
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Between 2010-2012, the IRS was weaponized against the Tea Party to deny them their right to organize as 501-C4 not-for-profit entities. This is no longer in dispute. It happened, and the Obama administration was behind it.

That this happened was shocking to most Americans, because no President had ever done anything like this before. Then, it became apparent that the Obama administration was also using the EPA and the NSA in the same way. Now, we are learning that the FBI and the DOJ have been weaponized against a Presidential candidate, a President-Elect, and a sitting President—Donald J. Trump.
Because other agencies have been used to target Americans by the Obama administration, denying them their Constitutional rights, we shouldn’t be surprised that the FBI and the DOJ have also been used, but we are. What Obama did—not just Hillary and the DNC—we are so shocked that we simply do not want to admit that something like this could happen—not in the land of the free and the home of the brave; but it has happened.
It’s not just Crooked Hillary. This goes straight into the Oval Office, when Barack Obama was President, and his deeds of darkness are being exposed to the light of day. Although the Deep State and the Progressive media will do everything in their considerable power to protect Obama, there is simply too much evidence emerging against him to prevent Obama from being exposed. His days of being respected are nearly over. Richard Nixon will be forced to move aside. Obama’s name is about to become synonymous with Presidential corruption and abuse of power. Just watch. It’s going to happen.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Carter Page was a minor player in the Trump campaign—a virtual nobody. He wasn’t even paid. Then, why has he become such a central figure? And why is he so important?

It’s because he has had some business dealings with Russians. He fit the narrative that Clinton operatives in the FBI and the DOJ needed to claim that Trump had colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary. These operatives used the Steele Dossier—paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC—to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Carter and others associated with the Trump Campaign. Because these operatives deceived the FISA Court to get their warrant, any evidence obtained by it is “fruit of the poisoned tree.” It’s inadmissible.
The goal was to keep Trump from winning. When that plan failed, the goal was to use the “Russian Collusion” angle to have Trump removed from office through the Special Counsel Investigation of Robert Mueller.
The next question is why is “The Memo” from Devon Nunes and Trey Gowdy so important? It’s because the House has pieced this plot together and discovered that the Dossier was essential to everything in the investigation. What the House committee has learned is that any evidence established by Mueller has been fraudulently obtained, as the result of the original criminal act. Therefore, nothing that has resulted from the Dossier, which may have been integral in establishing the entire Mueller investigation, is admissible in court.
Even if Trump had colluded with the Russians, which the Mueller team has not been able to establish, it couldn’t be used against him. Mueller, being a shrewd man, knows this, and it’s probably why the collusion part of the investigation has been abandoned.
Now, they are trying to use a “Gotcha” statement, or misstatement, by Trump to build an Obstruction of Justice case against him for a crime that never happened. The only crime involved in this entire episode came from Clinton partisans at the FBI and the DOJ. Their goal was, and still is, to take down Trump by any means possible. The FBI and the DOJ have been criminally weaponized to force a legitimate President out of office.
That this is happening, and millions of Americans want it to happen, has created a Constitutional crisis in America that threatens the foundation of our republic. The Rule of law has been subverted, but that doesn’t mean anything to these criminals. They would destroy America, just to get to Trump. That’s the truth.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Because our nation is so badly divided, it is in the best interest of the American people for President Trump to testify before the Mueller investigation. Trump needs to do this, despite the fact that it is the purpose of this investigation to nullify the results of the 2016 Presidential election by having President Trump removed from office.

