
Archive for February, 2017

13936697_10210209248812453_1993330275_nCOMMON SENSE: Will the war between President Trump and the mainstream media ever abate, or will this be the new normal for the next four or eight years? Many people wonder. They are hopeful it will stop, but I do not believe it ever will. There are reasons why.
Both Trump and the media hold each other in mutual contempt, and they go back and forth doing their best to inflict punishing blows on each other—kind of like a couple going through a nasty divorce. But this part of the equation is easy to understand. Malice always is. So, let’s simply factor this variable out. It’s critically important, obviously, but there is a causal factor beneath it that is far more important.
Donald Trump has an entirely different worldview than those of the media. He is an unapologetic patriot who is committed to putting the interests of the United States above all others. He believes he is right, and he cannot understand or accept the validity of any other position. This is why he is loved and held in high esteem by millions. That he will never change is what makes Deplorables fiercely loyal to him, despite being rough around the edges.
The worldview for nearly all of the media is Progressivism, however, is antithetical to Nativism. Progressives do not see America as a City on a Hill for the world to emulate—far from it. They view the United States as a nation that has grown wealthy on the backs of slaves. To a Progressive, we are imperialists who have grown fat by robbing the world of its wealth, and it is high time we make amends for centuries of our criminal behavior. Progressive view reality through this prism. They consider Trump’s prism to be invalid, and via-se-versa.
So, everything President Trump does is viewed by the press as being counterproductive to establishing a New World Order, where there are no borders, and there are no deeply held patriotic views that disparage the oppressed. The god of Progressivism is the state. Those who adhere to a Judeo-Christian worldview are simpletons and fools—unfortunates who lack the intellectual capacity to evolve.
To Progressives, we are obscurants. They believe our Christian worldview is racist and must never prevail. To them, we are their intellectual inferiors and their mortal enemies. That we are in power is intolerable, and it is their duty to oppose our belief system.
Because Trump embraces our values at every turn, he must be de-legitimized and hounded out of office. The Progressives are crystal clear about their goal and their agenda. This is not going to change.
Christians, and other virtuous people, need to realize that the faith and values of our Founding Fathers is being assailed at every turn. We must stand strong, be vigilant, and continue to be high-minded. We must be fully-convinced that is is our duty to tack back our country.
So, the conflict is not just between Trump and the media, which will continue. It’s also between Progressivism and people of virtue. It’s a life-and-death conflict between the god of this world and Almighty God. It’s a moral war between Good and Evil.
Jack Watts

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Putin.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Not since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 have so many Americans been this concerned about Russia. The only difference is this: Back then, the Soviet Union was much more powerful, making the threat more legitimate.
Russia’s nuclear arsenal is formidable—no doubt about it—but so is ours. When you remove this variable from the equation, Russia is actually a minor player on the world stage. Nevertheless, the media has ascribed to them power and influence that is not realistic. The assessment is overblown.
When you measure the strength of the Russian economy to ours, we are nearly fifteen times as large. In fact, the economies of South Korea, Canada, and Brazil are larger than Russia’s. We are #1, while Russia is #12. Putting things into a clearer perspective, the projected growth in our economy, under President Trump’s policies, is greater than what Russia produces. Our growth rate can be larger than everything Russia produces.
Putin can rattle his sword, and he does, but he is like the great and terrible Wizard of Oz, mostly bluster. Trump’s power, as President, dwarfs Putin’s. We certainly do not worry about Italy or South Korea dominating the world. Neither do we need to worry about Russia. The Chinese threat is significant but not the Russian, at least in my opinion.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: We have one President—Donald Trump. He is the pilot of our ship for at least the next four years. As Americans, it is in our best interest for him to succeed. That we have a past President, Barack Obama, who has developed a shadow government, the OFA, to oppose everything Trump odes, is distinctly un-American, unpatriotic, and potentially illegal.
It’s time for Trump to take the gloves off as far as Obama is concerned. Rescind Obama’s Executive Order that sealed his records. It’s time for us to see for ourselves exactly who Barack Hussain Obama is.
Jack Watts12400889_10153891796001457_5208028779014100161_n

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Marine_Le_Pen_-_cropped.jpgCOMMON SENSE: French Presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, refused to wear a head scarf when meeting with Lebanon’s Muslim Mufti. This was a requirement for the meeting to take place, so it never occurred. Le Pen refused because wearing the scarf is an “act of submission” in Islam, and she had no intention of being submissive.
Politically, millions of potential voters in France, who are sick of what Radical Islam has done to their country, will be thrilled by her refusal. By this simple act, which some will view as being disrespectful, Le Pen has staked out a position and rallied French men and women behind her. Personally, I agree with her refusal.
When he was President, Barack Obama routinely bowed to Islamic leaders. Some considered this to be respectful, while others, including me, considered it an act of making the United States subservient to the goals of Islam, which was unacceptably infuriating.
Look at the results of Obama’s feckless policies and weak-willed leadership. Islamic leaders, including the terrorists, viewed Obama as timid and tentative and exploited his weakness. Thank God, Almighty God, we now have a strong leader—one who will never make America subservient to Islam. Trump is tasked with cleaning up Obama’s mess, but he’s strong enough to do it.
Jack Watts

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49572507.cached.jpgCOMMON SENSE: While millions of Americans are preoccupied with either criticizing or defending the press, there are critical issues in our economy that must be addressed. Although the importance of these issues dwarfs everything else, only a few understand how significant Trump’s agenda is for our solvency. We simply cannot continue on as we have been since 2000. Between George W. Bush and Barack Obama, one Republican and one Democrat, our financial situation has become grim. We are close to becoming insolvent.

