
Posts Tagged ‘Susan Rice’

COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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In our illustrious history, we have made some huge mistakes in foreign policy, but that’s what they have been—mistakes. Even Jimmy Carter, whose Presidency was a colossal failure, tried to do the right thing, but this doesn’t seem to be true of the Obama administration. It’s like Team Obama is purposefully being foolish. Take the Bergdahl fiasco, for instance. Obama swapped a deserter for the Taliban five—all mass murderers—three of which have already tried to reconnect with their terror organizations.

This was not only a bad deal, but it also makes Obama look incompetent. Wasn’t there anybody on his staff who thought through this? Wasn’t there anybody who was willing to tell him this was a bad idea? This answer is “No!”

Perhaps there were those who knew this would blow up in their faces, but they were unwilling to speak up. When you work for a narcissist like Obama, you learn to never differ from his wisdom. To do so carries a heavy price. Even worse, Obama and his sycophants like Susan Rice will redefine reality to make their flawed decision appear to be correct, and the liberal media will champion the false narrative as virtuous. After all, it’s their job to undergird Obama and validate everything he does, regardless of how disastrous the results happen to be.

Jack Watts

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Once, there was a Superman episode where he pressed a piece of coal so hard for one minute, doing what would take thousands of years, he produced a perfect diamond. This past month has produced that same kind of pressure on President Obama. Seemingly, he is being pressed from many directions, but no jewel is being produced. Instead, what we see is the disintegration of a man, with a fragile ego structure, who is simply not capable of doing his job.

But how can we expect anything different? Like all Progressives, Obama has no moral absolutes. Every decision is based on his perceived best interest and not on firmly established principles. For him, God either does not exist or is irrelevant. Because this is what Obama believes, where does he find his values? Where does he draw his strength? He certainly cannot draw it from God. Obama has to draw it from himself, but he doesn’t have a well defined compass, which differentiates right from wrong. What’s right is what appears to be popular, rendering his decision-making ability weak and indecisive.

Having no irrefutable sense of right and wrong, Obama does whatever seems like it will work at the time. So, embracing Sgt. Bergdahl’s parents during the infamous swap for the Taliban Five seemed like the right thing to do. It would get back a POW, while taking the pressure from the VA scandal off of the White House. For Obama, it seemed like a win-win, but he failed to take into account the millions of Americans who do have moral absolutes. So, his win-win scheme ended up being a lose-lose disaster.

Because Obama is morally bankrupt, he cannot understand those who are not. Misunderstanding the heart of Americans:

  • Obama didn’t realize Americans would balk at him dealing with terrorists—something no President has ever done.
  • Since he is the master of secrecy, de didn’t think we would discover Bergdahl was a deserter.
  • Obama didn’t realize his trading five mass murderers for a deserter would produce moral outrage.
  • Because Obama has never taken his oath of office seriously, he didn’t believe people, especially veterans, would be offended by Bergdahl’s repudiation of his oath of allegiance.
  • Obama didn’t think we would discover Susan Rice’s lies about Bergdahl, but we did—just like we discovered her lies concerning Benghazi.
  • Obama, taking the press for granted, thought he would be championed like a hero—just like he was when Osama bin Laden was assassinated. Instead, even the Leftists in the press have lambasted him for being a weak, feckless leader.

This list could be replicated about the IRS scandal, where deleting Lois Lerner’s incriminating emails by Team Obama is obviously Obstruction of Justice. People should go to prison for this, but Obama, being morally bankrupt, thinks he can get away with it.

Perhaps he can, but he cannot hide the truth about who he really is any longer. It isn’t that the Obama administration has some corruption in it. It’s far worse than that. The corruption is part of Obama’s nature, and he has simply spread his diseased worldview throughout his administration, producing scandals concerning Obamacare, the EPA, the VA, the IRS, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Fast & Furious, and who knows what else.

Those who continue to champion him—those devoid of moral compasses—do so because they have no alternative. Repudiating God by booing Him at their National Convention in 2012, they showed who they really are. They are as morally bankrupt of character as our federal treasury is in debt.

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By any standard of measurement, based on the prisoner exchange of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for the Taliban-Five, this week has been the worst of Barack Obama’s Presidency. What’s really surprising is that it all could have been avoided. President Obama brought this catastrophe upon himself. He has no one else to blame.

His reasoning for making the swap—championing it from the Rose Garden—was to deflect from the Veterans Administration scandal. There were simply too many legitimate stories about deserving veterans being treated badly by the VA. The focus of the news needed to change, so the exchange was made, despite breaking the law to do so. As unpopular as Congress is, the White House thought they could handle Congressional opposition by calling it political bickering.

What Obama and the White House didn’t expect was the firestorm of opposition that ensued. They had good reason for thinking this way. For example, in one of the 2012 Presidential Debates, Obama’s position on the You Tube video clip, which was that it caused the Benghazi attack, was challenged by Mitt Romney, the Republican standard-bearer. When Romney made the challenge, Obama responded, saying that he had actually said it was a terrorist attack the day after Benghazi. When Romney refused to accept Obama’s explanation, the moderator, Candy Crowley, was consulted. She just happened to have the transcript of the Benghazi Rose Garden speech in hand, opened to the page Obama needed to refute Romney.

