
Archive for the ‘TSA’ Category

ice-raidCOMMON SENSE: In his campaign, President Trump promised to arrest and deport criminal illegal aliens, and that is exactly what he is doing. Nevertheless, the Progressives and Radical Left are collectively wringing their hands at Trump’s “outrageous behavior.” That anybody is offended by what he is doing is mind boggling to me.
How can anybody in his or her right mind defend allowing illegal criminals to remain free and unchecked? How can anyone make a legal or moral case for allowing people like this to undermine our society by continuing to pursue their criminal behavior? Why bother to have laws, if we don’t plan to enforce them?
What truly amazes me is this: How can the Left make a legitimate case that they are serving the needs of the American people by opposing President Trump’s decision to get rid of these criminal illegals? Don’t we have enough criminals of our own to deal with? Why should we be responsible for the criminals of other nations as well? If anybody has an answer to my questions, please feel free to illuminate us.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The crash of the Egyptian Airliner, probably by terrorists, will be used to justify forcing Americans wait for three hours in long lines before a flight. It’s the only answer incompetent, inefficient bureaucracies have, but that doesn’t mean there are not better solutions.
Because ISIS couldn’t get through security lines in Paris, they simply detonated bombs in an area of the airport where security was lax. Terrorists look for our weaknesses and always find them, which means we need to find better answers.
Why not increase our dog-sniffing surveillance dramatically, while diminishing the TSA’s security proportionately. Have the dogs go all over the airport, which would make the entire facility more secure.
Who would you trust more with your security? The buffoons of TSA or a dog, who is never wrong? The answer is obvious to anybody with a brain, which includes everybody other than our government bureaucrats. One more thing: This would not only save time, but it would also be far more cost effective, which everybody would like other than the unions.

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