
Archive for the ‘Evangelical Christianity’ Category

MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. I knew Dr. King as a young man. His mom was a “Call Customer” of mine, when I sold shoes at Davison’s downtown. The following story from Unholy Seduction is true, and it was my experience. I used it in the novel.
“Then, newsworthy events began to impact our lives. When we heard that Martin Luther King, Jr., had been shot and killed in Memphis, we were completely unprepared to learn the news. His execution made me think about what I had been doing when JFK was assassinated in Dallas—just up the road from Midlothian. Like Kennedy’s murder five years earlier, schools were closed out of respect for Dr. King.
Being a lifelong resident of Atlanta and a local pastor, Dr. King’s funeral was scheduled for a few days later—not far from where we lived. Not having to teach that day, I decided to attend. Because Jolene had a cold and couldn’t go to daycare, Val needed to remain at home, so I went alone.
When I arrived, I had no idea hundreds of thousands of people would be there—all stunned and heartbroken by the assassination. In my naïveté, I thought there might be a few thousand, but I was mistaken. There was a sea of humanity.
I marched with thousands of others—nameless, faceless people—who walked with me up Courtland Avenue past Georgia State University, where I considered going to graduate school at night.
The procession was about twenty across and many miles deep. The most interesting thing about the march was how silent the people were. Nobody talked. All that could be heard was the sound of feet shuffling on the pavement—thousands of feet. Only a few cried, and those who did, weren’t demonstrative.
Most were too stunned to do anything other than put one foot in front of the other. Nobody was told to be quiet. Everybody just seemed to realize that being silent was what we were supposed to do. Besides, there was nothing to say. The impact this silent march made upon each person was indelible. It was something none of us would ever forget.
As we passed the State Capitol, I saw vigilant state troopers standing, side-by-side, four feet apart. Each was holding a rifle, as they surrounded the building, protecting Governor Lester Maddox—my arch-segregationist former donor. As I walked by, I remember thinking his side had won. He had all the guns and all of the political power. He was in charge of the state, while his ally, Governor Wallace, was making a surprisingly strong third party bid for the Presidency. Adding to their victory, Dr. King was dead—murdered by a segregationist.
Witnessing the troopers, I finally admitted to myself that I had been wrong to take Governor Maddox’s money. I had justified my actions, accepting his donation on three separate occasions, because Crusade needed the funds. Looking at the State Troopers as I passed, I felt like I had been as fraudulent as Hixson Orr.
In my heart, I knew there was never a right way to do a wrong thing, but I disregarded this truth by depositing Maddox’s checks. As I walked by, I felt tainted and dirty, as unclean as the guys who were ordered to take a shower before being examined for their Army physical.
Grief stricken, I’ve never felt more ashamed of myself than that day. Finally admitting how unethical my actions had been grieved me, but it also felt cleansing.
Based on the perspective I had that day, segregation had won, defeating racial equality. “Darkies” would be kept in their place, and I was there to witness it—just another bystander who refused to make a stand for what was right. I felt awful. I talked about God’s love all the time, while carefully disregarding another aspect of His character—justice.
Thinking about how the segregationists had won didn’t make me angry—not like it did many others. I was too numb and grief stricken for that, especially that day. It was such a sad time, but I did wonder why God had allowed it to happen? It was a question I’m sure others were also asking.
Driving home, I knew I wanted my life to count for more than this. Being in the procession rejuvenated my desire to be part of Full Armor Assembly, by joining Brother Al in La Grande Boca.
Now in my mid-twenties, in many ways, I was still young and inexperienced. I didn’t understand how a martyr’s death could irreversibly change things. Reflecting back on those events decades later, Dr. King’s dream and vision for America has come true—at least much of it. The day of his funeral, it didn’t seem like this could possibly happen.
Governor Lester Maddox’s world has disappeared. Only a handful of people even remember who he was. Dr. King’s birthday is a national holiday.
Although the Governor was physically safe as the mourners passed by—surrounded by troopers carrying weapons—his world began to disintegrate soon thereafter. Few remember anything about segregation. Virtually nobody can enumerate the specifics of what Maddox’s generation of segregationists believed. Obviously, after three hour-long meetings with him, I can remember, but I never took what he had to say seriously. Nobody took Lester Maddox’s worldview seriously—at least, nobody sane.
Dr. King’s dream, by way of contrast, remains alive and powerful. In some ways, my experience at the funeral that day may have been one of the most powerful examples of victorious Christianity I’ve ever witnessed. It was victory coming from defeat, new life emerging from death. It was a transformational moment in time—something I’ll never forget—something that can never be taken from me, despite the fact that I didn’t even come close to the front of the line.
Despite this, I learned a great lesson. Love trumps hate every time, particularly when hate seems to have the upper hand. You can kill a man, but you can never kill his ideas—especially when millions embrace them. Internalizing what I had learned, I matured a little that day; I’m sure of it.
Later, when I walked into the house, Val caught my eye. When she looked at me, she stopped. She could tell something dramatic had happened. She didn’t say a word, but in our silent communication, both of us realized that moving to California was back on the table.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Many believe it is beneath the dignity of the President of the United States to get involved in matters as trivial as kneeling during the National Anthem at NFL games or instances of disrespecting the American flag, but I am not one of them. I believe it is one of the most important roles President Trump has. It has profound significance, and he is doing magnificently at it.
The flag and our anthem are powerful symbols of what makes Americans American. They bind us together as a people. They are the superglue that distinguishes us from others. As such, they have transcendent importance that produces patriotism, national loyalty, and American Exceptionalism. Without these symbols, our national identity would cease to exist.
That we now have a President who recognizes this and defends it, rather than apologizes for it, is one of the most important things President Trump does, and he is loved for taking such a strong stand.
Progressives do not see things the same way. Because they are globalists, patriotism is mocked and scorned. They champion a New World Order and not American nationalism, but their days are numbered. I guarantee it. We are taking our nation back, and nothing is going to stop us from doing so.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Conservatives have a problem, and it’s a serious one. Instead of acting like we are the victors, we are constantly looking over our collective shoulders, wondering how the Progressive Leftwing Media and the corrupt Democrats are going to snatch our success away from us. Since we are used to losing, we are behaving like losers instead of like winners.
The Left doesn’t have the same problem, quite the contrary. Because they have won for so long, they assume they are going to win. It’s their right to win, and the only right we have is to complain about it.
For us to fulfill the agenda we fought so hard to create, we must start acting like winners and not like losers. To begin with, we need to stop whining about the media’s criticism. Let them lambast us all they want. We have the power, and our mandate is growing, not shrinking. Even with the dead weight of RINOs in Congress, deregulation is producing massive growth that will benefit all Americans, including Millennials.
As Obama’s disastrous legacy is being dismantled one piece at a time, we should be celebrating, while pushing steadily forward, rather than wondering how the Left is going to take it from us. Forget about them. Let them chafe. Bitterness is their drink, but it is not ours. Be strong and immovable. If you will do this, we will be able to solidify our gains.
Jack Watts
CREATING TRUMP NATION: mcgeeandme.net/books

