
Archive for March, 2019

COMMON SENSE: President Trump has just broken the record for the largest annual increase in GDP in history. In 2017, the USA’s GDP increased by a record $853 billion. Although impressive, that record was shattered in 2018 with an increase of greater than $1 trillion.
This is the largest annual increase in GDP by any country in world history. Unlike the New Green Deal or any other economic nonsense spewed by the Democrats, this is real and it is substantial.
According to the World Bank, the USA accounts for about 25% of the world’s GDP of about $80 trillion. Instead of championing our success and our prosperity, the Progressive fools on the Left tell us this a bad thing, which it definitely is not.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I agree with the crowd in Grand Rapids. “Lock Them Up,” but who exactly should be incarcerated. To know this, it’s important to differentiate between political opponents who have done nothing illegal and those who have attempted a soft coup to nullify the 2016 election. Let me help with this.
To begin with, at the time the Mueller Report was delivered to Attorney General Barr, 42 percent of Americans believed President Trump colluded with Russia, making him a traitor. Most of these duped people believed this fervently. It was a tenet of faith in their Progressive worldview, so realizing they have been deceived is very difficult for them. They not only need to accept this intellectually, but they also need to accept it emotionally, which is much more difficult to do. Nevertheless, because nearly all of them are salvageable, we must be patient with them. The fields are white for harvesting.
Second, there are many unpleasant people like Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff. Although difficult, none of them, or others like them, are guilty of anything. They just used the Collusion Narrative to their political advantage, which is now coming back to haunt them. They need to be clearly differentiated from the criminals.
This leaves the third group of perhaps 100 people or so. These are the ones who have known from the beginning that there was no collusion. They knew because they cleverly and willingly fabricated an intricate plot to force President Trump out of office. What they did was a criminal conspiracy and treasonous. They must be ferreted out, charged, tried, and imprisoned. If they are not, and if they do not pay a heavy penalty for what they have done, this will happen again at some time in the future.
There are those who believe we should just move on and let this entire fiasco go, but I disagree. For justice to prevail, and for faith in our democratic institutions to be restored, we must “Lock Them Up” for a long, long time. Convene a grand jury, and let the process begin. The sooner the better.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SNESE—Throwback Thursday: I have a confession to make. During the Watergate era, I was one of the last people to believe President Nixon was guilty. I maintained my belief in him for several weeks after he resigned. That’s how deep my self-deception was.
So, I can understand how people who still believe in the Russian Collusion narrative feel. Their entire world has been rocked.
When I finally admitted to myself that I had been believing a lie, I made the commitment to return to graduate school. I wanted to know things for myself, so that I would never be fooled again by being ignorant. I didn’t stop being a Conservative, but I made certain I was an educated one.
Here’s what is so sad. Right now, 42 percent of Americans still believe Trump colluded with the Russians. Although I have no sympathy for those who knowingly perpetrated this hoax, I have deep sorrow for those who have been hurt by believing their lies.
These Americans need our prayers and our support, but what they don’t need is our condemnation. We can ridicule the guilty but not the millions they deceived. They are as hurting emotionally as Bernie Madoff’s victims are hurting financially.
If our goal is to heal our nation, which is what it should be, be kind and be patient with those who will begin to realize they have been deceived by the Deep State and the media. They need our compassion and not our censure.
This was me in 1973.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: There are many who believe this is a time to seek peace with those who have pushed the Russian Collusion narrative for nearly three years. Their reasoning is what good can come from being vengeful. Instead, this is a time for us to be brought together—for domestic tranquility to be restored.
This sounds good, but it lacks merit. Here’s the reason why. Behind the entire narrative are a group of people who perpetrated this entire hoax. These people had an agenda. It was to nullify the 2016 Presidential Election by driving President Trump from office, vilifying him as a traitor when he was an innocent man.
