
Archive for the ‘SCOTUS’ Category

th 08-29-48COMMON SENSE: Yesterday’s ruling by the Supreme Court, affirming 9-0 that President Trump has the authority to impose a travel ban, is being heralded as a great victory for the administration. Reversing the 9th District, even the most liberal judges on the Supreme Court recognized that it is the President’s responsibility to do what he thinks best to keep us safe.
This was a victory for our Constitution, and the separation of powers, more than it was for Trump. To allow activist jurists to determine foreign policy is absurd and dangerous, which the Nutty Ninth should have recognized, but they didn’t. The decision by SCOTUS will not only helps Trump, but it will also help every future President.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: During the first 100 Days of the Trump administration, the strategy of the Democrats has been to obstruct everything he has done, regardless of what it is. The refusal to confirm Justice Gorsuch is a perfect example of refusing to support anything Trump does.
By putting up roadblocks everywhere, impeding Trump at every turn, the Democrats believe they can now boast that he hasn’t accomplished nearly as much as he promised he would. By refusing to cooperate, the Democrats now believe they can say Trump’s Presidency is a failure, even though there are 1361 days left. That’s how desperate they are to undermine his Presidency, and the Progressive media will follow suit.
But here is something Trump has accomplished that you will not see reported—not by anybody. Just 7% into his tenure, our allies trust us again, and our enemies fear us, which is the polar opposite of how they felt with Obama. This is a huge win for Trump, for America, for our allies, and for the rest of the Free World. It was a win that the obstructionists could not diminish or derail.
Link to “Creating Trump Nation:” http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Senator McConnell, go nuclear. Put an end to Senator Shumer’s petty obstructionism. Elections have consequences, according to Obama, and he was right. Trump won, and he gets his choice.

More than any other factor, Trump’s promise to appoint Constitutional Conservatives to the Supreme Court is what made millions of Americans vote for him. By naming Judge Gorsuch, President Trump has kept his promise to the American people in an outstanding way. Now, the Senate must confirm Gorsuch.
I don’t care what Chuck Shumer wants. Confirm Gorsuch this week—period. After that, someone needs to check Justice Ginsberg’s blood alcohol levels when she is sitting on the bench. Being an active out-of-control alcoholic, she needs to retire. When that happens, it will really hit the fan.
Jack Watts

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PRESIDENT TRUMP: Since it is the strategy of the Progressives to challenge everything you do in court, hoping to derail your agenda, I think you need to be proactive to counter their efforts. If you don’t, they will be far more successful than they should be at tying you up in court and dominating the news cycle. There is a way to hold them in check tough. Here it is.
Hire Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, perhaps the two best liberal Constitutional lawyers in America, who are also patriots. Have them review each of your Executive Orders and policy papers from the viewpoint of a Progressive adversary. Let them point out all of your weaknesses or vulnerabilities. All them to suggest modifications when appropriate. Even if you reject their ideas, at least you will be forewarned about where your adversaries will strike.
Have these two men argue the case of your opponents before Progressive lawyers have a chance to see what you are doing. This might add a week to the process, but by making your Executive Orders “bullet proof,” you will be much more effective in implementing your agenda. As an added bonus, doing this would make it far more difficult for the media to criticize you unfairly.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Our nation remains deeply divided, but is there a way to reunite us? I believe there is, but it is not by becoming more accommodating to the Progressives. In fact, it is just the opposite. The way to come together is by “Draining the Swamp.” Let me explain.

Millions of Americans believe Hillary Clinton is either the legitimate victor in last month’s election, because she won the popular vote, or they believe she should be the winner anyway, because Donald Trump is such a horrible person. They are unshakable in their conviction that Hillary is the most qualified, and she would make the best President.
To reunite, we must shake their convictions, and the only way to do this is by unmasking Hillary and expose her for the world to see. When he becomes President, Donald Trump doesn’t need to do anything to facilitate this other than not be obstructionist like President Obama has. By simply allowing the legal process to unfold, Hillary’s massive pay-to-play corruption will become evident, and millions of Americans will recognized how deceived they have been. Some will continue to embrace their deceptions, but most will reluctantly accept the truth.
The only thing that can stop this from happening is for Trump to renege on his pledge to deal with her corruption, by saying, “She has suffered enough.” This isn’t true, nor should she be allowed to ride off into the sunset with the billions of dollars she has received illegally. We must hold President Trump to his promise on this. It’s the only way we will ever reunite millions of Americans to the Conservative mainstream.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When President-Elect Trump indicated he didn’t want to prosecute Hillary Clinton, at first I was disappointed. Now, I consider it to be strategically brilliant.
Here’s why: Instead of embittering millions of her followers by dragging the Clintons to court, Trump has simply suggested to other nations that they should pursue the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and Bill Clinton Inc., for fraud and corruption.
These nations, eager to ingratiate themselves to the new President, will fall all over themselves in their relentless pursuit of America’s First Family of Crime. It’s inevitable.
Because the evidence is clear and incontrovertible, the results of the investigation will be the same, but they will not be influenced by President Trump or his administration in any way. So, neither Hillary’s followers nor the her sycophantic media will be able to cry foul. They cannot blame Trump for being on a political witch hunt. Even better, it means that a pardon by President Obama will not get her off the hook with foreign nations.
Hillary and Bill will be exposed for exactly who they are. Eventually, even the Progressives will be forced to admit that the American people have been spared by not having her serve as President.
Jack Watts

