
Archive for the ‘Republican Primary’ Category

jeff-sessions-l-and-donald-trump-ap-photos-640x480COMMON SENSE: Now that President Trump has his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, it’s time to begin “Draining the Swamp.” Until Sessions was confirmed and sworn in, this couldn’t happen.
In his confirmation hearings, the strategy of Senator Schumer and the Progressives was to vilify Sessions in an obvious effort to discredit him. Without the necessary votes to derail Sessions’ nomination, the strategy was doomed. Although the strategy was mean-spirited and devoid of truth, the idea behind it was a good one. Let me explain.
Although bearing false witness breaks the 10 Commandments, exposing darkness to the light certainly isn’t. To “Drain the Swamp,” we must expose the corruption that has plagued our nation’s Capitol for decades, and it’s the specific responsibility of the Department of Justice to do so. My suggestion is for Sessions to begin with the three following places, each of which has been an area where darkness reigns:
1. Concerning Fast & Furious, President Obama unlawfully extended Executive Privilege to his Attorney General, Eric Holder. President Trump should rescind this and allow an investigation to commence. Hundreds lost their lives because of Fast & Furious, including a U.S. Border Agent. This scheme to provide guns for the Mexican cartel needs to be exposed for what it is.
2. A thorough investigation of the Clinton Foundation needs to be put on the front burner, with immunity from prosecution revoked for all who have testified fraudulently. I suspect Hillary’s tentacles of corruption will touch many swamp dwellers. Some should end up in prison.
3. President Trump should negate President Barack Obama’s first Executive Order, which effectively closed access to Obama’s past. By reversing this, we will finally be able to see for ourselves exactly who Barack Obama really is for the first time. This Executive Order was enacted because Obama has something to hide. Perhaps what we find will help us undo much of his mischief.
By seeking the truth, rather than vilifying people with ad hominum attacks, with the help of the Department of Justice, we can “Drain the Swamp” and fulfill Candidate Trump’s campaign promise.
Jack Watts

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imgresCOMMON SENSE: Bitterness is hardened anger. Nobody wants to be bitter, but it’s inevitable, when you succumb to self-righteously embrace your wounds—when you justify them as being right—rather than turn them over to God. If you place them in God’s hands, over time, you can become a forgiving person. If you can muster the courage to do that, you will become a person of value, a person who demonstrates the positive fruits of the Spirit of God.
Unfortunately, few choose to forgive. Because they do not own enough of their own souls, people like this chafe instead. They continue to justify their woundedness rather than abandon it. By embracing their acrimony, they think they are hurting the other person, but they are only hurting themselves. Unwittingly, they allow emotional poison to become self-consuming, destroying their future.
Ted Cruz demonstrated this error for us last night. Does he have justification to be bitter? Of course, he does, but his actions only hurt him—not Donald Trump. I hate that this has happened, but it has. Like all of Life’s lessons, I hope Cruz learns from it, but I doubt he will. Instead, like millions of others, he will choose to justify his actions, which are so unlike the Lord, Cruz talks about serving.
—Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: I believe Ted Cruz will endorse Donald Trump. He will do this because he said he would, and keeping his word to us is more important than anything to Senator Cruz. I do not expect Jeb Bush to keep his word. He has said that it would “violate his conscience” to vote for Trump, but what about us? He gave his word to us that he would support the nominee, didn’t he? He even signed a pledge that he has no intention of honoring.
Bush’s word doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s not much better than Hillary’s. It’s also why he was a colossal failure in the primaries. His political carer is over, as it should be. We do not need people like him—those who speak out of both sides of their mouth. I feel the same way about Sen. Graham and Gov. Kasich.
If Cruz fails to come through, even though I voted for him, I will be equally critical. Trump is our nominee, and I intend to support him vigorously. I suggest you do the same thing.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Every Presidential campaign has gaffes and shaky moments. It’s inevitable. The difference between successful candidates and unsuccessful ones is how they deal with these setbacks. In 2012, Governor Romney never recovered from his “47 percent” misstatement, as he fumbled away the election, never recovering. In 2008, however, Senator Obama was able to put the “God-Damn America” remarks of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright in the rearview mirror and get back on message, winning the election easily.
Now, in 2016, Trump’s terrible blunder about the Mexican judge threatens to derail him, or he can learn from it and use its lesson to make him stronger, wiser, and more Presidential. Trump is best when he is larger than life—not when he succumbs to petty squabbling. If he can get back to who he is, painting a hopeful picture for the future, as many are encouraging him to do, he has the opportunity to do something truly great for America. In his heart, I believe this is what he wants, but it is also very difficult for him to disengage from conflict, especially when he believes he has been treated unfairly.
Millions of us are rooting for him. He’s all we have. He’s our last, best hope to save us from being dominated by the depravity of Progressivism. If you haven’t prayed for Donald Trump, it’s time to get started.