This has always been the purpose of the Mueller investigation, which was contrived by Deep State operatives within the FBI and the Department of Justice. That this is true is what the four-page memo created by the House Intelligence Committee, under the chairmanship of Representative Devon Nunes concludes. I’m sure of it.
Consequently, the race is on. Will Trump testify before the memo is released or not? This is the key question. Because the House committee is preparing all of the supporting documentation before releasing the memo, it might not be released before Trump testifies. I believe this is a serious mistake, with profound adverse consequences.
Release the memo now, and add supporting documentation as it becomes available. There is so much material to be released that it would be overwhelming to release all of it at once anyway. By releasing the memo immediately, a groundswell of indignation will follow. Then, as subsequent information becomes available, release it. This will keep the story alive, and it will force the mainstream media to report on the criminal activity of the Deep State on a regular basis.
With any luck, because the foundation of the Mueller investigation was predicated upon the fraudulent documentation of the phony Steele Dossier, it will be forced to shut down. Personally, I am not concerned that President Trump has committed a crime, but I am equally convinced that Team Mueller is fully intent on entrapping the President in an effort to force him out of office. The stakes are high, with our Constitutional republic’s future in the balance.
We must stand behind the President, and hold him up in prayer daily. He isn’t guilty of anything, but that is irrelevant to Team Mueller. They want to destroy him, and they will find a way, if allowed. The plot against him is that nefarious. Our support for Trump must be stronger than ever
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Traditionally, midterm elections are brutal for the party in control of the White House. In 2010, after Obama’s impressive victory, primarily because of his deceitfulness about ObamaCare, the Democrats lost the House of Representatives to the Republicans. Despite Obama being reelected in 2012, the Senate flipped in 2014 to the Democrats.

Now, after the election of Trump in 2016, based on his unpopularity, the Democrats and the media believe the House will flip in 2018. and Pelosi will once again become Speaker of the House. The polls and the pundit are in almost universal agreement about this, but I am certain they are wrong for three reasons.
First, with passage of the Tax Bill, the economy is soaring, and it’s only going to get better—much better. Despite the militant hostility of the press toward President Trump, coupled with his low approval rating, he is getting the job done. The American people are enjoying the fruits of his labor where they like it best—in their wallets and purses. His economic victory is massive, as Americans by the millions are coming to realize.
Second, the corruption within the Obama administration is about to explode, especially with the Trump Dossier. Just as Obama used the IRS to target the Tea Party unlawfully, his administration used the DOJ, FBI, and the White House to target candidate Trump, his staff, and practically everybody in his campaign. Presenting this fraudulent Dossier as legitimate, they used it to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump. It was also the foundational document for the Mueller investigation. When the American people see how corrupt the Obama administration was, which can no longer be hidden, it will cost the Democrats at the polls this November. This is not wishful thinking on my part. It’s going to happen.
Third, I believe the sexual misconduct of Congress is going to hurt the Democrats much more than it will hurt the Republicans. Although Americans are very forgiving about such things, they are not forgiving about the use of taxpayer’s funds to pay for it. So far, there are between thirty and forty Congressmen who have used taxpayer funds as hush money to settle claims resulting from their misconduct. Before the next election, all of these men will be unmasked, and I am predicting that 80% of them or more will be Democrats.
Obviously, other variables are certain to come into play that could have a dramatic impact on the 2018 election, including potential conflicts with North Korea and Iran, but if the scenario I have described plays out, and I am certain that it will, the Republicans will not lose either the Senate or the House. In fact, they will experience gains, perhaps major gains, especially in the Senate.

