
Archive for May, 2016


Hillary Clinton delivers the keynote address at the 18th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum at Columbia University, in New York, April 29, 2015. AFP PHOTO/TREVOR COLLENS (Photo credit should read TREVOR COLLENS/AFP/Getty Images)

COMMON SENSE: If you want to know what President Hillary Clinton would be like, just take a look at how she has handled this email server scandal. When caught, she lied.
Next, she had her server erased, saying there was nothing classified on it. When her deleted emails were retrieved, after an FBI investigation was launched, she lied, telling us it was nothing but a “Security Review.” Again, this was a lie. It was a criminal investigation.
When the Inspector General asked for her cooperation with the State Department, she refused—so did her senior staff. Twenty-one out of twenty-six would not cooperate. Do you see a pattern here? Crooked Hillary has lied from day one and has continued to lie or deflect from her culpability throughout this entire episode.
Now that she has been caught red-handed, does she have any remorse? No! Is there any shame for her actions? No! Is there any repentance? No, instead, she has sent out her surrogates to “spin” her deception into something palatable—again deflecting from being transparent. Instead of being candid, she tells us her chicken you-know-what is really chicken salad.
America deserves better than this folks. Hillary Clinton is Evil, desperately wicked, shrill, and completely corrupt. If elected, we will have four more years of deceit coming from the White House.

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton has 732 people on her campaign staff. Donald Trump has 70 employed to do the same thing. Hillary has more than ten times as many people employed than Trump, but his numbers are climbing, while hers are taking a nosedive.
The way the two are going about seeking the same office reveals the difference between how a career bureaucrat deals with a problem, as versus how a successful businessman does. Hillary has a huge, ineffective operation, while Trump has a lean, effective machine.
Since we are $20 trillion in debt, produced by spending good money wastefully, isn’t it about time we began funding our limited resources more wisely? Our country is a mess, and the only way Hillary can solve a problem is to throw money at it—your money, by the way, not hers. We simply cannot afford another high-maintenance President. Any questions?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee, but not because of opposition from Conservatives like me. It’s because of the Left. Championing her, they took her at her word about the email server. Now, based in the Inspector General’s report, which came from Obama’s State Department, she has been lying to her base all along. Obviously, I am not surprised by this, knowing Hillary lies, when the truth would serve her better.
Hillary’s core supporters are just learning this though. Now that a hole has been punched into the dike, more—much more—will inevitably follow. She will lose California. Soon afterward—if not before—some of the Super Delegates will abandon ship. When this happens, like lemming, the rest will follow.
The beneficiary of this should be Bernie, but I doubt this will happen. Instead, the Democrats will want Biden/Warren to step in and save the day. If that happens, and I believe it will, the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will resemble the one held in Chicago in 1968—where all hell broke loose. Watching the circular firing squad should be more entertaining than the Olympics.
If Trump is wise, he will let the Democrats implode unimpeded, but I doubt he will be able to contain himself. I probably wouldn’t e able to either.

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COMMON SENSE: Has Elizabeth Warren really become a surrogate for Hillary Clinton? Or, is something else going on?
I suspect Warren has come out swinging against Donald Trump, hoping to scalp him, because the Democratic Establishment, beginning with its leader, is concerned that the legal issues facing Hillary Clinton may make her candidacy untenable. If I am correct, and I believe I am, this means Barack Obama is manipulating things from behind the curtain, fully intent on taking Crooked Hillary down.
Remember, the Inspector General’s Report from the State Department came from the Obama administration—not a vast Right Wing Conspiracy. When you add the investigation of Governor Terry McCauliffe to the mix—a Clinton crony—a pattern is beginning to emerge. The FBI report about her email server will be next.
Pocahontas is not a friend of Hillary’s, and the Obama’s call the former Secretary of State, Hildabeast. I believe Obama secretly wants Hillary to go down, and he certainly has the power to make that happen. On the outside, Barack appears to be very supportive, but I do not believe he wants her to succeed him. At the same time, she has enough power to destroy Obama’s legacy. So, he has to be very careful about how he undermines her, which explains the emergence of Pocahontas, who has certainly gone off the reservation.
If I am right, more bad news about Hillary will be forthcoming before the California primary. If it does, “The Bern” will win the state, and that will change everything about Hillary’s viability. The Democrats cannot win the White House without California, and a Hillary loss will be depicted as putting the state in play for Trump. Her candidacy will collapse, including her Super Delegate support, but Bernie will not be the benefactor. Pocahontas, riding in on a pinto horse, will be tasked with doing that. A Native American will save the day for the Democrats, sparing the country from evil white men.
Stay tuned; the next few weeks should be a lot of fun.

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COMMON SENSE: President Obama, fully intent on fulfilling his campaign promise to his Progressive base to shutdown GITMO, intends to release the mastermind behind the attack on the USS Cole. For me, his decision about this is personal, as the following passage from “Hi, My Name Is Jack” indicates.
“But it didn’t work. The video evidence against Papaw was clear and compelling. He was the pedophile, not Hugh; and the sleazy lawyer couldn’t sustain his false accusations. Hugh was spared and never really knew how close he came to disaster.
When Hugh finished high school, he went on to the Naval Academy where he played football for the Midshipmen. After graduation, he was an officer aboard the USS Cole. While in Yemen in October 2000, the ship was attacked by Osama bin Laden’s al-Quaida terrorists. Hugh’s quick actions, as reported in the press, saved several lives. None of this would have happened if Papaw and his sleazy lawyer had been successful in destroying his life before it began. And the video we took of Jordan that day was the prime evidence that Papaw could not refute.”
According to Obama and his Progressive cronies, GITMO’s continuation gives ISIS a powerful recruitment tool, and we must not do that. At the same time, Obama and Hillary are pushing the Gay & Lesbian agenda full force, which obviously offends Muslims much more than anything else would.
Obama and Hillary want it both ways. They do not care about the 17 sailors killed that day or the 39 wounded—not like they care about pleasing the Leftists in Hollywood. After all, what difference, at this point, does it make?
Link to “Hi, My Name Is Jack