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COMMON SENSE: In American history, nearly every generation has faced a significant challenge—a moment in time, when good men and women have been asked to make a stand. This is our moment. For such a time as this, God has prepared many of us. It’s now up to us to answer the call.
The future of our great nation is at stake and, depending on what we do or do not do, our destiny will depend. I know what I am going to do.
I am fully aware that my choice for President is deeply flawed, but his goals are righteous; and he is willing to accept godly counsel. That’s enough for me. Rather than curse the darkness like others, I intend to shine a light, knowing that the alternative is a devious woman who has a reprobate mind. Corrupt to the bone, under her leadership, the America we know and love will cease to exist.
The forces of darkness threaten to extinguish our light, but we do not need to allow this to happen. I know the Source of my strength, and I firmly believe that He is greater than anything that opposes us.
Now, the question is this: who will be strong and stand with me? Who will refuse to bow his or her knee to the god of this world? Who is willing to pay the price to retake this great nation from the barbarians, the Progressives, and everyone else who is accursed?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee, but not because of opposition from Conservatives like me. It’s because of the Left. Championing her, they took her at her word about the email server. Now, based in the Inspector General’s report, which came from Obama’s State Department, she has been lying to her base all along. Obviously, I am not surprised by this, knowing Hillary lies, when the truth would serve her better.
Hillary’s core supporters are just learning this though. Now that a hole has been punched into the dike, more—much more—will inevitably follow. She will lose California. Soon afterward—if not before—some of the Super Delegates will abandon ship. When this happens, like lemming, the rest will follow.
The beneficiary of this should be Bernie, but I doubt this will happen. Instead, the Democrats will want Biden/Warren to step in and save the day. If that happens, and I believe it will, the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will resemble the one held in Chicago in 1968—where all hell broke loose. Watching the circular firing squad should be more entertaining than the Olympics.
If Trump is wise, he will let the Democrats implode unimpeded, but I doubt he will be able to contain himself. I probably wouldn’t e able to either.

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COMMON SENSE: Donald Trump will win in November. In fact, I predict he will win in a landslide similar to Reagan’s victory in 1980. Here’s the reason why.
Hillary, the consummate political insider, is not only corrupt, but she also lacks personal appeal. There’s nothing warm or inspiring about her, but here’s the larger issue. The states she is winning—her “Firewall”—are all Red States. She stopped The Bern’s momentum in the early primaries by winning South Carolina. Although this was heralded as a great victory for her, she has zero chance of winning South Carolina in the general election—just like she has zero chance of winning Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, or any other solid red state.
The Bern is winning most of the Blue States. So, the places where she has to do well against Trump, Hillary isn’t fairing well at all. The energy is all with Bernie—none of it is with her. With both Bernie and Trump articulating the same message—that the system is rigged to favor this unethical woman—those disaffected by this message will not embrace her. i doubt will Hillary will be able to turn things around, even with a Sanders endorsement.
To young voters—Bernie’s base—she is viewed as negatively as Trump supporter’s see her. Once the FBI’s investigation is complete, which is imminent, as she is not indicted by Obama’s DOJ, she will be universally castigated as Crooked Hillary—a name she richly deserves. Her credibility is shot. She might as well campaign by saying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

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COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Four years ago, my first choice for President was Newt Gingrich. He was clearly the most capable man, but Mitt spent a small fortune to destroy Newt in FL and take the nomination. In the general election, knowing how disastrous Obama had been, I supported Mitt, even though he was a very weak candidate.
Now, four years later, Mitt will not reciprocate and support the will of the Republican electorate. Although I voted for Cruz, I have no problem transferring my allegiance to Trump, knowing how disastrous Hillary would be as President. Why can’t Romney do the same thing? Is his arrogance and self-importance so great that he cannot condescend to accept the will of the people? His behavior is appalling, as is Eric Ericsson’s, and that little twerp from the “Weekly Standard.” I’m truly disappointed with them and will never support anything they ever do again.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Frankly, I couldn’t care less who endorses Donald Trump or not. Endorsements from the establishment are counterproductive anyway. This cycle, they will have virtually no impact.
I am interested in who endorses Hillary Clinton though. There are the men and women who may be complicit in her corruption, when she was allegedly was influence peddling, while being Secretary of State. I’ll even be more interested in who President Obama pardons his last week in office. I’m interested in both of these lists. I’ll bet Obama’s list of those being pardoned is the largest in American history.

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