
Posts Tagged ‘Democrats’

thCOMMON SENSE: President Obama, who is a master at deflecting, tried to strike back at those who criticize him for not calling Radical Islamic Terrorism what it is. I’m sure multiplied millions will join him in mocking Donald Trump and people like me for making an issue about something Obama considers unimportant, but it is important.
First, it isn’t just the term that is at issue. Through the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Obama has a small army of doctrinaire Progressive lawyers who relentlessly impose Obama’s worldview on America. Since Obama venerates Islam, nothing truthful that criticizes the “Religion of Peace” is allowed. Because this hampers our risk assessment of impending danger, Obama’s delusional thinking about Islam’s peacefulness makes us unsafe. Innocent people are dying because of this, and many more will follow.
Second, through the Department of Homeland Security, Obama and his sycophantic Progressive toady’s have opened our boarders to allow undocumented militant Muslims into our nation by the thousands. This is a true Trojan Horse that will cause many needless deaths in the future. It’s inevitable.
Third, Obama’s justification for not calling Jihadism what is is, is that it would be a great recruitment tool for ISIS. Supposedly, it would give young Muslims a reason to hate us, which doesn’t make a bit of sense. They already hate us. Instead of capitulating to them, which Muslims consider to be a sign of weakness—because it is—we need to be in their face constantly. That will work. Appeasement will not.
One more thing: Hillary, who has helped Obama get us into this mess, is now wiling to call radicals what they are. This isn’t surprising though. She will say anything or do anything to get elected—sleaze that she is.

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th-17COMMON SENSE: Today, President Obama went to great lengths to endorse Hillary Clinton, going so far as to have a musical score backing up his scripted message. This means that Donald Trump is not only facing Hillary, but he is also facing her husband and the sitting President. Essentially, Trump is running against “The Unholy Trinity of Depravity.”
There is nothing these Evil people will not do to retain power—count on it. Based purely on her record, Hillary shouldn’t have a chance, but she might win. It isn’t just the Supreme Court that is at stake in this election; our entire way of life hangs in the balance. Because Hillary is corrupt, she will use every fraudulent trick in the book to ensure her victory. We must expect this and not be surprised when it happens. Hillary—who is a cancer on the soul of America—must be stopped by the voters.
Based on Obama’s endorsement, I do not believe he will permit her to be indicted, as she should be. Instead, he will do everything in his power, which is substantial, to protect her from being held accountable for her criminal actions. This means it is up to us, the American people, to repudiate her and her deceitful ways. We have the power to do it, but we must not lose our resolve. If we do, the nation we will leave to our heirs will not be the great one our forefathers bequeathed to us.

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COMMON SENSE: With only the FBI Primary to go, Hillary Clinton has won enough delegates to become the Democratic nominee for President. Because 75 percent of Democrats do not care if she is indicted or not, her email server issue—like so many other criminal activities—will be swept under the rug.
Now that she has the nomination, President Obama will endorse her. Breaking from tradition, his specialty, he intends to campaign for her vigorously—not because he likes her, but because he champions the darkness. With her husband also campaigning, the three will become “The Unholy Trinity of Depravity,” as they try gang up on Trump, trying to convince Americans that wrong is right.
If you are a political junkie, this is going to be fun. It’s the fight of the millennium—The Corrupt Establishment vs. The Gunslinger. Despite it being three against one, if Trump can stay on message, he will be like “Blondie,” taking out the villains in the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee, but not because of opposition from Conservatives like me. It’s because of the Left. Championing her, they took her at her word about the email server. Now, based in the Inspector General’s report, which came from Obama’s State Department, she has been lying to her base all along. Obviously, I am not surprised by this, knowing Hillary lies, when the truth would serve her better.
Hillary’s core supporters are just learning this though. Now that a hole has been punched into the dike, more—much more—will inevitably follow. She will lose California. Soon afterward—if not before—some of the Super Delegates will abandon ship. When this happens, like lemming, the rest will follow.
The beneficiary of this should be Bernie, but I doubt this will happen. Instead, the Democrats will want Biden/Warren to step in and save the day. If that happens, and I believe it will, the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will resemble the one held in Chicago in 1968—where all hell broke loose. Watching the circular firing squad should be more entertaining than the Olympics.
If Trump is wise, he will let the Democrats implode unimpeded, but I doubt he will be able to contain himself. I probably wouldn’t e able to either.