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MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. I knew Dr. King as a young man. His mom was a “Call Customer” of mine, when I sold shoes at Davison’s downtown. The following story from Unholy Seduction is true, and it was my experience. I used it in the novel.
“Then, newsworthy events began to impact our lives. When we heard that Martin Luther King, Jr., had been shot and killed in Memphis, we were completely unprepared to learn the news. His execution made me think about what I had been doing when JFK was assassinated in Dallas—just up the road from Midlothian. Like Kennedy’s murder five years earlier, schools were closed out of respect for Dr. King.
Being a lifelong resident of Atlanta and a local pastor, Dr. King’s funeral was scheduled for a few days later—not far from where we lived. Not having to teach that day, I decided to attend. Because Jolene had a cold and couldn’t go to daycare, Val needed to remain at home, so I went alone.
When I arrived, I had no idea hundreds of thousands of people would be there—all stunned and heartbroken by the assassination. In my naïveté, I thought there might be a few thousand, but I was mistaken. There was a sea of humanity.
I marched with thousands of others—nameless, faceless people—who walked with me up Courtland Avenue past Georgia State University, where I considered going to graduate school at night.
The procession was about twenty across and many miles deep. The most interesting thing about the march was how silent the people were. Nobody talked. All that could be heard was the sound of feet shuffling on the pavement—thousands of feet. Only a few cried, and those who did, weren’t demonstrative.
Most were too stunned to do anything other than put one foot in front of the other. Nobody was told to be quiet. Everybody just seemed to realize that being silent was what we were supposed to do. Besides, there was nothing to say. The impact this silent march made upon each person was indelible. It was something none of us would ever forget.
As we passed the State Capitol, I saw vigilant state troopers standing, side-by-side, four feet apart. Each was holding a rifle, as they surrounded the building, protecting Governor Lester Maddox—my arch-segregationist former donor. As I walked by, I remember thinking his side had won. He had all the guns and all of the political power. He was in charge of the state, while his ally, Governor Wallace, was making a surprisingly strong third party bid for the Presidency. Adding to their victory, Dr. King was dead—murdered by a segregationist.
Witnessing the troopers, I finally admitted to myself that I had been wrong to take Governor Maddox’s money. I had justified my actions, accepting his donation on three separate occasions, because Crusade needed the funds. Looking at the State Troopers as I passed, I felt like I had been as fraudulent as Hixson Orr.
In my heart, I knew there was never a right way to do a wrong thing, but I disregarded this truth by depositing Maddox’s checks. As I walked by, I felt tainted and dirty, as unclean as the guys who were ordered to take a shower before being examined for their Army physical.
Grief stricken, I’ve never felt more ashamed of myself than that day. Finally admitting how unethical my actions had been grieved me, but it also felt cleansing.
Based on the perspective I had that day, segregation had won, defeating racial equality. “Darkies” would be kept in their place, and I was there to witness it—just another bystander who refused to make a stand for what was right. I felt awful. I talked about God’s love all the time, while carefully disregarding another aspect of His character—justice.
Thinking about how the segregationists had won didn’t make me angry—not like it did many others. I was too numb and grief stricken for that, especially that day. It was such a sad time, but I did wonder why God had allowed it to happen? It was a question I’m sure others were also asking.
Driving home, I knew I wanted my life to count for more than this. Being in the procession rejuvenated my desire to be part of Full Armor Assembly, by joining Brother Al in La Grande Boca.
Now in my mid-twenties, in many ways, I was still young and inexperienced. I didn’t understand how a martyr’s death could irreversibly change things. Reflecting back on those events decades later, Dr. King’s dream and vision for America has come true—at least much of it. The day of his funeral, it didn’t seem like this could possibly happen.
Governor Lester Maddox’s world has disappeared. Only a handful of people even remember who he was. Dr. King’s birthday is a national holiday.
Although the Governor was physically safe as the mourners passed by—surrounded by troopers carrying weapons—his world began to disintegrate soon thereafter. Few remember anything about segregation. Virtually nobody can enumerate the specifics of what Maddox’s generation of segregationists believed. Obviously, after three hour-long meetings with him, I can remember, but I never took what he had to say seriously. Nobody took Lester Maddox’s worldview seriously—at least, nobody sane.
Dr. King’s dream, by way of contrast, remains alive and powerful. In some ways, my experience at the funeral that day may have been one of the most powerful examples of victorious Christianity I’ve ever witnessed. It was victory coming from defeat, new life emerging from death. It was a transformational moment in time—something I’ll never forget—something that can never be taken from me, despite the fact that I didn’t even come close to the front of the line.
Despite this, I learned a great lesson. Love trumps hate every time, particularly when hate seems to have the upper hand. You can kill a man, but you can never kill his ideas—especially when millions embrace them. Internalizing what I had learned, I matured a little that day; I’m sure of it.
Later, when I walked into the house, Val caught my eye. When she looked at me, she stopped. She could tell something dramatic had happened. She didn’t say a word, but in our silent communication, both of us realized that moving to California was back on the table.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE—My theory: In 1990, the population of the Soviet Union was 293 million, and their GDP was $7.77 trillion. At that time, our population was 249 million, and our GDP was $6 trillion. Then, because of President Reagan’s policies, the Soviet Union collapsed, and everything changed. Now, the population of Russia is 146 million, and their GDP is $1.33 trillion, which is approximately the same as Canada’s and a little less than Italy and Indonesia. Our population is currently about 326 million, and our GDP $19 trillion.
Here’s the point. In just over a quarter of a century, our economy, which wasn’t as large as the Soviet Union’s, is now more than fourteen times larger than Russia’s, and our population is more than twice as large. In 1990, the Soviet Union was our equal in everything, while in 2017, Russia cannot compete with us in anything, except for nuclear weapons.
So, if you were Vladimir Putin and you wanted to restore Russia to greatness, how would you do it, especially since you couldn’t compete economically or by your nation’s size? You would leverage your nuclear capability, where you are competitive, but you wouldn’t want to start a thermonuclear war, where everybody loses. Instead, all you would want to do is dominate the world with your nuclear capability, which would force the USA to play by your rules. This alone would restore Russia to greatness, which is your goal.
But how would you go about dominating the USA? You could do it by securing the world’s uranium supply—the essential ingredient necessary to make nuclear weapons. To accomplish your task, you would need to obtain America’s supply of uranium, which we would never relinquish willingly. This means you would need someone on the inside to get America’s uranium—someone you could corrupt.
Then, along comes Hillary Clinton. With her Uranium One deal, she allowed 20% of America’s uranium to be sold to Russian companies. As our Secretary of State, why would she do this? What would be in it for her? Just follow the money. Her foundation received $145 million from Russians. That’s a hunk of change, but that’s just part of what she received. I suspect here is a lot more.
Unfortunately for Hillary, and others corrupted by this scheme, it’s all unraveling, but it’s convoluted and confusing for most to follow. This is why I have given you my theory about how this plot to destroy the USA came about, and where the real Russian collusion exists.
Jack Watts

