
Archive for the ‘al Qaeda’ Category

COMMON SENSE: We must understand and accept the anti-American goals of Islam. Plain and simple, they want to destroy and subjugate the United States of America. For them, there is no middle ground. From their perspective, conquest and subjection to Allah is what America’s future must be. To be true to Allah, there can be no other result. If we refuse to become Muslim, we must die—period.
For us to be effective in thwarting this Evil, anti-American goal, we must come to understand why Islamic beliefs can never be peacefully integrated into our way of life. By nature, the Islamic worldview gravitates to extremism. Obviously not all Muslims are terrorists, but the percentage who are is alarmingly high. Thus, it is a serious mistake to believe that peaceful integration of Islam into our society can ever become a reality. To believe that it can is as foolhardy as believing you can domesticate a cobra.
Stating the objectives of Islam is not being Islamaphobic, despite what the Progressives say to the contrary. It isn’t hate speech either. It’s just being straightforward with the truth, which is something that has become offensive to the Leftists in our politically correct society.
It is only in recent years, when Progressive thinking superseded and replaced our traditional Judeo-Christian worldview, that fear of being straightforward with the truth has become a problem. Having traveled the Progressive road for awhile, to simply state the truth is now considered “hate speech” by a large portion of our society. It is not.
To survive and get back on the right road, we must embrace the values of our forefathers, which were Christian, and repudiate the globalist values of the Progressives. If we do not, the United States will be no better off than the European nations are now.
—Jack Watts

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Father, Lord God, Almighty,

As a nation, we come before You today,
On this Memorial Day weekend, to honor those
Who paid the ultimate sacrifice that we might remain free.
How can we express our gratitude to them in a way that
Doesn’t seem trite and without proper deference?
Truthfully, there are no words that are adequate—
No expression of gratitude that equals what
These mighty men of valor have done for us,
Since our nation’s inception in the eighteenth century.
Nevertheless, it is our duty and our great privilege to try.

So, with profound respect, a full heart, and misty eyes,
We bow our heads in reverence and thank You
For raising up so many warriors over the years—
From the time of the Revolution to our destructive Civil War,
From the World Wars all the way to the Middle Eastern conflicts.
Let their sacrifice be a perpetual reminder, etched in our hearts,
That the price of freedom will always remain high,
Especially in our dark world that is fallen and depraved.
From the beginning, You put it in the hearts of our forefathers
For America to be a “City on a Hill” for the entire world to see.
Let us pause on this day to remember those who died,
That we, the living, would continue to answer the perpetual call
To fight for freedom and righteousness for the American people.
In Your graciousness, Father, You have allowed our generation
To remain free and prosperous, and we thank You.
We owe every bit of the abundance we enjoy each day
To You and to those gave their lives that we might
Continue to champion their vision for America’s future.
Thank You for Your continued blessings upon us.
As we reflect today, let us never forget what was required
To make America the greatest nation in the history of Mankind,

Jack Watts​


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COMMON SENSE: Surprisingly, so far in his Presidency, Donald Trump, the successful businessman, has been more successful in foreign policy than he has with his domestic agenda. There is a reason for this.
Other nations worldwide, having been adversely impacted by the absence of American leadership under Obama, are anxious for our new President to restore order throughout the world, which he is doing. In the Middle East, President Trump has gained the cooperation of fifty Muslim nations to fight terror at the grassroots. In Asia, he has confronted North Korea head on, and has also eased tensions with China—no small task.
Now, he is in Belgium, addressing the problems of NATO, our primary alliance in the world. At this point, 24 of our 29 partners are not keeping their commitments to spend 2% of GDP on defense, while we are increasing our indebtedness by spending nearly 4% to defend them. Instead of begging our allies to pay their fair share, like George W. Bush and Barack Obama did, Trump should demand that they pay up or leave the alliance. That will get their attention. Why should we pay for defending them, when we are in debt and they are thriving?
Trump’s domestic agenda isn’t doing as well, primarily because the Progressive Democrats have forced him to remain on the defense. Led by the media, who have viciously opposed Trump and everything he wants, Trump hasn’t gained the traction he needs to move us forward. Despite this, so far this quarter, our growth rate is above 4%, something Obama never came close to achieving.

