
Archive for November, 2015

COMMON SENSE: For years, we have been fed claims by the White House that al Qaeda, ISIS, and terrorists in general were being contained quite nicely. Unfortunately, this has been about as truthful as, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
Although our intelligence—the best in the world—has been quite clear about the threat of Radical Islamic Jihahadism, our fearless leader has consistently told us differently. Perhaps Obama, Kerry, and Hillary really don’t recognize how serious the threat is. Perhaps they really do believe climate change is more important, which obviously increases the vulnerability of Americans—the people they have sworn to protect.
Now, we are in for the fight of our lives, and Hillary, who refused 600 requests from Benghazi for protection, asks us to trust her with our lives—just like the Lybian Ambassador, Christ Stevens. I say, “No thanks. Your free cell phones aren’t worth the risk.”

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Source: Obama IsIslam’s Trojan Horse

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COMMON SENSE: To President Obama, words definitely have meaning. If something does not fit into his narrow ideological thinking, he chooses his doctrinaire interpretation over reality, regardless of overwhelming evidence that contradicts his viewpoint. By using the term ISIL over ISIS, Obama sends a powerful message to Israel, disaffirming their legitimacy and right to exist. This message, which is lost to the American people and Obama’s fawning media, certainly is not lost to terrorists or Middle Eastern leaders.
During Obama’s administration, our primary ally in the Middle East, Israel, has been consistently undermined, and the region has become more destabilized than ever. Even worse, with just one more year remaining in his Presidency, Obama will do everything he can to advance the Islamic agenda—all at the expense of Israel and the American people.
The Trojan Horse isn’t coming with the Syrian refugees. It’s already here, and it’s named Barack Hussein Obama.

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Progressivism is a worldview that exploits being a victim, and Radical Jihadism actively seeks victims to exploit. This is a perfect storm for the collapse of the European democracies and the United States.
Being non-theistic, Progressive thinking lacks the foundation, as well as the will, necessary to confront the Jihadist scourge. Progressivism’s adherents will never be able to drive Islamists back to the seventh-century, where they belong.
Progressivism, aided by the press, academia, and so-called moderate Muslims, have no adequate strategy to counter Radical Islam. Instead, Progressive leaders—like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry—reinterpret reality to make it conform to their erroneous worldview. Either that, or they minimalize the horrors of Islam, calling mass murder things like “Workplace Violence.” Pretending that Jihadism isn’t as serious a threat as it is may prove to be a fatal error.
It isn’t simply that Obama, Kerry, and Hillary lack the competency to lead us. It’s more than this. They have nothing within them strong enough to withstand the onslaught of the relentless Evil that threatens our existence. Because there is no soul to Progressivism, they lack the character qualities—the internal resolve, integrity, and truthfulness—to lead us in these perilous times.
At this juncture, without dramatic change, neither Europe nor the United States will be recognizable for much longer. Our situation isn’t quite as grim as France, Germany, or the United Kingdom’s, but our Progressive leadership is doing everything in their power to make up the difference quickly. In my estimation, we may only have one more chance to turn this situation around, but we may not even have that.
—Jack Watts

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