
Archive for the ‘World Without Borders’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Many believe it is beneath the dignity of the President of the United States to get involved in matters as trivial as kneeling during the National Anthem at NFL games or instances of disrespecting the American flag, but I am not one of them. I believe it is one of the most important roles President Trump has. It has profound significance, and he is doing magnificently at it.
The flag and our anthem are powerful symbols of what makes Americans American. They bind us together as a people. They are the superglue that distinguishes us from others. As such, they have transcendent importance that produces patriotism, national loyalty, and American Exceptionalism. Without these symbols, our national identity would cease to exist.
That we now have a President who recognizes this and defends it, rather than apologizes for it, is one of the most important things President Trump does, and he is loved for taking such a strong stand.
Progressives do not see things the same way. Because they are globalists, patriotism is mocked and scorned. They champion a New World Order and not American nationalism, but their days are numbered. I guarantee it. We are taking our nation back, and nothing is going to stop us from doing so.
Jack Watts

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th 08-29-48COMMON SENSE: Yesterday’s ruling by the Supreme Court, affirming 9-0 that President Trump has the authority to impose a travel ban, is being heralded as a great victory for the administration. Reversing the 9th District, even the most liberal judges on the Supreme Court recognized that it is the President’s responsibility to do what he thinks best to keep us safe.
This was a victory for our Constitution, and the separation of powers, more than it was for Trump. To allow activist jurists to determine foreign policy is absurd and dangerous, which the Nutty Ninth should have recognized, but they didn’t. The decision by SCOTUS will not only helps Trump, but it will also help every future President.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Just as it makes no sense to give a masochist a nice gift, Making America Great Again isn’t something that will motivate people from the Progressive Left. They don’t want us to be great again. We don’t deserve to be great, and we never did. To them, we were never great in the first place.
What motivates the Progressives is divesting our nation of all of our wealth, by redistributing what we have to 3rd world countries. This will make amends for our past crimes against humanity. This is what Progressives really believe.
So, when Trump talks about winning, his remarks are by nature offensive to the masochistic Left. Because Trump’s goal is to win, this means they will never recognize any of his accomplishments as being either legitimate or beneficial.
There is an entire generation that believes this nonsense. They believe it heart and soul. We have our work cut out for us. This flawed thinking must be confronted with reality, but first we must understand the worldview of the Progressives. Without understanding how they think, or what motivates them, we simply cannot help them.
Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: The handwringing of the Progressives over President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord, concerning climate change, is amazing. Singlehandedly, Trump has doomed the planet, according to the most strident Leftists, which is ridiculous and absurd.
To begin with, when Obama signed the Accord as an Executive Order, rather than send the agreement to the Senate for ratification as a treaty, his actions were unlawful—Obama’s specialty. By refusing to treat the Paris Accord as a treaty, which it is, he committed us to subsidize the rest of the world financially, while making it increasingly difficult for Americans to make ends meet. Again, this has always been Obama’s specialty.
In his mind, as in the minds of all Progressives, because of how unjustly the United States has become wealthy, being hamstrung financially is a proper amends for us to make to the rest of the world. incredulously. Obama, and his legion of sycophantic media worshipers, actually believe this.
Now, Trump has come along and countered Obama’s Executive Order with another one nullifying it. Predictably, the Left is crying foul because we are “not keeping our word” to the rest of the world. At the same time, they conveniently forget that Obama did an end run on the Senate in the first place.
But none of this jockeying is what is the critical issue. By signing the Paris Accord, Obama surrendered a significant portion of our national sovereignty, which he had no Constitutional authority to do, especially since he swore an oath to do the exact opposite.
In the Paris Accord, Obama agreed for European bureaucrats to have authority over how we would do business in the United States of America. We wouldn’t be allowed to make our own decisions any longer. They would be made for us by wise leaders in Brussels and Antwerp. Essentially, Obama surrendered our sovereignty to the Progressive Globalist elites, who he considers to be far more capable of running our lives than we are. What Obama did was actually treasonous, but nobody, other than me, is willing to say that it was.
Trump wisely recognized how disastrous this commitment was for Americans and said, “No way.” That he did so is good for the USA. Like Obama, Trump swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. The only difference is Trump is taking his oath seriously, which Obama never did.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Surprisingly, so far in his Presidency, Donald Trump, the successful businessman, has been more successful in foreign policy than he has with his domestic agenda. There is a reason for this.
Other nations worldwide, having been adversely impacted by the absence of American leadership under Obama, are anxious for our new President to restore order throughout the world, which he is doing. In the Middle East, President Trump has gained the cooperation of fifty Muslim nations to fight terror at the grassroots. In Asia, he has confronted North Korea head on, and has also eased tensions with China—no small task.
Now, he is in Belgium, addressing the problems of NATO, our primary alliance in the world. At this point, 24 of our 29 partners are not keeping their commitments to spend 2% of GDP on defense, while we are increasing our indebtedness by spending nearly 4% to defend them. Instead of begging our allies to pay their fair share, like George W. Bush and Barack Obama did, Trump should demand that they pay up or leave the alliance. That will get their attention. Why should we pay for defending them, when we are in debt and they are thriving?
Trump’s domestic agenda isn’t doing as well, primarily because the Progressive Democrats have forced him to remain on the defense. Led by the media, who have viciously opposed Trump and everything he wants, Trump hasn’t gained the traction he needs to move us forward. Despite this, so far this quarter, our growth rate is above 4%, something Obama never came close to achieving.