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COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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 People wonder, “Can Conservatives and Progressives get along?” Of course they can. We can all be civil and should be, but the ideological conflict between both sides is real and substantive with the outcome, which focuses on governmental leadership, in doubt.
Take gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment for instance. For a Conservative, the right to bear arms is an inalienable right, which means it cannot be taken away. Moreover, this right does not come from the government. Instead, it has been bestowed on Americans by our Creator, making it a God given right.
To the Progressive mind, God does not exist, or if he does exist, he is irrelevant. Since there is no divine being involved, the right to own a gun can be regulated or stopped by the government, which is exactly what they want. For them, the 2nd Amendment is archaic. It pertained to a militia two centuries ago, and it has no relevance to the twenty-first century. This means gun ownership is something that can and should be outlawed. Along with climate change, this belief is sacred to Progressives—an essential belief and core value in their societal religion.
As you can see, the belief systems of both viewpoints is at odds with the other, and they are fundamentally irreconcilable. To a Progressive, a Constitutional Conservative is ignorant, uneducated, and incapable of deep thinking. Consequently, Conservatives should never be taken seriously, making it perfectly acceptable to mock and ridicule these people for their beliefs.
For a Conservative, a Progressive lacks common sense. Their beliefs are founded on fanciful thinking and hocus-pocus science. Even worse, most of them hate America. To mock and ridicule Progressives, while never taking them seriously, is perfectly acceptable.
To make matters worse, both sides “feel good” about what they know, but neither side really know much about what they believe. If they did, they wouldn’t be threatened and feel the need to lash out as viciously as they do.
—Jack Watts

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Here is a message for all of my Facebook Friends. There is no need to be so pessimistic about our nation’s future. The pendulum is swinging in our direction, and it’s moving fast. Do you know why? I do.

It’s because of people like us. We have stood strong, and will continue to stand strong, repudiating those who would destroy us from within.

We know who Obama is, and we also know who the Clintons are. Their days of control are dwindling, and they have nothing to offer for the future, other than a continuation of their fraudulent, deceitful, and corrupt ways.

We hold the future—not them. The future belongs to those of us who choose to bow our knees to Almighty God. It does not belong to those who boo God, dishonoring Him, like the Democrats did three times at their last National Convention.

So stop whining, sniveling, and believing that their evil agenda will triumph. It won’t. Instead, hold your heads high and continue pursuing the truth. Be strong. We will prevail; it’s inevitable. It’s because we have genuine hope and an honorable vision. They have nothing but false promises, coupled with their hatred for the home of the brave and the land of the free.

If my words stir your heart, good. Dwell on the truth of this message—it’s the true report.

Jack Watts

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According to The Times of Israel, “Former US president Jimmy Carter called Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal a strong proponent of the peace process Saturday, and said he wasn’t meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because it would be ‘a waste of time.’”

It is becoming increasingly apparent that it is not just President Obama who doesn’t recognize a terrorist when he sees one. Carter, whose ineptitude in office was legendary, clearly favors Hamas over Israel—just like Secretary of State Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama. I’m beginning to wonder if being anti-Israel has become the “Badge of Dishonor” for Leftist Democrats?

Are evangelical Christians and conservative Jews the only people in America whose support of Israel is unassailable? Unfortunately, this question is rhetorical.

Since World War II, American foreign policy has tried to create democracies worldwide with mixed results. It worked well in West Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Israel, while failing miserably in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and numerous countries in the southern hemisphere. Now, for whatever non-sensical Progressive idea that is currently in vogue, Israel—the only true democracy in the Middle East—is being abandoned by the Democrats.

So be it. The political cleavage it creates will make New York purple, and it will be much more difficult for the Democrats to win Florida, perhaps even New Jersey. Now, the task is to awaken liberal Jews, whose obtuseness is astounding, to the fact they are sleeping with Medusa.

Jack Watts

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From the moment Nidal Malik Hasan, a former United States Army psychiatrist, fatally shot thirteen and injured more than thirty others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009, I knew we would be in serious trouble with Barack Obama as Commander-in-Chief. His militant refusal to call this a terrorist attack, which it definitely was, made it crystal clear Obama, and his Progressive cohorts, were unable to call a spade a spade. Their flawed worldview would not permit it. So, they engaged in revisionist history to rename it workforce violence, which it has remained ever since.

The problem with this is that it isn’t true, as anybody with an ounce of sense recognizes, which disqualifies his fawning press, who act as codependent enablers to this twisted worldview. Another example of this is Obama’s assertion that Islam has always played a key role in history, which it certainly has not, but the press lets his revisionism slide. It has become their fallback position.

The problem goes far deeper than this, however. It now threatens our survival as a nation.

As his core, Obama is a Progressive more than he is a Muslim. It’s a non-theistic worldview, but it’s not necessarily atheistic. To a Progressive, God simply isn’t important, as we saw when the Democrats booed His name being included in the Democratic platform several times during their last Democratic National Convention. Government is what is important to Progressives—not God’s will.