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COMMON SENSE: Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are mounting an effort to have President Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, and removed from office. That’s not going to happen, but it will dominate the news and make the Progressive media believe Trump’s base has abandoned him.

That hasn’t happened, nor will it. The “Make America Great Again” movement is gaining strength, not diminishing, as the fools in the media believe. Pelosi and the Democrats are certain they will retake the House of Representatives next year, but that’s not going to happen either. In the Senate, the Republican majority will actually increase. You can count on it.
This photo tells you the reason why. Trump loves America, and he is proud of us. President Obama, the consummate Progressive globalist, was ashamed of us and of American leadership in the world. Because Trump’s naysayers only converse among themselves, they have no idea what is really happening across the fruited plain. I do.
We are taking our nation back from the anti-American, anti-God, anti-morality Progressives one skirmish at a time. Our effort is ongoing and relentless, but the result is certain. Trust me about this; I know what I am talking about.
Jack Watts

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angry-obama-scCOMMON SENSE: Only 52% of Americans are proud of our nation. In 2003, the number was 70%. This is a dramatic drop, and it is the true legacy of Barack Hussain Obama. This nefarious accomplishment is far more destructive than anything else he did during his failed Presidency, including ObamaCare, the secret Iran nuke deal, weaponizing the IRS and intelligence agencies against Americans, or the abdication of American leadership worldwide.
From his perspective, however, and that of his sycophantic legion of Progressive followers, this is exactly what he wanted. Obama said he would “fundamentally change” America, and he did. At that, he was very successful, but not in a good way. By destroying patriotism in the eyes of millions, especially Millennials, Obama has punched a hole in the fabric of our society that is wide enough that it may lead to the collapse of our nation. Again, in my estimation, this was Obama’s intent.
To be fair, some of the disillusionment among Americans originated with George W. Bush’s decision to dismantle the Middle East, but the lion’s share belongs to Obama. This is his true legacy.
But we are not about to sit by idly and allow his globalist agenda to stand, are we? Hell no, we’re not. Obama has done a great job of shaking our foundation, but our resiliency is one of our greatest attributes. Just as our forefathers did, we will overcome this, and America will become stronger than ever. You can count on it.
(There are many posts like this in my book, “Creating Trump nation“)
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This is strictly my opinion. It’s what I believe is true, but this is a “news story.” Last week, President Trump announced that he intended to end human trafficking, which is the sex-slave business. That he has begun to do this, which already includes over 200 arrests in Hollywood, is why there is such hatred for him. Those who love the darkness have been lashing out at a man who intends to expose them to the light.
If Hillary had won, there would have been no exposure. How can I be sure of that, you might ask? It’s because she shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador, according to NBC News.
In my opinion, this is what is behind the efforts to unseat our President. If I’m right, a scandal of apocalyptic proportions is close to happening. For America to be truly great again, the depraved need to be exposed, prosecuted, and imprisoned. I will not let this go—count on it.

