
Posts Tagged ‘America’

14212540_10209250439650696_4928376597585475848_nCOMMON SENSE: We all remember where we were and what we were doing, when we heard about the attack on 9/11. I was in a Barnes & Noble with Ernest Pullen, when his wife, Melanie Dugger Pullen, called, telling us about it. At first, it didn’t seem plausible that we had been attacked. By the time the second tower was hit, I had returned home and saw it on TV with Jim Smith.
Renewing my mind, from that moment forward, I have never altered my viewpoint or perspective. We were attacked by Radical Islamic Terrorists—by those who want to destroy us and our American way of life. To them, we are all the Great Satan—not just some of us.
On this day, let us remember we are Americans first and political opponents second. Many disagree with my worldview and I disagree with theirs. Nevertheless, none of us want to cut off each other’s heads. That we can argue without killing each other is what makes us different, but it is also what makes us strong.
Remember, Jihadists have a sense of history, which makes every anniversary of 9/11 is a particularly dangerous day for Americans, so be careful.
Jack Watts

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2015-09-09T150245Z_1_LYNXNPEB880UT_RTROPTP_4_USA-ELECTION-CLINTON-e1442078799615COMMON SENSE: It’s time to pivot our focus. Forget about trying to win over the #NeverTrump people. Some will eventually come around, but most will remain bitter. They prefer it that way.
It’s time to conceptualize this campaign as a movement. It’s an epic battle for the heart and soul of America, fought between the Children of the Light and the Children of Darkness. This doesn’t mean that all of us are good and all of them are bad, but it does mean we have an entirely different way of looking at life.
We believe in American exceptionalism; they believe that the USA is responsible for most of the world’s problems. We are strongly patriotic; they are ashamed of our nation. We believe in God; most of the Children of Darkness do not. We believe in personal responsibility, while they believe the ends justify the means. We want to make America great again, while they mock at us, while they are convinced America was never great in the first place.
The Children of Darkness support Hillary Clinton. Because their deeds are Evil, they have a vested interest in desiring the darkness her success will bring. Because their numbers are legion, it will require each of us to be strong. We must stand firm and never again be intimidated by their contemptuous mocking.
We will bend our knee to Almighty God but never to the will of the Children of Darkness. For such a time as this, we have been prepared. Will we prevail, or will we be the generation that is responsible for the lights going out on the City on the Hill? The answer is in our hands.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If I had written a novel ten years ago about a corrupt woman, who gains the nomination of her party, while being investigated by the FBI for criminal misconduct, nobody would have believed the story line was plausible. If I added that the sitting President endorsed her candidacy, despite being fully aware that she made a fortune by leveraging her position as Secretary of State in a pay-to-play scheme that threatened national security, it would be a plot too far fetched to publish. But, what if I added that this corrupt candidate also took the moral hugh ground over her opponent, deceiving millions with her duplicity?
If I had written such a book, not even one publisher would touch such an implausible story. Yet, it is true, suggesting that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
God help us my friends, because it is quite clear we lack the wisdom or discernment to help ourselves.

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thCOMMON SENSE: President Obama, who is a master at deflecting, tried to strike back at those who criticize him for not calling Radical Islamic Terrorism what it is. I’m sure multiplied millions will join him in mocking Donald Trump and people like me for making an issue about something Obama considers unimportant, but it is important.
First, it isn’t just the term that is at issue. Through the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Obama has a small army of doctrinaire Progressive lawyers who relentlessly impose Obama’s worldview on America. Since Obama venerates Islam, nothing truthful that criticizes the “Religion of Peace” is allowed. Because this hampers our risk assessment of impending danger, Obama’s delusional thinking about Islam’s peacefulness makes us unsafe. Innocent people are dying because of this, and many more will follow.
Second, through the Department of Homeland Security, Obama and his sycophantic Progressive toady’s have opened our boarders to allow undocumented militant Muslims into our nation by the thousands. This is a true Trojan Horse that will cause many needless deaths in the future. It’s inevitable.
Third, Obama’s justification for not calling Jihadism what is is, is that it would be a great recruitment tool for ISIS. Supposedly, it would give young Muslims a reason to hate us, which doesn’t make a bit of sense. They already hate us. Instead of capitulating to them, which Muslims consider to be a sign of weakness—because it is—we need to be in their face constantly. That will work. Appeasement will not.
One more thing: Hillary, who has helped Obama get us into this mess, is now wiling to call radicals what they are. This isn’t surprising though. She will say anything or do anything to get elected—sleaze that she is.

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COMMON SENSE: While murdering 50 in Orlando, Omar Mateen yelled, “Allahu Akbar”—just like all other Muslim Jihadists do, when they are killing innocent people. Yet, President Obama used his news conference as an opportunity to push his gun control agenda, rather than address the real problem, which is Muslim Terrorism. Obama didn’t say one word about Muslim terror, despite this being the worst mass murder in American history.