This cannot stand. It cannot be allowed to simply go away. Those behind this fraud knew it was a fraud from day one. Nevertheless, they have been perfectly willing to tear this nation apart to achieve their goal. When Mueller delivered his report, 42 percent of Americans believed President Trump was a traitor, when he is the exact opposite. That so many people believe something this false shows how effective this attempted coup has been.
For our nation to heal, truly heal, we cannot simply brush this aside and move on. For justice to be restored, for people to once again have faith in the institutions of our democratic republic, especially with the Department of Justice and the FBI, these people must be held accountable. They must be brought before a grand jury, indicted, tried, and imprisoned.
Justice demands that this should be our course of action, even if it takes us into the Oval Office of President Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama. All of this mischief, every bit of it, originated while he was President. It happened during his watch. In my opinion, this traitorous conspiracy could not have occurred without some measure of his support and blessing. We do not know the answer about where ground zero was for this cabal, not yet, but we must discover it. Justice demands it, not vengeance, justice.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In “The Prince” by Machiavelli, he writes that if you attempt regicide, you had better be successful in killing the king. If you are not, Machiavelli says that the king will become much stronger. We have just witnessed this with President Trump.
The Deep State operatives within the Obama administration, which may include the former president, along with the Clintons and the Democratic National Committee, have attempted a soft coup. Their goal was to nullify the 2016 Presidential Election and drive Donald Trump from office.
Now that the Mueller report has finally exonerated President Trump from any collusion with the Russians—the narrative of the Progressive media for nearly three years—his hands have been untied to go after those who perpetrated this attempted coup. Although these culprits will continue to fight against him, the tide has turned irreversibly.
Look for indictments to come against these people. It will happen.
Even after the report has been delivered, 42% of Americans continue to believe President Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary. That so many believe this lie and continue to persecute an innocent man is sad, tragic, and very destructive. The only way to correct this error is to ferret out the truth, shame the Leftist media for perpetrating this lie, and imprison the Deep State operatives who attempted the coup. For our democratic republic to survive, for the rule of law to be restored, and for our nation to heal, these disgraceful villains must held to account. It’s time to “Lock Her Up.” This time for real.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I have a question. Since the Special Counsel revealed there are no new indictment coming, have you heard even one Progressive mention how good this is for the country? I have not. Instead, I have heard a steady stream of vitriol from them, telling us all the new ways they intend to “get Trump.”
Mueller, who has been the champion of the Left, has fallen from grace as fast as O.J. Simpson or Richard Nixon did. Instead of thanking Mueller for such a difficult task, Progressives have turned on him, even though he gave his best effort to bring down President Trump, hiring nobody for his team who supported Trump. Rather, each lawyer he hired was as hostile toward Trump as a bitter ex-wife would be.
What this shows is Progressives are not concerned with what is good for the country. Instead, they are single-focused on getting their own way. Where they are concerned, there is no middle ground—no compromise. It’s their way, or they throw a hissy-fit until they get their way.
Their response to Mueller is a teachable moment. It should show each of us that we must stand firmly against Progressivism and each of its detestable candidates. They are unfit to govern all the people.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This is a great day for the United States of America. Never in our long an illustrious history has a President been so vilified, so viciously attacked, and so consistently undermined as Donald J. Trump. Now that the Mueller Report has concluded with no further indictments, however, all of that is behind us.
For twenty-two months, almost the entirety of Trump’s Presidency, the Mueller cloud has been hanging over him, but no longer. Despite constant harassment from the media, ISIS has been defeated, tax cuts have been implemented, and our economy is the envy of the world.
Because Mueller only hired prosecutors who wanted to take Trump down, now that they have failed, the Progressive Left cannot say Trump was whitewashed by those who wanted him to survive. Every lawyer on the Mueller team, as well as their FBI cohorts, wanted to “get Trump,” but they didn’t. They couldn’t, because he isn’t guilty of what he has been accused.
Trump never fired Mueller either, or impeded his investigation in any way. That didn’t happen, and the Progressives, mean-spirited as they are, cannot say that it did. The Left took its best shot but came up empty. Now, it is our turn.