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COMMON SENSE: In the Middle East, President Trump has been magnificent. This is exactly what we wanted and expected from him, when we voted for him. His optics have been very Presidential, but that’s superficial and trivial.
It’s what he has said that has been so important. Standing in front of fifty Gulf State Muslim leaders, Trump didn’t mince his words, nor did he apologize for America. He led by speaking the truth boldly and confidently. Then, he flew to Israel and did the same thing.
He was honored and respected for being decisive in both Riyadh and Jerusalem—just like we knew he would. His only naysayers are the Progressives in the media and in Congress. The rest of us, the Deplorables who have created Trump nation, are more firmly behind him than ever. You can count on it.
Creating Trump Nation: http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation

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COMMON SENSE: The largest contributors to Hillary’s campaign were the Saudis. They didn’t like her, but they thought she was going to win. Now, with U.S. foreign policy backing the Saudis and Israel, they are thrilled with President Trump and the $110 billion arms deal he has negotiated.
While in Riyadh, if I were Trump, I would ask about what Saudi intelligence knows about Russia, Obama, Hillary, and the attempt by the press to destroy my Presidency. What the Saudis have learned, which is completely out of the box, may be quite interesting. Because they like what Trump is doing as much as Deplorables like us do, they may have a great deal to say.
When Trump goes to Tel Aviv, which will be the first direct flight from Riyadh ever, I would ask the same questions of the Israelis, knowing how much they hate Obama and Hillary.

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COMMON SENSE: Concerning the French election, Obama, who backed Macron, said. “You appeal to people’s hopes, not to their fears.” Although this sounds noble and high-minded, it is the statement of a fool.
Nevertheless, the French people bought Obama’s nonsense and elected a man without experience who will have a policy of “Strategic Patience” toward Radical Islamic that will be as destructive to France as Obama’s feckless appeasement was for the United States.
“Hoping” that Muslims will behave and assimilate is as worthless as investing in a Ponzi Scheme. Recognizing what the goals and aspirations of Islam really are, is not fear. It is wisdom. It is what discerning men and women do, which Progressive believe they are, but they are not.
The French have chosen to invite further destruction upon their nation, which is heartbreaking for those of us who love France. It’s time to begin praying for the French people because they are going to need it.
“Creating Trump Nation” is available at B&N, CBD, Amazon, and here
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: It’s no secret that the Democrats and the Leftwing Media have been relentless in their criticism of President Trump’s America first agenda. Their attack has been vicious and personal, and it has gone unchecked for too long.

The one promise that Candidate Trump made that has made no progress, however, at least as far as I can tell, is his commitment to Drain the Swamp. This needs to change, and it needs to change immediately.
The criminals from the Obama administration who have undermined our national security for profit need to be held to account, including people from the White House. Endless investigations about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting of Conservatives, and the Bowe Bergdahl deal have never been finalized or brought to prosecution. This is unacceptable. The Swamp must be drained.
Now, the ill-advised Iran Nuclear Deal has taken a sinister turn that may involve criminality on the part of President Obama as well as Hillary Clinton. It involves seven men, six of whom were Iranians. While under indictment for espionage by Obama’s own Department of Justice, Obama had them spirited away in the middle of the night and returned to Iran. He told the American people they were businessmen, which was a lie—Obama’s specialty.
This incident, like all the others, needs to be pursued like a spurned wife pursues her ex-husband for alimony. Drain the Swamp, Mr. President. You promised you would. Do it now.
—Jack Watts