It’s obvious Obama is incapable of acknowledging reality or dealing with it. Neither is Obama 2.0—Hillary Clinton. How many more mass murders do we have to endure before we are willing to admit the problem is Radical Muslim Jihadism? Our President is supposed to keep us safe. It’s his #1 job, but Obama is far more concerned with furthering his Progressive agenda on gun control than abiding by the oath he took to protect us.

—Jack Watts


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Police lock down Orange Avenue around Pulse nightclub, where people were killed by a gunman in a shooting rampage in Orlando

Police lock down Orange Avenue around Pulse nightclub, where people were killed by a gunman in a shooting rampage in Orlando, Florida June 12, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Kolczynski

COMMON SENSE: Beginning with the Fort Hood massacre by Major Nidal Hasan, one year into Obama’s Presidency, the problem with Progressive thinking has been evident. Refusing to call his attack what it was, referring to it as “workplace violence” instead, because it fit Barack and Hillary’s narrative, we have been made more vulnerable by our leadership than necessary.

Like a doctor who refuses to admit a patient has cancer, despite everything pointing to the contrary, the Obama/Hillary narrative has maintained the illusion that Islam is a religion of peace, when it is obvious there is a fundamental flaw with the Islamic Worldview.
To survive, we must stop the madness of believing the flawed tenets of political correctness. We must call a spade a spade and acknowledge that Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. San Bernardino and Orlando happened, but neither Obama or Hillary are capable of dealing with it effectively. It’s obvious.
In your heart, you know I’m right.
—Jack Watts

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th-17COMMON SENSE: Today, President Obama went to great lengths to endorse Hillary Clinton, going so far as to have a musical score backing up his scripted message. This means that Donald Trump is not only facing Hillary, but he is also facing her husband and the sitting President. Essentially, Trump is running against “The Unholy Trinity of Depravity.”
There is nothing these Evil people will not do to retain power—count on it. Based purely on her record, Hillary shouldn’t have a chance, but she might win. It isn’t just the Supreme Court that is at stake in this election; our entire way of life hangs in the balance. Because Hillary is corrupt, she will use every fraudulent trick in the book to ensure her victory. We must expect this and not be surprised when it happens. Hillary—who is a cancer on the soul of America—must be stopped by the voters.
Based on Obama’s endorsement, I do not believe he will permit her to be indicted, as she should be. Instead, he will do everything in his power, which is substantial, to protect her from being held accountable for her criminal actions. This means it is up to us, the American people, to repudiate her and her deceitful ways. We have the power to do it, but we must not lose our resolve. If we do, the nation we will leave to our heirs will not be the great one our forefathers bequeathed to us.

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COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When you are a Progressive, immutable truth does not exist; everything is relative. So, to Hillary Clinton, truth becomes what furthers her goals—nothing more, nothing less. With this as her standard, a criminal investigation into her illegal email server becomes a “security inquiry,” making it no big deal. It’s no big deal because this is how she defines it, but it is a big deal to FBI Director, James Comey. He flat-out said the Bureau was doing an investigation, not a security inquiry. By the way, the FBI only does criminal investigations. They do not do security inquiries.
Hillary Clinton is in hot water up to her neck, but she probably will not be held accountable for her reckless disregard of the law about her email server, or for her corruption in influence peddling, granting favors while Secretary of State, in exchange for donations for her charitable foundation.
The reason she will not be held accountable is because power is more highly valued than truth for Progressives. If Hillary was a Conservative, where truth and probity are highly valued, her base would have already evaporated, and they would be calling for her indictment. But Hillary is not a Conservative; she’s a Progressive. The rules for Progressives are different. Neither the Rule of Law nor the Constitution apply—only what works, meaning what gains and keeps power.
The bottom line is this: Hillary is guilty as sin, but the wages of sin is never death . . . not for a Progressive. She will never be held accountable for her criminal behavior—not by a Progressive administration. It’s up to the people to see that justice is served. By voting against her, we can repudiate her, and this is exactly what we should do.

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COMMON SENSE: In the Presidential Election, many news items are unimportant, but not all of them. Some things are very important—a few are critical. Take what Secretary of State John Kerry said to the graduating students at Northeastern University, for example. He told them that one day they would be living in a “world without borders,” implying that this would be a good thing.
This is what the Progressives want—a world without borders. Having no borders means the United States would have to embrace whoever comes, regardless of who they are. In their desire to create a Utopian dream world, Progressives like Kerry, Obama, and Hillary Clinton abhor American nationalism, mocking those who desire strong borders.
To them, their worldview is sophisticated. Our belief system, by way of contrast, is outdated and doomed to fail. In the Progressive mindset, our military might be necessary, but honoring American soldiers or taking care of them is unimportant. Without borders, you would still need some policemen but not the Army or the Navy.
Because Donald Trump wants to “Make America Great Again,” which is the exact opposite of what Obama, Kerry, and Hillary want, they loathe him. He espouses the exact opposite of what they desire for the future to be.
When you think of it like this, it’s easy to see why they hate Trump him so much, and will do anything to discredit him. As you can see, this is a critical issue—not a trivial one. If you believe in borders and want America to come first, choose Trump. If you want a world without borders, Hillary is your candidate. It’s as simple as that.

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