believe that the USA is the cause of the world’s problems, rather than its solution, what Trump had to say would make you mad. If you support a Democrat for President, you would consider Trump’s message to be wrong about everything.
If you are an American patriot, however, you were thrilled that our President stood up to the Marxists and Socialists of the world today. He was unapologetically the President you and I hoped he would be. We elected Trump because we want our rights to be protected against the encroachment of the globalists. We wanted a President who would champion our great nation, our inalienable rights and our Judeo-Christian heritage.
At the U.N. today, Trump stood tall for everything we believe. Personally, I could not be more pleased by the message he delivered. The Scriptures teach that love covers a multitude of sins, and I know Trump loves us . . . you and me. I’m standing with him.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: As the marketing vehicle for the Democratic Party, the Progressive media is highly proficient at sewing discord, creating enmity and division, and promoting false narratives. Take their newest initiative, the Ukrainian connection. Their media’s iniquitous mantra is that President Trump has used his office in a corrupt manner to cast aspersions on his rival, Joe Biden.


To believe the media’s narrative, the one they are broadcasting non-stop nationwide, one would have to believe that Trump’s repeated request for the Ukrainians to investigate Biden’s obvious corruption is worse than Biden’s actual corruption. Fool that he is, Biden boasted about how he threatened to withhold $1 billion in funding from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating Biden’s son, Hunter, for receiving $83,000 per month from a Ukrainian oligarch for doing nothing. There’s an actual video clip of it. That’s real corruption. Biden did it while Obama’s Vice President, and it does need to be investigated by the Ukrainians.


It’s difficult to see how Trump’s actions can be viewed as more reprehensible than Biden’s or why the President should be impeached for it. Trump didn’t tie U.S. funds to his request. There was no quid pro quo. That the media wants to make a crime out of an implicit quid pro quo is a stretch. Actions can be criminal but thoughts aren’t, at least not yet. And how would anybody in the media know what Trump was thinking anyway?


This entire episode is much ado about nothing but, the desire to “get Trump” is so pervasive among the media, that they will champion a false narrative like this one just because they can. It’s why average Americans would rather trust gas station sushi than our less-than-esteemed journalists.


—Jack Watts

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Hi, my name is Jack Watts. This is not my story. It’s Emily Sherman’s story but, because I am writing it, I have become an integral part of it as well. This is different than any book I have written. It’s not only completely true, but it has also been written in real time.
When I began writing the book, I had no idea how it would end and I still don’t. Neither did Emily. We just knew that it required being told. Our working title has been, The Epstein Clone: Emily’s Story. We may change this later, but the title accurately indicates what is in this incredible book. Because it involves sex trafficking, pedophilia and murder that occurred nearly fifteen years ago and may be continuing to this day, there is an element of risk in what we are doing. Be that as it may, we have been compelled by Almighty God to move forward with this.
The backstory has already been written, which means that more than half of the book is complete. What the future will hold is anybody’s guess—que sera, sera. I’m moderately apprehensive, but Emily is scared to death. When the book is finally finished and available, you will understand why.
If you think any of my previous books have been page turners, you haven’t seen anything yet. The Epstein Clone: Emily’s Story will knock your socks off. I assure you it will.
—Jack Watts
(This is part of the Introduction to my newest book. I’m posting it as an insurance policy for my personal protection. I want some of y’all to keep it just in case. Thanks.)

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