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COMMON SENSE: This statement, which seems comical, is actually quite poignant. It reveals why the Western Democracies, including the USA, have been unable to combat al Qaeda and ISIS effectively, but the problem isn’t just with Bernie. It goes much deeper.
Essentially, Socialists and Progressives—people like Obama, Kerry, and Hillary—have a fundamental flaw in their belief system. According to their way of thinking, which features a materialistic worldview rather than a theistic one, there is something missing in the lives of terrorists. Therefore, the way to end terrorism is to discover what the problem is, and find a way to provide a solution.
One non-theistic interpretation of the problem is this: Because of climate change, the Middle East is becoming uninhabitable. The terrorists are simply trying to fight their way out of the desert to find more suitable surroundings. So, the answer isn’t to fight them; it’s to find them a better place to live.
Leaders in our State Department, and many others in Europe, actually believe nonsense like this is true. It’s what makes us as vulnerable as we are. Our greatest enemy isn’t Jihadism; it’s the flawed thinking of Progressives and Socialists.
At its core, Radical Islamic Terrorism is a theological problem. They want a worldwide Caliphate—one ushered in by the blood of Islamic martyrs. Until Sharia Law is universally accepted worldwide, they will not be satisfied. Because their traditional enemy, Israel, will never bow their knees and accept Allah as supreme, all Jews must die. The USA, the Great Satan, is next.
In 1492, when Columbus was discovering the New World, the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, expelled all Muslims from Europe. Although history has not been kind to them for this, it’s becoming increasingly easier to understand why they did it, isn’t it?
Twice before, the Islamic assault on the West has been stopped in its tracks, sending these barbarians back to where they belong. This feat was accomplished by those who understood that the problem was actually a war of belief systems—Islam versus Judeo-Christianity. That hasn’t changed. It’s still the same fight, but the Progressives and Socialists don’t have the capacity to understand it. Because they cannot conceptualize in terms like this, they are incapable of resolving the problem. With Progressives leading us, we will never be safe.
Muslims Jihadists understand brute force and nothing else. Playing nice, and trying to understand them, doesn’t work. It never has, and it never will. It’s also the reason why electing Progressives is self-defeating. If you want to be safe, you have to elect people who understand the problem, and Hillary certainly isn’t one of them.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When the missing twenty-eight pages of the classified 9/11 Report are finally released, which shouldn’t be long from now, both the Bush and Obama administrations are going to take a massive public relations hit. The American people are going to feel like they have been purposefully deceived for years by W and Barack, and they. have. The outrage over this deception will be deafening.
Because she was Secretary of State, during this time for four years, Hillary’s credibility and competence will be called into question once again—justifiably so. She had a role in this cover-up, and it’s going to hurt her—but not as bad as Benghazi has. Trump, who is already up by 22 percent among men, will get another massive boost to his “outsider” candidacy. Because safety is a key issue for women, his negatives with women will diminish, as Americans of both genders come to realize that we need a massive purging of the status quo.
In words Trump might use, this is “going to be huge . . . Huge!”

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COMMON SENSE: The crash of the Egyptian Airliner, probably by terrorists, will be used to justify forcing Americans wait for three hours in long lines before a flight. It’s the only answer incompetent, inefficient bureaucracies have, but that doesn’t mean there are not better solutions.
Because ISIS couldn’t get through security lines in Paris, they simply detonated bombs in an area of the airport where security was lax. Terrorists look for our weaknesses and always find them, which means we need to find better answers.
Why not increase our dog-sniffing surveillance dramatically, while diminishing the TSA’s security proportionately. Have the dogs go all over the airport, which would make the entire facility more secure.
Who would you trust more with your security? The buffoons of TSA or a dog, who is never wrong? The answer is obvious to anybody with a brain, which includes everybody other than our government bureaucrats. One more thing: This would not only save time, but it would also be far more cost effective, which everybody would like other than the unions.

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COMMON SENSE: Donald Trump will win in November. In fact, I predict he will win in a landslide similar to Reagan’s victory in 1980. Here’s the reason why.
Hillary, the consummate political insider, is not only corrupt, but she also lacks personal appeal. There’s nothing warm or inspiring about her, but here’s the larger issue. The states she is winning—her “Firewall”—are all Red States. She stopped The Bern’s momentum in the early primaries by winning South Carolina. Although this was heralded as a great victory for her, she has zero chance of winning South Carolina in the general election—just like she has zero chance of winning Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, or any other solid red state.
The Bern is winning most of the Blue States. So, the places where she has to do well against Trump, Hillary isn’t fairing well at all. The energy is all with Bernie—none of it is with her. With both Bernie and Trump articulating the same message—that the system is rigged to favor this unethical woman—those disaffected by this message will not embrace her. i doubt will Hillary will be able to turn things around, even with a Sanders endorsement.
To young voters—Bernie’s base—she is viewed as negatively as Trump supporter’s see her. Once the FBI’s investigation is complete, which is imminent, as she is not indicted by Obama’s DOJ, she will be universally castigated as Crooked Hillary—a name she richly deserves. Her credibility is shot. She might as well campaign by saying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

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COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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