Without mercy, we must indict, prosecute, and imprison those who surreptitiously and illegally tried to circumvent the will of the people in the 2016 Presidential Election. We want justice; we demand it. Let those behind this plot pay for it by losing their reputations, their pensions, and their freedom.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The origin of the Electoral College is a perfect example of just how ignorant Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, and several other Democratic aspirants to be President are about American history. They stir up Leftists by advocating something they cannot possibly achieve, which they either know and disregard or are genuinely ignorant about. Either way, they are doing our nation a terrible disservice.
During the days of the Articles of Confederation, after the Revolutionary War, there were thirteen states or commonwealths that acted almost like thirteen different nations. Because this was unworkable, and because this made trade with European nations cumbersome and unappealing, the thirteen willingly gave up their sovereignty to be united. This created the United States of America.
Ever since, when a territory willingly gave up its independence to join the United States, like the original thirteen did, including the sovereign nation of Texas, they were promised representation in both houses of Congress, with each representative or senator having a vote in the Electoral College. This means the Electoral College is an essential ingredient in our representative democracy.
This is where our concept of representative government originated, and it cannot be abandoned simply because Pocahontas or Spartacus thinks it’s a good idea. It would require a Constitutional Amendment, which isn’t going to happen. Smaller states will never give up their voice or their clout to California, New York, or even Texas.
This is nothing more than Progressive nonsense. It would destroy our constitutional republic. Perhaps it could even dissolve our beloved country all together. I just thought you would like to know about this.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: As the Mueller investigation comes to a close, 50% of Americans now believe it was a witch hunt, while 37% do not. The poll was taken by USA Today, which is definitely a leftwing publication.
Fifty percent is a startlingly high number, considering all the oxogen the Progressive media has given in support of the Trump-Russian-collusion narrative. The reason why the number is so high is because of us—you and me. Demanding the truth, we have carefully and consistently challenged the nonsense we have been fed, refusing to believe we have been fed chicken salad when we know it has been chicken-you-know-what.
Now, as vindication is at hand, this Deep State conspiracy is about to unravel completely. When it does, and it will, those who have broken the law must be held to account. Just as we have demanded the truth throughout this farce, we now demand criminal prosecution for those who have willfully tried to subvert the 2016 Presidential election. Nothing less will suffice.
Personally, I commit to y’all that I will not let this go. I intend to speak out forcefully about it until the last miscreant is behind bars.
—Jack Watts

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Our gracious God and loving Heavenly Father,
Our hearts are heavy and burdened with foreboding,
As the true purpose of the Special Counsel has become clear.
With the aid of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, it is
Mueller’s goal to take down the duly elected President
Of the United States of America and have him removed from office,
Nullifying the will of the American people in the process,
Rendering their votes and their voice void and meaningless.
Father, we come before You today and ask that You foil
This dastardly plot, perpetrated by these cunning, vile,
And ruthless emissaries of the depraved, godless Progressives.
In their dishonorable hearts and perverse minds, this merciless team
Of corrupt and unethical lawyers has come to believe they have
A higher calling, and the mischief they are inflicting upon this nation
Is somehow honorable and noble, but it certainly is not.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
All they have done is try to undermine the Presidency and create
A Constitutional Crisis of monumental proportions, as they rip
The fabric of America’s soul apart with their ignoble ambitions,
Which have nothing to do with truth, honor, or justice.
Because we can discern their intentions and understand
Their cunning motives that have nothing to do
With anything other than fulfilling their own agenda,
We ask that You protect President Donald J. Trump.
Foil the disgraceful plot of the Mueller investigation and continue
To expose the true motives behind this cabal to the light of day.
Illuminate the minds of American citizens, especially those
Who have a heart to trust You and seek Your will.
Father, do not allow their evil plot to succeed in any way.
Instead, spare us from the destruction of these worthless
Ambassadors of Darkness who wish to perpetrate upon us,
Jack Watts

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