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160118134132-donald-trump-nigel-parry-large-169COMMON SENSE: What is the #1 promise Donald Trump made to the American people? Wasn’t it to “Make America Great Again?” Of course it was.
All other promises subordinate themselves to this one, but to Make America Great Again, we must reassume our role as the leader of the Free World. This means the fecklessness and incompetence of the Obama White House has needed to be given a transformation and complete overhaul, which is exactly what President Trump has been doing in his first three months as President.
The mainstream media, who can never acknowledge anything positive about Trump, is saying that Trump is flip-flopping on his core promises, but nothing could be further from the truth. Because of Obama’s micro-management style and avoidance of global leadership, our enemies have been emboldened worldwide, requiring decisive action by our new President.
So far, Trump has received commitments from our NATO partners to pay their fair share of expenses for defense, which Obama could never do. The result is a solid check on Russian expansionism. Second, by sending cruse missiles into Syria, Trump has signaled to enemies and allies alike that the US retreat from the Middle East has ended. Third, by enhancing our trade relations with China, Trump has checked the belligerence of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, but more may need to be done. Fourth, by dropping the MOAB bomb on ISIS, Trump has signaled to Jihadists and everybody else in the world that America will once again take its rightful leadership role in fighting global terrorism.
Not bad for the first three months of Trump’s Presidency. Just because the Progressives in the mainstream media refuse to give Trump credit doesn’t mean a thing. The rest of the world—the non-Alinsky world—sees that America is back in the game, and they love us for it.
Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: President Trump’s surgical strike against Syria’s chemical weapons capability was a tremendous military success, but its political success was even more impressive. Without losing one American life, here are some other benefits that Trump accomplished:
1. In 2013, the Syrians committed to President Obama that all of their chemical weapons would be destroyed, which never happened. Trump made them pay for their deceitfulness. While he didn’t bomb the storage facility that housed the chemical weapons for obvious reasons, Trump made it impossible for Syria to use fixed-wing aircraft to kill its own citizens.
2. Trump sent a signal to our enemies—Iran, Russia, North Korea, and others—that the era of American retreat from our responsibilities as a superpower is over.
3. Trump also sent a signal to our allies—Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Japan, and NATO—that the United States could be trusted to lead the Free World once again.
4. Trump sent a message to the Progressives in Congress and the media, who are intent on destroying his Presidency, that he is the Commander-in-Chief and will use his legitimate authority to protect and advance American interests worldwide.
5. Trump sent a message to China that North Korea’s warmongering will no longer be tolerated. I suspect the Chinese will be very active with North Korea in the months ahead.
6. Trump’s decisive action against Russia’s client state should go a long way toward dispelling the myth that Trump is somehow Putin’s puppet.
For those of you who still believe Trump is an intellectual lightweight, it’s time for you to reassess your position. He is doing the job we elected him to do—lead the United States of America.
(If you like my analysis, you will like my newest book, “Creating Trump Nation”—http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation)
Jack Watts

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Marine_Le_Pen_-_cropped.jpgCOMMON SENSE: French Presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, refused to wear a head scarf when meeting with Lebanon’s Muslim Mufti. This was a requirement for the meeting to take place, so it never occurred. Le Pen refused because wearing the scarf is an “act of submission” in Islam, and she had no intention of being submissive.
Politically, millions of potential voters in France, who are sick of what Radical Islam has done to their country, will be thrilled by her refusal. By this simple act, which some will view as being disrespectful, Le Pen has staked out a position and rallied French men and women behind her. Personally, I agree with her refusal.
When he was President, Barack Obama routinely bowed to Islamic leaders. Some considered this to be respectful, while others, including me, considered it an act of making the United States subservient to the goals of Islam, which was unacceptably infuriating.
Look at the results of Obama’s feckless policies and weak-willed leadership. Islamic leaders, including the terrorists, viewed Obama as timid and tentative and exploited his weakness. Thank God, Almighty God, we now have a strong leader—one who will never make America subservient to Islam. Trump is tasked with cleaning up Obama’s mess, but he’s strong enough to do it.
Jack Watts

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