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COMMON SENSE: Other than the persistent terror attacks of ISIS in Europe and the United States, President Trump is facing four significant challenges—each resulting from the feckless abdication of responsibility by Barack Obama. These are the problem areas.
1. Middle East—Syria, Iraq and Afganistan
2. Iran’s nuclear ambitions
3. Russian imperialism in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States
4. North Korea
Right now, the showdown with North Korea is the most dangerous, but our world is considerably more dangerous than it was before 9/11. That being said, by playing a strong hand, rather than the weak and vacillating one Obama chose, we have to reassert our leadership worldwide.
In my opinion, Trump’s team is doing this masterfully. Kim Jong Un, whose narcissism has generated societal delusion in North Korea is the most dangerous, but Iran isn’t far behind. Because Obama flinched, Un and others hope Trump will do the same thing, but that’s unlikely to happen. Hopefully, with the help of the Chinese, this will resolve peacefully, but there is no guarantee this will happen.
Jack Watts

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13936697_10210209248812453_1993330275_nCOMMON SENSE: Will the war between President Trump and the mainstream media ever abate, or will this be the new normal for the next four or eight years? Many people wonder. They are hopeful it will stop, but I do not believe it ever will. There are reasons why.
Both Trump and the media hold each other in mutual contempt, and they go back and forth doing their best to inflict punishing blows on each other—kind of like a couple going through a nasty divorce. But this part of the equation is easy to understand. Malice always is. So, let’s simply factor this variable out. It’s critically important, obviously, but there is a causal factor beneath it that is far more important.
Donald Trump has an entirely different worldview than those of the media. He is an unapologetic patriot who is committed to putting the interests of the United States above all others. He believes he is right, and he cannot understand or accept the validity of any other position. This is why he is loved and held in high esteem by millions. That he will never change is what makes Deplorables fiercely loyal to him, despite being rough around the edges.
The worldview for nearly all of the media is Progressivism, however, is antithetical to Nativism. Progressives do not see America as a City on a Hill for the world to emulate—far from it. They view the United States as a nation that has grown wealthy on the backs of slaves. To a Progressive, we are imperialists who have grown fat by robbing the world of its wealth, and it is high time we make amends for centuries of our criminal behavior. Progressive view reality through this prism. They consider Trump’s prism to be invalid, and via-se-versa.
So, everything President Trump does is viewed by the press as being counterproductive to establishing a New World Order, where there are no borders, and there are no deeply held patriotic views that disparage the oppressed. The god of Progressivism is the state. Those who adhere to a Judeo-Christian worldview are simpletons and fools—unfortunates who lack the intellectual capacity to evolve.
To Progressives, we are obscurants. They believe our Christian worldview is racist and must never prevail. To them, we are their intellectual inferiors and their mortal enemies. That we are in power is intolerable, and it is their duty to oppose our belief system.
Because Trump embraces our values at every turn, he must be de-legitimized and hounded out of office. The Progressives are crystal clear about their goal and their agenda. This is not going to change.
Christians, and other virtuous people, need to realize that the faith and values of our Founding Fathers is being assailed at every turn. We must stand strong, be vigilant, and continue to be high-minded. We must be fully-convinced that is is our duty to tack back our country.
So, the conflict is not just between Trump and the media, which will continue. It’s also between Progressivism and people of virtue. It’s a life-and-death conflict between the god of this world and Almighty God. It’s a moral war between Good and Evil.
Jack Watts