Currently, our national debt is $19.8 trillion, which equates to $167,000 per taxpayer. This is real money, and it has to be repaid in one way or the other. It’s like we are using one credit card to pay another, while Congress continues to fund items we can no longer afford.

Something has to give. This is why Secretary of Defense Mattis has been in Europe addressing our NATO allies. The USA spends 7% of our GDP on defense, while many of our allies spend 1% or even less, knowing we will pick up the slack for them. We can no longer afford to do this, and it isn’t fair that we should. Why should it be the burden of U.S. taxpayers to subsidize the defense of wealthy nations?

That President Trump is addressing this problem head on, in the first month of his Presidency, shows how important it is for him to correct this situation. The European nations do not like this, of course, but our alliance mandates that they spend at least 2% on defense, which is still significantly less than we pay.

Instead of criticizing everything Trump does, you would think some journalist would address this issue forthrightly, as they should, but they haven’t. Instead, they focus on the trivial, rather than the monumental. So, I’ll have to do it for them.

—Jack Watts



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jack-contemplating-2COMMON SENSE: What is so magical about 100 days? Who said President Trump only has 100 days to get things done anyway? Where did this number come from?
Until this election, other than it being considered the “Honeymoon Period” with Congress, I’ve never heard of it being used as a measuring stick, and I want to challenge the validity its nonsensical assumption. There has been no Honeymoon Period for Donald Trump, not even a day. Nevertheless, he is President for 1,461 days, not for 100. He has that entire period to enact his agenda, and he’s off to a good start, despite the fact that for the first thirty days, most of his cabinet members haven’t even been confirmed.
The 100-day figure constitutes his “Honeymoon,” but Trump has never had a honeymoon with the press and he never will. Besides, does anybody actually believe our massive problems can be solved in three months plus ten days? Does one visit to a marriage counselor solve deep-seated marital conflict? hardly. The same is true for the United States. We have problems that need real solutions, not conformity to an arbitrary number set up by our hostile media.
So, President Trump, do whatever you need to do to solve our problems. It’s more important to get things right than it is to placate the media. They don’t want you to succeed anyway; we do.
Jack Watts

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la-na-trump-news-conference-scene-20170111COMMON SENSE: At his impromptu press conference, President Trump did more than answer dozens of questions from the press. He changed the way a Republican President dances with the media. Heretofore, with the notable exception of Ronald Reagan, for the past half-century, the media has led and the Republican Presidents have followed. Democratic Presidents, on the other hand, have led the dance, while the press has dutifully followed.
Rejecting this model, Donald Trump has taken charge. He is leading the dance, while insisting the press follow him. Since they are used to leading Republican Presidents and believe it is their right to do so, it’s no wonder they are having their ties stepped on, as they thy to reassert their right to lead. Trump will not have any of it. Instead, he has doubled down on leading, refusing to be a PWR President—Pussy Whipped Republican President.
Unlike Nixon, Ford, or the two Bushes, President Trump will not be submissive. As the American people watch how awkward this dance has become, we have developed two conflicting opinions about it. Half of us insist it is the President’s role to lead, and we are tired of watching weak-willed men be submissive to the domineering media. The other half of Americans feel exactly the opposite way. They want things to remain the way they have always been in their lifetime, which is to have the PWR model.
Consequently, for the foreseeable future, the dance between President Trump and the media will continue to be awkward, disjointed, and contentious. Will it ever change you might ask. The answer is who knows? Perhaps it will a little, but I doubt that it will very much.
Jack Watts

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514428520.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Most of the media is clueless about what President Trump is doing. Trump is not unhinged or “off the rails”—far from it.
Because he is playing chess, while the press is playing checkers, what he is doing simply doesn’t make sense to them, but it makes perfect sense to those who have the capacity to fathom what is really happening. The press and talking heads are judging him by one set of rules, while he is playing an entirely different game.
That they are so insular and cannot fathom his moves or his end game is not his fault, nor is it his responsibility. What we need is a press corps that understands the new rules of the game, but that’s not going to happen any time soon. Until it does, and it may not, we will be deluged with pundits who wring their hands and gnash their teeth, telling us we are being led by a buffoon who may be a madman.
Jack Watts

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la-na-trump-news-conference-scene-20170111.jpgCOMMON SENSE: What was the purpose of today’s news conference? Nobody in the media has gotten it right; that’s for sure. All they are saying is President Trump is unhinged and thin skinned, which shows they are clueless about his intent.
Trump’s purpose was to let us know—the American people—that he was still in charge and everything was going along smoothly. He wanted to reassure us that all is well, and he did. Because we have had nothing but constant naysaying by the press, many of President’s supporters have become concerned and apprehensive. So, what did Trump do? He came out swinging, which effectively allayed the concerns of his base, letting us know he is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Well played, Mr. President, well played.
Jack Watts

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16508334_10206232700175825_3255171521002844344_n.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Although he has been President for less than a month, Donald Trump has already met with the leaders of the United Kingdom, Japan, and Israel—our primary allies in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. There is strategy here. These meetings were not by chance.
Barack Obama’s foreign policy was a disaster. He never accomplished a thing. Because of his strategy of leading from behind, which isn’t leading, our enemies did not fear us, nor did our allies trust us.
President Trump is turning this around, and he is doing it quickly. Yesterday, you could see genuine warmth between Netanyahu and Trump. This is a good thing. It was the same with the leader of Japan last weekend. Where the UK is concerned, Trump is having a rally in the heartland of England, where he is certain to be a smashing hit.
The markets are soaring because of Trump’s pro-business policies—all of them. So take heart. The Progressives and media want you to believe that Trump will soon be gone, but that isn’t true. Remember, retaking our nation and making America great again isn’t going to be easy, but we are doing God’s work and He has our back.
Jack Watts

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