Romney retreated from his position and never recovered, but Crowley’s complicity was never seriously challenged either. Because it wasn’t, Obama mistakenly believed he could count on the press to cover his back about the Bergdahl swap, without being seriously challenged. Like always, the press would cover for him. Believing he had things well in hand, Obama went forth with Bergdahl’s parents, counting on the American people to champion getting a POW back home.

On paper, it sounded good. The scheme did change the narrative from the VA scandal, but only by making matters worse. Many things went wrong. Sgt. Bergdahl’s father showed up with a Muslim beard, thanking Allah, which was horrifying to most Americans. Then, Obama was far too chummy with Bergdahl’s cute mom, which was equally inappropriate.

When the terms of the exchange became public, things deteriorated for Obama fast. Handing over five senior leaders for one person was hard to stomach, but we put a higher premium on life than the Taliban. To solidify the PR coup, Susan Rice was sent out on the Sunday talk shows to say that Bergdahl “served with honor and distinction.” You might as well have had Bernie Madoff giving investment advise.

After that, the wheels came off, especially when it was learned:

  • Bergdahl actually deserted
  • Six good men died trying to find him.
  • Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers called him a deserter on national TV
  • And the Liberal media and even some Democrats deserted Obama.

What was a bad situation became a nightmare for Obama, but he will not allow things to stay that way. In his mind, he has to do something to regain the upper hand. Admitting he has made a mistake isn’t an option. Nor will he apologize. Narcissists never do. They never believe they are wrong.

But what will he do? Heave knows. Let’s hope it doesn’t cost American lives.

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Can you think of anything President Obama could have done for America that would have been more positive than swapping Bergdahl for the Taliban Five? With this one act, he undermined what little was left of our trust for him. With this one colossal miscalculation, he has changed the political tides in favor of conservatives and away from progressives. Not since Willie Horton have conservatives been given such a gift. Think about it:

  1. To begin with, Obama negotiated with terrorists, which the White House denies, but he did it. No President has ever done this before. The precedent Obama has set is a bad one. Even Liberals know this.
  2. He freed the five worst terrorists at Gitmo, while having “Baghdad Bob” Carney assure us these mass murderers wouldn’t pose a threat to Americans in the future. Jay Carney’s lie is a bigger one than those Obama repeated so often about ObamaCare
  3. When Obama had Bergdahl’s parents join him in the Rose Garden, the father, wearing a Muslim beard, opened his remarks in Arabic, quoting from the Koran, which will be replayed in hundreds of ads for years.
  4. On Sunday, Susan Rice went on the talk shows, like she did about Benghazi, telling the American people Sgt. Bergdahl served with “Honor and Distinction,” which was as big a lie as the one about the You Tube video clip. She’s a dutiful liar. Obama counts on her for it. Bergdahl’s commander and fellow soldiers categorically deny he is a hero. Instead, the say he hated America and actually deserted. He was even investigated for deserting, with the results being sealed—no surprise there.
  5. That six honorable soldiers lost their lives searching for this deserter has never been mentioned by the President.
  6. Obama defied his duty and his oath of office by acting unilaterally. The law clearly states that Congress must be notified thirty days before anything like this can happen, but Obama holds Congress in contempt, doesn’t he? Obama has never let the Constitution stand in his way before, why should he about this?
  7. Sheikh Oman, the world’s greatest Jihadist, calls the trade a great victory. He’s right; it is—all at our expense.
  8. When the stories from the soldiers come out about Bergdahl, and they will, this fiasco will not only damage Obama, but it will also damage every vulnerable Democrat this November and in 2016. Hillary Clinton must be apoplectic at Obama’s foolishness.

All of this has been a tremendous gift for those of us who cherish the Rule of Law. As so often happens, pride goes before a fall. Obama has stumbled badly over this, which will undermine his ability to govern from now on—thank the Lord.

Jack Watts


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JACK WATTS LIVE: Concerning the attack on Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shouted, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

From her perspective, none, but not from mine. Now that the truth is finally coming out, I want to know:

• Was Clinton and Obama’s purpose for deceiving the American people to simply win the election, or did it also include the need to hide gun running to the Syrian rebels—guns that probably ended up in the hands of al Qaeda?

• Whose decision was it to “scrub” Ambassador Susan Rice’s talking points to say the incident was a spontaneous outburst because of the anti-Mohammed video, rather than a coordinated attack?

• Since President Obama loves to apologize, has any thought been given to him apologizing to the United Nations for lying to the ambassadors from nearly every nation in the world about the nature of the attack on Benghazi, two full weeks after it occurred?

• Whose idea was it to buy airtime in Pakistan to apologize for the anti-Mohammed video?

• Shouldn’t President Obama apologize to the Pakistani people for using TV ads to deceive them?

• What about the movie’s producer who is still in jail? Because he has had his civil rights violated and his character assassinated, he’s owed some kind of apology from the administration, isn’t he? Shouldn’t Obama apologize to him?

• What about an apology to the American people for lying to us and for attempting to cover up the lie for six months. Shouldn’t we receive an apology?

On today’s show, JACK WATTS LIVE, we will be discussing all of this and more at 5:30 EDT the show. It’s archived, so you can listen anytime at http://tobtr.com/s/4658909

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