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13754438_1230043743693720_685955440070583444_nCOMMON SENSE: This campaign cycle, both parties had insurgency candidates—the Democrats an Independent and the Republicans a non-politician. The difference is the Republicans chose an outsider, while the Democrats doubled down on their establishment candidate. This means America has a real choice this year—not a nuance of difference, like most elections, but a real choice.
Because Hillary Clinton cannot run on her accomplishments, which are negligible, despite being a public figure since the Watergate hearings—where she was fired for being unethical—she has to paint Trump, the insurgency Republican, as temperamentally unfit to serve. Despite the fact that she has anger issues, Hillary will spend $2 billion in ads attacking Trump, while never pointing out what she has actually done, other than become filthy rich through corruption and influence peddling.
Aiding her efforts, the media will do everything it can to make Trump look like a fool. In Trump’s favor is the social media—people like you and me. Because our goals are not self-serving, our influence is disproportionately greater than slick ads aimed at painting a deceptive picture.
If we stand strong and remain firm, we will restore our nation and end the corruption that threatens to destroy us. We are that strong; I promise we are. There are 99 days left before the election, use them wisely.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In American history, nearly every generation has faced a significant challenge—a moment in time, when good men and women have been asked to make a stand. This is our moment. For such a time as this, God has prepared many of us. It’s now up to us to answer the call.
The future of our great nation is at stake and, depending on what we do or do not do, our destiny will depend. I know what I am going to do.
I am fully aware that my choice for President is deeply flawed, but his goals are righteous; and he is willing to accept godly counsel. That’s enough for me. Rather than curse the darkness like others, I intend to shine a light, knowing that the alternative is a devious woman who has a reprobate mind. Corrupt to the bone, under her leadership, the America we know and love will cease to exist.
The forces of darkness threaten to extinguish our light, but we do not need to allow this to happen. I know the Source of my strength, and I firmly believe that He is greater than anything that opposes us.
Now, the question is this: who will be strong and stand with me? Who will refuse to bow his or her knee to the god of this world? Who is willing to pay the price to retake this great nation from the barbarians, the Progressives, and everyone else who is accursed?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Trump will win in November. He will be our next President and Commander-in-Chief. Count on it. Despite what all of the talking heads tell you to the contrary, they are wrong. I am right about this; trust me.
Here’s the reason why: Trump has the best political instincts I have ever seen—better than Reagan’s, Bill Clinton’s, or Barack Obama’s. Because I did not take Trump seriously at first, I didn’t see this, but it has become the most obvious characteristic of his campaign, once I started paying closer attention.
Hillary can’t think on her feet; Trump can. Hillary can’t pivot without massive scripting; Trump does this fluidly. Hillary, like her policies and thinking, is old and unsuccessful. Trump’s idea and style is new, innovative, and solidly anti-establishment.
Here are some of the things I think Trump should do in to enhance his position:
1. He should continue to stress how unfair the Democrats are being to Sanders by denying him equal distribution to their super-delegates, calling the system crooked and rigged. By doing this, it will continue to erode Hillary’s position with millennials. By the time Hillary gets the nomination, which is inevitable, there will be a gaping hole in the coalition that elected Obama twice.
2. Pick Rubio to be his V.P. Because Marco is liked and respected by both conservatives and RINOs, he can be indispensable in healing wounds with those who need to be in the Trump coalition. Once selected, send Marco to the Capitol to meet with Republican leaders. Then, turn him loose to get the Latino vote in FL, CA, NM, NY, and NJ—all states that will be in play.
3. Start naming people who will be considered for a Trump cabinet position, using the example of Christie as Attorney General, Carson as Surgeon General, etc. By beginning to surround himself with respected and talented people, using the Reagan model of being Chairman of the Board, tepid and tenuous supporters will become enthusiastic.
4. Drop several names as possible Supreme Court nominees, including Ted Cruz. Because Cruz’s supporters are all committed Constitutionalists, they will see the value of a Cruz appointment, and the #NeverTrump movement will melt like ice cream in July.

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COMMON SENSE: Many of us worked diligently to flip the Senate in 2014, only to discover that it made virtually no difference. The Republicans consistently caved into Barack Obama’s demands. More than anything, this explains Donald Trump’s popularity with the American people. If Obama is Putin’s “bitch,” which he is, then the Senate Republicans are Obama’s.
But they do have an opportunity to redeem themselves. With the nomination of Judge Garland to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, the Senate has a chance to make things right with its core constituency—people like you and me. The Republican Senators seem determined, but they are a weak-willed lot. My guess is they will stand firm for one reason: They fear the wrath of the electorate—you and me—more than that of a lame-duck President. Nevertheless, even on their best day, the resolve of the Republicans is tenuous at best.
—Jack Watts

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