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12573733_828304790628555_5483197664783316735_nCOMMON SENSE: French is the language of diplomacy and has been for half a millennium. It’s why there are so many French words and phrases that have come into the English language concerning foreign policy—words like rapprochement, fait accompli, and de facto/de jure. The cardinal rule of diplomacy is understatement. In diplomacy, to say an act by another nation is “unfriendly” is close to declaring war.
The Progressives, especially in the media, have been very critical of President Trump for using the term, “Fire and Fury,” when speaking out about our current crisis with Kim Jung-un of North Korea. Specifically, they are enraged because Trump’s words were well outside of normal, appropriate diplomatic language.
I disagree with the media’s assessment. The language of diplomacy will work with nearly all nation-states, but it is actually counterproductive with a rogue nation like North Korea.
Before SWorld War II, Winston Churchill was criticized by appeasers to Hitler for being bombastic and crude, but Churchill was right and Neville Chamberlain was wrong. In our current crisis, all that Kim Jung-un understands is brute force, and that is what Trump has given him. Neither Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, nor Barack Obama were willing to be confrontational. Consequently, the North Koreans have considered the USA to be weak—a paper tiger.
Trump, standing up for the American people, is calling their bluff. Kim Jong-un has two choices. Either he can attack and be destroyed, or he can backdown and lose face. Either way, his days are numbered. To be sure, this is brinkmanship diplomacy, but I do not believe it will lead to thermonuclear war. That’s the way I see it.

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COMMON SENSE: If there was ever a time for Christians, and other people of faith, to come together and pray for the safety of our great nation, it is now. Please join me.