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hillary trump_4COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton has contempt for the Rule of law—shame on her. The Republican Establishment has equal contempt for the will of it’s party’s voters—shame on the Republican Establishment.
My original candidate was Sen. Cruz. When he quit, I shifted to Trump. The Republican elites refuse to do this. Dan Senor, a Bush/Romney/Paul Ryan hack, is behind the audio clip aimed at derailing Donald Trump. This makes Senor a Quisling in my book. If Ryan had anything to do with this underhanded plot, he needs to resign as Speaker of the House.
When Trump went up against Hillary Sunday night, he was simultaneously fighting a coup from within his own party. Yet, he stood tall and soundly trounced the Queen of Corruption. Fighting for us, the American people, Trump was Presidential. I don’t know about you, but I will proudly vote for him in November.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: World War II ended in August 1945. When it did, Germany and Japan were reduced to rubble. Pouring money and ideas into both nations, we began the arduous task of nation building, with surprising success. Both Germany and Japan embraced democracy and have become strong allies of the United States ever since. When the Korean War ended, we used the same strategy in South Korea, and they have also become a strong democracy and ally.
Having been so successful, the United States has maintained the conviction that we can win every war and successfully rebuild vanquished enemies into successful democracies, just like we did in Germany, Japan, and South Korea. As successful as that model was, it doesn’t always work. In fact, it has never worked again. Yet, we keep trying to replicate it, despite having failed miserably in Indochina and the Middle East.
The reason we are no longer successful is we are trying to force our solution on people who don’t want it, especially in the Middle East. People who want Sharia Law have nothing but contempt for constitutional democracy. Remember seeing the footage of people with a black thumb in Iraq, showing us they had voted? Although this made us feel good, it was an illusion. It seemed like we had won but we hadn’t. That was an illusion as time has revealed.
We need to realize that our post World War II model no longer works. We cannot successfully impose our will on others. This was Bush 43’s error and Obama’s too. Instead, out of self-preservation, where political Islam is concerned, our policy should be one of containment. It’s all we can do, but it’s all we need to do to remain safe.
—Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: Barack Obama began his Presidency by receiving the Nobel Peace Prize—not for what he had done but for what he was going to do. Teaming with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, this dynamic duo hit the “Reset Button,” not only with Russia but also in the Middle East. Bolstered by their erudite Progressive worldview, the United States finally had the leadership we needed to right what was wrong and usher in a more equatable system—the New World Order.
Now, as Obama’s second term is about to expire, instead of marveling at his accomplishments, we have to shake our collective heads at what a monumental failure he has been. The Middle East has destabilized dramatically, except for Iran, where they are busy producing nuclear weapons to destroy Israel and us—thanks to Barack Obama. Russian imperialism has ramped up considerably, and the European democracies are being destabilized by Radical Islam, which neither Obama or Hillary have the ability or moral courage to oppose adequately. All they can do is bluster, which they do routinely.
With Obama dancing the tango and Hillary selling favors to the highest bidder, our republic is being threatened by an Evil Wing of Islam that our leaders refuse to acknowledge even exists. Despite this, in his mind, Obama believes he has earned his Nobel Peace Prize, and Hillary is making plans to extort one for herself.
We can stop this nonsense dead in its tracks, of course, but will we? Or, will we continue on the path of certain destruction by arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
—Jack Watts

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