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COMMON SENSE: Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.” In practice, the Progressives do the exact opposite, of course, but her sentiment is accurate. We simply must maintain a standard of propriety that is laudable. If we do, we will be the winners.

On the other side, where there is virtually no moral compass, the level of animosity toward the President is the worst I have ever seen. Many people despised Nixon, and the level of animosity toward Clinton, after his Lewinsky affair, was intense, but nothing compared to the hatred toward Trump.
Hollywood celebrities are calling for his assassination, and they are doing so with impunity. This is not healthy for our nation, nor is it acceptable. At the same time, their shenanigans are counterproductive. As Machiavelli once said in “The Prince,” if you are going to “kill the King,” you only get one chance. If you miss, the king will get stronger.
This is what we are witnessing now. President Trump is getting stronger, and the character assassination of the Left is becoming increasingly ineffective. Because Trump is keeping his promises, unlike every other President since Reagan, Trump’s base is rock solid. His adversaries, by way of contrast, who spew their venom like hissing demons, have no message, no success, and no future.
Link to my book, “Creating Trump Nation,” for signed copy
Jack Watts

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161534_100003471255753_672416768_nCOMMON SENSE: Having to face relentless daily attacks by the bitter mainstream media is the new normal for us. This is not going to change. Regardless of how successful President Trump’s agenda is, as long as he is President, he is going to be hounded by a hostile press. This will test his resolve, and it will test ours as well.
It will help to start thinking of Trump like Nehemiah, who rebuilt the wall to Jerusalem, while simultaneously having to ward off repeated attacks by his adversaries. Trump is having to do the same thing, which means we have to redouble our efforts to undergird his Presidency with prayer and immovable support. We must stand in the breach of the wall and fight with him to protect our nation from the Progressives.
The future of America depends on it. We must not allow the constant naysaying of the Progressives in the media to wear us down. Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are depending on us to remain faithful.
Jack Watts

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161534_100003471255753_672416768_nCOMMON SENSE: The difference between the belief system I espouse and the beliefs of the Progressive Left have many differences, but the core difference is this. My sense of Right vs. Wrong is absolute. For a Progressive, because there is no such thing as absolute truth, there is no absolute Right & Wrong.
Founded upon the Judeo-Christian Ethic and biblical precepts, my beliefs never change, and I have a hard line about what is acceptable and what is not. For a Progressive, achieving and maintaining power is all that is important. Whatever is necessary to make this happen is acceptable—anything.
For a Progressive, the ends justify the means. For me, and for millions of others like me, how we do things is more important than achieving our goal. Doing the right thing is more important than winning. For a Progressive, such thinking is nonsense.
In this highly charged political climate, because Progressives can justify violence to achieve their ends, nearly all of the criminal acts comes from the Radical Left. They believe this strategy will work. They consider us to be weak, but they are mistaken. We are strong, and we are getting stronger by the day.

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COMMON SENSE: We must understand and accept the anti-American goals of Islam. Plain and simple, they want to destroy and subjugate the United States of America. For them, there is no middle ground. From their perspective, conquest and subjection to Allah is what America’s future must be. To be true to Allah, there can be no other result. If we refuse to become Muslim, we must die—period.
For us to be effective in thwarting this Evil, anti-American goal, we must come to understand why Islamic beliefs can never be peacefully integrated into our way of life. By nature, the Islamic worldview gravitates to extremism. Obviously not all Muslims are terrorists, but the percentage who are is alarmingly high. Thus, it is a serious mistake to believe that peaceful integration of Islam into our society can ever become a reality. To believe that it can is as foolhardy as believing you can domesticate a cobra.
Stating the objectives of Islam is not being Islamaphobic, despite what the Progressives say to the contrary. It isn’t hate speech either. It’s just being straightforward with the truth, which is something that has become offensive to the Leftists in our politically correct society.
It is only in recent years, when Progressive thinking superseded and replaced our traditional Judeo-Christian worldview, that fear of being straightforward with the truth has become a problem. Having traveled the Progressive road for awhile, to simply state the truth is now considered “hate speech” by a large portion of our society. It is not.
To survive and get back on the right road, we must embrace the values of our forefathers, which were Christian, and repudiate the globalist values of the Progressives. If we do not, the United States will be no better off than the European nations are now.
—Jack Watts

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