Father, Lord God, Almighty,
It is with a heavy heart that we come before you today,
Praying for the continued safety of the American people.
As the threat of the unthinkable looms before us,
And fear of a nuclear holocaust grips our heart,
We bow our collective knees before You and
Ask that You spare our great nation from this catastrophe.
Father, we know who we are. We have been willful,
Arrogant, stubborn, and self-righteous, by disregarding
Your way, Your will, and Your leading, but we are also
Your sons and daughters—children of the great
Men and women of old, who knew You well,
Proclaiming Your name throughout the earth.
As the offspring of those who championed Christ
For centuries, spare us from this impending destruction,
Despite how wayward our generation has become and how far
We have strayed from Your ways for so many decades.
The North Koreans, have been captivated by a madman—a fool
Who loathes Your children and the nation we have established.
Even as we pray, Kim Jong Un is racing headlong to war with us,
As he leads his suffering people toward the abyss of annihilation.
He fully intends to bring catastrophe to his people and to ours,
Just to save face and to “Slap the United States” with a
Nuclear weapon that he now has the capability of firing at us.
Father, foil this madman’s plans. Let all of his evil machinations
Come back on his head, and do not allow his threat to become real.
For the sake of Your children, let us continue to enjoy peace.
We know how undeserving we are, but we ask this nevertheless,
In the name of Your Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In order to understand what is really happening in America, you must link events together and not look at them as being independent. For example, although Barack Obama hated Hillary Clinton, he wanted her to win the election. He was not neutral. Despite his personal disdain, he wanted her elected for reasons other than her being a Democrat.
If Hillary had won, knowing how corrupt she was, Obama realized she would not allow any of his corruption to be investigated. Hillary would also protect Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Samantha Powers, Ben Rhodes, and a host of others who were just as corrupt and duplicitous as anybody involved with Team Hillary. Being a statist, semi-globalist, and deeply deceitful made Hillary Obama’s perfect successor.
Then along came Trump, with his America First agenda, all of which is antithetical to everything Obama and Hillary stand for. This makes Trump their natural enemy, but it does far more than that. Neither Hillary or Obama factored in a Trump victory. Now, the Dynamic Duo of Corruption are terrified that their web of deception will be exposed, and they will have to pay a terrible penalty.
The only way for them to keep from being exposed was to go on the offensive and have Trump taken out before their sins found them out. This is what’s behind the Mueller investigation.
To counter this, the Trump administration needs to open an investigation into Obama’s corruption and Hillary’s racketeering. It’s a strategy that will win for Trump, the American people, and for the Rule of Law. This needs to happen immediately. It cannot wait.
It grieves me that our nation has come to this, but it has. For America to be Great Again, the Obama administration and Team Hillary need to be exposed to the light of day, and they need to be held accountable for their crimes.
Creating Trump Nation: mcgeeandme.net
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Quietly, while the media has focused its attention exclusively on Russian collusion and the evils of Donald Trump, the President has been busy making America great again. Since the day after his victory, with the promise of deregulation forthcoming, the economy began to surge. Now, six months into his first term, he has added $4 trillion in growth, achieved close to full employment, and created an environment that favors working people over deadbeats.
But this pales in importance to what he has accomplished geopolitically. By permitting the energy industry in America to liquify natural gas, which Obama vehemently opposed, we are now able to ship natural gas to Europe to be de-liquified and used to heat the homes in Scandinavia, Poland, Germany, the Baltic nations, and many others.
By doing this, the USA is crippling Russia’s energy stranglehold on Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and the rest of Europe, effectively ending Vladimir Putin’s dream of reestablishing the mighty Soviet Union. From now on, Russian energy, their only valuable export, will have to compete with American energy, which neutralizes Russia’s ability to leverage its influence throughout Europe.
If Trump never accomplishes another thing in his Presidency, this move will make America great again. It’s that significant. It will increase American influence throughout Europe, while simultaneously decreasing Russian influence, the very thing Putin feared Trump would do.
(If you like my posts, you will love “Creating Trump Nation.” For a signed copy, purchase here: mcgeeandme.net).
Jack Watts

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