True to his Progressive principles, Obama has governed accordingly for six years. An essential component of Progressivism is that America has been on the wrong side of history since our inception, and the Judeo-Christian worldview is wrong, archaic, and intellectually indefensible. Those who champion American exceptionalism are worthy of being mocked, and that’s precisely what Progressives do, including the press. In the Progressive repudiation of our historical roots, they have repeatedly championed Islam as a religion of peace. As President, basing his policies on his Progressive beliefs, Obama has championed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the rebels over Khadafi in Libia, Hamas over Israel, and the swap of the Taliban Five for Bergdahl—the American deserter. Each of his ideological positions—all based on Progressive ideology—have failed. None of them have furthered American interests. Rather than admit his errors, Obama has double-downed on his ideological convictions.

The folly of Obama’s ways was broadcasted worldwide on You Tube, with the beheading of James Foley on August 20, 2014. This blatant, in-your-face attack on an American citizen graphically revealed the failure of Obama’s tepid leadership and his flawed worldview. Even worse, it reveals the Progressive worldview, where terrorism has repeatedly been redefined, is incapable of facing Evil head on. Progressives don’t believe in Evil, while those who are Evil are willing to die for their cause—just as long as it eventually brings about our destruction, Israel’s too.

You might ask, “Do we have anything that’s strong enough to withstand this Evil assault upon our nation?” The answer is simple and obvious: Of course, we do. We have our Judeo-Christian heritage that has always recognized Evil for what it is and stood up to it effectively, including World War II.

When I was pursuing my Ph.D in international politics at Emory in the late 70s, the prevailing belief of my professors—all Progressives—was that America was in irreversible decline. With Jimmy Carter as President, my heart sank, believing this was true. Then, Ronald Reagan—like the rise of the Phoenix—came out of the West and ushered in a generation of American strength and prosperity.

Now, with Obama at the helm, we are being told the same thing. America’s days are dwindling, which even evangelicals accept as the fulfillment of their Premillennial worldview, but it isn’t necessarily so. In fact, it shouldn’t be so.

Regardless of what the future holds, we must stand up to the Evil of Islam and confront their Jihadism head on. To do this, we need a leader who embraces the historical foundation of our Judeo-Christian heritage and not one who repudiates it in favor of the wishful thinking of Progressivism.

Not much is at stake—just our survival.

Jack Watts

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Can you think of anything President Obama could have done for America that would have been more positive than swapping Bergdahl for the Taliban Five? With this one act, he undermined what little was left of our trust for him. With this one colossal miscalculation, he has changed the political tides in favor of conservatives and away from progressives. Not since Willie Horton have conservatives been given such a gift. Think about it:

  1. To begin with, Obama negotiated with terrorists, which the White House denies, but he did it. No President has ever done this before. The precedent Obama has set is a bad one. Even Liberals know this.
  2. He freed the five worst terrorists at Gitmo, while having “Baghdad Bob” Carney assure us these mass murderers wouldn’t pose a threat to Americans in the future. Jay Carney’s lie is a bigger one than those Obama repeated so often about ObamaCare
  3. When Obama had Bergdahl’s parents join him in the Rose Garden, the father, wearing a Muslim beard, opened his remarks in Arabic, quoting from the Koran, which will be replayed in hundreds of ads for years.
  4. On Sunday, Susan Rice went on the talk shows, like she did about Benghazi, telling the American people Sgt. Bergdahl served with “Honor and Distinction,” which was as big a lie as the one about the You Tube video clip. She’s a dutiful liar. Obama counts on her for it. Bergdahl’s commander and fellow soldiers categorically deny he is a hero. Instead, the say he hated America and actually deserted. He was even investigated for deserting, with the results being sealed—no surprise there.
  5. That six honorable soldiers lost their lives searching for this deserter has never been mentioned by the President.
  6. Obama defied his duty and his oath of office by acting unilaterally. The law clearly states that Congress must be notified thirty days before anything like this can happen, but Obama holds Congress in contempt, doesn’t he? Obama has never let the Constitution stand in his way before, why should he about this?
  7. Sheikh Oman, the world’s greatest Jihadist, calls the trade a great victory. He’s right; it is—all at our expense.
  8. When the stories from the soldiers come out about Bergdahl, and they will, this fiasco will not only damage Obama, but it will also damage every vulnerable Democrat this November and in 2016. Hillary Clinton must be apoplectic at Obama’s foolishness.

All of this has been a tremendous gift for those of us who cherish the Rule of Law. As so often happens, pride goes before a fall. Obama has stumbled badly over this, which will undermine his ability to govern from now on—thank the Lord.

Jack Watts


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